This speech titled 2008.09.19.remarks_in_green_bay_wisconsin originally had 2650 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__
it a great pleasur to be introduc by governor sarah_palin __PUNCT__ and i can't wait to introduc her to washington __PUNCT__
if governor palin and i ar elect in __NUM___dai __PUNCT__ we ar not go to wast a moment in chang the wai washington doe busi __PUNCT__
and we go to start where the need for reform is greatest __PUNCT__
in short_order __PUNCT__ we ar go to put an end to the reckless conduct __PUNCT__ corrupt __PUNCT__ and unbridl greed that have caus a crisi on wall_street __PUNCT__
here and all across our countri __PUNCT__ peopl ar wonder what exactli is happen on wall street __PUNCT__
and with good reason __PUNCT__ thei want to know how their govern will meet the crisi __PUNCT__
clear answer ar hard to come by in washington __PUNCT__
as senat_obama leader in congress memor put it the other dai __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ no on know what to do __PUNCT__
perhap given that reaction __PUNCT__ it shouldn't surpris us that the congression_leader of thi do __PUNCT__ noth congress also said that thei weren't go to take action until after the elect __PUNCT__ claim that it wasn't their fault __PUNCT__
i am hope that last night discuss ar a sign thei have chang their mind and will take action soon __PUNCT__
but ani action should be design to keep peopl in their home and safe guard the life_save of all american by protect our financi_system __PUNCT__
there ar certainli plenti of place to point finger __PUNCT__ and it mai be hard to pinpoint the origin event that set it all in motion __PUNCT__
but let me give you an educ guess __PUNCT__
the financi_crisi we live through todai start with the corrupt and manipul of our home_mortgag system __PUNCT__
at the center of the problem were the lobbyist __PUNCT__ politician __PUNCT__ and bureaucrat who succeed in persuad congress and the administr to ignor the fester problem at fanni_mae and freddi_mac __PUNCT__
these quasi __PUNCT__ public corpor lead our hous system down a path where quick profit wa place befor sound financ __PUNCT__
thei institution a system that reward forc mortgag on peopl who couldn't afford them __PUNCT__ while turn around and sell those bad mortgag to the bank that ar now go bankrupt __PUNCT__
us monei and influenc __PUNCT__ thei prevent reform that would have curb their power and limit their abil to damag our economi __PUNCT__
and now __PUNCT__ as ever __PUNCT__ the american_taxpay ar left to pai the price for washington failur __PUNCT__
two year_ago __PUNCT__ i call for reform of thi corrupt at fanni_mae and freddi_mac __PUNCT__
congress did noth __PUNCT__
the administr did noth __PUNCT__
senat_obama did noth __PUNCT__ and actual profit from thi system of abus and scandal __PUNCT__
while fanni and freddi were work to keep congress awai from their hous of card __PUNCT__ senat obama wa take their monei __PUNCT__
he got more __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ than ani other member of congress __PUNCT__ except for the democrat chairmen of the committe that overse them __PUNCT__
and while fanni_mae wa betrai the public_trust __PUNCT__ somehow it former ceo had manag to gain my oppon trust to the point that senat_obama actual put him in charg of hi vice presidenti search __PUNCT__
thi ceo __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ johnson __PUNCT__ walk off with ten of million of dollar in salari and bonus for servic render to fanni_mae __PUNCT__ even after author discov account improprieti that pad hi compens __PUNCT__
anoth ceo for fanni mae __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ rain __PUNCT__ ha been advis senat_obama on hous_polici __PUNCT__
thi even after fanni_mae wa found to have commit quot __PUNCT__ extens financi fraud __PUNCT__ under hi leadership __PUNCT__
like mr __PUNCT__ johnson __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ rain walk awai with ten of million of dollar __PUNCT__
senat_obama mai be take their advic and he mai be take their monei __PUNCT__ but in a mccain __PUNCT__ palin administr __PUNCT__ there will be no seat for these peopl at the polici __PUNCT__ make tabl __PUNCT__
thei won't even get past the front gate at the white_hous __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ thi is the problem with washington __PUNCT__
peopl like senat_obama have been too busi game the system and haven't ever done a thing to actual challeng the system __PUNCT__
we heard a lot of word from senat obama over the cours of thi campaign __PUNCT__
but mayb just thi onc he could spare us the lectur __PUNCT__ and admit to hi own poor judgment in contribut to these problem __PUNCT__
the crisi on wall_street start in the washington cultur of lobbi and influenc peddl __PUNCT__ and he wa squar in the middl of it __PUNCT__
the financi_servic servic_industri __PUNCT__ and there ar mani honest and honor peopl who work in it __PUNCT__ plai a vital role in our economi __PUNCT__
mutual_fund compani help american save for retir __PUNCT__
bank and lend compani provid the mortgag that help us bui our home __PUNCT__
invest firm suppli the seed monei that help entrepreneur creat tomorrow job __PUNCT__
insur_compani protect us against unknown risk __PUNCT__
yet as the financi_crisi continu and bailout and bankruptci mount __PUNCT__ it clear financi_firm have lost the trust of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
that trust cannot be regain unless we adopt some fundament reform __PUNCT__
govern ha a clear respons to act and to defend the public_interest __PUNCT__
that is exactli what i intend to do __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ to deal with the immedi crisi __PUNCT__ i will lead in the creation of the mortgag and financi_institut trust __PUNCT__ the mfi __PUNCT__
the underli principl of the mfi or ani approach consid by congress should be to keep peopl in their home and safe guard the life_save of all american by protect our financi_system and capit_market __PUNCT__
thi trust will work with the privat_sector and regul to identifi institut that ar weak and fix them befor thei becom insolv __PUNCT__
the mfi is an earli intervent program to help financi_institut avoid bankruptci __PUNCT__ expens bailout and damag to their custom __PUNCT__
thi will get the treasuri and other financi regulatori author in a proactiv posit instead of react in a crisi mode to on situat after anoth __PUNCT__
the mfi will restor investor and market confid __PUNCT__ build sound financi institut __PUNCT__ assist troubl institut and protect our financi_system while minim taxpay exposur __PUNCT__
thi is an import_step __PUNCT__ but it is not enough __PUNCT__
i will also take the addit action need to make sure a crisi like thi is never allow to build and break over the american_peopl again __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ i will propos and sign into law reform to prevent financi_firm from conceal their bad practic __PUNCT__
an inexcus lack of financi transpar allow wall_street firm to engag in reckless behavior that pad their profit and fatten execut bonus when time were good __PUNCT__ but now imperil the financi secur of million of american when their bet turn sour __PUNCT__
so much of the damag to our economi could have been avoid if these practic had been expos to the light of dai __PUNCT__
american have a right to know when their job __PUNCT__ pension __PUNCT__ ira __PUNCT__ invest __PUNCT__ and our whole economi ar be put at risk by the reckless of wall street __PUNCT__
and under my reform for the financi_sector __PUNCT__ that fundament right will be protect __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we need regulatori clariti __PUNCT__
the lack of transpar in our financi_market went unnot by the regulatori_agenc scatter throughout washington charg with protect the common_good __PUNCT__
we got the sec __PUNCT__ the fdic __PUNCT__ the cftc __PUNCT__ the sipc __PUNCT__ the occ __PUNCT__ the fed __PUNCT__
at best __PUNCT__ thi confus assort of regul and institut wa egregi lax in carri out their respons __PUNCT__
at worst __PUNCT__ thei engag in the old washington game of guard their bureaucrat turf __PUNCT__ instead of safeguard the public_interest and protect investor __PUNCT__
mani in the financi_servic servic_industri also either forgot or neglect their duti to act ethic and honor __PUNCT__
thi shortcom wa aid and abet by the creation of financi_instrument that allow lender to escap ani respons for the risk of their loan __PUNCT__
in the past __PUNCT__ lender had to pai a price if thei made a bad loan __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ fanni_mae and freddi_mac work with wall_street to bundl togeth all these dicei subprim_loan and then push them off on investor who didn't have the tool of transpar need to assess or even understand the risk __PUNCT__
the current system promot confus __PUNCT__ encourag bureaucrat infight and creat_incent for financi_firm to cut corner __PUNCT__
we need to enhanc regulatori clariti by hold the same financi activ to on regulatori standard __PUNCT__
we don't need a dozen feder_agenc do the job badli __PUNCT__ we need the best feder agenc to do the job right __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ we must ensur that consum and investor ar protect __PUNCT__
our regulatori system must protect_consum and investor by punish individu who engag in fraud __PUNCT__ break contract __PUNCT__ or lie to custom __PUNCT__ like the predatori lender who know you can't afford an adjust rate_mortgag __PUNCT__ but mislead you into sign on __PUNCT__
these action ar crimin and the peopl who commit them should be behind bar __PUNCT__
and corpor govern rule will be reform so that sharehold have a clear sai in determin the pai of ceo and other senior execut __PUNCT__
on my watch __PUNCT__ the consequ for corpor abus will not be more enrich __PUNCT__ but more like an indict __PUNCT__
fifth __PUNCT__ in case where fail compani seek taxpay bailout __PUNCT__ the treasuri_depart will follow consist polici in decid whether to guarante loan __PUNCT__
it must have well develop remedi for a financi_crisi __PUNCT__
with billion of dollar in public_monei at stake __PUNCT__ it will not do to keep make it up as we go along __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ the feder_reserv should get back to it core busi of respons manag our monei_suppli and inflat __PUNCT__
it need to get out of the busi of bailout __PUNCT__
the fed need to return to protect the purchas_power of the dollar __PUNCT__
a strong dollar will reduc energi and food_price __PUNCT__
it will stimul sustain_econom econom_growth and get thi economi move again __PUNCT__
all of these measur will calm and help us to avoid futur panic and disast in the financi_market __PUNCT__
but to get through thi tough_time for america __PUNCT__ and to come out stronger __PUNCT__ we need a strategi of econom_growth __PUNCT__
and the massiv new tax_burden that my oppon plan for the american_economi is exactli the wrong answer __PUNCT__
hi tax_increas __PUNCT__ along with the enorm new feder_program he propos __PUNCT__ ar the surest wai to turn a recess into a depress __PUNCT__
in everi respect __PUNCT__ the obama tax_hike would make_thing even wors for the work_peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__
i have propos __PUNCT__ and will sign into law __PUNCT__ an econom_recoveri plan for work_american that is direct to the middl_class __PUNCT__
it will grow thi economi __PUNCT__ creat million of job and bring opportun back to american __PUNCT__
you will get a tax_polici that creat famili prosper and allow you to save for the futur __PUNCT__
i will not rais your tax on incom or invest __PUNCT__
and we will simplifi the tax_code so peopl can understand it and do their tax_return themselv __PUNCT__
i will give everi famili a __MONEY__ credit to bui their own health_insur insur_polici and let them chose their own doctor __PUNCT__
thi will make insur afford to everi american __PUNCT__
i will doubl the child exempt from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ to help famili pai for the rise_cost of live __PUNCT__
under my plan __PUNCT__ a marri_coupl with two children make___MONEY__ will get __MONEY__ to pai for health_insur and addit medic expens __PUNCT__
thi famili would get anoth __MONEY__ from my child exempt __PUNCT__
that add up to over __MONEY__
that is a lot more than what ani hardwork middl_class class_famili __PUNCT__ get under the obama_plan __PUNCT__
busi tax will be cut from the second highest in the world at __NUM__ percent to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__
tax_incent will spur invest in new plant and equip __PUNCT__
research and develop incent will keep compani on the cut edg of their industri __PUNCT__
healthcar_cost will diminish __PUNCT__
compani will stop send job_oversea to low __PUNCT__ cost __PUNCT__ low __PUNCT__ tax countri and start creat_job here in america __PUNCT__
i will expand market for our good and servic __PUNCT__
a on in five of all job in thi countri ar link to world_trade __PUNCT__
in five state alon pennsylvania __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__ michigan __PUNCT__ wisconsin and colorado over __NUM___million_job depend on trade __PUNCT__
my econom_recoveri plan will creat million of job in america instead of drive them oversea __PUNCT__
i will adopt an __PUNCT__ all of the abov __PUNCT__ energi_polici which expand our us of oil __PUNCT__ natur_ga __PUNCT__ clean_coal and nuclear facil __PUNCT__
we will embark on a nation mission to build an altern_energi base __PUNCT__ creat million of new job __PUNCT__
we will creat the most diversifi energi_economi in the world __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__ i will return to the american_economi the __MONEY___billion billion_dollar we send oversea everi year to bui oil __PUNCT__
my oppon offer a veri differ econom_futur __PUNCT__
he ha continu shift hi posit on tax __PUNCT__
at the begin of thi campaign he promis to rais_tax on your save and invest __PUNCT__
he said he won't rais tax for most peopl but he ha vote___NUM__ __NUM___time in hi short senat career for tax_increas and against tax_cut __PUNCT__
he said he would onli tax the rich __PUNCT__ but he vote thi year to rais_tax on those make just __MONEY__
senat_obama ha simpli not given american good reason to trust him with your tax_dollar __PUNCT__
my oppon is against lower_tax on busi which ar the second highest in the world __PUNCT__
he will impos mandat health_insur on busi that would cost up to __MONEY__ per employe __PUNCT__
he oppos free_trade __PUNCT__
he also want to take awai the fundament right of worker to have a secret_ballot when vote to be part of a union __PUNCT__
now is not the time for these destruct polici that will crippl busi growth __PUNCT__ destroi job and hurt the middl_class __PUNCT__
now is the time to take action to address thi crisi and take action to put our economi back on a path of growth __PUNCT__
even though democrat_leader sai thei don't know what to do __PUNCT__ i believ the deep problem afflict our financi_system won't be solv by on polit_parti __PUNCT__
there is onli on candid in thi race who ha a record of reach across the aisl to work out the bipartisan solut need to move our countri forward in time of crisi __PUNCT__ and i will bring that same_spirit of bipartisan cooper to the white_hous __PUNCT__
it took member of both parti to get america into thi mess __PUNCT__ and it will take all of us __PUNCT__ work togeth __PUNCT__ to lead the wai out __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__