John McCain

This speech titled 2008.07.19.senator_mccains_weekly_radio_address originally had 841 tokens. You can view the original text here.

good morn __PUNCT__

i john_mccain __PUNCT__ and thi week __PUNCT__ debat in the presidenti_campaign turn to the war in afghanistan __PUNCT__

my oppon __PUNCT__ senat_obama __PUNCT__ announc hi strategi for afghanistan and iraq befor depart on a fact __PUNCT__ find mission that will includ visit to both those countri __PUNCT__

appar __PUNCT__ he confid enough that he won't find ani fact that might chang hi opinion or alter hi strategi __PUNCT__

remark __PUNCT__

thi is similar to the mistak senat obama_made when he confid declar that the surg in iraq could not possibl reduc sectarian_violenc there __PUNCT__ and might well increas violenc __PUNCT__

he wa so certain the surg would fail that he call for our troop to retreat as quickli as possibl __PUNCT__

senat_obama previou statement against the surg have been hastili remov from hi campaign_websit __PUNCT__ in the audaci hope that no on would notic __PUNCT__

but we all rememb quit well that he said the surg would fail __PUNCT__ and todai we know that he wa wrong __PUNCT__

although the situat in iraq is much improv __PUNCT__ the war in afghanistan ha taken a bad turn that must be quickli revers __PUNCT__

secur in that countri ha deterior __PUNCT__ and our enemi ar on the offens __PUNCT__

and it is precis the success of the surg in iraq that show us the wai to victori over the taliban __PUNCT__

our command on the ground in afghanistan sai thei need at least three addit brigad __PUNCT__

i will ensur our command in afghanistan get the troop thei need by ask nato to send more and by send u. __PUNCT__ troop as thei becom avail __PUNCT__

but send more forc __PUNCT__ by itself __PUNCT__ is not enough to prevail __PUNCT__

what we need in afghanistan is exactli what gener david_petraeu brought to iraq __PUNCT__ a nationwid civil __PUNCT__ militari_campaign plan that is focus on provid secur for the popul __PUNCT__

todai no such integr plan exist __PUNCT__

when i am command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ it will __PUNCT__

there ar mani differ between afghanistan and iraq __PUNCT__ which ani plan must account for __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ as in iraq __PUNCT__ the center of graviti is the secur of the popul __PUNCT__

the good new is that our soldier in afghanistan have begun to appli the lesson of iraq __PUNCT__ especi in the east __PUNCT__ where our forc ar concentr __PUNCT__

these effort __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ ar too piecem __PUNCT__

thei ar the work of innov local command __PUNCT__ rather than a strategi for the entir countri __PUNCT__

in particular __PUNCT__ american_forc must re __PUNCT__ engag deeper in southern afghanistan __PUNCT__ the taliban stronghold __PUNCT__

a cardin rule in ani militari_oper is uniti of command __PUNCT__ and thi ha been lack in our afghan campaign __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ there ar three differ american_militari combat command oper in afghanistan __PUNCT__ as well as nato __PUNCT__

and some of their member oper under nation restrict as to where their troop can go and what thei can do __PUNCT__

thi is not a smart militari practic __PUNCT__ and it is not how war ar won __PUNCT__

as command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ i will work with our alli to ensur uniti of command __PUNCT__

moreov __PUNCT__ with help from other nation __PUNCT__ we must doubl the size of afghanistan own fight forc to __NUM___troop __PUNCT__ so that battl __PUNCT__ test afghan_soldier can safeguard their own peopl __PUNCT__

a success counterinsurg requir all instrument of our nation power __PUNCT__ and that militari and civilian leader work togeth __PUNCT__ at all level __PUNCT__ under a joint plan __PUNCT__

too often in afghanistan thi is not happen __PUNCT__

so i will appoint a highli __PUNCT__ respect nation_secur leader __PUNCT__ base in the white_hous and report directli to the presid __PUNCT__ whose sole mission will be to assur victori in afghanistan __PUNCT__

a special focu of our region strategi must be pakistan __PUNCT__ where terrorist ar known to hide __PUNCT__

on wai to root them out is to strengthen local tribe in the border area that ar will to fight them __PUNCT__

senat_obama ha spoken in public about take unilater militari_action in pakistan __PUNCT__

but in try to sound tough __PUNCT__ he ha onli made it harder to enlist the full support of pakistan in the fight against terrorist __PUNCT__

in a time of war __PUNCT__ the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief job doesn't get a learn curv __PUNCT__

and if i have that privileg __PUNCT__ i will bring to the job mani year of militari and polit_experi __PUNCT__

it wa thi experi that guid me in the convict that the surg in iraq could turn thing around __PUNCT__ and clear a path to victori __PUNCT__

and i believ with equal convict that we can prevail in afghanistan __PUNCT__ assur freedom to the afghan_peopl and greater secur to the american_peopl __PUNCT__

thank for listen __PUNCT__