John McCain

This speech titled 2008.06.23.remarks_at_fresno_state_university originally had 1511 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

i appreci the kind introduct from jim woolsei __PUNCT__ and the warm welcom to fresno state __PUNCT__

i here to listen about energi issu as well as to talk __PUNCT__

so let me just offer a few idea befor we begin our discuss __PUNCT__

all across thi state and nation __PUNCT__ peopl ar hurt becaus the price of gasolin is higher than it should be __PUNCT__ and more than mani folk can afford __PUNCT__

becaus of far __PUNCT__ off event in the world_oil market __PUNCT__ a barrel of oil ha more than doubl in a year __PUNCT__

and the bad effect of that ar spread across our economi __PUNCT__

the cost of busi is rise __PUNCT__ the cost of food and other essenti is rise __PUNCT__ the whole cost of live is rise __PUNCT__

what isn't rise is the valu of your paycheck and the rate of america_econom econom_growth __PUNCT__

back in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ thei us to call thi __PUNCT__ stagflat __PUNCT__

and it feel the same todai __PUNCT__ becaus the unwis polici of our govern have left america energi futur in the control of other __PUNCT__

america import about on third of it oil from canada and mexico and no on need worri about a relianc on friendli __PUNCT__ stabl neighbor __PUNCT__ and partner in nafta __PUNCT__

the middl_east and venezuela ar a differ stori __PUNCT__

we import roughli a quarter of our oil from them __PUNCT__ and thei have a disproportion impact on world price __PUNCT__

when we bui foreign_oil from these and other sourc __PUNCT__ there ar mani consequ __PUNCT__ all of them far __PUNCT__ reach and none of them good __PUNCT__

worst of all __PUNCT__ by reli on foreign oil __PUNCT__ we enrich bad_actor in the world __PUNCT__ some of whom financ terrorist __PUNCT__

some in washington seem to think that we can still persuad opec to lower_price __PUNCT__ as if reason or cajoleri had never been tri befor __PUNCT__

other have even suggest su opec __PUNCT__ as if we can litig our wai to energi_secur __PUNCT__

but america is not go to meet thi great_challeng as a supplic or a plaintiff __PUNCT__

we ar not go to meet it with word at all __PUNCT__ we ar go to meet it with action __PUNCT__

we go to produc more __PUNCT__ conserv more __PUNCT__ and invent more __PUNCT__

and to a larg_extent __PUNCT__ thi strategi hing on innov in the car and truck we drive __PUNCT__

nineti __PUNCT__ seven percent of transport in america run on oil __PUNCT__

and of all that oil __PUNCT__ about __NUM__ percent is us in car and truck __PUNCT__

yet the cafe standard we appli to automak __PUNCT__ to increas the fuel_effici of their car __PUNCT__ ar lightli enforc by a small fine __PUNCT__

the result is that some compani don't even bother to observ cafe standard __PUNCT__

instead thei just write a check to the govern and pass the cost along to you __PUNCT__

higher end auto_compani like bmw __PUNCT__ porsch __PUNCT__ and merced emploi some of the best engin talent in the world __PUNCT__

but that talent isn't put to the job of fuel_effici __PUNCT__ when the penalti ar too small to encourag innov __PUNCT__

cafe standard should serv larg nation goal in energi_independ __PUNCT__ not the purpos of small __PUNCT__ time revenu collect __PUNCT__

innov in the us of altern fuel in transport present the greatest opportun for energi independ __PUNCT__

at the moment __PUNCT__ entrepreneur and engin ar try to figur out which among the variou altern to oil work best __PUNCT__

alcohol __PUNCT__ base fuel ar the farthest along in both develop and commerci us __PUNCT__

some __PUNCT__ such as ethanol __PUNCT__ ar on the market now __PUNCT__ and new sourc of ethanol ar on the horizon that will not requir the us of so much cropland __PUNCT__

corn __PUNCT__ base ethanol __PUNCT__ thank to the monei and influenc of lobbyist __PUNCT__ ha been a case_studi in the law of unintend consequ __PUNCT__

our govern pai to subsid corn __PUNCT__ base ethanol even as it collect tariff that prevent consum from benefit from other kind of ethanol __PUNCT__ such as sugarcan __PUNCT__ base ethanol from brazil __PUNCT__

the result is that american take the financi hit come and go __PUNCT__

as taxpay __PUNCT__ we foot the bill for the enorm subsid paid to corn produ cer __PUNCT__

and as consum __PUNCT__ we pai extra at the pump becaus of govern barrier to cheaper product from abroad __PUNCT__

here a better wai __PUNCT__

instead of plai favorit __PUNCT__ our govern should level the plai_field for all alcohol fuel that break the monopoli of gasolin __PUNCT__ lower both gasolin_price and carbon_emiss __PUNCT__

and thi can be done with a simpl feder standard to hasten the convers of all new vehicl in america to flex __PUNCT__ fuel technolog __PUNCT__ allow driver to us alcohol fuel instead of ga in their car __PUNCT__

brazil went from about five to over __NUM__ percent of all new vehicl with flex __PUNCT__ fuel capac __PUNCT__

it did all that in just three year __PUNCT__

yet those same automak that help brazil make the chang sai it will take them longer to reach the goal of __NUM__ percent new flex __PUNCT__ fuel vehicl for america __PUNCT__

but i am confid thei can do more __PUNCT__ and do it faster __PUNCT__ in the interest of our energi_secur __PUNCT__

and if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ thei will __PUNCT__

whether it take a meet with automak dure my first month in offic __PUNCT__ or my signatur on an act of congress __PUNCT__ we will meet the goal of a swift convers of american vehicl awai from oil __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ smart polici can also help to broaden the market for energi __PUNCT__ effici car __PUNCT__

right now we have a hodgepodg of incent for the purchas of fuel __PUNCT__ effici car __PUNCT__

differ hybrid and natur __PUNCT__ ga car carri differ incent __PUNCT__ rang from a few hundr_dollar to four grand __PUNCT__

thei the handiwork of lobbyist __PUNCT__ with all the inconsist and irration that involv __PUNCT__

my administr will issu a clean car challeng to the automak of america __PUNCT__ in the form of a singl and substanti tax_credit base on the reduct of carbon_emiss __PUNCT__

for everi automak who can sell a zero __PUNCT__ emiss car __PUNCT__ we will commit a __NUM___dollar tax_credit for each and everi custom who bui that car __PUNCT__

for other vehicl __PUNCT__ whatev type thei mai be __PUNCT__ the lower the carbon_emiss __PUNCT__ the higher the tax_credit __PUNCT__

and these larg tax credit will be avail to everyon __PUNCT__ not just to those who have an account to explain it to them __PUNCT__

furthermor __PUNCT__ in the quest for altern to oil __PUNCT__ our govern ha thrown around enough monei subsid special_interest and excus failur __PUNCT__

from now on __PUNCT__ we will encourag heroic effort in engin __PUNCT__ and we will reward the greatest success __PUNCT__

i further propos we inspir the ingenu and resolv of the american_peopl by offer a __MONEY___million prize for the develop of a batteri packag that ha the size __PUNCT__ capac __PUNCT__ cost and power to leapfrog the commerci avail plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid or electr_car __PUNCT__

thi is on dollar for everi man __PUNCT__ woman and child in the u. __PUNCT__ a small price to pai for help to break the back of our oil depend __PUNCT__ and should deliv a power sourc at __NUM__ percent of the current cost __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ energi_secur is the great_nation challeng of our time __PUNCT__

and rise to thi challeng will take all of the vision __PUNCT__ creativ __PUNCT__ and resolv of which we ar capabl __PUNCT__

the good new is __PUNCT__ these qualiti have never been in short_suppli __PUNCT__

we ar the countri of edison __PUNCT__ fulton __PUNCT__ and two brother name wright __PUNCT__

it wa american ingenu that took three brave men to the moon and brought them back __PUNCT__

think of all the highest scientif endeavor of our ag __PUNCT__ the invent of the silicon chip __PUNCT__ the creation of the internet __PUNCT__ the map of the human genom __PUNCT__

in so mani case __PUNCT__ you can draw a straight line back to american inventor __PUNCT__ and often to the foresight aid of the unit_state state_govern __PUNCT__

for all the troubl and danger our energi vulner present __PUNCT__ we know that we can overcom them __PUNCT__ becaus we have overcom far wors problem and met far greater goal __PUNCT__

togeth __PUNCT__ we american can achiev anyth we set our mind to __PUNCT__

i believ thi about our countri __PUNCT__

i know thi about our countri __PUNCT__

and now it is time to show those qualiti onc again __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__