This speech titled 2008.07.12.senator_mccains_weekly_radio_address originally had 916 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__
i john_mccain __PUNCT__ and thi week i been on the road in colorado __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ michigan __PUNCT__ minnesota __PUNCT__ pennsylvania and wisconsin __PUNCT__
i been hold town_hall_meet to talk over the subject on most everyon mind these dai __PUNCT__ our slow economi __PUNCT__
more than __NUM__ american have lost their job sinc __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and the rate of new job_creation ha fallen sharpli __PUNCT__
american ar worri about the secur of their current job __PUNCT__ and thei worri that thei __PUNCT__ their kid and their neighbor mai not find good_job and new opportun in the futur __PUNCT__
it a big_problem when gasolin __PUNCT__ food __PUNCT__ and other necess of life carri the price_tag of luxuri good __PUNCT__ and that what it feel like to million of american __PUNCT__
i have a plan to grow thi economi __PUNCT__ and it start with get a handl on the cost of gasolin and regain america energi_secur __PUNCT__
i believ we should immedi suspend the feder ga tax for the remaind of the summer drive season __PUNCT__
we also have billion of dollar of oil in the unit_state __PUNCT__ and vast reserv of natur_ga as well __PUNCT__
so we must commit to produc more of both __PUNCT__ to send a messag to the market and trigger lower_price for oil and ga __PUNCT__
we will develop more clean_energi __PUNCT__ and especi zero __PUNCT__ emiss nuclear_energi __PUNCT__
we will build at least __NUM__ nuclear_plant that will creat over __NUM__ good_job to construct and oper them __PUNCT__
at the same_time __PUNCT__ we will develop clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ which alon will creat ten of thousand of job in some of america most hard __PUNCT__ press area __PUNCT__
under my energi plan __PUNCT__ the lexington project __PUNCT__ we will also acceler the develop of wind and solar_power and other renew technolog __PUNCT__
and we will help automak design and sell car that don't depend on gasolin __PUNCT__
product of hybrid __PUNCT__ flex __PUNCT__ fuel __PUNCT__ and electr_car will bring america closer to energi_independ __PUNCT__
and it will bring job to auto plant __PUNCT__ part manufactur __PUNCT__ and the commun that support them __PUNCT__
my oppon ha an answer to the lexington project __PUNCT__ and it __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no to more drill __PUNCT__ no to more nuclear_power __PUNCT__ no to more us of coal __PUNCT__
for a gui whose __PUNCT__ offici seal __PUNCT__ carri the motto __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we can __PUNCT__ senat_obama obama_agenda sure ha a whole lot of __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ we can't __PUNCT__
we need to think as well about small_busi and the job thei creat __PUNCT__
small busi ar the job engin of america __PUNCT__ and i will make it easier for them to grow and hire more worker __PUNCT__
my oppon would make it harder by impos a healthcar mandat that will add a crush __MONEY__ to the cost of emploi anyon with a famili __PUNCT__
my plan attack the real_problem of health_care __PUNCT__ cost __PUNCT__ avail and portabl __PUNCT__
in an econom_downturn __PUNCT__ the worst of all idea is to rais_tax __PUNCT__
and senat_obama will do just that __PUNCT__
if you ar on of the __NUM___million small_busi busi_owner who file as an individu rate payer __PUNCT__ watch out __PUNCT__ becaus as your busi grow __PUNCT__ my oppon propos to rais your tax __PUNCT__
if you have an invest for your child educ or own a mutual_fund or a stock in a retir_plan __PUNCT__ watch out __PUNCT__ becaus senat_obama intend to nearli doubl the tax on capit_gain __PUNCT__
he will rais estat_tax to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
i propos to cut them to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
for those of you with children __PUNCT__ i will doubl the child deduct from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ for everi depend __PUNCT__ in everi famili in america __PUNCT__
to promot job_creation __PUNCT__ we must also get govern fiscal hous in order __PUNCT__
govern ha grown by __NUM__ percent in the last eight year __PUNCT__ becaus thi congress and thi administr have fail to meet their respons __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ i will order a stem to stern review of govern __PUNCT__ and i will veto everi singl bill with wast spend __PUNCT__
for hi part __PUNCT__ senat_obama propos to creat sprawl new feder_program that will increas_govern govern_spend even more __PUNCT__
as for earmark spend __PUNCT__ i have never ask for a singl earmark in my entir career __PUNCT__
in hi senat career __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha request some __MONEY___million for earmark project __PUNCT__
that come to more than a million_dollar in pork for everi work_dai sinc he becam a unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__
in america __PUNCT__ the most import measur of the economi is the opportun __PUNCT__ the chanc for everi man and woman to find a better life __PUNCT__ and to make on better still for their children __PUNCT__
that is all a part of the promis of our countri __PUNCT__
and if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will see that promis kept __PUNCT__
we pass through a veri tough_time __PUNCT__ my fellow_american __PUNCT__
but we been through wors __PUNCT__ and beaten longer odd __PUNCT__
and veri soon __PUNCT__ we go to get thi economi run again at full strength __PUNCT__
thank for listen __PUNCT__