This speech titled 2008.09.24.remarks_on_the_economic_crisis_in_new_york_city originally had 461 tokens. You can view the original text here.
america thi week face an histor crisi in our financi_system __PUNCT__
we must pass_legisl to address thi crisi __PUNCT__
if we do not __PUNCT__ credit will dry up __PUNCT__ with devast consequ for our economi __PUNCT__
peopl will no longer be abl to bui home and their life_save will be at stake __PUNCT__
busi will not have enough monei to pai their employe __PUNCT__
if we do not act __PUNCT__ everi corner of our countri will be impact __PUNCT__
we cannot allow thi to happen __PUNCT__
last fridai __PUNCT__ i laid out my propos and i have sinc discuss my prioriti and concern with the bill the administr ha put_forward __PUNCT__
senat_obama ha express hi prioriti and concern __PUNCT__
thi morn __PUNCT__ i met with a group of econom_advis to talk about the propos on the tabl and the step that we should take go forward __PUNCT__
i have also spoken with member of congress to hear their perspect __PUNCT__
it ha becom clear that no consensu ha develop to support the administr propos __PUNCT__
i do not believ that the plan on the tabl will pass as it current stand __PUNCT__ and we ar run out of time __PUNCT__
tomorrow morn __PUNCT__ i will suspend my campaign and return to washington after speak at the clinton global initi __PUNCT__
i have spoken to senat_obama and inform him of my decis and have ask him to join me __PUNCT__
i am call on the presid to conven a meet with the leadership from both hous of congress __PUNCT__ includ senat obama and myself __PUNCT__
it is time for both parti to come togeth to solv thi problem __PUNCT__
we must meet as american __PUNCT__ not as democrat or republican __PUNCT__ and we must meet until thi crisi is resolv __PUNCT__
i am direct my campaign to work with the obama_campaign and the commiss on presidenti_debat to delai fridai_night debat until we have taken action to address thi crisi __PUNCT__
i am confid that befor the market open on mondai we can achiev consensu on legisl that will stabil our financi_market __PUNCT__ protect taxpay and homeown __PUNCT__ and earn the confid of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
all we must do to achiev thi is temporarili set polit asid __PUNCT__ and i am commit to do so __PUNCT__
follow __DATE__ __PUNCT__ our nation_leader came togeth at a time of crisi __PUNCT__
we must show that kind of patriot now __PUNCT__
american across our countri lament the fact that partisan divis in washington have prevent us from address our nation challeng __PUNCT__
now is our chanc to come togeth to prove that washington is onc again capabl of lead thi countri __PUNCT__