This speech titled 2008.09.21.interview_with_scott_pelley_of_cbs_news_60_minutes originally had 3791 tokens. You can view the original text here.
pellei __PUNCT__ if you were presid of the unit_state tonight and you were go to make an address to the nation regard thi econom emerg __PUNCT__ what would you sai __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i would tell the american_peopl that we in tough_time __PUNCT__
thi certainli isn't a great_depress __PUNCT__ don't get me wrong __PUNCT__ lai out the problem and the caus of the problem thei badli frighten right now __PUNCT__
and we gotta get their trust and confid back __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ should thei be badli frighten __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think thei should be deepli concern about the fact that innoc american that don't work on wall_street and don't work in washington ar the victim of the greed __PUNCT__ the excess __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ in some case __PUNCT__ corrupt __PUNCT__
there a social_contract that adam_smith talk about between capit and the peopl __PUNCT__
that contract ha been broken __PUNCT__
it been broken by greed and access __PUNCT__ aid and abet by a govern in washington that domin by special_interest and corrupt __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ ar we in a recess __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__
technic i don't know __PUNCT__
unemploy is up __PUNCT__
wage ar down __PUNCT__
home_foreclosur ar incred high __PUNCT__
those peopl __PUNCT__ thei don't care whether technic we in a recess or not __PUNCT__
the fact is thei hurtin __PUNCT__
and thei ar hurt veri __PUNCT__ veri badli __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ you were on of the senat who help pass deregul of wall_street __PUNCT__
do you regret that now __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i think the deregul wa probabl help to the growth of our economi __PUNCT__
mccain ha been an advoc of deregul most of hi career __PUNCT__ but thursdai he endors the biggest bailout in histori __PUNCT__ a plan for the govern to take on the bad debt of financi_institut __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ we gonna take over these bad loan __PUNCT__
we gonna take over these bad __PUNCT__ these bond and we gonna keep you aliv __PUNCT__
and we gonna have the taxpay help you out __PUNCT__
but when the time come and the economi recov then anyth that gain back is gonna go to the taxpay first __PUNCT__
i not sai thi isn't gonna be messi __PUNCT__
and i not sai it isn't gonna be expens __PUNCT__
but we have to stop the bleed __PUNCT__ the senat said __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ but why would you let the wall_street execut __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i not __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ __URL__ awai on their yacht and leav thi on the american_taxpay __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it not the greedi wall_street peopl that i worri about __PUNCT__ although i am __PUNCT__ like most american __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ enrag __PUNCT__
it basic a ponzi_scheme __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ that sooner or later wa gonna collaps __PUNCT__
and i like to get that monei_back from them __PUNCT__
but we gotta fix the averag_citizen who the innoc bystand that is in danger of lose their pension __PUNCT__ their __NUM__ __PUNCT__ k __PUNCT__ s __PUNCT__ their ira __PUNCT__
their veri life_save ar at risk here __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ you have call for the fire of the head of the secur and exchang_commiss __PUNCT__ the feder_govern organ that overse the market __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ and by the wai __PUNCT__ that technic he can't be __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ fire __PUNCT__
but i tell you __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ if i want somebodi to resign __PUNCT__ thei resign __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ i curiou __PUNCT__
if you wanna fire chri cox __PUNCT__ the chairman of the sec __PUNCT__ who would you replac him with __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thi mai sound a littl unusu __PUNCT__ but i admir andrew cuomo __PUNCT__
i think he is somebodi who could restor some credibl __PUNCT__ lend some bipartisanship to thi effort __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ he a democrat __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ he serv in the cabinet of presid_clinton __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
and he did a good_job __PUNCT__
and he ha respect __PUNCT__
and he ha prestig __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ you place a great_deal of respons on thi current emerg on the administr __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
ye pellei __PUNCT__ thi is the presid of your parti __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ it is __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ ar you sai that the bush_administr ha fail __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i sai the bush administr ha fail __PUNCT__
i sai the congress ha fail __PUNCT__ democrat and republican __PUNCT__
i remind you the democrat have had the major in congress for the last two year __PUNCT__
so everybodi fail __PUNCT__
and the cozi __PUNCT__ old __PUNCT__ boi __PUNCT__ special_interest that have prevail in washington have harm the american_peopl __PUNCT__ frankli __PUNCT__ in the most terribl fashion __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ what ar the differ between you and senat_obama on tax __PUNCT__
in your plan __PUNCT__ who get a tax_cut __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ in my plan everybodi doe __PUNCT__
senat_obama obama_plan would cut_tax more than mccain for the middl_class __PUNCT__ but obama would rais_tax for those make more than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__
and last week __PUNCT__ mccain turn up the temperatur on the rhetor __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ hi tax_increas along with the enorm feder_program he propos ar the surest wai to turn a recess into a depress __PUNCT__ mccain said __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ you and senat_obama propos cut_tax in differ wai __PUNCT__
but in the last few dai the feder_deficit broke all record __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ it now __MONEY___billion that the feder_govern is in the red __PUNCT__
is it smart to cut_tax for anyon in thi econom emerg with that kind of a deficit __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ number on __PUNCT__ scott __PUNCT__ the worst_thing you could do is rais_tax on anybodi __PUNCT__
and i don't know which iter we ar talk about of senat_obama __PUNCT__
he had four or five differ posit on which tax he would increas __PUNCT__ which on he wouldn't __PUNCT__
i think the major point here is that spend got out of control __PUNCT__
how mani american know that the size of govern increas by __NUM__ percent in the last seven year __PUNCT__ we republican for six of the eight year presid over the greatest increas in govern sinc the great_societi __PUNCT__
republican came to power to chang washington __PUNCT__
and washington chang us __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ but how do you cut the budget __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ easi __PUNCT__
look pellei __PUNCT__ that much __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ if you were abl to increas the budget and the size of govern by __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ don't you think you could cut some of it __PUNCT__ pellei __PUNCT__ what ar you gonna cut __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think we frankli __PUNCT__ you can elimin so mani agenc of govern that ar outmod __PUNCT__
obvious i would scrub defens_spend __PUNCT__
obvious we would look at everi institut of govern __PUNCT__
i would stop these protectionist tariff __PUNCT__
i would stop subsid sugar __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ did i just hear you sai you gonna cut the defens_budget __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think there area in defens where we can save a lot of monei in cost over run __PUNCT__
earli in the campaign __PUNCT__ mccain told a report that the economi wasn't hi strong suit __PUNCT__
the obama_campaign pick that up __PUNCT__
pellei didn't ask about that quot __PUNCT__ but it wa clear in thi interview that he still sore about it __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ you not an expert on the economi __PUNCT__
senat_obama is not an expert on the economi __PUNCT__
so let me ask you what trait would you bring to the oval_offic that would help navig thi countri out of the current emerg __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ never complain __PUNCT__ but mayb i can explain __PUNCT__
that statement about me and the economi wa made in the context of a long convers __PUNCT__
moral of the stori is __PUNCT__ don't have long convers __PUNCT__ especi with __NUM___minut __PUNCT__
point is __PUNCT__ no serious __PUNCT__ is that i understand the economi as chairman of the commerc committe __PUNCT__ which oversight all of the commerci aspect of america_economi __PUNCT__
i been involv in these issu for mani __PUNCT__ mani year __PUNCT__
i know the economi __PUNCT__
i know how to fix it __PUNCT__
there were a number of surpris in our interview __PUNCT__ includ mccain first mention of a radic chang he sai he would make in the white_hous __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ i would move the polit_offic out of the white_hous and into the republican_nation_committe __PUNCT__
i think we gotta have a white_hous that is without polit __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ but the model of the last coupl of administr ha been to have a polit_offic in the west_wing with the presid __PUNCT__ karl_rove in the bush_administr __PUNCT__ and to carri on a perman campaign __PUNCT__
the white_hous is alwai campaign __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ it time to show the american_peopl that polit will not be part of thi massiv effort we gonna have to go on to restor our nation_economi __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ senat_obama obama_call you presid_bush third term __PUNCT__
what ar the differ between you and presid bush __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ spend __PUNCT__ conduct of the war in iraq __PUNCT__ climat chang __PUNCT__ treatment of prison __PUNCT__ 9/11_commiss __PUNCT__
there is a larg_number of issu that i have stood up to my parti __PUNCT__ not just the white_hous but to my parti __PUNCT__
senat_obama ha never onc done that __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ what ar the sharpest differ between you and senat obama __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ work in a bipartisan fashion which american want us to do now __PUNCT__
but most importantli __PUNCT__ he want to increas_spend __PUNCT__
and he want to rais_tax __PUNCT__
a fundament philosoph differ between the most liber member of the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__ accord to hi vote_record __PUNCT__ and someon who i am __PUNCT__ a proud conserv_principl unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__
but on of the biggest area of disagr final __PUNCT__ could i just sai __PUNCT__ wa over iraq __PUNCT__
iraq wa nearli the end of the mccain_campaign __PUNCT__
__NUM___minut went there with mccain shortli after the surg wa announc __PUNCT__ when more than __NUM__ percent of the american_peopl were against it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i believ that we can succe and i believ that the consequ of failur ar catastroph __PUNCT__
those who sai just withdraw then you sai what next __PUNCT__ mccain said at the time __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i wonder at what point do you stop do what you think is right and you start do what the major of the american peopl want __PUNCT__ pellei ask the senat __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ i disagre with what the major of the american peopl want __PUNCT__
failur will lead to chao __PUNCT__ withdraw will lead to chao __PUNCT__ mccain repli __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ mani polit_pundit said my campaign wa over __PUNCT__
senat_obama move to the left of hi parti and said we shouldn't __PUNCT__ said the surg would fail __PUNCT__ said it wa doom to failur __PUNCT__ and still fail to acknowledg that he wa wrong about the surg __PUNCT__
the surg wa a gambl back when mccain wa low on support __PUNCT__ out of monei and expect to fail __PUNCT__
it success help captur the nomin that onc seem so improb __PUNCT__
__NUM___minut caught him the moment he left the stage __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ hei scott __PUNCT__ how ar you do pal __PUNCT__ pellei __PUNCT__ i well __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__
how ar you __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ thei wrote you off a year and a half ago __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ time chang __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ and i wonder what you knew then that nobodi els seem to know __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ hope and optim __PUNCT__ hope and optim __PUNCT__
you know scott __PUNCT__ it wa quit a wild ride and so we veri happi and we veri pleas __PUNCT__ and sarah ha certainli been more than even we anticip __PUNCT__
he didn't have to sai her last name __PUNCT__ sarah_palin celebr ha overshadow hi __PUNCT__ even though she mai be a gambl as riski as the surg __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ the critic of governor palin is that she wa a brilliant market choic for the campaign __PUNCT__ but she not well vers on the economi or foreign_affair __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ actual __PUNCT__ the most popular governor in america so __PUNCT__ and the largest geograph state __PUNCT__
but the most import_thing is __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ but foreign_affair and the economi __PUNCT__ those ar thing that peopl ar concern about __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ first of all __PUNCT__ anybodi who govern a state ha some econom experi __PUNCT__
and by the wai __PUNCT__ she cut_tax __PUNCT__
the second thing is she share the world view that i have __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ is it true you onli met her a coupl of time befor you select her __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i onli known her a few time but a coupl of time __PUNCT__
but i had watch her veri carefulli __PUNCT__
i had follow her career __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ how you make that decis __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i base it on what the best for the countri __PUNCT__
i look at her record __PUNCT__
i look at her __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ in your judgment __PUNCT__ can you see her as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ as presid of the unit state __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__ absolut __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ senat biden __PUNCT__ senat_obama run_mate __PUNCT__ ha done __NUM___interview and new confer by our count __PUNCT__
and governor palin ha done two __PUNCT__
and i wonder why that is __PUNCT__
there a percept that you might be nervou about what she might sai __PUNCT__ that you not put her in front of report __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ she gonna be do more all the time __PUNCT__
she __PUNCT__ as you know __PUNCT__ been introduc to the countri __PUNCT__
we campaign hard __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ everybodi that ha met her and known her and the enthusiasm of these crowd __PUNCT__ the american_peopl ar vet her __PUNCT__
and thei like a lot what thei see __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ on of the thing that governor palin did sai in her first interview wa that our nato oblig might requir us to go to war against russia in defens of georgia __PUNCT__
is that a posit that you share __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ ani nation thi is a member of nato __PUNCT__ there a claus that sai an attack upon __PUNCT__ on on ha to be respond to __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ and you support nato membership for georgia __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i do __PUNCT__
and i support it for ukrain __PUNCT__
and __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ but the russian reaction to nato membership for georgia is like to be pretti sharp thei just invad that countri __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ regrett __PUNCT__ regrett __PUNCT__
but it doesn't mean that i am sai we ar go to go to war with russia __PUNCT__
it doe mean that we have to respond and it doe mean that thi kind of behavior on the part of the russian is not behavior that we expect of a countri that is a member of the world_commun __PUNCT__
in the war that the u. __PUNCT__ is fight todai __PUNCT__ mccain support send around __NUM__ more troop to afghanistan __PUNCT__ anoth surg __PUNCT__
he wa remind of the toll in afghanistan befor our interview when a woman at the airport gave him an envelop __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ just land at the airport a coupl hour ago __PUNCT__
woman wa there __PUNCT__
she hand me thi envelop __PUNCT__
sai __PUNCT__ my son __PUNCT__ staff sergeant patrick lee leibert __PUNCT__ kia __PUNCT__ __DATE__ afghanistan __PUNCT__
quot __PUNCT__ pleas rememb and support our troop in afghanistan __PUNCT__
god_bless you __PUNCT__
cheryl patrick pellei __PUNCT__ kia __PUNCT__ kill in action __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ insid of it __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ is the dog tag with patrick pictur on it __PUNCT__
that what be presid of the unit_state is all about __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ would it be your polici in your administr to engag in preemptiv_war against a countri that might pose a threat to the unit_state a countri that hasn't attack us __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ if it a provabl direct threat __PUNCT__
suppos that the iranian had nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
and you had a whole lot of other inform about iranian intent and you could make the case to the american_peopl and to the world __PUNCT__ i think it obviou that we would have to prevent what we absolut certain is a direct threat to the live of the american peopl __PUNCT__
the men run for presid were shape by profound but veri differ life_stori __PUNCT__
__NUM___minut spoke to each about the influenc that made them who thei ar todai __PUNCT__
john_mccain will tell you he wa a cocki __PUNCT__ selfish and rebelli young_man until he wa shot down on hi __NUM__ combat mission __PUNCT__
__NUM___minut went home with mccain to arizona and he told us about someth he rare bring up __PUNCT__ religi_faith __PUNCT__ and how it save him in vietnam __PUNCT__
john_mccain __PUNCT__ i think part of it is a bit privat __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ i also haven't been reluct to tell variou thing that have happen in my life __PUNCT__ includ the fact that my faith is why i here todai __PUNCT__
and my faith sustain me in the most difficult_time where i didn't ask for anoth dai or anoth hour __PUNCT__ but for anoth minut __PUNCT__
and so i try to show peopl that i have the utmost faith in thi countri __PUNCT__ which wa found on judeo __PUNCT__ christian valu __PUNCT__
and those ar my valu __PUNCT__
scott pellei __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ you written thi about your father __PUNCT__ my father didn't talk about god or the import of religi devot __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ he did prai aloud on hi knee twice a dai __PUNCT__
is that you __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ i not sure as good a man as my father __PUNCT__
my father struggl with alcohol all hi life __PUNCT__
and he realli us hi religion as a valuabl tool in combat thi diseas __PUNCT__
and it is a diseas __PUNCT__
and it wa so tough on him when i wa gone __PUNCT__
when i wa in prison and he wa in the command in the pacif and he order the bomb of hanoi __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ when you were there __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ when i wa there __PUNCT__
that tough on a father __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ i do believ that when you look back at my histori __PUNCT__ it just remark that with all the thing i been through that i still here __PUNCT__
and i interpret that as an opportun to serv a caus greater than my self interest __PUNCT__
in late __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM___minut met mccain in arizona and he show us around the home where he get awai from it all __PUNCT__ down in a beauti canyon near sedona __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ where do you do your clearest think __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ right here __PUNCT__ right here and i hike across that creek and go right across there veri easili and then hike up on onto that mountain on top of that mountain there __PUNCT__ and it kind of a hard hike caus there no trail __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ and from thi place you get what __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ inspir and balanc and patienc and all the thing you need __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ you were born in the panama canal zone becaus your father wa station there __PUNCT__
where you live as a kid __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we live in san_diego __PUNCT__ we live in norfolk __PUNCT__ virginia __PUNCT__
we live in the washington d.c __PUNCT__ area __PUNCT__
we live in new london __PUNCT__ connecticut __PUNCT__
my dad wa a submarin __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ longest you live ani on place __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ hanoi __PUNCT__
hanoi wa the longest __PUNCT__ i live ani place __PUNCT__ five and a half_year __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ when you were in prison __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ yup __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ i certainli don't wanna call that my hometown __PUNCT__
mccain is third gener navi __PUNCT__ hi father and grandfath both admir __PUNCT__
he graduat from the naval_academi __PUNCT__ but just bare __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ fifth from the bottom of my class __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__
my old compani offic __PUNCT__ marin captain were here todai he sai in america anyth is possibl __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ what wa that __PUNCT__ wa that the women __PUNCT__ wa that the booz __PUNCT__ wa it just rebellion __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh you know __PUNCT__ peopl overdraw the quot __PUNCT__ women and booz thing __PUNCT__
the fact is that i wa pretti rebelli __PUNCT__
and i wa immatur __PUNCT__
i wa sort of fight against the tradit __PUNCT__
i also didn't take well to the disciplin __PUNCT__
but i had wonder and dear friendship __PUNCT__
i got the tradit and duti and honor and countri that you imbu with at the naval __URL__ realli an import_part of my life __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ as we sit here toward the end of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ next week is your birthdai __PUNCT__
__NUM___year old __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ thank for bring that up __PUNCT__
pellei __PUNCT__ it not a sore subject with you __PUNCT__ is it senat __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i just __PUNCT__ you know scott i the luckiest gui that you will ever __PUNCT__ ever be with __PUNCT__
fifth from the bottom of my class as we discuss __PUNCT__ sever plane_crash __PUNCT__ sever narrow escap __PUNCT__ sever stori that just defi the imagin __PUNCT__
i the most fortun person you ever interview and i appreci it everi singl_dai __PUNCT__