This speech titled 2008.08.31.roundtable_interview_on_fox_news_sunday originally had 5456 tokens. You can view the original text here.
wallac __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ welcom back to __PUNCT__ fox new sundai __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__ chri __PUNCT__
thank for have me back __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ let start with your choic of a run_mate __PUNCT__
of all the peopl you could have chosen __PUNCT__ of all the republican_leader you known for year __PUNCT__ straight talk __PUNCT__ can you honestli sai that sarah_palin is the best person to put a heartbeat awai from the presid __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
she a partner and a soul __PUNCT__ mate __PUNCT__
she a reform __PUNCT__
i don't particularli enjoi the label __PUNCT__ maverick __PUNCT__ but when somebodi take on the old bull in her own parti __PUNCT__ run against an incumb governor of her own parti __PUNCT__ stand up against the oil and ga interest __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ thei realli ar so vital to the economi of her __PUNCT__ of the state of alaska __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ it remark __PUNCT__
it a remark person __PUNCT__
and i watch her record __PUNCT__ and i watch her for mani __PUNCT__ mani year as she __PUNCT__ as she implement ethic and lobbi reform __PUNCT__
and i mean __PUNCT__ she led on it __PUNCT__
she didn't just vote for it __PUNCT__
she led it __PUNCT__
i seen her take on her own parti __PUNCT__
now look __PUNCT__ on thing i know is that when you take on your own parti in washington __PUNCT__ you pai a price for it __PUNCT__
you do __PUNCT__
you pai a price for it __PUNCT__
and she ha taken on the parti in her own state __PUNCT__
she took on a sit governor and defeat him __PUNCT__
and so i so pleas and proud __PUNCT__ becaus thi is a person who will help me reform washington and chang the wai thei do busi __PUNCT__
and that what american want __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but let me ask you __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ about the concern that a lot of voter __PUNCT__ who have never heard of sarah palin befor yesterdai __PUNCT__ ar ask __PUNCT__
compar to __PUNCT__ sai __PUNCT__ tom ridg or joe_lieberman __PUNCT__ why is governor palin superior in deal with nation_secur and foreign_polici __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ those peopl you talk about __PUNCT__ joe __PUNCT__ and tom ridg __PUNCT__ and mitt_romnei __PUNCT__ and mike_huckabe __PUNCT__ thei wonder peopl __PUNCT__
and i grate for the opportun that i had to know them and work with them __PUNCT__
but look __PUNCT__ what thi bring is a spirit of reform and chang that is vital now in our nation_capit __PUNCT__
eighti __PUNCT__ four percent of the american_peopl think the countri is on the wrong track __PUNCT__
in our parti __PUNCT__ we have corrupt __PUNCT__
we have former member of congress resid in feder_prison __PUNCT__
so it not surpris to me that we seen an incred invigor around our parti and around the nation __PUNCT__
not just republican __PUNCT__ but democrat __PUNCT__
and by the wai __PUNCT__ in the last dai __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ a __PUNCT__ half __PUNCT__ or whatev it ha been __PUNCT__ we have rais___MONEY__ __MONEY___million on the internet __PUNCT__
i wish i had have taken her a month_ago __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but you have said that the existenti threat we face __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ the threat to our exist is from islam_terror __PUNCT__
foreign_polici is job on for the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ you have critic obama as be __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ danger unprepar to be presid __PUNCT__
in the sens of nation_secur and foreign_polici specif __PUNCT__ isn't sarah_palin even more danger unprepar __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ she ha got the right judgment __PUNCT__
she ha got the right judgment __PUNCT__
she doesn't think __PUNCT__ like senat_obama doe __PUNCT__ that iran is a minor irrit __PUNCT__
she know that the surg work and succeed __PUNCT__ and she support that __PUNCT__
senat obama still __PUNCT__ still to thi dai refus to acknowledg that the surg ha succeed __PUNCT__
she ha been command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief of the alaska guard __PUNCT__ that ha serv back and back __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ she ha got a son who is get readi to go __PUNCT__
but she ha had the judgment on these issu and __PUNCT__ that senat obama ha not had in the __PUNCT__ he ha had all the wrong judgment __PUNCT__
and governor palin understand these issu __PUNCT__ and she understand the challeng that we face __PUNCT__
so she ha had __NUM___year of elect_offic experi __PUNCT__ includ travel to kuwait __PUNCT__ includ be involv in these issu __PUNCT__
and look __PUNCT__ i so proud that she ha displai the kind of judgment and she ha the experi and judgment as an execut __PUNCT__
she ha run a huge economi up there in the state of alaska __PUNCT__
twenti_percent of our energi come from the state of alaska __PUNCT__ and energi is obvious on of the kei_issu for our nation_secur __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you talk about her year of experi __PUNCT__
ten of those year were as a citi councilwoman and mayor of a town of __NUM___peopl __PUNCT__
and in term of foreign_polici __PUNCT__ in march of __NUM__ after __PUNCT__ two month after the surg had start __PUNCT__ she wa ask about it __PUNCT__ and she said __PUNCT__ i been focus on state_govern __PUNCT__
i haven't focus on the war in iraq __PUNCT__
understand for a governor __PUNCT__ not understand for a vice_presid __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ by the wai __PUNCT__ also she wa a member of the pta __PUNCT__
i think it wonder __PUNCT__
but the point is she ha been to kuwait __PUNCT__
she ha been over there __PUNCT__
she ha been with her troop __PUNCT__ the nation_guard that she command __PUNCT__ who had been over there and had the experi __PUNCT__
i proud of her knowledg of these challeng and issu __PUNCT__
and of cours __PUNCT__ as governor she ha had enorm respons __PUNCT__ none of which senat_obama had __PUNCT__
he __PUNCT__ when she wa in govern __PUNCT__ he wa a commun_organ __PUNCT__
when she wa take tough posit against her own parti __PUNCT__ senat_obama wa vote __PUNCT__ present __PUNCT__ __NUM___time in the state_legislatur __PUNCT__ on everi tough issu whatev it wa __PUNCT__ while she wa take them on __PUNCT__
that the kind of judgment that i confid that we need in washington __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ for peopl who aren't persuad __PUNCT__ at least initi in the first __NUM___hour __PUNCT__ about her experi __PUNCT__ especi on foreign_polici __PUNCT__ doesn't thi rais even more concern about your ag __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i don't know __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ it wa an issu in the primari __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__
i got to show them the vigor __PUNCT__
i got to show them the energi __PUNCT__
i got to show them the judgment __PUNCT__
i got to show them that my experi and knowledg qualifi me to lead __PUNCT__
and what we ar find out in recent dai in a coupl of week is an increasingli danger world __PUNCT__
but most importantli __PUNCT__ that i know how to get the job_back and get our economi go again __PUNCT__
but i got to show them that __PUNCT__
i understand that __PUNCT__
but i also think that you got the next gener of leadership of america who is commit to good_govern __PUNCT__ to ethic __PUNCT__ a wonder famili __PUNCT__ a belief in the futur of america __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ i so excit about thi person __PUNCT__ governor palin __PUNCT__ i can't tell you __PUNCT__
and her famili is marvel __PUNCT__ also __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ the choic of a run_mate is the first presidenti __PUNCT__ level decis that you made __PUNCT__
why shouldn't we think that thi is realli about polit __PUNCT__ about reach out to women __PUNCT__ especi to hillari_clinton clinton_support __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think that i had to do what i think is best for the futur of the countri __PUNCT__
that the point here __PUNCT__
and i think __PUNCT__ by ani paramet of judgment __PUNCT__ given the econom difficulti that we face_todai __PUNCT__ especi on job and health_care and insur __PUNCT__ these ar issu __PUNCT__ health_insur and educ __PUNCT__ these ar the issu that __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ american ar most concern about __PUNCT__
american ar concern about our nation_secur __PUNCT__
and i think she ha exercis and shown the judgment to address those issu __PUNCT__
but she also understand the fact that peopl in america ar sit down at the kitchen_tabl thi morn __PUNCT__ as we speak __PUNCT__ and sai __PUNCT__ how ar we go to stai in our home __PUNCT__ how ar we go to keep our health_insur __PUNCT__ how ar we go to educ our kid __PUNCT__ and some of them have just lost their job __PUNCT__
so i think governor palin is uniqu __PUNCT__ as a governor __PUNCT__ she ha had execut experi __PUNCT__
she didn't sit in the state_legislatur __PUNCT__
she didn't vote just with her parti and go along to get along __PUNCT__
senat_obama ha never taken on the leader of hi parti on ani issu __PUNCT__
you tell me a time when he had __PUNCT__
she ha been an independ spirit that ha taken them on at everi opportun __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ whether thi wa the reason or not __PUNCT__ do you think she will help you with women and especi with disaffect hillari_clinton clinton_support __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think she go to help me with all american __PUNCT__
i think that the respons that we get from men __PUNCT__ women __PUNCT__ young __PUNCT__ old __PUNCT__ becaus thei want us to chang america __PUNCT__
thei want us to chang it __PUNCT__
thei sick and tire of busi as usual and insid the beltwai kind of thing __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ on comment said __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ she ha never been on __PUNCT__ meet the press __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ i didn't sai that __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i hope that she on your program first __PUNCT__
no __PUNCT__ she doesn't live insid the beltwai __PUNCT__
she doesn't __PUNCT__ she and her husband don't go to the georgetown cocktail_parti __PUNCT__
but thei do live a life of a wonder famili __PUNCT__
he __PUNCT__ thei had a small_busi __PUNCT__
thei ar just realli good __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ earth peopl who understand the challeng that we face __PUNCT__
so in all due respect to my friend that sai that she ha never been on some of the insid __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ beltwai activ __PUNCT__ i sai __PUNCT__ thank god __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ let me see if i got the chronolog straight __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ that peopl ar __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__
as i understand it __PUNCT__ you met her for the first time at the governor confer in __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ we had breakfast __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ you talk to her on the phone last sundai __PUNCT__
and you met with her face to face __PUNCT__ face to face for the first time to discuss the vice presidenti ticket thursdai morn __PUNCT__ and then you offer her the job __PUNCT__
must have been a heck of a meet __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the fact is __PUNCT__ i been watch her __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ what she ha been do in alaska __PUNCT__ let have some straight talk __PUNCT__ ha affect the represent in washington __PUNCT__ d.c __PUNCT__ we fought against __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ the same adversari __PUNCT__ the same challeng __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ we couldn't get the __PUNCT__ bridg to nowher __PUNCT__ out __PUNCT__ although we tri __PUNCT__ peopl like tom_coburn __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ thi wa the big pork barrel project __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ the pork barrel project __PUNCT__ a __MONEY___million bridg in alaska to an island with __NUM___peopl on it __PUNCT__
she __PUNCT__ as governor __PUNCT__ stood up and said __PUNCT__ we don't need it __PUNCT__ and if we need it __PUNCT__ we pai for it ourselv __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ that gut __PUNCT__
i saw that __PUNCT__ and i said __PUNCT__ thi __PUNCT__ thi is what we need in washington __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i want to turn to the democrat_convent __PUNCT__
first of all __PUNCT__ did you watch much of it __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i didn't __PUNCT__ much __PUNCT__ realli __PUNCT__ becaus i wa travel a lot __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ you won't be surpris __PUNCT__ your ear would have been burn __PUNCT__ becaus thei were go after you pretti_good __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ i heard that __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ i want to give you thi first chanc to respond to it directli __PUNCT__
senat_obama __PUNCT__ in hi accept_speech __PUNCT__ quot you with sai that the fundament of the economi ar strong __PUNCT__ that it ha made great progress under presid_bush __PUNCT__
and then he said thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ sen __PUNCT__
barack_obama __PUNCT__ d __PUNCT__ ill __PUNCT__ it not becaus john_mccain doesn't care __PUNCT__
it becaus john mccain doesn't get it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i know and understand __PUNCT__ and i did watch excerpt from senat_obama obama_speech __PUNCT__
as we all expect __PUNCT__ he gave a great speech __PUNCT__
i even heard that some member of the media were cheer __PUNCT__
but anywai __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ but i knew he would __PUNCT__
and he a veri gift speaker __PUNCT__ and i admir and respect what he ha accomplish __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ i said for a long_time __PUNCT__ america is in troubl __PUNCT__
as i been talk all across america __PUNCT__ includ the heartland __PUNCT__ these ar tough __PUNCT__ tough_time __PUNCT__ and we need chang __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ what senat_obama want to do is rais peopl tax __PUNCT__ want to basic sort of redistribut the wealth __PUNCT__
i want to keep everybodi tax low __PUNCT__ and i want everybodi rich __PUNCT__
just like cindi dad __PUNCT__ who came home from world_war_ii __PUNCT__ an air_forc person with a distinguish fly cross that sold hi car to start a busi and becam veri __PUNCT__ veri success __PUNCT__
i want american to have lower_tax __PUNCT__
you see us state right now __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ let me __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ you see state right now with a bad economi that rais_tax and it made their economi wors __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ he want to rais tax __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ if i mai __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ the democrat point out at the convent that you have vote___NUM__ __NUM___time against rais the minimum_wage __PUNCT__
thei sai the onli reason you vote for it in __NUM__ wa becaus it wa link to war fund __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the point is that i have vote to keep tax low and to cut_tax __PUNCT__
and senat_obama ha vote to rais them consist __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but why have you been __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ against the minimum_wage __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ even on peopl as low as __MONEY__
i for the minimum wage_increas when thei ar not attach to other big __PUNCT__ spend pork barrel __PUNCT__
the practic in washington is attach a good_thing to a bad_thing __PUNCT__
and that wai __PUNCT__ then you have to vote ye or no __PUNCT__
the energi_bill __PUNCT__ the energi bill had a lot of good_thing in it __PUNCT__ and it billion of dollar of pork and good_deal for the oil_compani __PUNCT__
senat_obama vote for it __PUNCT__
i vote against it __PUNCT__ becaus we got to start give peopl a straight choic __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ you watch thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__
harri_reid will sai __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ we let you vote on offshor_drill __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ senat_democrat democrat_leader __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
the senat_democrat democrat_leader will sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let vote on offshor_drill __PUNCT__ but you got to have a __PUNCT__ b __PUNCT__ c __PUNCT__ d and e __PUNCT__
you can't just have a straight up or down vote __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ i go to veto everi bill that doesn't have straight up or down vote on the issu that ar import to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ you would have been for __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i certainli __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ alon __PUNCT__ ph __PUNCT__ after the increas in the __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ i certainli __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__
minimum_wage __PUNCT__ even though you vote against it __PUNCT__ i said __NUM__ it wa actual __NUM___time __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ or __NUM__ or __NUM__ whatev it is __PUNCT__
the fact is that i am for a live_wage for all american __PUNCT__
and i like to see them get it __PUNCT__
but the kei is to get them job __PUNCT__ and get them the kind of good educ opportun and afford health_care __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ i am commit __PUNCT__ and my record clearli show that i done everyth i can to keep their tax low __PUNCT__ to get them avail and afford health_insur __PUNCT__ and to secur a good educ and give them a choic __PUNCT__ not be govern by the teacher __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ obama also said that you ar dip into the old partisan playbook __PUNCT__ question charact and patriot __PUNCT__
and then he said thi to you directli __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ obama __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ i got new for you __PUNCT__ john_mccain __PUNCT__
we all put our countri first __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i have no doubt about senat_obama patriot __PUNCT__
i have grave doubt and concern about hi judgment __PUNCT__ whether it would be on sai that iran is a tini problem __PUNCT__ about sai that the surg wouldn't work __PUNCT__ that it wa doom to failur __PUNCT__ and still __PUNCT__ incred __PUNCT__ sai that the surg ha not succeed __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ __URL__ everi __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ when you said __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ to hi first respons __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ if i mai __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ when you sai he doesn't think it matter whether we win or lose __PUNCT__ when you sai __PUNCT__ he would rather lose a war to win a polit_campaign __PUNCT__ isn't that question hi patriot __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ it question hi judgment __PUNCT__
he went out to run for the nomin of hi parti and took the far left posit __PUNCT__ __URL__
in fact __PUNCT__ when __URL__ ran an ad __PUNCT__ a full __PUNCT__ page ad in the new york_time __PUNCT__ sai __PUNCT__ gener_petraeu or gener betrai __PUNCT__ us __PUNCT__ and we had a resolut on the floor of the senat condemn that __PUNCT__ thi great_man __PUNCT__ these terribl aspers on hi courag and hi reput __PUNCT__ he refus to vote __PUNCT__
he wa on __PUNCT__ he wa in the senat at the time __PUNCT__ refus to vote on it __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ he went to the left of hi parti on the war in order to secur the nomin of hi parti __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ i think that veri clear __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ we have to take a break here __PUNCT__
but when we come back __PUNCT__ we have much more for the senat __PUNCT__ includ the charg from a former presid that he is milk hi statu as a pow for polit_gain __PUNCT__
back in a moment __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ commerci break __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ and we back now with senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__
senat __PUNCT__ former presid carter said thi week __PUNCT__ hi word __PUNCT__ not mine __PUNCT__ that you have been milk everi possibl drop of advantag from your five year as a prison of war in vietnam __PUNCT__
the presid said __PUNCT__ at the saddleback forum with rick_warren __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ john_mccain wa abl to weav in hi experi in a vietnam prison_camp __PUNCT__ no matter what the question wa __PUNCT__
your respons __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i have great respect for former presid carter __PUNCT__
but it not the first time we disagre __PUNCT__ hi statement about israel and the palestinian __PUNCT__
and the wai he conduct hi presid i respect __PUNCT__
but i vigor disagre with mani of the thing that __PUNCT__ activ that he ha had sinc __PUNCT__
i think he a man of veri good heart and veri __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but ar you offend by hi suggest that you milk your pow __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ i have respect for presid carter __PUNCT__ and i don't think most american share that view __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ most of my support sai __PUNCT__ talk more about your experi __PUNCT__
and thei were form experi __PUNCT__
and pastor rick_warren want to know not onli our posit on the issu __PUNCT__ but what our makeup wa __PUNCT__ and why we feel that we think it import to serv thi countri in the highest and most respons posit __PUNCT__ the most power posit in the world __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ i pleas to have been abl to talk to so mani american in a straightforward fashion __PUNCT__ and tell them about why i am the person i am todai __PUNCT__
if we would have had thi convers a month_ago __PUNCT__ we wouldn't have been __PUNCT__ had a word about georgia __PUNCT__ a tini countri a long wai awai __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ we don't know what around the corner of histori __PUNCT__ and we have to judg peopl charact __PUNCT__
and my charact __PUNCT__ a great part of the format of that charact took place in a prison_camp __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ as we sit here todai __PUNCT__ on saturdai __PUNCT__ hurrican gustav is bear down on the gulf_coast __PUNCT__
ar there ani circumst under which you would consid suspend the republican_convent __PUNCT__ if the hurrican realli bash that part of the countri __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i afraid __PUNCT__ chri __PUNCT__ that we mai have to look at that situat __PUNCT__ and we try and monitor it __PUNCT__
i been talk to governor jindal __PUNCT__ barbour __PUNCT__ rilei __PUNCT__ crist __PUNCT__
i been talk to all of them __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ it just __PUNCT__ it wouldn't be appropri to have a festiv occas while a near tragedi or a terribl challeng is present in the form of a natur_disast __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ we monitor it from dai to dai __PUNCT__ and i sai a few prayer __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ but what would you do __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think we would have to __PUNCT__ we look at variou option __PUNCT__
and so __PUNCT__ i don't know exactli what we would do __PUNCT__ becaus you don't know how sever it is __PUNCT__ where it go to hit __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ but i mean __PUNCT__ ar you serious __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__
talk about suspend the convent __PUNCT__ not hold it for a dai or two __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ at least some of the activ __PUNCT__ or mayb devot some of the activ to bring american_peopl attent to try to help it victim __PUNCT__
but right now __PUNCT__ it too earli __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__
all we do right now is explor the variou option __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ in the wake of katrina __PUNCT__ and a percept __PUNCT__ at least __PUNCT__ of republican failur __PUNCT__ would it look bad for your parti to be conduct busi as usual while peopl ar realli suffer on the gulf_coast __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i don't think so __PUNCT__
i think __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ we don't want to appear in ani wai festiv when you have that kind of tragedi possibl revisit itself on the citi of new orlean and area around it __PUNCT__
so __PUNCT__ we be judg it dai by dai and look at the option __PUNCT__
but right now __PUNCT__ our prayer ar that it doesn't hit __PUNCT__ at least in heavili popul area __PUNCT__
it pretti_clear __PUNCT__ at least at thi moment __PUNCT__ that it go to hit somewher __PUNCT__
and so __PUNCT__ and also __PUNCT__ might i sai __PUNCT__ i think that we ar far __PUNCT__ far better prepar than we were the last time __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ just four month_ago __PUNCT__ you told shepard smith on fox new the kind of campaign that you intend to run __PUNCT__
you said thi __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ american want a respect campaign __PUNCT__
now peopl sai __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ neg_ad move number __PUNCT__
thei mai __PUNCT__
but do we have to go to the lowest common_denomin __PUNCT__ i don't think so __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ in the last two month __PUNCT__ you run ad compar barack_obama to __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you laugh as i sai thi __PUNCT__ to pari hilton and britnei_spear __PUNCT__
you run an ad charg __PUNCT__ perhap accur __PUNCT__ that he got help bui hi home from a convict felon __PUNCT__
what happen to your pledg to run a respect campaign __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ i think it respect __PUNCT__
but first of all __PUNCT__ i also at that time ask senat_obama to go to town_hall_meet with me __PUNCT__
we could appear in front of the american_peopl the wai barri_goldwat and jack kennedi had pledg to do __PUNCT__
i tell you __PUNCT__ that chang the tenor of a campaign __PUNCT__ i know becaus i done them in the past __PUNCT__
and unfortun senat_obama refus to go to town_hall_meet with me and appear befor the american_peopl so we can both answer their question and comment __PUNCT__
second of all __PUNCT__ i thought __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ that those ad draw differ between our posit __PUNCT__
he is against offshor_drill __PUNCT__ he want to rais_tax __PUNCT__
but the other thing __PUNCT__ i thought thei were pretti humor __PUNCT__
and for those peopl who have lost their sens of humor __PUNCT__ turn of your comput __PUNCT__ go out __PUNCT__ get a breath of fresh_air and get your humor back __PUNCT__
so we go to __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ so there a big laugh about toni rezko __PUNCT__ a convict felon help him __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i think that thei should laugh when thei see charlton heston __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ but look __PUNCT__ there ar seriou issu __PUNCT__ there ar seriou issu __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ you don't think your campaign ha gone neg in the last two month __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__
we have certainli drawn the differ and we will continu to draw those differ __PUNCT__
and i might add __PUNCT__ and that the neg_ad that were begun long_ago by the democrat_nation_committe that continu to thi dai by the obama_campaign ar someth we understand __PUNCT__
i a big boi __PUNCT__
but we will continu to draw the differ between ourselv and __PUNCT__ myself and senat_obama __PUNCT__ particularli sinc he ha a tendenc to shift those posit __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ obama and democrat continu to try to wrap presid_bush around you __PUNCT__
big_question __PUNCT__ how do you assess the bush_presid __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think histori will judg that __PUNCT__
i do think it a fact that america ha not been attack again sinc 9/11 __PUNCT__
i think the presid deserv credit for that __PUNCT__
i think histori will judg the presid __PUNCT__
as is well __PUNCT__ known __PUNCT__ i wa adamantli oppos to the spend_spree that we went on __PUNCT__ and predict that we would be in the difficulti as far as our physic saniti is concern if we continu the largest increas in govern sinc the great_societi __PUNCT__
and i urg veto __PUNCT__
i believ strongli that we need to address the issu of climat chang in a comprehens fashion __PUNCT__
i obvious don't want to tortur ani prison __PUNCT__
there is a long_list of area that we were in disagr on __PUNCT__
but i also think __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ you not suggest he did want to tortur prison __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ waterboard to me is tortur __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ and waterboard wa advoc by the administr __PUNCT__ and accord to a publish report __PUNCT__ wa us __PUNCT__
but the point is we had our disagr and i been call a quot __PUNCT__ maverick __PUNCT__
and i not the most popular person in my parti __PUNCT__
and nor do i believ is governor palin the most popular with some in her republican_parti in the state of alaska __PUNCT__
and that why i so glad i found a soul __PUNCT__ mate and a partner for thi campaign __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ and so step_back and in less programmat term and more in sort of conceptu term give us an overview __PUNCT__
how would the mccain presid be differ from the bush_presid __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ the first thing we would do is rein in spend __PUNCT__
i mean __PUNCT__ we got to veto all of these pork barrel bill __PUNCT__
we would elimin pork barrel and earmark spend __PUNCT__
we would serious and comprehens address the issu of climat chang __PUNCT__
we would also absolut __PUNCT__ absolut make sure that i address the issu of afghanistan and our nation_secur __PUNCT__ and build a coalit of nation in an attempt that i think we can succe on in rein in the iranian weapon __PUNCT__ develop of nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
but most importantli __PUNCT__ a comprehens immedi plan of action to fix our economi and creat_job and get peopl back to work again and get our economi go again __PUNCT__ that ha got to be the first prioriti __PUNCT__
and i work with the democrat __PUNCT__
i reach across the aisl __PUNCT__
and we have got to keep tax low __PUNCT__ and we have got to have a job_creation program in which altern_energi and nuclear_power ar a big_part of it __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ what do you hope to accomplish at the convent __PUNCT__ if there is on or two central messag that you want to get across to voter about the choic between you and barack_obama __PUNCT__ what would thei be __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ reform __PUNCT__ prosper __PUNCT__ and peac __PUNCT__
we reform the wai that washington doe busi __PUNCT__
senat_obama ha never taken on hi parti or had ani real_reform agenda __PUNCT__
prosper __PUNCT__ get job_back __PUNCT__ keep tax low __PUNCT__ invigor our economi and get it move again __PUNCT__ and peac __PUNCT__ i know how to secur the peac __PUNCT__
i hate war __PUNCT__
i hate war __PUNCT__
most veteran do __PUNCT__
all veteran that i know do __PUNCT__
and we can secur the peac __PUNCT__
thi is a veri danger world we live in and i know how to do that __PUNCT__
senat_obama ha been consist wrong on nation_secur secur_issu __PUNCT__
i have been consist correct __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ ar you go to carv up obama at your convent __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think we try to draw the differ __PUNCT__
but i think the messag of hope and that america is __PUNCT__ and restor trust and confid in our govern and our best dai ar ahead of us __PUNCT__ i am convinc that america best dai ar ahead of us in these veri difficult and challeng time __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ thank you for talk with us __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ chri __PUNCT__
wallac __PUNCT__ see you in st __PUNCT__ paul __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ok __PUNCT__ good to see you __PUNCT__