This speech titled 2008.08.09.senator_mccains_weekly_radio_address originally had 773 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__ i john_mccain __PUNCT__
as you mai know __PUNCT__ the democrat_nation nation_convent is just a coupl of week awai __PUNCT__
it wa four year_ago __PUNCT__ at the same gather __PUNCT__ that america heard a fine speech from an illinoi state_senat name barack_obama __PUNCT__
he done pretti well for himself sinc then __PUNCT__
and the smart monei in denver is on anoth celebr perform __PUNCT__
but even the most stir speech ar easili forgotten when thei short on content __PUNCT__
take in my oppon perform is a littl like watch a big summer blockbust __PUNCT__ and an hour in realiz that all the best scene were in the trailer you saw last fall __PUNCT__
in the wai of run_mate __PUNCT__ senat_obama should consid someon with a knack for breviti and direct __PUNCT__ to balanc the ticket __PUNCT__
in the meantim __PUNCT__ let me take a stab at a plot summari of the obama_campaign __PUNCT__ america is final win in iraq __PUNCT__ and he want to forfeit __PUNCT__
govern is too big __PUNCT__ and he want to grow it __PUNCT__
tax ar too high __PUNCT__ and he want to rais them __PUNCT__
congress spend too much __PUNCT__ and he propos more __PUNCT__
we need more energi __PUNCT__ and he against produc it __PUNCT__
energi in particular seem to confound senat_obama __PUNCT__ becaus if there is ani problem that can't be solv by word alon it america need for secur and afford energi_suppli __PUNCT__
so far __PUNCT__ he manag to come up with an energi plan that so timid onli opec and a few interest_group in hi own parti ar happi with it __PUNCT__
and thi week __PUNCT__ senat_obama set about correct that impress __PUNCT__
first there wa hi call for american to check their tire __PUNCT__ which is commonsens advic __PUNCT__ but hardli ha the make of a nation_energi strategi __PUNCT__
if we can't drill our wai out of the problem __PUNCT__ it seem even more unlik that we can inflat our wai out of it __PUNCT__
next came senat_obama mention of offshor_drill __PUNCT__ formerli known in the obama_campaign as a __PUNCT__ gimmick __PUNCT__ and a __PUNCT__ scheme __PUNCT__
as more peopl notic that hi answer to most everi form of energi_product is __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ my oppon tri to simul a __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
he pledg a vagu willing to possibl consid limit drill as part of some hypothet compromis at an undetermin date __PUNCT__
care listen ar still wait for an actual commit to offshor_drill __PUNCT__
appar __PUNCT__ senat_obama wa try to get credit for chang hi mind on drill __PUNCT__ without actual chang hi posit against drill __PUNCT__
thi wa the rare case of a politician actual hope to be accus of a flip __PUNCT__ flop __PUNCT__
but even that would be give senat obama energi plan too much credit __PUNCT__
as of todai __PUNCT__ he still ha no plan to produc more oil by drill offshor __PUNCT__
and my oppon most memor flip __PUNCT__ flop remain hi frequent critic of the bush __PUNCT__ chenei energi_polici __PUNCT__ despit vote for the bush __PUNCT__ chenei energi_bill in __NUM__ __PUNCT__ a bill i oppos and vote against __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ senat_obama propos to releas oil from our nation strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__
for those keep track __PUNCT__ thi come exactli a month after he said he wa firmli against us the strateg petroleum reserv __PUNCT__
a seriou energi plan involv a lot more ye than no __PUNCT__
and that is why i sai ye to drill __PUNCT__ here and now __PUNCT__
ye to __NUM__ more nuclear_power_plant to provid our countri with electr __PUNCT__
ye to clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ so that we can creat_job and us america most abund resourc __PUNCT__
ye to renew_energi energi_sourc __PUNCT__ so that we can shift awai from petroleum over the long_term __PUNCT__
ye to a break from the feder gasolin_tax __PUNCT__ so that our govern help you in a time of need instead of just ad to your cost __PUNCT__
in short __PUNCT__ ye to all of the abov __PUNCT__ to a bold plan for achiev energi_independ that start todai __PUNCT__
regain control over the cost and suppli of energi in america will not be easi __PUNCT__ and it won't happen quickli __PUNCT__
but no challeng to our economi and secur is more urgent __PUNCT__
and you have my pledg that if i am presid __PUNCT__ we go to get it done __PUNCT__
thank for listen __PUNCT__