John McCain

This speech titled 2008.10.04.senator_mccains_weekly_radio_address originally had 1084 tokens. You can view the original text here.

good morn __PUNCT__ thi is john_mccain __PUNCT__

and thi week our govern final took a decis step to regain confid in our financi_market __PUNCT__

it took congress a while __PUNCT__ but a major final awaken to the danger __PUNCT__

and by the week end __PUNCT__ with the uniti that thi crisi demand __PUNCT__ congress act to restor stabil to the american_economi __PUNCT__

on thursdai night __PUNCT__ million of american got to see a littl more of why i chose sarah_palin to be my run_mate __PUNCT__

in her debat with senat joe_biden __PUNCT__ she show the intellig __PUNCT__ heart and grace under pressur that our nation_capit desper need __PUNCT__

i couldn't be prouder of my choic __PUNCT__ or more certain that she the right person to help me shake thing up in washington __PUNCT__

and there were moment when i almost felt a littl sorri for my old friend __PUNCT__ joe __PUNCT__

pressur and crisi often have a wai of reveal the best within us __PUNCT__ of show what we ar made of __PUNCT__ and how much we can achiev when we ar put to the test __PUNCT__

thi is true of the grave challeng we face in washington todai __PUNCT__

yet it should not requir extrem emerg to bring out the best in us __PUNCT__ or to bring us togeth in servic to the common_good __PUNCT__

we ar suppos to do that even in the calmest of time __PUNCT__

and if we work togeth more often in that spirit __PUNCT__ perhap there would be fewer crise __PUNCT__ close __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ and near __PUNCT__ disast confront our nation __PUNCT__

our govern is on the wrong track __PUNCT__ our economi is struggl __PUNCT__ and we got even more bad new with yesterdai unemploy report __PUNCT__

it is a time for leadership and a plan to creat_job and get our countri on the right track __PUNCT__

i believ in low_tax __PUNCT__ spend disciplin __PUNCT__ and open_market __PUNCT__

i believ in reward hard_work and let peopl keep the fruit of their labor __PUNCT__

we will keep tax_rate low __PUNCT__

we will simplifi the current tax_code __PUNCT__

we will doubl the child exempt from __NUM___dollar to __NUM__ dollar __PUNCT__

we will give everi famili a __NUM__ dollar tax_credit to bui their own health_insur or keep their current plan __PUNCT__ and we will open up the nation_health __PUNCT__ care market to expand choic and improv qualiti __PUNCT__

and my administr will reduc the price of food by elimin the subsidi for ethanol and agricultur good __PUNCT__

these subsidi inflat the price of food __PUNCT__ not onli for american but for peopl in poverti across the world __PUNCT__ and i intend to abolish them __PUNCT__

i believ in a govern that unleash the creativ and initi of american __PUNCT__ so thei can creat more job and keep our economi_grow __PUNCT__

so we will cut busi tax from __NUM__ percent to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ to give american_busi a new edg in competit __PUNCT__

we will spur new invest through r&d tax_credit and expens of equip __PUNCT__

and we will protect the right of worker to decid for themselv __PUNCT__ by secret_ballot __PUNCT__ whether to union __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will also set thi countri on the straightest __PUNCT__ swiftest path to energi_independ __PUNCT__

we will attack the problem on everi front __PUNCT__

we will produc more energi at home __PUNCT__

we will drill new well offshor __PUNCT__ and we drill them now __PUNCT__

we will build more nuclear_power_plant __PUNCT__

we will develop clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__

we will increas the us of wind __PUNCT__ tide __PUNCT__ solar and natur_ga __PUNCT__

in all of thi __PUNCT__ and more __PUNCT__ we will creat million of new job __PUNCT__ mani in industri that will be the engin of our futur prosper __PUNCT__ job that will be there when your children enter the workforc __PUNCT__

if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will also act immedi with reform to restor fair __PUNCT__ integr __PUNCT__ and financi saniti to the institut that have fail us on wall_street __PUNCT__

we will appli new rule to wall street __PUNCT__ to end the frenzi of specul by peopl game the system __PUNCT__ and to make sure that thi present_crisi is never repeat __PUNCT__

we must also realiz that thi rescu plan ha seriou implic for futur spend __PUNCT__

we cannot dedic more than a trillion_dollar to rescu fail institut __PUNCT__ and then go right back to busi as usual in washington __PUNCT__ as if there were no end to the resourc of govern or to the patienc of taxpay __PUNCT__

therefor __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ i will impos a on __PUNCT__ year spend freez on everi agenc of the feder_govern __PUNCT__ except onli nation_defens __PUNCT__ the care of our veteran __PUNCT__ and a few critic prioriti __PUNCT__

leadership requir candor __PUNCT__

and i will tell you bluntli that america is alreadi ten trillion_dollar in debt __PUNCT__ and to make our economi strong again we must reduc the burden of feder_spend __PUNCT__

we cannot tax our wai to prosper __PUNCT__

i am commit to billion in spend reduct that will balanc the budget __PUNCT__ and get us on the path awai from ruinou debt __PUNCT__

the constant partisan rancor that stop us from solv these problem in washington isn't a caus __PUNCT__ it a symptom __PUNCT__

it what happen when peopl go to washington to work for themselv and not you __PUNCT__

again and again __PUNCT__ i work with member of both parti to fix problem that need to be fix __PUNCT__

that how i will govern as presid __PUNCT__

i will reach out my hand to anyon to help me get thi countri move again __PUNCT__

i have that record and the scar to prove it __PUNCT__

instead of reject good_idea becaus we didn't think of them first __PUNCT__ let us the best idea from both side __PUNCT__

thi great_countri can do anyth we put our mind to __PUNCT__

i will ask democrat and independ to serv with me __PUNCT__

and my administr will set a new standard for transpar and account __PUNCT__

we go to final start get thing done for the peopl who ar count on us __PUNCT__ and i won't care who get the credit __PUNCT__

thank for listen __PUNCT__