This speech titled 2008.09.13.senator_mccains_weekly_radio_address originally had 852 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__ thi is john_mccain __PUNCT__ and it been a great week travel through america on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__
sinc accept the nomin of my parti __PUNCT__ i taken our campaign to wisconsin __PUNCT__ michigan __PUNCT__ colorado __PUNCT__ new mexico __PUNCT__ missouri __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ pennsylvania and virginia __PUNCT__
at each stop __PUNCT__ i put washington on notic that we go to shake thing up in that citi __PUNCT__
and i had the pleasur of introduc america to governor sarah_palin of alaska __PUNCT__
i wa look for a fellow maverick in a run_mate __PUNCT__ and i sure found on in sarah_palin __PUNCT__
as a chief_execut of her state __PUNCT__ she took on the special_interest and lobbyist who had been in control of her state __PUNCT__ and especi the big_oil oil_compani __PUNCT__
with major ethic reform __PUNCT__ tax_cut __PUNCT__ and a half a billion_dollar in spend veto __PUNCT__ she put govern_back on the side of the peopl __PUNCT__
governor palin doesn't have much patienc for what she call the __PUNCT__ good __PUNCT__ ol' __PUNCT__ boi __PUNCT__ network __PUNCT__
and the good __PUNCT__ ol' __PUNCT__ boi in washington aren't go to like her anymor than the on in juneau __PUNCT__
now that our parti convent ar behind us __PUNCT__ and both my oppon and i have chosen our run __PUNCT__ mate __PUNCT__ the choic befor america is clearer than ever __PUNCT__
for governor palin and me __PUNCT__ chang is more than a slogan __PUNCT__ and it not about parti __PUNCT__
it about chang the wai busi is done __PUNCT__ and it the reason we enter polit to begin with __PUNCT__
what struck me the most about senat_obama convent wa how much talk we heard about __PUNCT__ chang __PUNCT__ from leader in congress who ar run the show __PUNCT__
senat obama ha gone out of hi wai to support hi parti_leadership __PUNCT__
but to realli fight for chang in washington __PUNCT__ you have to know just who you take on __PUNCT__ and senat_obama just doesn't get it __PUNCT__
the problem in washington is not republican __PUNCT__ and the problem is not democrat __PUNCT__
the problem with washington is that too mani peopl ar work for themselv and not work for you __PUNCT__
on of the biggest obstacl to reform todai is the congress itself __PUNCT__ where leader in both parti have sought to rais spend when our countri is alreadi nine trillion_dollar in debt __PUNCT__ to rais the tax_burden when our economi is alreadi slow __PUNCT__ and to preserv privileg like earmark spend __PUNCT__ which wast your monei and keep them in power __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ hard question ar defer and seriou problem ar avoid __PUNCT__ the great_challeng of energi_independ __PUNCT__ health_care_reform __PUNCT__ protect entitl __PUNCT__ educ_reform __PUNCT__ and mani other __PUNCT__
thi congress ha been in session close to two year and now thei have accomplish exactli noth to meet ani of these challeng __PUNCT__
now senat_obama want you to believ that thing will get better if democrat_control both the congress and the presid __PUNCT__
but when american demand chang in washington __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ parti rule where power is an end of itself isn't exactli what thei have in mind __PUNCT__
my fellow_american __PUNCT__ if governor palin and i ar entrust with four year in the white_hous __PUNCT__ we show you what real chang look like __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will veto reckless spend_bill __PUNCT__ to control the size of govern and to let the worker of america keep more of their own earn __PUNCT__
i will put an end to earmark spend __PUNCT__ by refus to sign ani bill that contain an earmark __PUNCT__
i will lead the caus of health __PUNCT__ care_reform __PUNCT__ by offer everi person and famili a gener tax_credit so thei can choos and afford their own health_care __PUNCT__
i will offer real choic in america public_school __PUNCT__ so that parent __PUNCT__ teacher __PUNCT__ and princip ar in charg instead of union_boss and bureaucrat __PUNCT__
and instead of wast your monei on thing you never ask for and don't need __PUNCT__ we go to focu on essenti prioriti like help american_famili with tax_relief __PUNCT__ balanc our feder_budget __PUNCT__ protect our peopl from threat abroad and at home __PUNCT__ and regain control over the cost and suppli of energi __PUNCT__
governor sarah_palin and i not onli promis big chang in washington __PUNCT__ we have record of chang to back up our word __PUNCT__
we offer not onli chang you can believ in __PUNCT__ but chang you can verifi __PUNCT__
we get the job of reform done __PUNCT__ to shake thing up in washington __PUNCT__ solv our energi problem __PUNCT__ and get the american_economi move again __PUNCT__
and whatev your parti_affili __PUNCT__ i want everi voter in america to know that i am hope to earn your support in the caus of real_reform in washington __PUNCT__
thank for listen __PUNCT__