John McCain

This speech titled 2008.07.27.interview_with_wolf_blitzer_on_cnns_late_edition originally had 3929 tokens. You can view the original text here.

blitzer __PUNCT__ and join us now __PUNCT__ the republican_presidenti presidenti_candid __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__

senat_mccain __PUNCT__ welcom back __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__ wolf __PUNCT__

good to be back __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ let talk about __PUNCT__ you elect_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

it __DATE__ first dai you in the oval_offic __PUNCT__ after you sworn in __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ audio gap __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ nation_secur secur_advis and sai __PUNCT__ how can we keep the peac in the world __PUNCT__ what do we need to do __PUNCT__ and what action do we have to take __PUNCT__ what action have work __PUNCT__ which on haven't __PUNCT__ which polici haven't work __PUNCT__ and keep thi nation safe and secur __PUNCT__

and then __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ how do we restor trust and confid in govern __PUNCT__ we got to take some measur to reform the wai that govern doe busi __PUNCT__ the wai congress doe busi __PUNCT__ and get american __PUNCT__ trust and confid back in thi countri __PUNCT__

and that mean __PUNCT__ and their govern __PUNCT__

and that mean reform the wai that govern doe busi __PUNCT__ which american have lost trust and confid in __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ and what about what a lot of peopl_call issu number on __PUNCT__ the domest_economi __PUNCT__ which seem to be in real seriou troubl right now __PUNCT__ by almost all account will still be in seriou troubl in __DATE__ of next year __PUNCT__ what the first thing you do on the economi __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ restrain spend is the first thing we have to do __PUNCT__

we have to restrain out __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ control_spend __PUNCT__

we have to reform govern __PUNCT__

we have to embark on measur to keep peopl in their home __PUNCT__ to keep their tax low __PUNCT__ to creat new job __PUNCT__ and to get our economi back move again __PUNCT__

and that part of the trust and confid __PUNCT__

we got to regain the trust and confid of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ becaus we have to act togeth __PUNCT__

we have to put our countri first __PUNCT__

congress and the govern is fundament gridlock __PUNCT__ as we know __PUNCT__

and that why we see the all __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__ low approv_rate of congress __PUNCT__

and so we have to sit down togeth __PUNCT__ republican and democrat togeth __PUNCT__ and start_work for the good of thi nation __PUNCT__ keep peopl in their home __PUNCT__ provid them with afford and avail health_care __PUNCT__ creat new job all across thi countri __PUNCT__

and we can do it __PUNCT__

and on of the major __PUNCT__ major aspect of thi __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ is energi_independ __PUNCT__

the price of a gallon of ga is kill __PUNCT__ is harm the fix __PUNCT__ incom_american veri badli __PUNCT__

thei the on that drive the oldest automobil and drive the furthest __PUNCT__

and so we have to have thi posit movement and mission __PUNCT__ a nation mission to becom independ of foreign_oil __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__ we go to get all those issu on by on __PUNCT__

let talk a littl bit about the nation_secur secur_issu __PUNCT__

you presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ you vow that you will captur osama_bin_laden and bring him to justic __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we know that presid_bush sinc 9/11 ha been do the best he can __PUNCT__

what would you do differ __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i not go to telegraph a lot of the thing that i go to do becaus then it might compromis our abil to do so __PUNCT__

but __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i know the area __PUNCT__

i been there __PUNCT__

i know war __PUNCT__

i know how to win_war __PUNCT__

and i know how to improv our capabl so that we will captur osama_bin_laden or __PUNCT__ put it thi wai __PUNCT__ bring him to justic __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__

if you captur __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ we will do it __PUNCT__

i know how to do it __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ if you captur him aliv __PUNCT__ what do you do with him __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ of cours you put him on trial __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ there ar ampl preced of __PUNCT__ for that __PUNCT__

and it might be a good_thing to reveal to the world the enorm of thi gui crime and hi intent __PUNCT__ which ar still there __PUNCT__

and he work night and dai to destroi everyth we stand for and believ in __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ do you do him a regular civilian trial here in the unit_state or is it a war_crime tribun __PUNCT__ a militari_commiss __PUNCT__ what kind of legal justic would you bring him toward __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ we have variou option __PUNCT__ but the nuremburg trial ar certainli an exampl of the kind of tribun that we could move_forward with __PUNCT__

i don't think we have ani difficulti devis an intern __PUNCT__ an internation support mechan that would mete out justic __PUNCT__

and there no problem there __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__ let talk about the war in iraq right now __PUNCT__

charl_krauthamm __PUNCT__ the washington post conserv columnist __PUNCT__ he write that the prime_minist of iraq __PUNCT__ nouri al __PUNCT__ maliki __PUNCT__ in recent dai __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ vote for obama __PUNCT__ cast the earliest and most ostentati absente_ballot of thi presidenti_elect __PUNCT__

if you were presid and nouri al __PUNCT__ maliki is still the elect prime_minist of iraq __PUNCT__ and he sai he want all u. __PUNCT__ troop out __PUNCT__ what do you do __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ i know prime minist maliki rather well __PUNCT__

i know that he is a politician __PUNCT__ and i know that thei ar look at upcom elect __PUNCT__

i know that he know and everi __PUNCT__ and the other leader know there that it ha to be condit __PUNCT__ base __PUNCT__

ani withdraw __PUNCT__ which we will withdraw __PUNCT__

we have succeed __PUNCT__

the surg ha succeed __PUNCT__

and we on the road to victori __PUNCT__

and we will be out of there __PUNCT__

and we mai have a residu presenc of some kind __PUNCT__ as i alwai said __PUNCT__ but the fact is __PUNCT__ the surg ha succeed __PUNCT__

and the fundament here is that i support that surg when it wa not the popular thing to do __PUNCT__

senat_obama oppos it __PUNCT__ said it wouldn't work __PUNCT__ even vote to cut off the fund for the men and women who ar fight over there __PUNCT__ and still __PUNCT__ and he still doesn't understand to the point where he doesn't agre that the surg ha succeed __PUNCT__

no ration observ __PUNCT__ no ration observ who see the condit in iraq todai as oppos to two year_ago could possibl __PUNCT__ could possibl conclud that the surg hasn't succeed __PUNCT__

so he see it as a polit_issu __PUNCT__

he doesn't understand the import of thi victori __PUNCT__ and the consequ of failur __PUNCT__ and the benefit of success __PUNCT__

if we had done what senat_obama want to do __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ initi would have been the troop out last march __PUNCT__ we would had greater iranian influenc __PUNCT__ we would have had an increas in sectarian_violenc __PUNCT__ we would have seen possibl a wider war in the region __PUNCT__ which would have drawn us back __PUNCT__

so i can assur you that prime_minist maliki understand that condit have to be kept __PUNCT__

and i want to find __PUNCT__ tell you again __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu __PUNCT__ on of the great gener in histori __PUNCT__ strongli disagre with senat_obama __PUNCT__

and our highest __PUNCT__ rank militari_offic also sai it would be a veri danger cours __PUNCT__

we not go to go down that road __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ but if maliki persist __PUNCT__ you presid __PUNCT__ and he sai he want u. __PUNCT__ troop out and he want them out __PUNCT__ let sai __PUNCT__ in a year or two year or __NUM___month __PUNCT__ or whatev __PUNCT__ what do you do __PUNCT__ do you just __PUNCT__ do you listen to the prime_minist __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ he won't __PUNCT__

he won't __PUNCT__

he won't __PUNCT__ becaus he __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ how do you know __PUNCT__ how do you know __PUNCT__ how do you know that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__

know that it ha to be condit __PUNCT__ base __PUNCT__

becaus i know him __PUNCT__ and i know him veri well __PUNCT__

and i know the other leader __PUNCT__

and i know __PUNCT__ i been there eight time __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__

and i know them veri __PUNCT__ veri well __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ so why do you think he said __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ and the point is __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ why do you think he said that __NUM___month is basic a pretti_good timet __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ he said it a pretti good timet base on condit on the ground __PUNCT__

i think it a pretti good timet __PUNCT__ as we should __PUNCT__ or horizon for withdraw __PUNCT__

but thei have to be base on condit on the ground __PUNCT__

thi success is veri fragil __PUNCT__

it incred impress __PUNCT__ but veri fragil __PUNCT__

so we know __PUNCT__ those of us who have been involv in it for mani year know that __PUNCT__ if we revers thi by set a date for withdraw __PUNCT__ all of the hard __PUNCT__ won victori can be revers __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ we not readi to do that __PUNCT__

too mani brave young_american and their famili have sacrif too much __PUNCT__

but we will be out __PUNCT__ and the differ is __PUNCT__ we be out with victori and honor and not defeat __PUNCT__

senat_obama ha said there a possibl __PUNCT__ under hi plan __PUNCT__ we mai have to go back __PUNCT__

i guarante you __PUNCT__ after thei withdraw under what we ar do __PUNCT__ we never have to go back __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ you also made a veri seriou charg against senat obama __PUNCT__

you repeat it __PUNCT__

you sai you stand by it __PUNCT__ that he would rather lose a war to win a polit_campaign __PUNCT__ rais_question about __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ hi motiv __PUNCT__

joe klein __PUNCT__ write in time_magazin __PUNCT__ sai __PUNCT__ thi is the ninth presidenti_campaign i cover __PUNCT__

i can't rememb a more scurril statement by a major_parti parti_candid __PUNCT__

it smack of desper __PUNCT__

those ar pretti strong word from joe klein __PUNCT__ whom you obvious know __PUNCT__

but tell us __PUNCT__

what ar you charg __PUNCT__ what ar you accus obama of do __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i am accus __PUNCT__ i am state the fact __PUNCT__ and the fact ar that i don't question senat_obama patriot __PUNCT__

i sure that he a veri patriot american __PUNCT__

i question hi judgment becaus he lack experi and knowledg __PUNCT__ and i question hi judgment __PUNCT__

i not prepar to see the sacrific of so mani brave young_american lost becaus senat_obama just view thi war as anoth polit_issu which he can chang posit __PUNCT__

and everybodi know that he wa abl to obtain the nomin of hi parti by appeal to the far left and commit to a cours of action that i believ wa __PUNCT__ i know wa wrong becaus he said the surg would not work __PUNCT__

he said it wouldn't succe __PUNCT__

no ration observ in iraq todai believ that the surg did not succe __PUNCT__

so he just treat it as anoth polit issu becaus he doesn't understand and he doesn't have the knowledg and the background to make the kind of judgment that ar necessari __PUNCT__

and thi war ha enorm ramif __PUNCT__

if we had lost it __PUNCT__ we would have face enorm champ in the region __PUNCT__ throughout the world __PUNCT__ increas iranian influenc __PUNCT__ perhap even have to come back in a wider war __PUNCT__

so he simpli doe not understand and treat it as anoth polit issu __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ but he sai that __PUNCT__ when it come to judgment back in __NUM__ and __NUM__ earli___NUM__ befor the war __PUNCT__ he made the right call in oppos the war to begin with __PUNCT__ and he sai you blunder __PUNCT__ you made the wrong call in support go to war against saddam_hussein __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ i be more than happi to go through all of that again __PUNCT__ and historian will __PUNCT__

the fact is that saddam hussein wa bent on the develop of weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ and i be glad to discuss that __PUNCT__

the fact is __PUNCT__ what did we do at a critic_time __PUNCT__ when we were about to lose the war __PUNCT__ we were lose the war __PUNCT__

senat_obama want to get out __PUNCT__

i want the surg __PUNCT__ which wa not popular __PUNCT__

the surg work __PUNCT__

and now __PUNCT__ what do we do in the futur __PUNCT__ do we continu on the path to victori __PUNCT__ and we succeed __PUNCT__ or do we set a time for withdraw and jeopard and possibl revers all the gain that we have made __PUNCT__ that the question on the mind of the american_peopl peopl_todai __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ we invit our viewer __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ to submit some video question for you __PUNCT__ sort of __PUNCT__ our video version of a town_hall_meet __PUNCT__

jonathan collin of tampa __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__ sai he veri liber but he sai he ha no connect to either campaign __PUNCT__

he ask thi question __PUNCT__

i plai it for you __PUNCT__

listen to thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ question __PUNCT__ can you pleas __PUNCT__ in layman term __PUNCT__ so that the entir world will know when these event happen __PUNCT__ we have won the war in iraq __PUNCT__ can you pleas give us your definit __PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ go ahead __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

i guess the question is __PUNCT__ defin victori __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

it a classic __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ defin victori in iraq __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

it the classic outcom of a success counterinsurg __PUNCT__ which thi strategi is __PUNCT__ an effect govern in a secur environ __PUNCT__ a social __PUNCT__ econom and polit_process that move_forward __PUNCT__ veri importantli __PUNCT__ a legal_system that is function to protect the right of the peopl __PUNCT__ american withdraw __PUNCT__ and the iraqi_peopl have a chanc at freedom and democraci __PUNCT__ which __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ thei were never go to have under saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ and we avoid the risk of a wider war __PUNCT__ we reduc the influenc of iran in the region __PUNCT__ we have a posit impact __PUNCT__ even as far awai as afghanistan __PUNCT__ becaus success breed success __PUNCT__ but an iraq that is a stabl __PUNCT__ normal countri __PUNCT__

and it not over __PUNCT__ as i said __PUNCT__

al qaida is not defeat __PUNCT__

thei ar on their heel __PUNCT__ but thei not defeat __PUNCT__

that why we have a wai to go __PUNCT__ but the progress __PUNCT__ by ani paramet __PUNCT__ ha been dramat good __PUNCT__

and that a path to victori in iraq __PUNCT__ and you can see it everi singl_dai in baghdad __PUNCT__ mosul __PUNCT__ basra and around the countri __PUNCT__

and i sai __PUNCT__ thank god __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ i have a bunch of short question and hopefulli some short answer __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

some short answer __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ we go through with some straight talk __PUNCT__ as you like to do __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__

if israel were to decid it exist or secur were threaten __PUNCT__ and bomb iran_nuclear facil __PUNCT__ would you __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ stand with israel __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i can onli tell you i will not discuss hypothet __PUNCT__ and i can't __PUNCT__ but i can tell you thi __PUNCT__

the unit_state of america is commit to make sure that there never a second holocaust __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ that will be what i will do as presid of the unit state __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ if you were presid __PUNCT__ would you move the u. __PUNCT__ embassi from tel_aviv to jerusalem __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ when __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ right awai __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ like __PUNCT__ as soon as you were inaugur __PUNCT__ right awai __PUNCT__ you would order the state_depart to do that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i been __PUNCT__ i been __PUNCT__ i been commit to that proposit for year __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ we have thi question from robert weisman of skoki __PUNCT__ illinoi __PUNCT__

he consid himself on the liber side of the spectrum __PUNCT__ but he ask thi question __PUNCT__

listen to thi __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ weisman __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ do you agre with or will you unequivoc reject and repudi the bush_doctrin of pre __PUNCT__ emptiv war __PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ blitzer __PUNCT__ did you hear the question __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ that a veri __PUNCT__ veri tough_question __PUNCT__ and it base on the judgment of a command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__

no nation can wait until it is attack when it is clear that there is go to be an impend attack from either a terrorist_organ or a hostil nation __PUNCT__

so those kind of judgment need to be made by presid __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ you have to have the knowledg __PUNCT__ and the experi __PUNCT__ and the background to make those kind of judgment __PUNCT__

do i favor pre __PUNCT__ emptiv war __PUNCT__ of cours not __PUNCT__

none of us do __PUNCT__

but it the first oblig of the presid of the unit_state to secur our nation and make sure that we ar not attack and american_live ar lost or sacrif __PUNCT__

so that why i said __PUNCT__ when you ask me earlier __PUNCT__ what wa my first thing i would do as presid __PUNCT__ and that make sure that everyth ha been done and is be done to secur america safeti and secur __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__ we got a few more quick question __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ if you were presid __PUNCT__ would you take step __PUNCT__ would you work to repeal roe v __PUNCT__ wade __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i don't agre with __PUNCT__ i don't agre with the decis __PUNCT__

it a decis that there __PUNCT__

i will appoint judg to the unit_state suprem_court that do enforc strictli the constitut of the unit_state and do not legisl from the bench __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ do you support a pathwai to citizenship for million of illeg_immigr in the unit_state __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ onc we have secur the border __PUNCT__

and i have not chang my posit __PUNCT__

we tri twice in the unit state_senat with comprehens_immigr immigr_reform __PUNCT__ which meant secur our border __PUNCT__ temporari_worker worker_program that work __PUNCT__ and a path to citizenship for mani __PUNCT__ not all __PUNCT__ but certainli mani of the peopl who ar alreadi here illeg __PUNCT__

american want the border_secur first __PUNCT__

we can do that __PUNCT__ and we can establish a truli temporari_worker worker_program through the us of biometr __PUNCT__ tamper __PUNCT__ proof document __PUNCT__

and we can put some peopl __PUNCT__ or a lot of them __PUNCT__ on the path to citizenship __PUNCT__ requir thei pai fine __PUNCT__ learn_english __PUNCT__ do all the thing necessari __PUNCT__ with the principl that thei cannot have ani prioriti of those who either wait or came to thi countri legal __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ given the high_price of ga right now __PUNCT__ you recent chang your posit on off __PUNCT__ shore oil drill __PUNCT__ but you still oppos drill in the alaska nation wildlif refug __PUNCT__

if the price continu to go up __PUNCT__ could you see yourself chang your mind on anwr __PUNCT__ as it call __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ these ar __PUNCT__ these ar wai to attack a fundament_problem __PUNCT__ as we all know __PUNCT__ that ar hurt american __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ let get off __PUNCT__ shore drill go __PUNCT__

let do it now __PUNCT__

we can do it now __PUNCT__

oil_compani execut sai that it could be as short a time as on to two year __PUNCT__

contrari to the belief of some __PUNCT__ just the presid announc of a lift of the feder moratorium had an impact on the futur cost of a barrel of oil __PUNCT__

let get go go drill off __PUNCT__ shore first __PUNCT__ and let do whatev is necessari __PUNCT__ and that includ nuclear_power __PUNCT__ both of which senat_obama oppos __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ you in colorado right now __PUNCT__

thei have an initi on their ballot in __DATE__ that would elimin affirm_action __PUNCT__

i don't know if you familiar with that referendum __PUNCT__ but is that a good_idea __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i not familiar with the referendum __PUNCT__ wolf __PUNCT__

it hard for me to sai __PUNCT__

i alwai oppos quota __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ on the vice_presid front __PUNCT__ thi is the final question __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ there ar stori out there you want to do thi befor the olymp game start in beij on __DATE__ and not wait ani longer __PUNCT__

ar those report true __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i can't comment on the process that we go through __PUNCT__

and i sure you understand that everi nomine of the parti ha gone through thi __PUNCT__

and i appreci you ask the question __PUNCT__ but i can't comment on the process __PUNCT__ and i thank you __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__

and i know you understand __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ of cours we understand __PUNCT__

i not ask you to tell us who it is __PUNCT__

i just wonder on a time of when you think we know __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ cannot comment on the process __PUNCT__

and i apolog for be so obtus __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ don't apolog __PUNCT__

you have everi right to be obtus __PUNCT__

you have everi right to not answer __PUNCT__

thi is a free_countri __PUNCT__ as you want __PUNCT__

senat_mccain __PUNCT__ appreci your time __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ but on thi __PUNCT__ but on thi on __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ go ahead __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ fine __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ on thi on __PUNCT__ i sure you understand __PUNCT__ i sure that our viewer understand that when we start comment __PUNCT__ you realli get on a slipperi_slope __PUNCT__

and sometim that unfair to the peopl that ar under consider __PUNCT__

and i thank you for have me on __PUNCT__ wolf __PUNCT__

thi ha been a veri in __PUNCT__ depth interview __PUNCT__ and i appreci the time __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ we appreci your join us __PUNCT__

and we hope you join us again sooner rather than later __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

blitzer __PUNCT__ good_luck out there on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__