John McCain

This speech titled 2008.07.09.remarks_at_a_town_hall_meeting_in_portsmouth_ohio originally had 1906 tokens. You can view the original text here.

befor i take your question __PUNCT__ i want to begin by talk about the issu in thi campaign that american worri the most about __PUNCT__ the american_economi __PUNCT__

all of us know what is happen to the economi __PUNCT__

it is slow __PUNCT__

more than __NUM___peopl have lost their job sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and the rate of new job_creation ha fallen sharpli __PUNCT__

american ar worri about the secur of their current job __PUNCT__ and thei worri that thei __PUNCT__ their kid and their neighbor mai not find good_job and new opportun in the futur __PUNCT__

to make matter wors __PUNCT__ ga is over __MONEY__ a gallon and the price of oil ha almost doubl in the last year __PUNCT__

the cost of everyth from energi to food is rise __PUNCT__

i have a plan to grow thi economi __PUNCT__ creat more and better job __PUNCT__ and get america move again __PUNCT__

i have a plan to reform govern __PUNCT__ achiev energi_secur __PUNCT__ and ensur that healthcar is avail and afford for all __PUNCT__

i believ the role of govern is to unleash the creativ __PUNCT__ ingenu and hard_work of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and make it easier to creat_job __PUNCT__

at it core __PUNCT__ the economi isn't the sum of an arrai of bewild statist __PUNCT__

it about where american work __PUNCT__ how thei live __PUNCT__ how thei pai their bill todai and save for tomorrow __PUNCT__

it about small_busi open their door __PUNCT__ hire employe and grow __PUNCT__

it about give worker the educ and train to find a good_job and prosper in it __PUNCT__

it about the aspir of the american_peopl to build a better life for their famili __PUNCT__ dream that begin with a job __PUNCT__

there ar mani thing the next presid must do to get our economi run at full strength again __PUNCT__ and to creat the good_job job_american need __PUNCT__

but no econom challeng todai is more urgent than strateg energi_independ __PUNCT__

our danger depend on foreign_oil ha been thirti_year in the make __PUNCT__ and wa caus by the failur of politician in washington to think long_term about the futur of the countri __PUNCT__

by __NUM___america demand for energi will rise by nearli twenti_percent __PUNCT__

our job __PUNCT__ our wai of life __PUNCT__ and our secur depend on the next presid begin to solv thi challeng __PUNCT__

two week_ago __PUNCT__ i announc the lexington project __PUNCT__

thi project __PUNCT__ name for a place where american assert our independ onc befor __PUNCT__ will secur our energi futur __PUNCT__ and it will creat hundr of thousand of new job for american __PUNCT__

we have billion of barrel of oil avail to us in the unit_state __PUNCT__ and vast reserv of natur_ga as well __PUNCT__

so we will begin by produc more of both __PUNCT__ to send a messag to the market and result in lower_price for oil and ga __PUNCT__

we will develop more clean_energi __PUNCT__

nuclear_power is the most depend sourc of zero __PUNCT__ emiss energi we have __PUNCT__

we will build at least __NUM__ nuclear_plant that will creat over __NUM__ good_job to construct and oper them __PUNCT__

the develop of clean_coal technolog will creat_job in some of america most econom disadvantag area __PUNCT__

clean_coal demonstr project alon will emploi over __NUM__ american __PUNCT__

ohioan get __NUM__ percent of all their electr from coal __PUNCT__

your energi futur and thi economi requir us to find and deploi a clean coal technolog __PUNCT__

my propos to help automak design and sell new gener of car that don't depend on gasolin will re __PUNCT__ invigor that struggl industri __PUNCT__

in the develop and manufactur of hybrid __PUNCT__ flex __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ and electr_car __PUNCT__ job will grow at auto plant __PUNCT__ part manufactur __PUNCT__ and in the commun that support them __PUNCT__

my plan to develop wind and solar_power and renew technolog will drive innov and creat high_tech job __PUNCT__

ohio alon ha more than __NUM___compani in the wind_turbin suppli_chain __PUNCT__ and wind and solar_energi can becom a research mission for the state_univers __PUNCT__ and a new focu for ohio manufactur_base __PUNCT__

my oppon answer to the lexington project is no __PUNCT__ no to more drill __PUNCT__ no to more nuclear_power __PUNCT__ no to research prize that help solv the problem of afford electr_car __PUNCT__

for a gui whose __PUNCT__ offici seal __PUNCT__ carri the motto __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__ senat_obama obama_agenda sure ha a whole lot of __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ we can't __PUNCT__

to achiev full econom_recoveri __PUNCT__ we need to think as well about the lead job creator in america __PUNCT__

small_busi have creat___NUM__ __NUM___job so far thi year while other sector ar lose job __PUNCT__

small_busi ar the job engin of america __PUNCT__ and i will make it easier for them to grow and creat more job __PUNCT__

my oppon want to make it harder by impos a healthcar mandat on small busi that will add a crush __MONEY__ to the cost of emploi anyon with a famili __PUNCT__

that mean new job will not be creat __PUNCT__ exist job will be cut __PUNCT__ and small __PUNCT__ busi employe who keep their job will like have their wage_cut to pai for thi mandat __PUNCT__

my plan attack the real_problem of health_care __PUNCT__ cost __PUNCT__ avail and portabl __PUNCT__

we also need to keep the ir from take more of your incom and make_life harder for small_busi __PUNCT__

if you believ you should pai more tax __PUNCT__ i am the wrong candid for you __PUNCT__

senat_obama is your man __PUNCT__

the choic in thi elect is stark and simpl __PUNCT__

senat obama will rais your tax __PUNCT__

i won't __PUNCT__ becaus job ar the most import_thing our economi creat __PUNCT__

and when you rais_tax in a bad economi you elimin job __PUNCT__

i not go to let that happen __PUNCT__

if you ar on of the __NUM___million small_busi busi_owner in america who file as an individu rate payer __PUNCT__ senat_obama is will to rais your tax_rate __PUNCT__

if you have an invest for your child educ or own a mutual_fund or a stock in a retir_plan __PUNCT__ your tax could be higher __PUNCT__

he will rais estat_tax to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

i propos to cut them to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

and for those of you with children __PUNCT__ i will doubl the child deduct from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ for everi depend __PUNCT__ in everi famili in america __PUNCT__

my oppon also believ america would be better off by forego opportun to sell in grow foreign market __PUNCT__

i disagre __PUNCT__

twenti __PUNCT__ five percent of all job in thi countri ar link to world_trade __PUNCT__

in just five state __PUNCT__ pennsylvania __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ michigan __PUNCT__ wisconsin and colorado __PUNCT__ over five million_job depend on open_market __PUNCT__

to promot job_creation __PUNCT__ i will expand foreign market for our good and servic __PUNCT__

becaus the vast benefit of a global marketplac come at a cost for mani __PUNCT__ we have an oblig to help our worker receiv the train thei need when plant_close and job ar lost __PUNCT__

under my reform __PUNCT__ we will us our commun_colleg to help train worker for specif opportun in their hometown __PUNCT__

and for older worker who have lost a job that won't come back __PUNCT__ if thei move rapidli to a new job we help make up the differ in wage between their old job and the new on __PUNCT__

to promot job_creation __PUNCT__ we must also get govern fiscal hous in order __PUNCT__

govern ha grown by __NUM__ percent in the last eight year __PUNCT__ becaus thi congress and thi administr have fail to meet their respons __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ i will order a stem to stern review of govern __PUNCT__ modern how it doe busi and save billion of dollar __PUNCT__

i will veto everi singl bill with wast spend __PUNCT__

we aren't go to continu mortgag thi countri futur for thing american don't want or need __PUNCT__

my oppon ha a veri differ record on thi issu __PUNCT__

he vote for an energi_bill stuf with give __PUNCT__ awai to oil_compani at a time of record profit __PUNCT__

i vote against it __PUNCT__

he support the __MONEY___billion pork __PUNCT__ laden agricultur subsidi bill __PUNCT__

i oppos it __PUNCT__

as for earmark spend __PUNCT__ i have never ask for a singl earmark in my entir career __PUNCT__

in hi senat career __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha request some __MONEY___million for earmark project __PUNCT__

that come to more than a million_dollar in pork for everi work_dai sinc he becam a unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__

there is never a good_time to put your parochi and polit interest abov those of the nation __PUNCT__ and least of right now __PUNCT__ dure an econom_downturn __PUNCT__

for mani __PUNCT__ it is a veri tough_time __PUNCT__

but my friend __PUNCT__ we been through wors __PUNCT__ and beaten longer odd __PUNCT__

even in these difficult dai __PUNCT__ we must believ in ourselv __PUNCT__

noth is inevit in america __PUNCT__

we alwai been the captain of our fate __PUNCT__

all you ever ask of govern is that it stand on your side __PUNCT__ not in your wai __PUNCT__

i intend to do just that __PUNCT__ to stand on your side __PUNCT__ to help busi and not govern_creat creat_job __PUNCT__ to fight for your futur and not the person ambit of politician and bureaucrat __PUNCT__

we have much work to do if we ar to end the self __PUNCT__ interest partisanship that prevent us from fix problem that need to be fix and chang govern to keep thi countri prosper and at peac __PUNCT__

i make you on promis i will alwai keep __PUNCT__ no matter what __PUNCT__

in war and peac __PUNCT__ i have been an imperfect servant of my countri __PUNCT__

but i have been her servant first __PUNCT__ last and alwai __PUNCT__

whenev i face an import choic between my countri interest or my own interest __PUNCT__ parti_polit or ani special_interest __PUNCT__ i chose my countri __PUNCT__

noth ha ever matter more to me than the honor of serv america __PUNCT__ and noth ever will __PUNCT__

if you elect me presid __PUNCT__ i will alwai put our countri first __PUNCT__

i will put it great __PUNCT__ it prosper and peac __PUNCT__ and the hope and concern of the peopl who make it great befor ani person or partisan interest __PUNCT__

i will keep that promis everi hour of everi dai i am in offic __PUNCT__

and i will ask you to help me convinc congress __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__ to keep that promis as well __PUNCT__

there is noth beyond our abil to achiev __PUNCT__

we ar american __PUNCT__ and we don't hide from histori __PUNCT__

we make histori __PUNCT__

all we need is to believ in ourselv as we alwai have __PUNCT__ and to cherish the beauti countri we ar so bless to call home __PUNCT__