John McCain

This speech titled 2008.06.03.remarks_in_new_orleans_louisiana originally had 3503 tokens. You can view the original text here.

good even from the great_citi of new orlean __PUNCT__

tonight __PUNCT__ we can sai with confid the primari_season is over __PUNCT__ and the gener_elect elect_campaign ha begun __PUNCT__

i commend both senat_obama and clinton for the long __PUNCT__ hard race thei have run __PUNCT__

senat obama ha impress mani american with hi eloqu and hi spirit campaign __PUNCT__

senat_clinton ha earn great respect for her tenac and courag __PUNCT__

the media often overlook how compassion she spoke to the concern and dream of million of american __PUNCT__ and she deserv a lot more appreci than she sometim receiv __PUNCT__

as the father of three daughter __PUNCT__ i ow her a debt for inspir million of women to believ there is no opportun in thi great_countri beyond their reach __PUNCT__

i am proud to call her my friend __PUNCT__

pundit and parti elder have declar that senat_obama will be my oppon __PUNCT__

he will be a formid on __PUNCT__

but i readi for the challeng __PUNCT__ and determin to run thi race in a wai that doe credit to our campaign and to the proud __PUNCT__ decent and patriot peopl i ask to lead __PUNCT__

the decis face american in thi elect couldn't be more import to the futur secur and prosper of american_famili __PUNCT__

thi is __PUNCT__ inde __PUNCT__ a chang elect __PUNCT__

no matter who win thi elect __PUNCT__ the direct of thi countri is go to chang dramat __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ the choic is between the right chang and the wrong chang __PUNCT__ between go forward and go backward __PUNCT__

america ha seen tough_time befor __PUNCT__

we alwai known how to get through them __PUNCT__

and we alwai believ our best dai ar ahead of us __PUNCT__

i believ that still __PUNCT__

but we must rise to the occas __PUNCT__ as we alwai have __PUNCT__ chang what must be chang __PUNCT__ and make the futur better than the past __PUNCT__

the right chang recogn that mani of the polici and institut of our govern have fail __PUNCT__

thei have fail to keep up with the challeng of our time becaus mani of these polici were design for the problem and opportun of the mid to late __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ befor the end of the cold_war __PUNCT__ befor the revolut in inform_technolog and rise of the global_economi __PUNCT__

the right kind of chang will initi widespread and innov reform in almost everi area of govern_polici __PUNCT__ health_care __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ the environ __PUNCT__ the tax_code __PUNCT__ our public_school __PUNCT__ our transport_system __PUNCT__ disast relief __PUNCT__ govern_spend and regul __PUNCT__ diplomaci __PUNCT__ the militari and intellig_servic __PUNCT__

seriou and far __PUNCT__ reach reform ar need in so mani area of govern to meet our own challeng in our own time __PUNCT__

the ironi is that american have been experienc a lot of chang in their live attribut to these histor_event __PUNCT__ and some of those chang have distress mani american_famili __PUNCT__ job_loss __PUNCT__ fail school __PUNCT__ prohibit expens health_care __PUNCT__ pension at risk __PUNCT__ entitl_program approach bankruptci __PUNCT__ rise ga and food_price __PUNCT__ to name a few __PUNCT__

but your govern often act as if it is complet unawar of the chang and hardship in your live __PUNCT__

and when govern doe take notic __PUNCT__ often it onli make matter wors __PUNCT__

for too long __PUNCT__ we have let histori outrun our govern abil to keep up with it __PUNCT__

the right chang will stop imped american from do what thei have alwai done __PUNCT__ overcom everi obstacl to our progress __PUNCT__ turn challeng into opportun __PUNCT__ and by our own industri __PUNCT__ imagin and courag make a better countri and a safer world th an we inherit __PUNCT__

to keep our nation prosper __PUNCT__ strong and grow we have to rethink __PUNCT__ reform and reinvent __PUNCT__ the wai we educ our children __PUNCT__ train our worker __PUNCT__ deliv health_care servic __PUNCT__ support retire __PUNCT__ fuel our transport network __PUNCT__ stimul research and develop __PUNCT__ and har new technolog __PUNCT__

to keep us safe we must rebuild the structur and mission of our militari __PUNCT__ the capabl of our intellig and law_enforc_agenc __PUNCT__ the reach and scope of our diplomaci __PUNCT__ the capac of all branch of govern to defend us __PUNCT__

we need to strengthen our allianc __PUNCT__ and preserv our moral credibl __PUNCT__

we must also prepar __PUNCT__ far better than we have __PUNCT__ to respond quickli and effect to a natur calam __PUNCT__

when american confront a catastroph thei have a right to expect basic compet from their govern __PUNCT__

firemen and policemen should be abl to commun with each other in an emerg __PUNCT__

we should be abl to deliv bottl_water to dehydr babi and rescu the infirm from a hospit with no electr __PUNCT__

our disgrac failur to do so here in new orlean expos the incompet of govern at all level to meet even it most basic respons __PUNCT__

the wrong chang look not to the futur but to the past for solut that have fail us befor and will sure fail us again __PUNCT__

i have a few year on my oppon __PUNCT__ so i am surpris that a young_man ha bought in to so mani fail idea __PUNCT__

like other befor him __PUNCT__ he seem to think govern is the answer to everi problem __PUNCT__ that govern should take our resourc and make our decis for us __PUNCT__

that type of chang doesn't trust american to know what is right or what is in their own best interest __PUNCT__

it the attitud of politician who ar sure of themselv but have littl faith in the wisdom __PUNCT__ decenc and common_sens of free_peopl __PUNCT__

that attitud creat the unrespons bureaucraci of big_govern in the first place __PUNCT__

and that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

you will hear from my oppon campaign in everi speech __PUNCT__ everi interview __PUNCT__ everi press_releas that i run for presid_bush third term __PUNCT__

you will hear everi polici of the presid describ as the bush __PUNCT__ mccain polici __PUNCT__

why doe senat_obama believ it so import to repeat that idea over and over again __PUNCT__ becaus he know it veri difficult to get american to believ someth thei know is fals __PUNCT__

so he tri to drum it into your mind by constantli repeat it rather than debat honestli the veri differ direct he and i would take the countri __PUNCT__

but the american_peopl didn't get to know me yesterdai __PUNCT__ as thei ar just get to know senat_obama __PUNCT__

thei know i have a long record of bipartisan problem_solv __PUNCT__

thei seen me put our countri befor ani presid __PUNCT__ befor ani parti __PUNCT__ befor ani special_interest __PUNCT__ befor my own interest __PUNCT__

thei might think me an imperfect servant of our countri __PUNCT__ which i sure am __PUNCT__

but i am her servant first __PUNCT__ last and alwai __PUNCT__

i have work with the presid to keep our nation safe __PUNCT__

but he and i have not seen ey to ey on mani issu __PUNCT__

we disagre over the conduct of the war in iraq and the treatment of detaine __PUNCT__ over out of control govern_spend and budget gimmick __PUNCT__ over energi_polici and climat chang __PUNCT__ over defens_spend that favor defens_contractor over the public_good __PUNCT__

i disagre strongli with the bush_administr mismanag of the war in iraq __PUNCT__

i call for the chang in strategi that is now __PUNCT__ at last __PUNCT__ succeed where the previou strategi had fail_miser __PUNCT__

i wa critic for do so by republican __PUNCT__

i wa critic by democrat __PUNCT__

i wa critic by the press __PUNCT__

but i don't answer to them __PUNCT__

i answer to you __PUNCT__

and i would be asham to admit i knew what had to be done in iraq to spare us from a defeat that would endang us for year __PUNCT__ but i kept quiet becaus it wa too polit hard for me to do __PUNCT__

no ambit is more import to me than the secur of the countri i have defend all my adult_life __PUNCT__

senat_obama oppos the new strategi __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ after promis not to __PUNCT__ vote to deni fund to the soldier who have done a brilliant and brave job of carri it out __PUNCT__

yet in the last year we have seen the success of that plan as violenc ha fallen to a four year low __PUNCT__ sunni_insurg have join us in the fight against al_qaeda __PUNCT__ the iraqi_armi ha taken the lead in place onc lost to sunni and shia extremist __PUNCT__ and the iraqi_govern ha begun to make_progress toward polit reconcili __PUNCT__

none of thi progress would have happen had we not chang cours over a year_ago __PUNCT__

and all of thi progress would be lost if senat_obama had hi wai and began to withdraw our forc from iraq without concern for condit on the ground and the advic of command in the field __PUNCT__

american ought to be concern about the judgment of a presidenti_candid who sai he readi to talk __PUNCT__ in person and without condit __PUNCT__ with tyrant from havana to pyongyang __PUNCT__ but hasn't travel to iraq to meet with gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ and see for himself the progress he threaten to revers __PUNCT__

i know american ar tire of thi war __PUNCT__

i don't oppos a reckless withdraw from iraq becaus i indiffer to the suffer war inflict on too mani american_famili __PUNCT__

i hate war __PUNCT__

and i know veri person how terribl it cost ar __PUNCT__

but i know __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ that the cours senat_obama advoc could draw us into a wider war with even greater sacrific __PUNCT__ put peac further out of reach __PUNCT__ and american back in harm wai __PUNCT__

i take america_econom econom_secur as serious as i do her physic_secur __PUNCT__

for eight year the feder_govern ha been on a spend_spree that ad trillion to the nation_debt __PUNCT__

it spend more and more of your monei on program that have fail again and again to keep up with the chang confront american_famili __PUNCT__

extravag spend on thing that ar not the busi of govern indebt us to other nation __PUNCT__ fuel inflat __PUNCT__ rais interest_rate __PUNCT__ and encourag irrespons __PUNCT__

i have oppos wast spend by both parti and the bush_administr __PUNCT__

senat_obama ha support it and propos more of hi own __PUNCT__

i want to freez discretionari_spend until we have complet top to bottom review of all feder_program to weed out fail on __PUNCT__

senat_obama oppos that reform __PUNCT__

i oppos subsidi that favor big_busi over small_farmer and tariff on import product that have greatli increas the cost of food __PUNCT__

senat_obama obama_support these billion of dollar in corpor subsidi and the tariff that have led to rise groceri bill for american_famili __PUNCT__

that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

no problem is more urgent todai than america depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__

it threaten our secur __PUNCT__ our economi and our environ __PUNCT__

the next presid must be will to break complet with the energi_polici not just of the bush_administr __PUNCT__ but the administr that preced hi __PUNCT__ and lead a great_nation nation_campaign to put us on a cours to energi_independ __PUNCT__

we must unleash the creativ and geniu of american __PUNCT__ and encourag industri to pursu altern __PUNCT__ non __PUNCT__ pollut and renew_energi energi_sourc __PUNCT__ where demand will never exce suppli __PUNCT__

senat_obama vote for the same polici that creat the problem __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ he vote for the energi_bill promot by presid_bush and vice_presid chenei __PUNCT__ which gave even more break to the oil_industri __PUNCT__

i oppos it becaus i know we won't achiev energi_independ by repeat the mistak of the last half_centuri __PUNCT__

that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

with forward think democrat and republican __PUNCT__ i propos a climat chang polici that would greatli reduc our depend on oil __PUNCT__

our approach wa oppos by presid_bush __PUNCT__ and by lead_democrat __PUNCT__ and it wa defeat by opposit from special_interest that favor republican and those that favor democrat __PUNCT__

senat_obama might critic special_interest that give more monei to republican __PUNCT__

but you won't often see him take on those that favor him __PUNCT__

if america is go to achiev energi_independ __PUNCT__ we need a presid with a record of put the nation_interest befor the special_interest of either parti __PUNCT__

i have that record __PUNCT__

senat_obama doe not __PUNCT__

senat obama propos to keep spend_monei on program that make our problem wors and creat new on that ar model on big_govern govern_program that creat much of the fiscal mess we ar in __PUNCT__

he plan to pai for these increas by rais_tax on senior __PUNCT__ parent __PUNCT__ small_busi busi_owner and everi american with even a modest invest in the market __PUNCT__

he doesn't trust us to make_decis for ourselv and want the govern to make them for us __PUNCT__

and that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

senat_obama think we can improv health_care by drive american into a new system of govern order __PUNCT__ regul and mandat __PUNCT__

i believ we can make health care more avail __PUNCT__ afford and respons to patient by break from inflationari practic __PUNCT__ insur regul __PUNCT__ and tax_polici that were design gener_ago __PUNCT__ and by give famili more choic over their care __PUNCT__

hi plan repres the old wai of govern __PUNCT__

mine trust in the common_sens of the american_peopl __PUNCT__

senat_obama pretend we can address the loss of manufactur_job by repeal trade_agreement and refus to sign new on __PUNCT__ that we can build a stronger economi by limit access to our market and give up access to foreign market __PUNCT__

the global_economi exist and is not go awai __PUNCT__

we either compet in it or we lose more job __PUNCT__ more busi __PUNCT__ more dream __PUNCT__

we lose the futur __PUNCT__

he an intellig man __PUNCT__ and he must know how foolish it is to think american can remain prosper without open new market to our good and servic __PUNCT__

but he feel he must defer to the special_interest that support him __PUNCT__

that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

lower trade_barrier to american good and servic creat more and better job __PUNCT__ keep inflat under control __PUNCT__ keep interest_rate low __PUNCT__ and make more good afford to more american __PUNCT__

we won't compet successfulli by us old technolog to produc old good __PUNCT__

we succe by know what to produc and invent new technolog to produc it __PUNCT__

we ar not peopl who believ onli in the surviv of the fittest __PUNCT__

work in america is more than a paycheck __PUNCT__ it a sourc of pride __PUNCT__ self __PUNCT__ relianc and ident __PUNCT__

but make empti promis to bring_back lost job give noth to the unemploi_worker except fals hope __PUNCT__

that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

reform from top to bottom unemploy_insur and retrain program that were design for the 1950 __PUNCT__ make us of our commun_colleg to train peopl for new opportun will help worker who lost a job that won't come back __PUNCT__ find a job that won't go awai __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ we not a countri that would rather go back than forward __PUNCT__

we the world_leader __PUNCT__ and leader don't hide from histori __PUNCT__

thei make histori __PUNCT__

but if we go to lead __PUNCT__ we have to reform a govern that ha lost it abil to help us do so __PUNCT__

the solut to our problem isn't to reach_back to the 1960 and 70 for answer __PUNCT__

in just a few year in offic __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha accumul the most liber vote_record in the senat __PUNCT__

but the old __PUNCT__ tire __PUNCT__ big_govern govern_polici he seek to dust off and call new won't work in a world that ha chang dramat sinc thei were last tri and fail __PUNCT__

that not chang we can believ in __PUNCT__

the sweep reform of govern we need won't occur unless we chang the polit habit of washington that have lock us in an endless cycl of bicker and stalem __PUNCT__

washington is consum by a hyper __PUNCT__ partisanship that treat everi seriou issu as an opportun to trade insult __PUNCT__ impugn each other motiv __PUNCT__ and fight about the next elect __PUNCT__

thi is the game washington plai __PUNCT__

both parti plai it __PUNCT__ as do the special_interest that support each side __PUNCT__

the american_peopl know it not on the level __PUNCT__

for all the problem we face __PUNCT__ what frustrat them most about washington is thei don't think we capabl of serv the public_interest befor our person ambit __PUNCT__ that we fight for ourselv and not for them __PUNCT__

thei ar sick of the polit of selfish __PUNCT__ stalem and delai __PUNCT__ and thei have everi right to be __PUNCT__

we have to chang not onli govern_polici that have fail them __PUNCT__ but the polit_cultur that produc them __PUNCT__

both senat_obama and i promis we will end washington stagnant __PUNCT__ unproduct partisanship __PUNCT__

but on of us ha a record of work to do that and on of us doesn't __PUNCT__

american have seen me put asid partisan and person interest to move thi countri forward __PUNCT__

thei haven't seen senat obama do the same __PUNCT__

for all hi fine word and all hi promis __PUNCT__ he ha never taken the hard but right cours of risk hi own interest for your __PUNCT__ of stand against the partisan rancor on hi side to stand up for our countri __PUNCT__

he is an impress man __PUNCT__ who make a great first impress __PUNCT__

but he hasn't been will to make the tough call __PUNCT__ to challeng hi parti __PUNCT__ to risk critic from hi support to bring real chang to washington __PUNCT__

i have __PUNCT__

when member of my parti refus to compromis not on principl but for partisanship __PUNCT__ i have sought to do so __PUNCT__

when i fought corrupt it didn't matter to me if the culprit were democrat or republican __PUNCT__

i expos it and let the chip fall where thei mai __PUNCT__

when i work on campaign_financ and ethic reform __PUNCT__ i did so with democrat and republican __PUNCT__ even though we were critic by other member of our parti __PUNCT__ who prefer to keep thing as thei were __PUNCT__

i have never refus to work with democrat simpli for the sake of partisanship __PUNCT__

i alwai known we belong to differ parti __PUNCT__ not differ countri __PUNCT__

we ar american befor we ar anyth els __PUNCT__

i don't seek the presid on the presumpt i bless with such person great that histori ha anoint me to save my countri in it hour of need __PUNCT__

i seek the offic with the humil of a man who cannot forget my countri save me __PUNCT__

i reach out my hand to anyon __PUNCT__ republican or democrat __PUNCT__ who will help me chang what need to be chang __PUNCT__ fix what need to be fix __PUNCT__ and give thi countri a govern as capabl and good as the peopl it is suppos to serv __PUNCT__

there is a time to campaign __PUNCT__ and a time to govern __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ the era of the perman campaign of the last sixteen_year will end __PUNCT__

the era of reform and problem_solv will begin __PUNCT__

from my first dai in offic __PUNCT__ i work with anyon to make_america safe __PUNCT__ prosper and proud __PUNCT__

and i won't care who get the credit as long as america get the benefit __PUNCT__

i have seen republican and democrat achiev great_thing togeth __PUNCT__

when the stake were high and it matter most __PUNCT__ i seen them work togeth in common_purpos __PUNCT__ as we did in the week after __DATE__ __PUNCT__

thi kind of cooper ha made all the differ at crucial turn in our histori __PUNCT__

it ha given us hope in difficult_time __PUNCT__

it ha move america forward __PUNCT__

and that __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ is the kind of chang we need right now __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__