John McCain

This speech titled 2008.10.08.remarks_in_bethlehem_pennsylvania originally had 2043 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

it an honor to be introduc by governor sarah_palin of the great state of alaska __PUNCT__

and i can't wait to introduc her to washington as the next vice_presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

with your support __PUNCT__ sarah is go to help me to set the american_economi back on the path of recoveri __PUNCT__ growth __PUNCT__ and job_creation for american_worker __PUNCT__

last night __PUNCT__ in my debat with senat_obama __PUNCT__ i set forth a critic first step our countri must take to get through thi time of crisi __PUNCT__

we must go to the heart of the problem __PUNCT__ and right now that problem is a hous_crisi __PUNCT__

under my order __PUNCT__ as presid __PUNCT__ the secretari of the treasuri will carri out a homeownership resurg plan __PUNCT__

the unit_state state_govern will purchas mortgag directli from homeown and mortgag_servic __PUNCT__ and replac them with manag mortgag __PUNCT__

the dream of own a home should not be crush under the weight of a bad mortgag __PUNCT__

the moment requir that govern act __PUNCT__ and as presid i intend to act __PUNCT__ quickli and decis __PUNCT__

in so mani wai __PUNCT__ washington is still on the wrong track __PUNCT__

we need chang and i know how to deliv it __PUNCT__

the statu_quo is not on the ballot __PUNCT__

we ar go to see chang in washington __PUNCT__

the question is __PUNCT__ in what direct will we go __PUNCT__ will our countri be a better place under the leadership of the next presid __PUNCT__ a more secur __PUNCT__ prosper __PUNCT__ and just societi __PUNCT__ will you be better off __PUNCT__ in the job you hold now and in the opportun you hope for __PUNCT__ will your son and daughter grow up in the kind of countri you wish for them __PUNCT__ rise in the world and find in their own live the best of america __PUNCT__ and which candid experi __PUNCT__ in govern and in life __PUNCT__ make him a more reliabl leader for our countri and command in chief for our troop __PUNCT__ in short __PUNCT__ who is readi to lead __PUNCT__ in a time of troubl and danger for our countri __PUNCT__ who will put our countri first __PUNCT__ i set out on my own campaign for presid mani month_ago __PUNCT__

i promis at the begin to be straight with the american_peopl __PUNCT__ know that even those who don't agre with me on everyth would expect at least that much __PUNCT__

in __NUM___month __PUNCT__ dure hundr of speech __PUNCT__ town_hall and debat __PUNCT__ i have kept my promis to level with you about my plan to reform washington and get thi countri move again __PUNCT__

as a senat __PUNCT__ i seen the corrupt wai of washington in wast spend and other abus of power __PUNCT__

as presid i go to end these abus __PUNCT__ whatev it take __PUNCT__

i will propos and sign into law reform to bring tax_relief to the middl_class and help to busi so thei can creat_job __PUNCT__

i will get the rise_cost of food and ga under control __PUNCT__

i will help famili keep their home __PUNCT__ and help student struggl to pai for colleg __PUNCT__

i will make health_care more access and afford __PUNCT__

i will impos a spend freez on all but the most vital function of govern __PUNCT__

i will review everi agenc of the feder_govern __PUNCT__ improv those that need to be improv and elimin those that aren't work for the american_peopl __PUNCT__

i will confront the ten trillion __PUNCT__ dollar debt that the feder_govern ha run up __PUNCT__ and balanc the feder_budget by the end of my term in offic __PUNCT__

thi is the agenda i have set befor my fellow_citizen __PUNCT__

and the same standard of clariti and candor must now be appli to my oppon __PUNCT__

we have all heard what he ha said __PUNCT__ but it is less clear what he ha done or what he will do __PUNCT__

what senat_obama sai todai and what he ha done in the past ar often two differ thing __PUNCT__

rather than answer hi critic __PUNCT__ senat obama will try to distract you from notic that he never answer the seriou and legitim question he ha been ask __PUNCT__

he ha even question my truth __PUNCT__

and let me repli in the plainest term i know __PUNCT__

i don't need lesson about tell the truth to american_peopl __PUNCT__

and were i ever to need ani improv in that regard __PUNCT__ i probabl wouldn't seek advic from a chicago politician __PUNCT__

what wa my oppon actual record in the year befor the great econom_crisi of our lifetim __PUNCT__ thi crisi start in our hous_market in the form of subprim_loan that were push on peopl who could not afford them __PUNCT__

bad mortgag were be back by fanni_mae and freddi_mac __PUNCT__ and it wa onli a matter of time befor a contagion of unsustain debt began to spread __PUNCT__

thi corrupt wa encourag by democrat in congress __PUNCT__ and abet by senat_obama __PUNCT__

i wa the on who call at the time for tighter restrict on fanni_mae and freddi_mac that could have help prevent thi crisi from happen in the first place __PUNCT__

and senat_obama wa silent on the regul of fanni_mae and freddi_mac __PUNCT__ and hi democrat alli in congress oppos everi effort to rein them in __PUNCT__

as recent as __DATE__ of last year he said that subprim_loan had been __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ a good_idea __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ senat_obama __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ good_idea __PUNCT__ ha now plung thi countri into the worst financi_crisi sinc the great_depress __PUNCT__

to hear him talk now __PUNCT__ you think he alwai oppos the danger practic at these institut __PUNCT__

but there is absolut noth in hi record to suggest he did __PUNCT__

he wa sure familiar with the peopl who were creat thi problem __PUNCT__

the execut of fanni_mae and freddi_mac have advis him __PUNCT__ and he ha taken their monei for hi campaign __PUNCT__

he ha receiv more monei from fanni_mae and freddi_mac than ani other senat in histori __PUNCT__ with the except of the chairman of the committe overse them __PUNCT__

did he ever talk to the execut at fanni and freddi about these reckless loan __PUNCT__ did he ever discuss with them the stronger oversight i propos __PUNCT__ if senat_obama is such a champion of financi_regul __PUNCT__ why didn't he support these regul that could have prevent thi crisi in the first place __PUNCT__ he won't tell you __PUNCT__ but you deserv an answer __PUNCT__

on health_care __PUNCT__ barack_obama ha been mislead on two front __PUNCT__

offhand __PUNCT__ it hard to sai which health __PUNCT__ care propos he ha misrepres the most __PUNCT__ hi own or mine __PUNCT__

he ha said that hi goal is a singl_payer payer_system where govern is in charg of health_care __PUNCT__

under the plan he ha propos __PUNCT__ he will fine employ who do not offer health_insur and put their employe in govern health_care __PUNCT__

what he doesn't sai __PUNCT__ and what nobodi ha ask __PUNCT__ is how big hi fine will be __PUNCT__

you deserv an answer __PUNCT__ and you sure didn't get on last night __PUNCT__

again on tax __PUNCT__ we see a differ between what senat_obama sai todai __PUNCT__ what he said yesterdai __PUNCT__ and what he ha actual done __PUNCT__

dure the democrat_primari __PUNCT__ he promis to doubl tax on everi american with a dividend or an invest __PUNCT__

he promis to rais payrol_tax __PUNCT__

he promis higher_tax on electr __PUNCT__

and now all of the sudden senat_obama obama_claim he will give __NUM__ percent of american tax_relief __PUNCT__

what he hasn't told you is that he would tax half of the incom of small_busi in america __PUNCT__

these ar the peopl who have actual ad___NUM__ __NUM___job at a time when america lost___NUM__ __NUM___job __PUNCT__

thei ar the backbon of our economi __PUNCT__ and our best hope to get america back on track __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ their tax ar go down instead of up __PUNCT__ and we go to help them creat_job for america __PUNCT__

barack_obama got a record on tax_increas that he doesn't talk about veri much __PUNCT__

he vote for the democrat budget resolut that promis to rais_tax on peopl_make just __NUM___dollar a year __PUNCT__

at the time __PUNCT__ he even said hi vote wa intend to get __PUNCT__ our nation_prioriti back on track __PUNCT__

so if he such a defend of the middl_class __PUNCT__ why did he vote to rais their tax __PUNCT__ whatev happen to the tax_relief he promis them when he wa a candid for the senat __PUNCT__ and why should middl_class class_american trust him to keep promis he ha alreadi broken __PUNCT__ senat_obama and i both have differ with how presid_bush ha handl the economi __PUNCT__

but he think tax ar too low __PUNCT__ and i think spend is too high __PUNCT__

accord to third parti estim __PUNCT__ barack_obama will increas_govern govern_spend by over __NUM___billion billion_dollar __PUNCT__

that on top of the trillion in debt that we alreadi burden our children and grandchildren with __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ i cut the size of govern __PUNCT__

i will put the govern_back on the side of america work_famili __PUNCT__ and i will get thi countri move again __PUNCT__

then there the matter of earmark __PUNCT__

in hi three short year in the senat __PUNCT__ he ha request nearli a billion_dollar in pork project for hi state __PUNCT__ a million_dollar for everi dai he been in offic __PUNCT__

far from fight earmark in congress __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha been an eager particip in thi corrupt system __PUNCT__

last night i mention the exampl of the more than __NUM___million million_dollar he sought for a new projector at a planetarium in hi hometown __PUNCT__

coincident __PUNCT__ the chairman of that planetarium pledg to rais more than __MONEY__ for senat_obama obama_campaign __PUNCT__

we don't know if thei ever discuss the monei for the planetarium __PUNCT__ and no on ha ask senat_obama __PUNCT__

but even the appear of thi kind of insid __PUNCT__ deal disgust american __PUNCT__

i go to put a stop to that __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ if i presid __PUNCT__

who is the real senat obama __PUNCT__ is he the candid who promis to cut middl_class tax __PUNCT__ or the politician who vote to rais middl class tax __PUNCT__ is he the candid who talk about regul or the politician who took monei from fanni_mae and freddi_mac and turn a blind_ey as thei ran our economi into a ditch __PUNCT__ is he the candid who promis chang __PUNCT__ or is he the politician who ha bought into everyth that is wrong with washington __PUNCT__ we can't chang the system with someon who never fought the system __PUNCT__

washington is on the wrong track and i go to set it right __PUNCT__

the american_peopl know my record __PUNCT__

thei know i am go to chang washington __PUNCT__ becaus i done it befor __PUNCT__

thei know i go to reform our broken institut in washington and on wall_street becaus i done it befor __PUNCT__

thei know i go to deliv relief to the middl_class __PUNCT__ becaus that what i done __PUNCT__

you don't have to hope that thing will chang when you vote for me __PUNCT__

you know thing will chang __PUNCT__ becaus i have been fight for chang in washington my whole career __PUNCT__

i been fight for you my whole life __PUNCT__

that what i go to do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

fight for you and put the govern_back on the side of the peopl __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__