This speech titled 2008.09.29.remarks_in_west_des_moines_iowa originally had 465 tokens. You can view the original text here.
i speak to you at an hour of crisi for our nation_economi __PUNCT__
i believ the crisi face our economi could have a grave impact on everi american_worker __PUNCT__ small_busi busi_owner __PUNCT__ and famili if our leader fail to act __PUNCT__
i share the anger and frustrat that mani american_feel toward reckless and corrupt mismanag on wall_street and in washington __PUNCT__
i return to washington last week to work on a bipartisan rescu plan __PUNCT__
it wa the onli plan at that time on the tabl but lack enough support to pass __PUNCT__
it also lack suffici account and transpar to justifi expenditur of the taxpay __PUNCT__ monei __PUNCT__
at the time __PUNCT__ the concern of all member were not be heard __PUNCT__
my colleagu were worri about the size of the plan and the risk it pose to taxpay __PUNCT__
i share those concern and i laid out principl that i thought must be adher to __PUNCT__
those principl includ respons oversight __PUNCT__ effect transpar __PUNCT__ ad protect for the taxpay __PUNCT__ and a cap on excess salari for execut __PUNCT__
i also believ that the legisl should have no earmark __PUNCT__
i work_hard to plai a construct role in bring everyon to the tabl __PUNCT__
the plan is now significantli improv __PUNCT__
we strengthen taxpay __PUNCT__ protect and oversight __PUNCT__ and the taxpay were on the hook for less monei up front __PUNCT__
don't get me wrong __PUNCT__ it isn't perfect __PUNCT__
and the fact that taxpay could have to spend a singl dollar to creat stabil in our economi is a decis that i do not take lightli __PUNCT__
i wa hope that the improv rescu plan would have had the vote need to pass becaus address a credit crisi is of vital_import to famili __PUNCT__ small_busi __PUNCT__ and everi work_american who must be assur that their asset ar safe and protect and that our economi will continu to function __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ i spoken to the feder chairman bernank __PUNCT__ secretari paulson __PUNCT__ congression_leader and now it time for all member of congress to go back to the draw_board __PUNCT__
i call on congress to get back obvious immedi to address thi crisi __PUNCT__
our leader ar expect to leav partisanship at the door and come to the tabl to solv our problem __PUNCT__
senat_obama and hi alli in congress infus unnecessari partisanship into the process __PUNCT__
now is not the time to fix the blame __PUNCT__
it time to fix the problem __PUNCT__
i would hope that all our leader __PUNCT__ all of them __PUNCT__ can put asid short __PUNCT__ term polit goal and do what in the best interest of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__