John McCain

This speech titled 2008.06.25.remarks_in_las_vegas_nevada originally had 3563 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

it good to be here in la_vega __PUNCT__ and i appreci your invit me to speak about america energi problem __PUNCT__

some might think vega an unlik set for a discours touch on energi conserv __PUNCT__

and in the interest of breviti __PUNCT__ i just skip the part about air condit and neon light __PUNCT__

polit_campaign have a wai of settl on a few great question __PUNCT__ with littl regard for the expect of pundit __PUNCT__ and even less concern for the carefulli craft strategi of the candid themselv __PUNCT__

these question ar rare easi __PUNCT__

politician usual avoid them for just that reason __PUNCT__

and so it is good when event intrud on the familiar routin of stale soundbit __PUNCT__ stage ralli __PUNCT__ and over __PUNCT__ manag messag __PUNCT__ and turn to the concern of the peopl themselv __PUNCT__

in thi elect __PUNCT__ the price and secur of energi in america is on of those great question __PUNCT__

it is an urgent question becaus the rise_price of oil ha brought hardship to our countri __PUNCT__ and threaten to bring much more __PUNCT__

gasolin at well over four dollar a gallon is bad enough all by itself __PUNCT__ but it also affect the price of everyth els __PUNCT__

the cost of live is rise __PUNCT__

the valu of paycheck is fall __PUNCT__

mani of our citizen can't keep up __PUNCT__ and we need to think first of them __PUNCT__

as a countri __PUNCT__ we find ourselv caught between the rock of slower growth and the hard place of inflat __PUNCT__

all of thi __PUNCT__ in larg_part __PUNCT__ becaus the price of oil is too high __PUNCT__ the suppli of oil is too uncertain __PUNCT__ and we depend on oil too much __PUNCT__

energi_secur is a vital question becaus it concern america most fundament interest __PUNCT__ and abov all the safeti of our citizen from the violenc of the world __PUNCT__

all the tact of diplomaci cannot conceal a blunt realiti __PUNCT__

when we bui foreign_oil __PUNCT__ we ar enrich some of our worst enemi __PUNCT__

and in the middl_east __PUNCT__ venezuela __PUNCT__ and elsewher __PUNCT__ these regim know how to us the power of that wealth __PUNCT__

in the case of iran __PUNCT__ despit our own sanction __PUNCT__ thei us it to pursu nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

thei us it to threaten israel and other democraci __PUNCT__

elsewher __PUNCT__ oil_wealth allow undemocrat govern to control their own peopl __PUNCT__ to crush dissent and to subjug women __PUNCT__

thei us it to financ terrorist around the world and crimin syndic in our own hemispher __PUNCT__

these ar some of the most stagnant and oppress societi on earth __PUNCT__ held_back by oil __PUNCT__ rich elit who would not last long if their own peopl had a choic in the matter __PUNCT__

from these elit __PUNCT__ we get the oil that fuel our product economi __PUNCT__

from us __PUNCT__ thei get the monei that preserv their unjust power __PUNCT__

moreov __PUNCT__ by reli upon oil from the middl_east __PUNCT__ we not onli provid wealth to the sponsor of terror __PUNCT__ we provid high __PUNCT__ valu target to the terrorist themselv __PUNCT__

across the world ar pipelin __PUNCT__ refineri __PUNCT__ transit rout __PUNCT__ and termin for the oil we r eli on __PUNCT__

and al_qaeda qaeda_terrorist know where thei ar __PUNCT__

even if these other interest were not in the balanc __PUNCT__ america would still need to follow the straightest path to energi_secur __PUNCT__ becaus of a threat liter gather around the earth itself __PUNCT__

back when american first learn to associ the word __PUNCT__ energi __PUNCT__ with __PUNCT__ crisi __PUNCT__ we didn't fulli_understand how fossil_fuel emiss retain heat within the atmospher __PUNCT__

we didn't know that over time these greenhous gass could warm the planet __PUNCT__

we didn't know thei could melt glacier and ic_sheet __PUNCT__ or rais the water and alter the balanc that sustain life __PUNCT__

good stewardship __PUNCT__ prudenc __PUNCT__ and simpl common_sens demand that we act to meet thi challeng __PUNCT__ act quickli __PUNCT__ and act togeth __PUNCT__

energi_secur requir uniti becaus it is not just on issu among mani __PUNCT__ anoth box on the candid questionnair __PUNCT__

our countri need for a safe __PUNCT__ clean __PUNCT__ and afford suppli of energi is not just on more competitor for attent in washington __PUNCT__ on more special_interest in an overcrowd field __PUNCT__

the great issu of energi_secur is the sum total of so mani problem that confront our nation __PUNCT__

and it demand of us that we shake off old wai __PUNCT__ negoti new hazard __PUNCT__ and make hard choic long defer __PUNCT__

thi is a matter that ha confound nearli twenti congress and seven presid __PUNCT__

yet even now our energi debat carri the echo of ten __PUNCT__ twenti __PUNCT__ or even thirti_year_ago __PUNCT__

we hear the same call for new energi tax __PUNCT__ instead of new energi_product __PUNCT__

we ar offer the same agenda of inact __PUNCT__ that long recit of thing we cannot do __PUNCT__ energi we cannot produc __PUNCT__ refineri we cannot build __PUNCT__ plant we cannot approv __PUNCT__ coal we cannot us __PUNCT__ technolog we cannot master __PUNCT__

the timid litani of limit goe on and on __PUNCT__

and it sai more about the cultur of washington than it doe about the charact of america __PUNCT__

in the same wai __PUNCT__ energi_bill ar debat __PUNCT__ pass __PUNCT__ and sign into law with littl seriou thought to energi reform __PUNCT__ but never without the familiar corpor handout and fight over scrap of pork __PUNCT__

even now __PUNCT__ some in washington still seem to think the best plan is a direct __PUNCT__ heartfelt appeal for saudi sympathi __PUNCT__ as if that convei anyth other than weak __PUNCT__

in the wai of new idea __PUNCT__ a major of the hous of repres actual vote in favor of su opec __PUNCT__ as if we can litig our wai to energi_secur __PUNCT__

ladi and gentlemen __PUNCT__ america is go to meet thi great_challeng __PUNCT__ but we ar not go to do it as a supplic or as a plaintiff __PUNCT__

we ar not go to meet it with word at all __PUNCT__

we ar go to meet it with action __PUNCT__

and we ar go to meet thi challeng in a wai consist with the charact of our nation __PUNCT__

three decad of partisan paralysi on energi_secur is enough __PUNCT__

sinc i am not presid __PUNCT__ i cannot sai the buck stop here __PUNCT__ but i will sai that it must stop now __PUNCT__

should i be entrust with the honor of that offic __PUNCT__ i will break the stalem in washington __PUNCT__ and i will put thi countri on a cours to energi secur __PUNCT__

i will author and support new explor and product of america own oil and ga reserv __PUNCT__ becaus we cannot outsourc the solut to america energi problem __PUNCT__

oppon of domest_product cling to their posit even as the price of foreign_oil ha doubl and doubl again __PUNCT__

thei were against it when a gallon of ga cost two dollar __PUNCT__

thei ar still against it when a gallon of ga cost well abov four dollar __PUNCT__

and we left to wonder what it will take to shake their faith in thi dogma of depend on foreign oil __PUNCT__

as for me __PUNCT__ my convict place a prioriti on the well __PUNCT__ be of peopl who cannot afford these ever __PUNCT__ rise_price __PUNCT__

everi year __PUNCT__ we ar send hundr of billion of dollar out of the countri for oil import __PUNCT__ much of it from opec __PUNCT__ while trillion of dollar __PUNCT__ worth of oil_reserv in america go unus __PUNCT__

as a matter of fair __PUNCT__ we must deal with the here and now __PUNCT__ and assur afford fuel for america by produc more of it ourselv __PUNCT__

fair also requir that we reform the oil futur_market __PUNCT__

we must purg the market of the reckless specul __PUNCT__ unrel to ani kind of product commerc __PUNCT__ that ha inflat the price of gasolin __PUNCT__ at the expens of work_men and women across our countri __PUNCT__

with new regul __PUNCT__ i intend to assur integr in oil __PUNCT__ futur trade __PUNCT__ and to protect the public_interest __PUNCT__

the need for more product extend as well to anoth long __PUNCT__ neglect sourc of energi __PUNCT__ and that is nuclear_power __PUNCT__

here __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ opposit to thi clean and proven technolog ha more to do polit than with the merit __PUNCT__

the experi of nation across europ and asia ha shown that nuclear_energi is effici __PUNCT__

it is safe __PUNCT__ it is proven __PUNCT__ and it is essenti to america energi futur __PUNCT__

therefor __PUNCT__ if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will set thi nation on a cours to build __NUM__ new reactor by the year___NUM__ __PUNCT__

and i will set the goal of __NUM__ new plant to power the home and factori and citi of america __PUNCT__

thi task will be as difficult as it is necessari __PUNCT__

we will need to recov all the knowledg and skill that have been lost over three stagnant decad in a highli technic field __PUNCT__

as nevadan ar well awar __PUNCT__ we will need to solv complex problem of move and store materi that will alwai need safeguard __PUNCT__

we will need to do all of these thing __PUNCT__ and do them right __PUNCT__ as we have done great_thing befor __PUNCT__

perhap no achiev would do more to secur our energi futur than the masteri of clean __PUNCT__ coal technolog __PUNCT__

from wyom to west_virginia __PUNCT__ america coal resourc ar greater than the oil rich of ani kingdom of the middl_east __PUNCT__

burn coal cleanli is a challeng of practic problem __PUNCT__ solv and human ingenu __PUNCT__ and we have no shortag of those in america either __PUNCT__

so __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will commit two billion_dollar each year __PUNCT__ until __NUM__ to clean __PUNCT__ coal research __PUNCT__ develop __PUNCT__ and deploy __PUNCT__

we will build the demonstr plant __PUNCT__

we will refin the techniqu and equip __PUNCT__

we will deliv not onli electr but job to some of the area hardest hit by our econom troubl __PUNCT__

and in the end __PUNCT__ we will make clean_coal a realiti __PUNCT__

the strategi here is to produc more __PUNCT__ us less __PUNCT__ and invent new wai of do both __PUNCT__

and invent new wai is what we american do __PUNCT__

what we need most right now is better and faster innov in the car and truck we drive __PUNCT__

and govern_polici is suppos to serv thi purpos __PUNCT__

yet the highest fuel_effici standard ar useless if violat incur no seriou penalti __PUNCT__

incent for the purchas of fuel __PUNCT__ effici car ar too often the handiwork of lobbyist __PUNCT__ with all the inconsist and irration that involv __PUNCT__

support for corn __PUNCT__ base ethanol ha been a case_studi in the law of unintend consequ __PUNCT__ distort food market through cropland competit __PUNCT__ and depriv america of better and cheaper altern fuel __PUNCT__

in each case __PUNCT__ our govern ha sought the right object __PUNCT__ but often with bad execut __PUNCT__

and thi failur of leadership must end __PUNCT__

standard in fuel_effici serv a great_nation goal __PUNCT__ and in my administr the penalti will assur complianc __PUNCT__

in place of the current patchwork of incent and credit for hybrid and other carbon __PUNCT__ cut vehicl __PUNCT__ we will issu a clean car challeng to the automak of america __PUNCT__ in the form of a singl and substanti tax_credit to buyer base on the reduct of carbon_emiss __PUNCT__

for everi automak who can sell a zero __PUNCT__ emiss car __PUNCT__ we will commit a __NUM___dollar tax_credit to each and everi custom who bui that car __PUNCT__

for other vehicl __PUNCT__ whatev type thei mai be __PUNCT__ the lower the carbon_emiss __PUNCT__ the higher the tax_credit __PUNCT__

instead of plai favorit among the lobbyist __PUNCT__ our govern must also level the plai_field for all alcohol fuel that break the monopoli of gasolin __PUNCT__ to lower both gasolin_price and carbon_emiss __PUNCT__

thi can be done with a simpl feder standard to hasten the convers of all new vehicl in america to flex __PUNCT__ fuel technolog __PUNCT__ allow driver to us alcohol fuel instead of ga in their car __PUNCT__

whether it take a meet with automak dure my first month in offic __PUNCT__ or my signatur on an act of congress __PUNCT__ we will meet the goal of a swift convers of american vehicl awai from oil __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ we must not overlook the possibl that on dai our car can run without burn liquid fuel at all __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ car can run on batteri power alon __PUNCT__ or as plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid us both liquid and electr __PUNCT__

some talent engin ar on the case __PUNCT__ but thi is a nation_prioriti and we must give it nation focu __PUNCT__

to add urgenc to the mission __PUNCT__ we will offer a prize of __NUM___million million_dollar __PUNCT__ a dollar for everi citizen __PUNCT__ to the creator of a batteri packag of a size __PUNCT__ capac __PUNCT__ cost __PUNCT__ and power far surpass exist technolog __PUNCT__

in the quest for altern to oil __PUNCT__ our govern ha thrown around enough monei subsid special_interest and excus failur __PUNCT__

from now on __PUNCT__ we will encourag heroic effort in engin __PUNCT__ and we will reward the greatest success __PUNCT__

at thi moment __PUNCT__ some of the best mind in our countri ar also at work discov or perfect altern technolog __PUNCT__

thei ar not tilt at windmil __PUNCT__ thei build them __PUNCT__

thei ar captur the boundless power of the sun __PUNCT__ the tide __PUNCT__ the mighti river __PUNCT__ and the warmth of the earth itself __PUNCT__

yet for all the good_work of entrepreneur and inventor in find cleaner and better technolog __PUNCT__ the fundament incent of the market ar still on the side of carbon __PUNCT__ base energi __PUNCT__

even with oil run at about __NUM___dollar per barrel __PUNCT__ these new altern have yet to take the place of oil in our economi for two basic reason __PUNCT__ our infrastructur is outdat and our product_capac ha been constrain __PUNCT__

and thi ha to chang as we can make the great turn awai from fossil_fuel __PUNCT__

to lead in thi effort __PUNCT__ our govern must strike at the sourc of the problem __PUNCT__ with reform that onli congress can enact and the presid can sign __PUNCT__

we must do thi in a wai that give american_busi new incent and new reward to seek __PUNCT__ instead of just give them new tax to pai and new order to follow __PUNCT__

the most direct wai to achiev thi is through a system that set clear limit on all greenhous_gase __PUNCT__ while also allow the sale of right to excess emiss __PUNCT__

and thi is the propos i will submit to the congress if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ a cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade_system to chang the dynam of our energi_economi __PUNCT__

for all of the last centuri __PUNCT__ the profit_motiv basic led in on direct toward machin __PUNCT__ method __PUNCT__ and industri that us oil and ga __PUNCT__

enorm good came from that industri growth __PUNCT__ and we ar all the beneficiari of the nation prosper it built __PUNCT__

but there were cost we weren't count __PUNCT__ and these have ad up now __PUNCT__ in the atmospher __PUNCT__ in the ocean __PUNCT__ and all across the natur_world __PUNCT__

and what better wai to correct past error than to turn the creativ energi of the free_market in the other direct __PUNCT__ under the cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade_system __PUNCT__ thi can happen __PUNCT__

in all it power __PUNCT__ the profit_motiv will suddenli begin to shift and point the other wai toward cleaner fuel __PUNCT__ wiser wai __PUNCT__ and a healthier planet __PUNCT__

as never befor __PUNCT__ the market would reward ani person or compani that seek to invent __PUNCT__ improv __PUNCT__ or acquir altern to carbon __PUNCT__ base energi __PUNCT__

it is veri hard to pictur ventur_capitalist __PUNCT__ corpor planner __PUNCT__ small_busi and environmentalist all work to the same good purpos __PUNCT__

but such cooper is actual possibl __PUNCT__ and thi reform will set it in motion __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ america depend on foreign_oil wa a troubl situat __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__

it wa an alarm situat twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__

it is a danger situat todai __PUNCT__

and start in the term of the next presid __PUNCT__ we must take control over our own energi futur __PUNCT__ and becom onc again the master of our fate __PUNCT__

in recent dai i have set befor the american_peopl an energi plan __PUNCT__ the lexington project __PUNCT__ name for the town where american assert their independ onc befor __PUNCT__

and let it begin todai with thi commit __PUNCT__ in a world of hostil and unstabl supplier of oil __PUNCT__ thi nation will achiev strateg independ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi pledg is address to all concern __PUNCT__ to those abroad whose power flow from an accid of geologi __PUNCT__ and to you __PUNCT__ my fellow_american __PUNCT__ whose strength proce from uniti of purpos __PUNCT__

togeth __PUNCT__ we will break the power of opec over the unit_state __PUNCT__

and never again will we leav our vital_interest at the merci of ani foreign_power __PUNCT__

some will sai thi goal is unattain within that rel short span of year __PUNCT__ it too hard and we need more time __PUNCT__

let me remind them that in the space of half that time __PUNCT__ about eight year __PUNCT__ thi nation conceiv and carri out a plan to take three american to the moon and bring them safe home __PUNCT__

in less than a third of that time __PUNCT__ the gather energi of my father gener built the industri might that overcam nazi_germani and imperi japan __PUNCT__

that is the scale of our achiev when we set our mind to a task __PUNCT__

that is what thi countri can do when we see a danger __PUNCT__ and declar a purpos __PUNCT__ and find the will to act __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will turn all the apparatu of govern in the direct of energi_independ for our countri __PUNCT__ author new product __PUNCT__ build nuclear_plant __PUNCT__ perfect clean_coal __PUNCT__ improv our electr grid __PUNCT__ and support all the new technolog that on dai will put the ag of fossil_fuel behind us __PUNCT__

much will be ask of industri as well __PUNCT__ as automak and other adapt to thi great turn toward new sourc of power __PUNCT__

and a great_deal will depend on each on of us __PUNCT__ as we learn to make smarter us of energi __PUNCT__ and also to draw on the best idea of both parti __PUNCT__ and work togeth for the common_good __PUNCT__

thi project is not a plan calibr to pleas everi interest_group or to meet everi object __PUNCT__

that is how we arriv to our present predica __PUNCT__

that is how energi_polici in washington becam a long_list of subject avoid __PUNCT__ option rule out __PUNCT__ and possibl foreclos __PUNCT__

nor can i promis you that the long __PUNCT__ term success of thi project will bring instant relief __PUNCT__

in the mission of energi_secur __PUNCT__ some task ar the work of decad and some the work of year __PUNCT__

and thei will take all the will and resolv of which we ar capabl __PUNCT__

but i can promis you thi __PUNCT__

unless we begin thi mission now __PUNCT__ noth will chang at all __PUNCT__ except for the wors __PUNCT__

and when we succe in the hard reform ahead __PUNCT__ your children will live in a more prosper countri __PUNCT__ in a more peac world __PUNCT__

thi is a test of foresight __PUNCT__ of polit_courag __PUNCT__ and of the unselfish concern that on gener ow to the next __PUNCT__

it is a test of our nation abil to deal with seriou matter in a seriou wai __PUNCT__

it is even a test of america charact __PUNCT__ of our capac to respond to pressur and to overcom advers __PUNCT__

american don't hide from histori or acquiesc in plai it victim __PUNCT__

we make histori __PUNCT__ and we make the futur better than the past __PUNCT__

in my life i have seen the charact of american test __PUNCT__ and test in the most extrem circumst __PUNCT__ and i never doubt that american can do hard_thing and do them right __PUNCT__

that is what is ask of us right now __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ and togeth we will see the mission through __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__