John McCain

This speech titled 2008.10.14.remarks_in_blue_bell_pennsylvania originally had 2627 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you all veri much __PUNCT__

i appreci the warm welcom to pennsylvania __PUNCT__ and the hospit of montgomeri_counti commun_colleg __PUNCT__

tomorrow will be the third and final presidenti_debat __PUNCT__ and just __NUM___dai remain until american choos their next presid __PUNCT__

over the last __NUM__ dai __PUNCT__ we have seen onc __PUNCT__ sturdi wall_street institut vanish __PUNCT__ we have seen huge swing in the market both down and up __PUNCT__ and we have seen new feder commit in the hundr of billion of dollar __PUNCT__

we have seen how suddenli a crisi can unfold these last sever week __PUNCT__ and how great the cost can be in job __PUNCT__ save __PUNCT__ lost opportun and taxpay_dollar __PUNCT__

what we need to see now is swift and bold_action to lead thi countri in a new direct __PUNCT__

if i am elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will help to creat_job for american in the most effect wai a presid can do thi __PUNCT__ with tax_cut that ar direct specif to creat_job __PUNCT__ and protect your life_save __PUNCT__

i will stand up to the corrupt wai of washington __PUNCT__ the wast spend and the abus of power and i will end these abus __PUNCT__ whatev it take __PUNCT__

i will lead reform to help famili keep their home __PUNCT__ and retire to keep their save __PUNCT__ and colleg_student to pai their tuition __PUNCT__ and everi citizen to afford health_care __PUNCT__ and america to reclaim it energi_independ __PUNCT__

these will be my prioriti __PUNCT__

we cannot spend the next four year as we have spent much of the last eight __PUNCT__ wait for our luck to chang __PUNCT__

the hour is late and our troubl ar get wors __PUNCT__

we have to act immedi __PUNCT__

we have to chang direct now __PUNCT__

we have to fight __PUNCT__

that is what i will do in my term as presid __PUNCT__ and when i leav_offic i can promis you that thi nation will not be on the same path it is todai __PUNCT__

i will not plai along with the same washington game and gimmick that got us into thi terribl mess in the first place __PUNCT__

i am go to washington to fight for you __PUNCT__

i will begin by make certain that the __NUM___billion billion_dollar alreadi commit to econom_recoveri is not us to further enrich the veri peopl and institut that invit these troubl with their own reckless conduct __PUNCT__

instead of just prop up institut deem __PUNCT__ too big to fail __PUNCT__ in thi crisi __PUNCT__ we will us more of thi public_monei to help busi and homeown that mai be too small to surviv __PUNCT__

thi financi_crisi start with our hous_crisi __PUNCT__ and we cannot fix our market and the economi until we fix the hous crisi __PUNCT__

my plan will protect the valu of your home and get it rise again by bui up bad mortgag and refinanc them so if your neighbor default he doesn't bring down the valu of your hous with him __PUNCT__

i will direct the govern to refin troubl mortgag for homeown and replac them with mortgag thei can afford __PUNCT__

thi is what we did dure the great_depress and we can do it again __PUNCT__

help famili who face default __PUNCT__ foreclosur __PUNCT__ and possibl bankruptci help all homeown __PUNCT__ and will begin the process of recoveri from thi crisi __PUNCT__

with so much on the line __PUNCT__ the moment requir that govern act __PUNCT__ and as presid i intend to act __PUNCT__ quickli and decis __PUNCT__

when the govern doe provid fund to shore up compani __PUNCT__ the term will be demand __PUNCT__ there will be complet transpar and the safeti_net for our financi_system will not becom a golden parachut for fail execut __PUNCT__

moreov __PUNCT__ we will not mere inject billion of dollar into compani and walk awai hope for the best __PUNCT__

we will requir that those compani be reform and restructur until thei ar sound asset again __PUNCT__ and can be sold at no loss __PUNCT__ or perhap even a profit __PUNCT__ to the taxpay of america __PUNCT__

and when that is accomplish __PUNCT__ in each instanc __PUNCT__ govern will relinquish it interest in these privat_compani __PUNCT__

we go to get govern out of the busi of bailout and equiti stake __PUNCT__ and back in the busi of respons regul __PUNCT__

we will learn from thi crisi to prevent the next on __PUNCT__ with much stricter oversight __PUNCT__

no more wild overleverag __PUNCT__ no more liabil conceal from the public and from sharehold __PUNCT__ no more bundl of asset to maxim_profit by assum insan risk __PUNCT__

those dai ar over on wall_street __PUNCT__

with new rule of public disclosur and account __PUNCT__ my reform will make certain these betray of sharehold and the public_trust ar never repeat __PUNCT__

we must restor trust to our financi_system __PUNCT__

on my order __PUNCT__ the depart of the treasuri will guarante on hundr percent of all save_account for a period of six month __PUNCT__

thi will calm the understand fear of widespread bank_failur __PUNCT__ while also restor ration judgment to the choic of the market __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will also act to protect investor __PUNCT__ especi those reli on their invest for retir __PUNCT__

current rule mandat that investor must begin to sell off their ira and 401k when thei reach ag___NUM__ and on half_year old __PUNCT__

those rule should be suspend to spare senior_citizen from be forc to sell their stock just as the market is hurt the most __PUNCT__

under the emerg measur i propos __PUNCT__ we will also cut the tax_rate for withdraw from tax __PUNCT__ prefer retir_account to ten percent __PUNCT__

retire have suffer enough and need relief __PUNCT__ and the surest relief is to let them keep more of their own save __PUNCT__

it is essenti that we avoid an exodu of capit from the market __PUNCT__

senat_obama yesterdai offer up a propos that would have the effect of encourag earli withdraw of fund from __NUM__ __PUNCT__ k __PUNCT__ account __PUNCT__ by suspend penalti through __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi is an invit to capit_flight __PUNCT__ and therefor to continu instabl in the market __PUNCT__ at a moment when exactli the opposit is need __PUNCT__

ani famili that take part in thi will not see the benefit of the market recoveri that smart polici can help bring about __PUNCT__

in my administr __PUNCT__ we will instead reviv the market by attract new invest __PUNCT__

i will cut in half the capit_gain gain_tax on stock purchas and held for more than a year __PUNCT__ from a rate of __NUM__ to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

thi vital measur will promot bui __PUNCT__ rais asset valu __PUNCT__ help compani and shore up the pension_plan for worker and retire __PUNCT__

we should also not penal american who ar forc to sell invest in todai tough market __PUNCT__

i will increas the amount of capit loss from __MONEY__ to __MONEY__ which can be deduct from your ordinari incom in tax year___NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__

so much of thi declin in our market and valu destruct wa due to the failur of congress and the administr to come out with a time rescu packag __PUNCT__

investor ar alwai respons for their invest decis __PUNCT__ but the hard earn save of american should not be penal by the errat behavior of politician __PUNCT__

it will not be enough for the feder_govern to correct the excess of wall_street without reform it own reckless practic __PUNCT__

spend in washington is out of control and i am go to rein it in __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will veto the pork barrel special_interest project that ar wast your tax_dollar __PUNCT__ drive up our debt __PUNCT__ and weaken our dollar __PUNCT__

i have propos a on year spend freez with certain except for such thing as defens and veteran care __PUNCT__

we ar go to us that year to turn washington insid out and get rid of wast __PUNCT__ ineffici program that do no on ani good __PUNCT__

while we put govern_back on your side __PUNCT__ we must reform our tax_system to deliv need tax_relief to work_american __PUNCT__ and to creat_job __PUNCT__

i will doubl the child deduct __PUNCT__ from __NUM___dollar to __NUM__ dollar __PUNCT__

everi person in america who choos it will receiv a __NUM__ dollar toward the purchas of health_insur __PUNCT__ health_plan that will be their to keep __PUNCT__ even if thei chang job or move to anoth state __PUNCT__

and we will reduc the feder busi tax_rate from __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__ the second __PUNCT__ highest in the world __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ percent __PUNCT__

i am also propos todai that for those who ar between job __PUNCT__ we elimin all tax on unemploy_benefit __PUNCT__

it is unclear to me why the govern_tax tax_monei it ha just sent you __PUNCT__ and we should reliev thi burden from american who been hit the hardest __PUNCT__

reduc busi tax_rate ha the potenti to stop and revers the rise of unemploy __PUNCT__ and could creat million of new job __PUNCT__

despit the frequent chang to my oppon tax_plan in recent_month __PUNCT__ he seem to revis them with each new poll __PUNCT__ hi plan to rais_tax on __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of small_busi incom ha surviv __PUNCT__

and even as he rail against compani that shut down their plant and move oversea __PUNCT__ he refus to cut the tax_rate that drive mani of these compani awai __PUNCT__

a typic middl __PUNCT__ class_famili of four make __NUM___dollar a year with health_insur will get __NUM__ more dollar under my plan than thei would under senat_obama obama_plan __PUNCT__

that exampl of __NUM__ a year in wage is especi relev __PUNCT__ becaus just last year senat_obama vote to rais_tax on individu make that amount __PUNCT__

senat_obama is also the same fellow who request a million_dollar a dai in pork barrel earmark __PUNCT__

who think that wast __NUM___billion billion_dollar a year in earmark is not worth worri about __PUNCT__ who propos a near doubl of the tax on dividend and capit_gain dure the primari __PUNCT__ who ha vote___NUM__ __NUM___time for tax_increas or against tax_cut __PUNCT__ who is promis almost a trillion_dollar in new spend __PUNCT__ who came to the senat a few year_ago and alreadi earn the titl of it most liber member __PUNCT__ thi is the man who now present himself as a tax cutter and champion of middl __PUNCT__ class_america __PUNCT__

he is an eloqu speaker __PUNCT__ but even he can't turn a record of support higher_tax into a credibl promis to cut_tax __PUNCT__

what he promis todai is the opposit of what he ha done hi entir career __PUNCT__

perhap never befor in histori have the american_peopl been ask to risk so much base on so littl __PUNCT__

you can look at the record of what he done or you can just go with your gut __PUNCT__ but either wai you left with the same conclus __PUNCT__ senat_obama is go to rais your tax __PUNCT__

and in thi economi __PUNCT__ rais_tax is the surest wai to turn a recess into a depress __PUNCT__

senat_obama also promis to restrict intern_trade and risk access to foreign market for american good and servic __PUNCT__

the last presid to rais_tax and restrict trade in a bad economi wa herbert_hoover __PUNCT__

that didn't turn out to well __PUNCT__

thei sai those who fail to learn the lesson of histori ar doom to repeat them __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i know my histori lesson __PUNCT__ and i sure won't make the mistak senat_obama will __PUNCT__

and were my oppon elect with a democrat_congress in power __PUNCT__ not onli would there be no check on my oppon reckless econom_polici __PUNCT__ there would be consider pressur on him to tax and spend even more __PUNCT__

thi weekend __PUNCT__ a plumber concern that senat_obama wa go to rais hi tax ask him directli about hi plan __PUNCT__

the respons wa tell __PUNCT__

senat obama explain to him that he wa go to rais hi tax to quot __PUNCT__ spread the wealth around __PUNCT__

thi explain how senat obama can promis an incom_tax tax_cut for million who aren't even pai incom_tax right now __PUNCT__

my friend __PUNCT__ my plan isn't intend to forc small_busi to cut job to pai higher_tax so we can __PUNCT__ spread the wealth around __PUNCT__

my plan is intend to creat_job and increas the wealth of all american __PUNCT__

my plan for econom_recoveri doe not requir guesswork or blind faith from the american_peopl __PUNCT__

you know my record __PUNCT__

you don't have to hope i will do what i promis __PUNCT__

when i sai i will cut_spend __PUNCT__ you need onli look at my record to know it true __PUNCT__

when i sai i will defend taxpay __PUNCT__ you know it true becaus it what i alwai done __PUNCT__

when i sai i will work across the aisl __PUNCT__ you can see it in the result i deliv __PUNCT__

and when i sai i will chang washington __PUNCT__ you know i do it __PUNCT__ becaus for me chang isn't a polit slogan __PUNCT__ it what i been do my whole career __PUNCT__

i know you worri __PUNCT__

america is a great_countri __PUNCT__ but we ar at a moment of nation crisi that will determin our futur __PUNCT__

will we continu to lead the world_economi or will we be overtaken __PUNCT__ will the world becom safer or more danger __PUNCT__ will our militari remain the strongest in the world __PUNCT__ will our children and grandchildren futur be brighter than our __PUNCT__ my answer to you is ye __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will lead __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will prosper __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will be safer __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will pass on to our children a stronger __PUNCT__ better countri __PUNCT__

but we must be prepar to act swiftli __PUNCT__ boldli __PUNCT__ with courag and wisdom __PUNCT__

i know what fear feel like __PUNCT__

it a thief in the night who rob your strength __PUNCT__

i know what hopeless feel like __PUNCT__

it an enemi who defeat your will __PUNCT__

i felt those thing onc befor __PUNCT__

i will never let them in again __PUNCT__

i an american __PUNCT__

and i choos to fight __PUNCT__

don't give up hope __PUNCT__

be strong __PUNCT__

have courag __PUNCT__

and fight __PUNCT__

fight for a new direct for our countri __PUNCT__

fight for what right for america __PUNCT__

fight to clean up the mess of corrupt __PUNCT__ infight and selfish in washington __PUNCT__

fight to get our economi out of the ditch and back in the lead __PUNCT__

fight for the ideal and charact of a free_peopl __PUNCT__

fight for our children futur __PUNCT__

fight for justic and opportun for all __PUNCT__

stand up to defend our countri from it enemi __PUNCT__

stand up __PUNCT__ stand up __PUNCT__ stand up and fight __PUNCT__

america is worth fight for __PUNCT__

noth is inevit here __PUNCT__

we never give up __PUNCT__

we never quit __PUNCT__

we never hide from histori __PUNCT__

we make histori __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ let go win thi elect and get thi countri move again __PUNCT__