This speech titled 2008.08.02.senator_mccains_weekly_radio_address originally had 919 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__ thi is john_mccain __PUNCT__
the differ between my oppon and me ar come into sharper focu __PUNCT__
as the dai draw closer __PUNCT__ the choic becom clearer __PUNCT__
on differ is our willing to break rank with our own polit_parti when principl and good_sens demand it __PUNCT__
when a republican_administr wa make terribl_mistak in iraq __PUNCT__ i spoke up against it __PUNCT__
and i spoke for the new strategi that ha save us from a catastroph american defeat in the middl_east __PUNCT__
thi wa back when senat_obama wa speak as if iraq wa a lost caus __PUNCT__ confid declar the surg would fail and call for an immedi withdraw of our troop no matter how disastr the consequ __PUNCT__
i have seen war up close __PUNCT__
i know it terribl cost __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i am go to end thi war __PUNCT__ by win it __PUNCT__
when my own parti turn out to be just as financi irrespons as my oppon parti __PUNCT__ spend recklessli and leav more debt for your children to pai __PUNCT__ i spoke up __PUNCT__
when america need reform in energi_polici __PUNCT__ the current administr and likemind republican in congress serv up yet anoth energi_bill stuf with corpor_welfar __PUNCT__ and senat_obama join them __PUNCT__
i spoke up for real_reform to lower energi_price __PUNCT__ and to gain energi_secur for our countri __PUNCT__
my independ hasn't alwai made me friend in washington __PUNCT__
it hasn't alwai done much for my polit prospect __PUNCT__ either __PUNCT__
the pundit and pollster have written me off mani time __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ now and then __PUNCT__ thei seem to be on to someth __PUNCT__
but i don't answer to the pundit and pollster __PUNCT__
i answer to you __PUNCT__
and even when we don't agre __PUNCT__ you will alwai know exactli where i stand __PUNCT__
for hi part __PUNCT__ senat_obama is an impress orat __PUNCT__ and it a lucki thing for me that peopl aren't just choos a motiv speaker __PUNCT__
washington is full of talent talker __PUNCT__
and senat obama is on of the best to come along in quit a while __PUNCT__
unfortun __PUNCT__ on issu big and small __PUNCT__ what he sai and what he doe ar often two differ thing __PUNCT__
senat obama sai he go to chang washington __PUNCT__
but hi plan to rais your tax and expand the feder_govern is not exactli my idea of a solut to what troubl washington __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ it bear a suspici resembl to the problem __PUNCT__
real chang in washington requir a top __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ bottom review to root out wast spend __PUNCT__ and a willing to veto bill with useless and costli earmark __PUNCT__
senat_obama himself ha request more than a million_dollar in pork per work_dai sinc he arriv in congress __PUNCT__
that is just the kind of abus we need to end in washington __PUNCT__ and i know how to end it __PUNCT__
senat_obama sai he will rais_tax onli on the rich __PUNCT__
but in the senat __PUNCT__ he vote for tax_hike that would have impact those take home just __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__
he ha propos tax_increas on incom_tax __PUNCT__ capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ dividend tax __PUNCT__ estat_tax __PUNCT__ and social_secur tax __PUNCT__
all of these tax_increas ar the fine_print under hi slogan __PUNCT__ and thei add up to more than a trillion_dollar in new tax over the next decad __PUNCT__
rais_tax in a bad economi is about the worst_thing you could do becaus it would kill more job in an economi that alreadi lose too mani __PUNCT__
i go to keep current tax_rate low __PUNCT__ and cut other __PUNCT__ not becaus i want to make the rich richer __PUNCT__ but becaus low_tax tax_rate keep job in america and creat new on __PUNCT__
senat_obama sai he want energi_independ __PUNCT__ but he doesn't support anyth that serv that goal __PUNCT__
he is oppos to new domest drill __PUNCT__ oppos to nuclear_power __PUNCT__ and want to add tax to coal produc __PUNCT__
he ha said the high_cost of gasolin doesn't bother him __PUNCT__ onli that it rose too quickli __PUNCT__
he believ everi domest energi_sourc ha a problem __PUNCT__
i believ everi energi sourc need to be part of the solut __PUNCT__
we need to develop new advanc altern_energi like wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ tide and biofuel __PUNCT__ but we also need to develop more exist energi like nuclear_power and clean_coal __PUNCT__
and we need to start drill and produc more oil at home __PUNCT__ and bring down the cost of gasolin that is kill our economi __PUNCT__
to summar the obama_agenda __PUNCT__ govern is too big __PUNCT__ and he want to grow it __PUNCT__
tax ar too high __PUNCT__ and he want to rais them __PUNCT__
congress spend too much __PUNCT__ and he propos more __PUNCT__
we need more energi __PUNCT__ and he against produc it __PUNCT__
we final win in iraq __PUNCT__ and he want to forfeit __PUNCT__
with an agenda like that __PUNCT__ a knack for rhetor come in mighti handi __PUNCT__
but good speech aren't everyth in polit __PUNCT__ good judgment matter too __PUNCT__
and that what america is go to need from the next command in chief __PUNCT__
thank for listen __PUNCT__