This speech titled 2008.08.08.remarks_in_lima_ohio originally had 1242 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i want to speak briefli about the issu at stake in thi elect __PUNCT__ and about the choic that we face __PUNCT__
i have been call a maverick __PUNCT__
sometim it is meant as a compliment and sometim it is meant as a critic __PUNCT__
but what it realli mean is i understand who i work for __PUNCT__
i don't work for a parti __PUNCT__
i don't work for a presid __PUNCT__
i don't work for a special_interest __PUNCT__
i don't work for myself __PUNCT__
i work for you and for the countri we love __PUNCT__
i spoke up against the administr for their mistak in iraq __PUNCT__
i fought for the surg strategi that is go to bring our troop_home with victori __PUNCT__
i spoke up against my parti for out of control_spend __PUNCT__
i spoke up against the administr and congress __PUNCT__ and senat_obama __PUNCT__ when thei gave us an energi_bill with more give __PUNCT__ awai to big_oil and no real_solut to our energi problem __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i want to take a minut here on thi issu __PUNCT__ becaus i think senat_obama is a littl confus __PUNCT__
yesterdai he accus me of have presid_bush bush_polici on energi __PUNCT__
that odd __PUNCT__ becaus he vote for the presid energi_bill and i vote against it __PUNCT__
i vote against it becaus it had __NUM___billion billion_dollar in corpor_welfar to oil_compani that ar alreadi make record profit __PUNCT__
senat_obama vote for that bill and it big_oil giveawai __PUNCT__
i know he hasn't been in the senat that long __PUNCT__ but even in the real_world vote for someth mean you support it __PUNCT__ and vote against someth mean you oppos it __PUNCT__
just like on the energi_bill __PUNCT__ i have argu for reform and chang in washington for year __PUNCT__ and it hasn't alwai made me friend with the politician and pundit __PUNCT__
but i don't answer to them __PUNCT__ i answer to you __PUNCT__
you will alwai know exactli where i stand and you will alwai know __PUNCT__ no matter what __PUNCT__ i will alwai do what i believ is right for our countri __PUNCT__
for hi part __PUNCT__ senat_obama is an impress orat __PUNCT__
i applaud hi talent and success __PUNCT__
all american should be proud of hi accomplish __PUNCT__
but washington is full of talent talker __PUNCT__
and unfortun __PUNCT__ on issu big and small __PUNCT__ what senat obama sai and what he doe ar often two differ thing __PUNCT__
senat obama sai he go to chang washington __PUNCT__
but hi plan to rais your tax and spend more of your monei is not my idea of a solut to what troubl washington __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ it sound a lot like the problem __PUNCT__
in the few year he been in the senat __PUNCT__ he ha request nearli a billion_dollar in pork barrel spend __PUNCT__
that a million_dollar for everi dai he been in offic __PUNCT__
we need to end thi out of control_spend in washington __PUNCT__ and when i am presid it will stop __PUNCT__
senat_obama sai he will onli rais_tax on the rich __PUNCT__
but in the senat __PUNCT__ he vote for tax_hike that would have impact those make just __MONEY__ per year __PUNCT__
he ha propos tax_increas on incom_tax __PUNCT__ capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ dividend tax __PUNCT__ social_secur tax __PUNCT__ pretti much anyth that you can tax __PUNCT__ he want to tax more __PUNCT__
we have the second highest busi tax_rate in the world __PUNCT__ and barack_obama think the wai to keep job here at home is to make it higher __PUNCT__
rais_tax in a bad economi is about the worst_thing you could do becaus it will kill even more job and send more job_oversea __PUNCT__
what we need ar polici that creat_job __PUNCT__
what we need todai is an econom surg to keep job here at home and creat new on __PUNCT__
we need to reduc the tax_burden on busi that choos to make their home in the u. __PUNCT__
we need to open new market to u. __PUNCT__ product __PUNCT__
we need to reduc the cost of healthcar __PUNCT__
and we need to end the out of control_spend in washington that is put our debt on the back of our children __PUNCT__
senat_obama sai he want energi_independ __PUNCT__ but he is oppos to new drill at home __PUNCT__ he is oppos to nuclear_power __PUNCT__
he ha said the high_cost of gasolin doesn't bother him __PUNCT__ onli that it rose too quickli __PUNCT__
he actual think that rais_tax on oil is go to bring down the price at the pump __PUNCT__
he is claim that put air in your tire is the equival of new offshor_drill __PUNCT__
that not an energi plan __PUNCT__ that a public_servic announc __PUNCT__
we all agre we need to aggress develop advanc altern_energi like wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ tidal and biofuel __PUNCT__
but we also need to develop more exist energi like safe nuclear_power and clean_coal __PUNCT__
and we need to stop send __MONEY___billion a year to countri that don't like us veri much __PUNCT__ start drill for more oil at home __PUNCT__ and bring down the cost of gasolin that is kill our economi __PUNCT__
if we ar go to final solv thi problem __PUNCT__ we need an __PUNCT__ all of the abov __PUNCT__ approach __PUNCT__
on iraq __PUNCT__ barack_obama sai he want peac __PUNCT__ but even todai he oppos the surg strategi that succeed in iraq and will succe in afghanistan __PUNCT__
hi polici of uncondit withdraw __PUNCT__ regardless of the fact on the ground __PUNCT__ could result in renew violenc and a third iraq_war __PUNCT__
i am go to end thi war __PUNCT__ but when i bring our troop_home __PUNCT__ thei will come home with victori __PUNCT__ leav_iraq secur as a democrat alli in the arab heartland __PUNCT__
behind all the word __PUNCT__ senat_obama obama_agenda can be summar as thi __PUNCT__ govern is too big __PUNCT__ and he want to grow it __PUNCT__
tax ar too high __PUNCT__ and he want to rais them __PUNCT__
congress spend too much __PUNCT__ and he propos more __PUNCT__
we need more energi __PUNCT__ and he against produc it __PUNCT__
we final win in iraq __PUNCT__ and he want to forfeit __PUNCT__
the bottom_line is that senat_obama word __PUNCT__ for all their eloqu and passion __PUNCT__ don't mean all that much __PUNCT__
and that the problem with washington __PUNCT__
it is not just the bush_administr __PUNCT__ and it not just the democrat_congress __PUNCT__
it that everyon in washington sai whatev it take to get elect or to score the polit point of the dai __PUNCT__
if senat_obama doesn't have the strength to speak openli and directli about how he will address the seriou challeng confront america __PUNCT__ how will he be strong enough to realli chang washington __PUNCT__ we don't need anoth politician in washington who put self __PUNCT__ interest and polit_expedi ahead of problem_solv __PUNCT__
we need to start put our countri first __PUNCT__ and come togeth to keep american_famili safe and help them realiz their dream for a better life __PUNCT__