This speech titled 2008.07.23.excerpt_of_remarks_in_wilkesbarre_pennsylvania originally had 2195 tokens. You can view the original text here.
__PUNCT__ join in progress __PUNCT__
i know we can do it togeth __PUNCT__
i know with can __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ america ha face greater challeng in the past __PUNCT__ and we mai face greater challeng in the futur __PUNCT__
but right now __PUNCT__ we know how america ha __PUNCT__ in the past __PUNCT__ join togeth and face and overcom ani challeng __PUNCT__
when presid_kennedi said we were go to the moon __PUNCT__ we went there in less year than anybodi thought __PUNCT__
when we fought nazi_germani and the japanes in world_war_ii __PUNCT__ we end that war in victori a lot sooner than most peopl_thought __PUNCT__
and we now face a number of seriou challeng and we can overcom those more quickli than most peopl anticip __PUNCT__
and i want to talk about on econom_issu with you becaus it on everybodi mind in thi room __PUNCT__ and of cours __PUNCT__ we know that that the price of a barrel of oil __PUNCT__
thi ha caus a seriou energi_crisi in america and the world __PUNCT__
and i don't have to tell anybodi here that everi time you go to the ga_station you ar shock by the cost of a gallon of oil __PUNCT__
it is chang peopl __PUNCT__ not onli recreat habit __PUNCT__ but their work habit __PUNCT__
and sometim their abil to get to work __PUNCT__
peopl who pai the most and ar hurt the most __PUNCT__ peopl who ar hurt the most by the increas in the cost a gallon of ga ar the lowest incom_american on fix incom who drive the oldest automobil __PUNCT__
that on reason __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ i want to give a littl ga tax holidai __PUNCT__ so that you wouldn't have to pai for a while __PUNCT__
the __NUM___cent a gallon for everi gallon of ga that you pai for in everi __PUNCT__ and __NUM__ cent a gallon for diesel fuel for those of you that have diesel __PUNCT__ fuell truck or vehicl __PUNCT__
and i want to give them a littl break __PUNCT__ a littl break __PUNCT__
and thei said __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ that would be terribl __PUNCT__
you know what might happen __PUNCT__ we might not be abl to fund some of those pork barrel project that congress love to spend_monei on __PUNCT__
that what might happen __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we might not be abl to build that bridg in alaska to an island __PUNCT__ __MONEY___million __PUNCT__ the bridg in alaska to an island with __NUM___peopl on it __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ mayb not __PUNCT__
mayb what we do is give american a littl bit of a break for the summer and mayb for a littl longer so that the gui i met the other dai who own two diesel __PUNCT__ fuell truck that is make a live off that and said he go to go out of busi __PUNCT__
and i said __PUNCT__ what about if you had a __NUM___cent a gallon relief on your tax __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ i think i could stai in busi longer and i might be abl to make it __PUNCT__
so these ar tough_time in america __PUNCT__
and i want to remind you that thi is an econom_issu __PUNCT__ it is an environment_issu __PUNCT__ and it a nation_secur secur_issu __PUNCT__
we ar send some __MONEY___billion a year of american monei oversea to pai for thi gasolin to countri that don't like us veri much __PUNCT__
and some of them __PUNCT__ and some of that monei end up in the hand of terrorist_organ __PUNCT__
that just a fact __PUNCT__
so we got a nation_secur challeng here __PUNCT__
and also __PUNCT__ it is the greatest transfer of wealth in recent american_histori that is take place __PUNCT__
and we cannot continu it __PUNCT__
we cannot continu it __PUNCT__
on the climat side __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ i believ that greenhous_ga_emiss ar real __PUNCT__
i think climat chang is real __PUNCT__
and we can embark now on clean technolog __PUNCT__ which will also reduc those greenhous_ga_emiss __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ let me sai that it hurt america and it hurt the lowest incom_american the hardest __PUNCT__
and that not fair to america __PUNCT__
it not what america is suppos to be all about __PUNCT__
so what do we need to do __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ we need wind __PUNCT__ we need tide __PUNCT__ we need to us solar and we need to us nuclear __PUNCT__
and let me talk to you for a second about nuclear __PUNCT__ if i could __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ the navi ha been sail ship around the world for __NUM___year with nuclear_power_plant on them and we never had an accid __PUNCT__
and our problem is not that nuclear power isn't safe __PUNCT__ it that we neither store nor reprocess the spent nuclear_fuel __PUNCT__
that the problem __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ the french __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of french electr is gener by nuclear_power __PUNCT__
we alwai want to imit the french __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ and by the wai __PUNCT__ in case you miss it __PUNCT__ we now have a pro __PUNCT__ american_presid of franc which show if you live long enough anyth can happen in america __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ what do the french do with their spent nuclear_fuel __PUNCT__ thei reprocess it __PUNCT__
we can store it __PUNCT__ we can reprocess it __PUNCT__ we can do both __PUNCT__
but it will have an immedi impact on our demand for foreign_oil __PUNCT__
i think you know that the presid of the unit_state announc that we would be __PUNCT__ a week or so ago __PUNCT__ that we would be lift the moratorium on off shore drill __PUNCT__
the price of oil drop __MONEY__
we need to drill offshor __PUNCT__
we need to get our resourc that ar offshor and get them into our market so that the world will know __PUNCT__ so that the world will know __PUNCT__ that we ar on the wai __PUNCT__
we on the wai to elimin our depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__
also __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ the unit_state of america sit on the world_largest resourc of coal __PUNCT__ the world largest __PUNCT__
and that coal deposit and resourc can plai a vital role __PUNCT__
and i want to tell you that we can develop clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__
i will to spend___MONEY___billion a year for research and develop for clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ think of how mani job that would creat in the state of pennsylvania __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ and other part of the countri where we have these vast coal reserv __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ also __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ i like to tell you in nuclear_power_plant __PUNCT__ it take the french five year to build a nuclear_power_plant __PUNCT__
why should it take the unit_state of america___NUM__ or __NUM___year or longer __PUNCT__ it shouldn't __PUNCT__
and i want to build __NUM__ nuclear_power_plant by __NUM__ and that will creat___NUM__ __NUM___job in america __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ senat_obama doesn't want to drill offshor __PUNCT__
senat obama doesn't want nuclear_power __PUNCT__
he doesn't want to reprocess nuclear_fuel __PUNCT__
he doesn't want to store spent nuclear fuel __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ you might have seen the other dai __PUNCT__ he had on of these __PUNCT__ he had remark __PUNCT__ a presidenti seal and in latin it said someth like ye we can __PUNCT__
i think he should chang that to no we won't __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ so we can do thi __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
there is no doubt about it __PUNCT__
and let me just talk to you about on other aspect of it that is so import_part of thi equat __PUNCT__
and you know what it is __PUNCT__
it the automobil __PUNCT__
i wa recent in detroit __PUNCT__ and i saw thi new automobil that gener_motor is try to get out by __NUM__ and i think thei will __PUNCT__
it a realli remark technolog_advanc which us veri littl __PUNCT__ if ani __PUNCT__ gasolin __PUNCT__
it remark technolog breakthrough __PUNCT__
we got to have automobil that ar flex fuel __PUNCT__ in other word __PUNCT__ thei can us ethanol __PUNCT__
we need to have hybrid __PUNCT__
we need to eventu get hydrogen __PUNCT__
we got to develop a batteri for a car that will take it __NUM___mile befor you have to plug it in again __PUNCT__
and if peopl want to bui that automobil __PUNCT__ i like to give them a __MONEY__ __PUNCT__ as much as __MONEY__ tax_credit to bui that automobil __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and reliev thi burden on american as well __PUNCT__
so i call it the lexington project __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
and you can call it anyth you want __PUNCT__
but let have no doubt __PUNCT__ the nation_secur __PUNCT__ the econom and the environment implic of thi mission we have to be on __PUNCT__
but i want to sai to you again __PUNCT__ we have face greater challeng __PUNCT__
i see gentlemen and women in thi room who have serv their countri in uniform __PUNCT__
and thei have face great_challeng __PUNCT__ far more challeng perhap than ani of the rest of us did __PUNCT__
thei were abl to emerg victori and i sure that america can follow in their footstep and their exampl and be inspir by them __PUNCT__
would i ask our veteran just to rais their hand for me pleas __PUNCT__ so that i can sai thank you and thank you for serv our countri __PUNCT__
i veri grate you here __PUNCT__
thank you so much __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ now if i could address on more issu with you briefli __PUNCT__
and that is the issu __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ that thi ongo discuss we have now and debat we been have across america for a long_time __PUNCT__ concern the war in iraq __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i think you know that __PUNCT__ and i remind you __PUNCT__ that we won a veri easi initi victori __PUNCT__
and then we emploi a veri flaw and fail strategi that nearli fail and nearli lost us thi had whole conflict __PUNCT__
and it wa a veri bad strategi __PUNCT__
i knew that it wa a bad strategi __PUNCT__
i fought against it __PUNCT__ i argu against it __PUNCT__
and i wa call disloy by republican becaus i knew that that strategi wa fail and i knew the strategi that had to be emploi __PUNCT__
and thi nation final __PUNCT__ we switch that strategi and we found on of the greatest_gener in american_histori in gener david_petraeu __PUNCT__ to lead us __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and the name of that strategi __PUNCT__ we call the cold surg __PUNCT__
it requir addit troop __PUNCT__
but it also requir an entir new approach to the wai we conduct what is basic a counter __PUNCT__ insurg __PUNCT__
we us to go into place and fight peopl and go back to a base __PUNCT__
and then thei would filter back in __PUNCT__
gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ strategi is to go out into a neighborhood __PUNCT__ set up outpost __PUNCT__ stai __PUNCT__ build __PUNCT__ establish a secur environ for the peopl so that the rest of their live could go continu in a more success wai __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ start to do busi __PUNCT__ send their kid to school __PUNCT__ all of the thing that go with a normal life __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ at first __PUNCT__ thei had to put back al __PUNCT__ qaeda and the variou jihadist group that were caus so much difficulti and chao in that countri __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ over time __PUNCT__ thi strategi succeed __PUNCT__
and there no doubt that it succeed __PUNCT__
it ha succeed __PUNCT__
and i happi to tell you that __PUNCT__
and we ar win thi conflict __PUNCT__
and the benefit of win thi conflict ar is that we will reduc the iranian influenc __PUNCT__
and by the wai __PUNCT__ the iranian ar export into iraq __PUNCT__ the most lethal devic that ar kill brave __PUNCT__ young_american __PUNCT__
have no doubt about that __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ it also would prevent al __PUNCT__ qaeda from establish anoth base there __PUNCT__
it would have had an incred impact in the region the unit_state defeat in have lost and gone home __PUNCT__
and i knew all of that __PUNCT__ and that why i said at the time __PUNCT__
when peopl said __PUNCT__ you support __NUM__ more troop and a new strategi __PUNCT__ that your candidaci is doom to failur __PUNCT__
i said __PUNCT__ i would rather lose a campaign than lose a war __PUNCT__
and i meant that then __PUNCT__ and i mean that now __PUNCT__ transcript end __PUNCT__