John McCain

This speech titled 2008.10.19.interview_with_chris_wallace_on_fox_news_sunday originally had 5797 tokens. You can view the original text here.

wallac __PUNCT__ join us now to talk about the state of the race with littl more than two week to go is senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__

and __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ welcom back to __PUNCT__ fox new sundai __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thank __PUNCT__ chri __PUNCT__ nice to be back with you __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ let start with where thi race stand now __PUNCT__ __NUM___dai befor the elect __PUNCT__

accord to the latest realclearpolit averag of nation poll __PUNCT__ you trail obama by seven point __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and take a look at the latest elector map from karl_rove base on public state poll __PUNCT__

he ha obama lead in state with __NUM__ elector_vote __PUNCT__ __NUM__ more than he need to win the presid __PUNCT__

you lead in state with __NUM__ elector vote __PUNCT__

senat_mccain __PUNCT__ aren't you in a world of troubl __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__

first of all __PUNCT__ there ar poll thi morn __PUNCT__ reliabl __PUNCT__ zogbi __PUNCT__ rasmussen __PUNCT__ gallup __PUNCT__ all those that show us in the margin of error or somewhat behind __PUNCT__

ar we behind __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

i the underdog __PUNCT__

i alwai __PUNCT__ i been the underdog in a number of race __PUNCT__ and we veri happi with the wai the campaign is go __PUNCT__

i veri happi with the debat __PUNCT__ went there the other night __PUNCT__

and look __PUNCT__ i been on enough campaign __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ to sens enthusiasm and momentum __PUNCT__ and we got it __PUNCT__ and i __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ i don't have to look at poll __PUNCT__ but the poll_number have close dramat in the last few dai __PUNCT__

we go to be in a tight race and we go to be up late on elect_night __PUNCT__

that just __PUNCT__ i confid of that __PUNCT__

i been in too mani campaign __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ not to __PUNCT__ not to sens that thing ar head our wai __PUNCT__

it go to be tough __PUNCT__

sure __PUNCT__ it tough __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ senat_obama rais___MONEY__ __MONEY___million in __PUNCT__ i understand __PUNCT__ dure the month of __DATE__ __PUNCT__ complet break whatev idea we had after waterg to keep the cost and spend on campaign under control __PUNCT__ first time __PUNCT__ first time sinc the waterg scandal __PUNCT__

and i can tell you thi __PUNCT__ that ha unleash now in presidenti_campaign a new flood of spend that will then caus a scandal __PUNCT__ and then we will fix it again __PUNCT__

but senat_obama ha broken it __PUNCT__ and he broke hi word to me and the american_peopl when he sign a piec of paper when he wa a longshot candid that he would take public_financ if i would __PUNCT__

he sign a piec of paper __PUNCT__

then __PUNCT__ twice on nation televis he look into the camera with senat_clinton sit there and said __PUNCT__ i sit down and talk to john_mccain befor i make a decis on public_financ or not __PUNCT__

he didn't tell the truth __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ there __MONEY___million of those campaign_contribut __PUNCT__ there no record __PUNCT__

thei not report __PUNCT__

you can report onlin now __PUNCT__ __MONEY___million that __PUNCT__ that we don't know where the monei came from __PUNCT__ a lot of strang thing go on in thi campaign __PUNCT__

the american_peopl should know where everi penni came from __PUNCT__

thei know where everi penni of my campaign_contribut came from __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ let me ask you about the monei __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ as you allud to it __PUNCT__ i wa go to ask you about it __PUNCT__

obama todai announc that he rais___MONEY__ __MONEY___million in __DATE__ __PUNCT__

by wai of comparison __PUNCT__ accept public_financ __PUNCT__ you get __MONEY___million for the entir campaign __PUNCT__

he outspend you on advertis __NUM__ __PUNCT__

in the kei state of virginia __PUNCT__ for instanc __PUNCT__ he ha three time as mani field_offic __PUNCT__

is he bui thi elect __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i think you could make that argument __PUNCT__ but we not go to let him __PUNCT__

we not go to let that happen __PUNCT__

but what i worri about is futur elect __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ not onli mine __PUNCT__

i worri about __PUNCT__ most about mine at the moment __PUNCT__ but what go to happen the next time around __PUNCT__ four year from now __PUNCT__ what go to happen __PUNCT__ particularli if you got an incumb presid __PUNCT__ and we no longer stick to the financ __PUNCT__ the public_financ __PUNCT__ which wa a result of the waterg scandal __PUNCT__ so what go to happen __PUNCT__ the dam is broken __PUNCT__

we now go to see huge_amount of monei come into polit_campaign __PUNCT__ and we know histori tell us that alwai lead to scandal __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you said in the last debat __PUNCT__ and you mention it again here todai __PUNCT__ you compar it to richard_nixon spend in waterg __PUNCT__

as best __PUNCT__ as best i can __PUNCT__ thi is the greatest amount of spend in a presidenti_campaign sinc nixon in waterg __PUNCT__

as best i can tell __PUNCT__ he not do anyth illeg __PUNCT__

and i know the thing you talk about __PUNCT__ which is __MONEY__ contribut he not list on hi websit __PUNCT__

he doesn't have to __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ he doesn't have to __PUNCT__

but here a campaign that pledg full_disclosur __PUNCT__ chang of direct and all of those thing __PUNCT__ and technolog allow us __PUNCT__ we don't have ani troubl report everi penni __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but ar you suggest that there __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ but i not suggest __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__

anyth illeg or improp __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

i sai that histori_show us where unlimit amount of monei ar in polit_campaign __PUNCT__ it lead to scandal __PUNCT__

i not compar it with __PUNCT__ i sai thi is the first sinc the waterg scandal that ani candid for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ a major_parti parti_candid __PUNCT__ ha broken the pledg to take public_financ __PUNCT__

we enact those reform becaus of that scandal __PUNCT__

we know that we let unlimit amount of monei __PUNCT__ in thi case __MONEY___million unreport __PUNCT__ and there alreadi been stori of peopl who have made small contribut multipl_time and all that __PUNCT__

i sai it lai a predic for the futur that can be veri danger __PUNCT__

histori ha shown that __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ you behind in the poll __PUNCT__

you agre __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ you be badli outspent __PUNCT__

how do you turn it around in the final two week __PUNCT__ what your close argument __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i start turn it around the other night when we challeng senat_obama word __PUNCT__

he is the most eloqu person i ever known in polit __PUNCT__ but he said he would __PUNCT__ on offshor_drill __PUNCT__ he would __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ consid __PUNCT__

when he made sever other statement that were clearli equivoc __PUNCT__ but you got to nail it down and pin it down __PUNCT__

we have __PUNCT__ did a __PUNCT__ i veri pleas with what happen in that debat becaus it help defin the issu with the american_peopl __PUNCT__

and joe the plumber __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ joe the plumber is the averag_citizen __PUNCT__ and joe the plumber is now speak for me and small_busi peopl all over america __PUNCT__

and thei becom awar that spread __PUNCT__ that we need to spread the wealth around __PUNCT__ it not what small busi peopl want __PUNCT__

and befor we go into thi busi of __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ thei wouldn't be tax __PUNCT__ et cetera __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of small busi incom would be tax under senat_obama obama_plan __PUNCT__

that __NUM___million small_busi job in america __PUNCT__

and that what joe the plumber figur out __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ could i just sai __PUNCT__ where ar we in america __PUNCT__ where a candid for presid come to a person drivewai __PUNCT__ he ask him a question __PUNCT__ doesn't like the answer __PUNCT__ and all of a sudden he savag by the candid peopl __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ savag by them __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ here a gui who a privat_citizen __PUNCT__

what that all about __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ i wasn't even go to get into that __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__

sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but the fact is you brought up joe the plumber __NUM___time in the debat __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ is it the candid __PUNCT__ i don't know that obama ha savag him __PUNCT__

it realli ha been the media __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ of cours thei have __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ that look into __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ of cours it __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ that look into joe the plumber histori __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ joe __PUNCT__ senat joe_biden attack him the next dai __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he just said __PUNCT__ give me a break __PUNCT__ a plumber who make __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ he attack __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ more than __MONEY__ __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ he attack him the next dai __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__ we could __PUNCT__ you could probabl run the clip __PUNCT__

you could probabl run the clip __PUNCT__

you know what __PUNCT__ american_citizen ought to be abl todai to ask a presid __PUNCT__ candid in their drivewai a question and not have their whole life and everyth __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ i think the media did that __PUNCT__

anywai __PUNCT__ i want to ask you about someth els __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ he wa attack by joe_biden __PUNCT__

he wa critic by senat_obama __PUNCT__

and the media have attack him __PUNCT__

that just what happen __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ in your radio address yesterdai __PUNCT__ you rais the __PUNCT__ s __PUNCT__ word __PUNCT__ social __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but you did it indirectli __PUNCT__ so let me ask you for some straight talk __PUNCT__

do you think that senat obama is a socialist __PUNCT__ do you think that hi plan ar social __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i think hi plan ar redistribut of the wealth __PUNCT__

he said it himself __PUNCT__ we need to spread the wealth around __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ that on of __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ is that social __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ that on of the tenet of social __PUNCT__

but it more the liber left __PUNCT__ which he alwai been on __PUNCT__

he alwai been in the left lane of american_polit __PUNCT__

that why he vote___NUM__ __NUM___time against ani tax_cut or for tax_increas __PUNCT__

that why he vote for the democrat resolut __PUNCT__ budget resolut __PUNCT__ that would impos tax on __PUNCT__ rais_tax on some individu who make___MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__

that why he ha the most liber vote_record in the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ when we talk __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ so is on of the tenet of social redistribut of the wealth __PUNCT__ not just social __PUNCT__ a lot of other liber and left wing philosophi __PUNCT__ redistribut of the wealth __PUNCT__ i don't believ in it __PUNCT__

i believ in wealth_creation by joe the plumber __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you vote for the __MONEY___billion bailout that be us partial to nation american bank __PUNCT__

isn't that social __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ that is react to a crisi that due to greed and excess in washington __PUNCT__

and what thi administr is do wrong __PUNCT__ and what paulson is do wrong __PUNCT__ is not go out and bui up home_loan mortgag __PUNCT__ home_mortgag __PUNCT__ and give peopl new mortgag at the new valu of their home so thei can stai in their home __PUNCT__

thei bail out the bank __PUNCT__

thei bale out these institut __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but you vote for that __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__

it wa a packag that had to be enact becaus the economi wa about to go into the tank __PUNCT__

dure the __PUNCT__ dure the depress __PUNCT__ we had a program to take care __PUNCT__ where thei went out and bought homeown __PUNCT__ mortgag __PUNCT__ and then over time thei even made_monei as the valu of home began to increas __PUNCT__

if we don't turn __PUNCT__ the hous_market wa the catalyst __PUNCT__ the greed and excess __PUNCT__ and fanni_mae and freddi __PUNCT__ which some of us propos_legisl to rein in __PUNCT__ the democrat were in charg of congress for most six __PUNCT__ for the last coupl of year __PUNCT__ and thei did not act __PUNCT__ and so __PUNCT__ and senat_obama did not act __PUNCT__

but the point is that __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ when a __PUNCT__ when a __PUNCT__ that the reason why we have govern __PUNCT__ to help those who need help __PUNCT__ who can't help themselv __PUNCT__ and when time of crisi to step in and do what necessari to preserv the live and futur of innoc_peopl __PUNCT__

it wasn't main_street america that caus thi __PUNCT__

it wa washington and wall_street __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ on tactic that you been us in these final_dai is robo call __PUNCT__ autom telephon_call into peopl home __PUNCT__ and let listen to on of them __PUNCT__

here it is __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin audio clip __PUNCT__ narrat __PUNCT__ you need to know that barack_obama ha work_close with domest terrorist bill ayr __PUNCT__ whose organ bomb the u. __PUNCT__ capitol __PUNCT__ the pentagon __PUNCT__ a judg home and kill american __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end audio clip __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ back in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ that is absolut true __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ can i ask the question __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__

but befor you do __PUNCT__ that is absolut true __PUNCT__

and i don't care about mr __PUNCT__ ayr __PUNCT__ and old __PUNCT__ and hi wife __PUNCT__ who wa on the top___NUM__ most want list __PUNCT__

i care about everybodi know the relationship between the two of them __PUNCT__

that legitim __PUNCT__

senat_obama and bill ayr serv on a board of the wood foundat and thei gave __MONEY__ to acorn __PUNCT__

what that all about __PUNCT__ he said that he wa just a gui in the neighborhood __PUNCT__

he wasn't just a gui in the neighborhood __PUNCT__

we know __PUNCT__ we need to know the full extent of that relationship __PUNCT__

that is an accur robo call __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but senat __PUNCT__ back __PUNCT__ if i mai __PUNCT__ back in __NUM__ when you were the target of robo call __PUNCT__ you call these hate call and you said __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thei work __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ and you said the follow __PUNCT__ i promis you __PUNCT__ i have never and will never have anyth to do with that kind of polit tactic __PUNCT__

now you hire the same gui who did the robo call against you to __PUNCT__ reportedli __PUNCT__ to do the robo call against obama and the republican_senat susan collin __PUNCT__ the co __PUNCT__ chair of your campaign in main __PUNCT__ ha ask you to stop the robo call __PUNCT__

will you do that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ of cours not __PUNCT__

these ar legitim and truth __PUNCT__ and thei ar far differ than the phone_call that were made about my famili and about certain aspect that __PUNCT__ thing that thi is __PUNCT__ thi is dramat differ __PUNCT__ and either you haven't __PUNCT__ didn't see those thing in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ i saw them __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ or you don't know the differ between that and what is a legitim issu __PUNCT__ and that is senat_obama be truth with the american_peopl __PUNCT__

but let me tell you what els i think you should be talk about and the american peopl should be talk about __PUNCT__

in the debat the other night __PUNCT__ i ask senat_obama to repudi a statement made by john lewi __PUNCT__ a man i admir and respect and have written about __PUNCT__ that connect me and sarah_palin __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ thi is the congressman and civil right leader __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ civil right leader __PUNCT__ american hero __PUNCT__ that connect me and sarah palin to segregationist __PUNCT__ to the campaign of georg wallac __PUNCT__ and even allud to the bomb of a church where four children __PUNCT__ four children __PUNCT__ were kill __PUNCT__

and i ask him to repudi that statement __PUNCT__

i have repudi everi statement made by ani fring person in the republican_parti __PUNCT__

and it ha come up from time to time __PUNCT__ and it probabl will __PUNCT__

the fact that senat_obama would not repudi that statement __PUNCT__ i think __PUNCT__ is someth the american_peopl will make a judgment about __PUNCT__

that robo call is accur __PUNCT__ is total accur __PUNCT__

and there is no comparison between it and the thing that were done and said in south_carolina __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ i want to ask you about william ayr __PUNCT__

last mai __PUNCT__ bill_o'reilli ask you about ayr and also about reverend jeremiah_wright __PUNCT__

and here what you had to sai __PUNCT__

let watch __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ thi campaign is not go to be about __PUNCT__ in all due respect __PUNCT__ about reverend_wright or mr __PUNCT__ ayr __PUNCT__

it go to be about vision __PUNCT__

it go to be about a plan of action __PUNCT__ for the american_peopl ar hurt right now __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ and that exactli __PUNCT__ and that exactli what the campaign is about __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ let me ask the question __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ yeah __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ accord to a new york_time poll thi week __PUNCT__ and let put it up on the screen __PUNCT__ there you can see it __PUNCT__ __NUM__ percent of independ now think you spend more time attack obama than explain what you would do as presid __PUNCT__

haven't you gone on the attack against ayr becaus you behind __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ fact ar stubborn thing __PUNCT__

senat_obama ha spent more monei on attack_ad against me than ani campaign in histori __PUNCT__

in all due respect to that kind of poll __PUNCT__ i know what kind of campaign we run __PUNCT__

i know what we sai at the ralli __PUNCT__

we need to keep american in their home __PUNCT__

we need to creat_job __PUNCT__

we need to keep tax low __PUNCT__

we need to restor thi economi __PUNCT__

that what thi campaign is all about __PUNCT__

and that why we go to do well __PUNCT__ and that why we go to win __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ mr __PUNCT__ ayr is an issu __PUNCT__

of cours __PUNCT__ there other __PUNCT__ acorn is an issu __PUNCT__

there a number of issu that ar out there __PUNCT__

but what american want to hear is what we tell them __PUNCT__

and that is we not go to spread the wealth around __PUNCT__

we don't think we need to do that __PUNCT__

we go to creat job __PUNCT__

we go to have joe the plumber creat job for america __PUNCT__

and we go to show them the wai to do it __PUNCT__ by keep tax low and restor our economi __PUNCT__

and we can talk about thi process stuff for the entir time we togeth __PUNCT__

i glad to do that __PUNCT__

but my messag to the american_peopl is i got a plan to get our economi out of the ditch __PUNCT__ and that what we go to do __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ all right __PUNCT__

senat_mccain __PUNCT__ we need to take a break here __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but when we come back __PUNCT__ we talk issu __PUNCT__ we talk process __PUNCT__ we talk sarah_palin and what america will look like under presid_obama or presid mccain __PUNCT__

back from ohio in just a moment __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ commerci break __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ and we back now on the campaign_trail in the battleground_state of ohio with our exclus guest __PUNCT__ senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__

senat __PUNCT__ on anoth sundai talk_show __PUNCT__ gener colin_powel ha just said that he go to vote for barack_obama __PUNCT__

he sai he meet the standard of be a success presid __PUNCT__

he sai that senat_mccain is unsur about how to deal with the economi __PUNCT__ and he doe not feel that sarah_palin is readi to be command in chief __PUNCT__

your reaction __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ i alwai admir and respect gener powel __PUNCT__

we longtim_friend __PUNCT__

thi doesn't come as a surpris __PUNCT__

but i also veri pleas to have the endors of four former secretari of state __PUNCT__ secretari kissing __PUNCT__ baker __PUNCT__ eagleburg and haig __PUNCT__

and i proud to have the endors of well over __NUM__ retir armi gener and admir __PUNCT__

but i respect and continu to respect and admir secretari powel __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ just briefli __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ on of the kei line of your campaign ha been that obama not readi to lead __PUNCT__

here is colin_powel sai he is __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ we have a veri __PUNCT__ we have a respect disagr __PUNCT__ and i think the american_peopl will pai close_attent to our messag for the futur and keep america_secur __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ if barack_obama is elect_presid with bigger __PUNCT__ and it look like that that what go to happen __PUNCT__ democrat_major in the hous and the senat __PUNCT__ how will thing be differ in thi countri by the end of hi first term __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ we know that the major_leader __PUNCT__ harri_reid __PUNCT__ and speaker nanci_pelosi __PUNCT__ ar alreadi plan on new big spend packag __PUNCT__ tax_increas __PUNCT__ alreadi __PUNCT__ so i __PUNCT__ i think you see anoth spend_spree __PUNCT__ and i think tax will go up __PUNCT__ and i don't think that it will be good for america __PUNCT__

i think we could drive __PUNCT__ and of cours __PUNCT__ as we know __PUNCT__ protection is not good for america __PUNCT__

senat_obama believ that in mani wai __PUNCT__ certainli __PUNCT__ when he said he want to unilater renegoti the north_american free_trade_agreement __PUNCT__

so i worri about the economi of the countri __PUNCT__ particularli at thi difficult_time __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ you sai that obama tax_plan amount to welfar becaus he give refund tax_credit __PUNCT__ in effect __PUNCT__ check __PUNCT__ to __NUM__ percent of american who don't pai ani incom_tax __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ feder_incom_tax __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ right __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ obama point out that no on will receiv on of these refund check if thei aren't at least pai payrol_tax __PUNCT__ social_secur tax __PUNCT__

and your health_care_plan would also give these refund check to that same __NUM__ percent who don't pai incom_tax __PUNCT__ feder_incom_tax __PUNCT__

so if hi plan is welfar __PUNCT__ isn't your __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it __PUNCT__ the differ is that we need to provid __PUNCT__ it a fundament requir to give peopl the chanc to have afford and avail health_insur __PUNCT__ or the option is to go into a big_govern govern_program such as we have in canada __PUNCT__ in england and other __PUNCT__

american right now ar without health_insur __PUNCT__

thei need to get it __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ let talk about the first __NUM___dai of a mccain presid __PUNCT__

you sai that it would not be polit as usual in washington __PUNCT__

be specif __PUNCT__

what would you do in that first __NUM__ dai to show there a differ sheriff in town __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ reach out to republican and democrat alik __PUNCT__ make sure that everybodi includ in ani plan and program __PUNCT__ and obvious get our economi back on track is the __PUNCT__ is the prime and first and __PUNCT__ through tenth challeng we have __PUNCT__ sit down across the aisl __PUNCT__ outlin an agenda that we can work togeth on __PUNCT__

that been my record of reach across the aisl __PUNCT__ work with democrat __PUNCT__ put_peopl in a posit of respons that ar the best qualifi __PUNCT__ whether thei republican or democrat alik __PUNCT__

the approv_rate of congress even sunk lower under democrat_major in the hous and senat __PUNCT__

thei ar readi now __PUNCT__ i convinc __PUNCT__ becaus thei patriot american __PUNCT__ to sit down and work togeth __PUNCT__

that the kei to it __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but you __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ the kei to it is work togeth __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ you just talk about the democrat agenda __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ and you call it a far left agenda __PUNCT__

i think you agre the democrat ar like to increas their hold in both the hous and senat __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ afraid you mai be right __PUNCT__

thei ar __PUNCT__ the democrat had a major in the hous and senat when ronald_reagan came to offic in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but given how difficult __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ he sat down with democrat and republican togeth __PUNCT__ and thei work togeth __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but given how difficult __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ and we turn the american_economi around rather dramat __PUNCT__ but it took time __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ but given how differ your agenda ar on the economi __PUNCT__ on health_care __PUNCT__ on tax __PUNCT__ on foreign_polici __PUNCT__ wouldn't there just be more gridlock __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ ronald_reagan agenda wa veri differ from that of tip_o'neil __PUNCT__

yet ronald_reagan and tip_o'neil sat down togeth across the tabl and sat down and work out a wai to save social_secur for quit a period of time __PUNCT__

american ar readi for that __PUNCT__

thei want it __PUNCT__

everi place i go __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ it not just everi place i go __PUNCT__ but __PUNCT__ i mean __PUNCT__ it veri clear american ar tire of the gridlock in washington __PUNCT__

thei want it broken __PUNCT__

i will give the democrat and republican a seat at the tabl and we work togeth __PUNCT__

the gridlock in washington hasn't prevent me from work with ted_kennedi and russ_feingold and byron dorgan and carl levin and mani other __PUNCT__

it won't keep me from work for the common_good with them __PUNCT__

it won't keep me from work with them as presid __PUNCT__

onli thi time __PUNCT__ obvious __PUNCT__ i have a more direct connect with the american_peopl __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ your run_mate __PUNCT__ governor palin __PUNCT__ appear last night on __PUNCT__ saturdai_night live __PUNCT__

let watch __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ she did a great job __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ let watch a clip __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ begin video clip __PUNCT__ alec baldwin __PUNCT__ you can't let tina go out there with that woman __PUNCT__

she goe against everyth we stand for __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ good_lord __PUNCT__ lorn __PUNCT__

thei call her __PUNCT__ what that name __PUNCT__ thei call her cara __PUNCT__ cara __PUNCT__ what do thei call her again __PUNCT__ tina __PUNCT__ sarah_palin __PUNCT__ that would be __PUNCT__ carib barbi __PUNCT__

alec baldwin __PUNCT__ carib barbi __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__ tina __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ end video clip __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ but while peopl ar interest in governor palin __PUNCT__ there seem to be grow doubt about her qualif to be vice_presid __PUNCT__

accord to the latest fox news/opinion dynam poll __PUNCT__ peopl now sai palin make them less like to vote for you by a margin of __NUM__ percent to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

back in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ those number were exactli revers __PUNCT__

senat __PUNCT__ as a cold polit_calcul __PUNCT__ hasn't governor palin becom a drag on your ticket __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ as a cold polit calcul __PUNCT__ i could not be more pleas __PUNCT__

she ha excit and energ our base __PUNCT__

she is a direct counterpoint to the liber feminist agenda for america __PUNCT__

she ha a wonder famili __PUNCT__

she a reform __PUNCT__

she a conserv __PUNCT__

she the best thing that could have happen to my campaign and to america __PUNCT__

and when i see the enthusiasm and i see the passion that she ha arous __PUNCT__ i am so happi __PUNCT__

and the fact is american ar also begin to learn that she ran a state __PUNCT__

she an execut that ha __NUM___employe __PUNCT__

she took on a governor of her own state __PUNCT__ of her own parti __PUNCT__

she know energi better than certainli most peopl in washington __PUNCT__

she had execut experi __PUNCT__

she ha knowledg and background __PUNCT__ and she also ha a compass and understand of special need famili __PUNCT__

so i couldn't be happier __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ final __PUNCT__ i want to ask you about the person side of thi campaign for you and your famili __PUNCT__

the new york_time ran a veri rough piec about your wife cindi yesterdai in which it said __PUNCT__ among other thing __PUNCT__ that she aspir to be princess diana __PUNCT__ which i guess mean that you would be princ charl __PUNCT__

but serious __PUNCT__ look __PUNCT__ it wa a tough articl __PUNCT__

i wouldn't like it written about my wife __PUNCT__

what your reaction and her reaction to the stori __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i didn't read it __PUNCT__

i heard about it __PUNCT__

and i suggest that she not do that either __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ do you agre with your wife lawyer that if thei go to go into these kind of matter that the new york time should investig barack_obama drug_dealer __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i just want to go on with thi campaign __PUNCT__

most american want in these difficult econom_time to see who ha a plan of action for get our economi out of the ditch __PUNCT__ help work_famili __PUNCT__ men and women __PUNCT__

i think i made a veri good point of that __PUNCT__ that i have that plan __PUNCT__ in the debat the other night __PUNCT__

i think it be reflect in the poll __PUNCT__

i know it be reflect in our campaign_event __PUNCT__

and i veri pleas where we ar __PUNCT__

and i love be the underdog __PUNCT__

you know everi time that i gotten ahead __PUNCT__ somehow i mess it up __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ laughter __PUNCT__ wallac __PUNCT__ so let get right to the finish line __PUNCT__ huh __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ glad to be __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ let me ask you about the media __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ becaus for year it wa said that you court the mainstream_media __PUNCT__

in fact __PUNCT__ you us to laugh yourself and sai that thei were your real base __PUNCT__ the media __PUNCT__

what have you learn __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ that wa said at on of those dinner where you suppos to be funni __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ what have you learn about the mainstream media in thi campaign __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ listen __PUNCT__ i __PUNCT__ if i complain about anyth __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ a gui that stood fifth from the bottom of hi class at the naval_academi that now ha the nomin of the parti of abraham_lincoln and theodor_roosevelt and ronald_reagan __PUNCT__ i be crazi __PUNCT__

i honor and humbl __PUNCT__

thi is the most excit experi that anybodi could have __PUNCT__

i just grate __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ when peopl saw you at the al smith dinner and thei saw you on __PUNCT__ letterman __PUNCT__ a number of peopl thi week said __PUNCT__ where that john_mccain been __PUNCT__ that __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ there the funni __PUNCT__ unplug john mccain __PUNCT__ and that you been too bottl up by your campaign __PUNCT__

do you feel that at all __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ campaign ralli ar not for stand __PUNCT__ up comic routin __PUNCT__

campaign ralli ar to tell peopl what you go to do for them and for america and draw the differ between ourselv and our oppon __PUNCT__

it not an easi busi __PUNCT__

it not beanbag __PUNCT__

but it is exhilar __PUNCT__

it excit __PUNCT__

and i cannot tell you how proud i am at the __PUNCT__ at the support we have and the enthusiasm we see __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ as we said at the begin of thi interview __PUNCT__ you ar behind in thi race __PUNCT__ but you ar a fighter __PUNCT__

you have been your whole life __PUNCT__

have you consid __PUNCT__ have you even dealt in your mind with the possibl that you could lose __PUNCT__ and could you live with that __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ sure __PUNCT__

i mean __PUNCT__ i don't dwell on it __PUNCT__

but look __PUNCT__

i had a wonder life __PUNCT__

i have to go back and live in arizona __PUNCT__ and be in the unit_state state_senat repres them __PUNCT__ and with a wonder famili __PUNCT__ and daughter and son that i so proud of __PUNCT__ and a __PUNCT__ and a life that been bless __PUNCT__

i the luckiest gui you have ever interview and will ever interview __PUNCT__

i the most fortun man on earth __PUNCT__ and i thank god for it everi singl_dai __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ so if the world turn an unfortun wai on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ don't feel sorri for john_mccain __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ don't feel sorri for john mccain __PUNCT__ and john mccain will be concentr on not feel sorri for himself __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ and you might just be presid __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ you never know __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ we want to thank you so much for come and talk with us __NUM___dai befor the elect __PUNCT__

safe travel in the final two week of the campaign __PUNCT__ sir __PUNCT__

mccain __PUNCT__ thank you __PUNCT__

thank for have me on again __PUNCT__ chri __PUNCT__

i love our spirit discuss __PUNCT__

wallac __PUNCT__ me too __PUNCT__ alwai __PUNCT__