This speech titled 2008.10.22.remarks_at_st_anslem_college_in_goffstown_new_hampshire originally had 2163 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__
i appreci the hospit of saint anselm colleg and it great to be here in new hampshir __PUNCT__ it alwai a good dai for me when i in new hampshir __PUNCT__
we go back a long wai __PUNCT__ new hampshir __PUNCT__
i learn a lot over the year from the peopl of thi state __PUNCT__
and i know on thing for certain __PUNCT__
it doesn't matter what the pundit think or how confid my oppon is __PUNCT__
the peopl of new hampshir make their own decis __PUNCT__ and more than onc __PUNCT__ thei ignor the poll and the pundit __PUNCT__ and brought me across the finish line first __PUNCT__
i can't think of ani place i rather be as elect_dai draw close than run an underdog campaign in new hampshir __PUNCT__
as i said __PUNCT__ my oppon look pretti confid these dai __PUNCT__
he be address the nation soon __PUNCT__
he got anoth of those big stadium spectacl in the work __PUNCT__
but act like the elect is over won't let him take awai your chanc to have the final sai in thi elect __PUNCT__
everi so often __PUNCT__ my oppon give us all a littl glimps of what an obama_presid would be like in the real_world __PUNCT__
and last week hi campaign actual found itself on a detour into the real world __PUNCT__ in the drivewai of joe the plumber __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ joe didn't ask for senat_obama to come to hi hous __PUNCT__ and he didn't ask to be famou __PUNCT__
he certainli didn't ask for the polit attack on him from the obama_campaign __PUNCT__
joe dream is to own a small_busi that will creat_job __PUNCT__ and the attack on him ar an attack on small_busi all over the countri __PUNCT__
small busi emploi __NUM__ percent of american __PUNCT__ and we need to help small busi __PUNCT__ and not rais their tax __PUNCT__
as it happen __PUNCT__ the obama tax_increas is just what joe had on hi mind __PUNCT__
so joe show the obama travel press how to ask a tough_question __PUNCT__ and get an answer instead of just anoth talk_point __PUNCT__
thank to him __PUNCT__ we final learn what senat_obama econom goal is __PUNCT__
as he told joe __PUNCT__ barack_obama want to __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ spread the wealth around __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ joe and gui like him will earn the wealth __PUNCT__
barack and politician like him will spread it __PUNCT__
joe didn't realli like that idea __PUNCT__ and neither did a lot of other folk who believ that their earn ar their own __PUNCT__
after all __PUNCT__ befor govern can redistribut_wealth __PUNCT__ it ha to confisc wealth from those who earn it __PUNCT__
and whatev the right word is for that wai of think __PUNCT__ the redistribut of wealth is the last thing america need right now __PUNCT__
in these tough econom_time __PUNCT__ we don't need govern __PUNCT__ spread the wealth __PUNCT__ we need polici that creat_wealth and spread opportun __PUNCT__
it wa a candid moment for senat_obama __PUNCT__ in the presenc of a skeptic voter __PUNCT__
and in a campaign as disciplin and care as my oppon __PUNCT__ the worst misstep come when the candid sai what he realli think __PUNCT__
we seen thi befor __PUNCT__
in a debat with senat_clinton __PUNCT__ he wa ask why on earth he want to rais capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__ when histori_show that cut that tax_rate actual yield more revenu to the govern __PUNCT__
rate were cut in the clinton_year __PUNCT__ revenu went up __PUNCT__
rate were cut in the bush_year __PUNCT__ revenu went up __PUNCT__
my oppon answer wa that tax still had to be rais as a matter of __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ fair __PUNCT__
let think about thi veri carefulli __PUNCT__
here we have a case where increas_tax would decreas the fund avail for all the spend govern doe __PUNCT__
but senat_obama insist on a tax_hike __PUNCT__ as a matter of principl __PUNCT__
and the principl seem to be the redistribut of wealth as an end in itself __PUNCT__
appar __PUNCT__ as my oppon see it __PUNCT__ there is a strict limit to your earn and wealth __PUNCT__ and it for politician to decid __PUNCT__
the proper amount of wealth is not what you can earn __PUNCT__ but what govern will let you keep __PUNCT__
my oppon ha spoken about the reluct of citizen and busi_owner to part with their earn __PUNCT__
he understand that when it time to spread the wealth around __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ thei ar not go to give up those profit easili __PUNCT__
and reader of hi book __PUNCT__ the audac of hope __PUNCT__ might recal that he wrote about the need to __PUNCT__ spread the wealth around __PUNCT__ there __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
he write of the need for __PUNCT__ labor_law and tax_law that restor some balanc to the distribut of the nation wealth __PUNCT__
he ha talk elsewher about how __PUNCT__ in our dai __PUNCT__ the distribut of wealth is even more skew __PUNCT__ and level of inequ ar now higher __PUNCT__
what ar realli skew in all of thi ar my oppon prioriti __PUNCT__
he talk about our economi in a detach and academ wai __PUNCT__ forget that the goal is not to redistribut_wealth but to creat it __PUNCT__
and on thing academ ar good at is invent and redefin term __PUNCT__ which is what he up to with that phoni incom_tax tax_cut for __NUM__ percent of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
when a politician tell you he go to cut incom_tax for __NUM__ percent of all american __PUNCT__ it reason to wonder how he go to do that for the __NUM__ percent who pai no incom tax at all __PUNCT__
right now __PUNCT__ ten of million of american have an incom tax_bill of zero __PUNCT__
how barack_obama go to reduc the number zero __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that the kei to hi whole plan __PUNCT__ sinc you can't reduc incom_tax on those who pai zero __PUNCT__ the govern will write them all check call a tax_credit __PUNCT__
and the treasuri will have to cover those check by tax other peopl __PUNCT__ includ mani small_busi and a lot of folk just like joe the plumber __PUNCT__
in other word __PUNCT__ barack_obama obama_plan to rais_tax on some in order to give check to other is not a tax_cut __PUNCT__ it just anoth govern giveawai __PUNCT__
what should realli worri us is that senat_obama can't possibl spend all the monei he promis to spend without rais_tax even more than he admit he will or dig us even further into debt __PUNCT__ weaken the dollar and make everyth you bui __PUNCT__ from groceri to gasolin more expens __PUNCT__
he ha promis in the neighborhood of a trillion_dollar in new spend over the next four year __PUNCT__ and hi tax_increas won't cover all of it __PUNCT__
he talk a lot about __PUNCT__ invest __PUNCT__ in energi for america __PUNCT__
hi plan doesn't have much to do with actual product from exist energi_sourc __PUNCT__ like offshor oil or nuclear_power __PUNCT__
but it doe requir __NUM___billion billion_dollar of new feder energi spend over the next ten_year __PUNCT__
for infrastructur __PUNCT__ he promis anoth sixti billion_dollar __PUNCT__ for the depart of educ __PUNCT__ anoth __NUM___billion billion_dollar over four year __PUNCT__
the list goe on through all sort of other item ten billion here __PUNCT__ anoth twenti there until final we come to hi new feder health_care program __PUNCT__
and that __PUNCT__ by senat_obama own account __PUNCT__ is go to cost at least __NUM___billion billion_dollar a year __PUNCT__
so let try to get all thi straight __PUNCT__
my oppon sai he go to cut incom_tax for __NUM__ percent of american __PUNCT__ includ that miracul reduct for those who aren't pai ani right now __PUNCT__
then he commit to more than a trillion_dollar in new feder_spend __PUNCT__
and even after vote for the __NUM___billion billion_dollar rescu packag earlier thi month __PUNCT__ he won't even specifi a singl cut in spend that he would consid __PUNCT__
that leav us with almost two trillion_dollar in new spend to which barack_obama stand commit __PUNCT__ and no explan at all of how he is go to pai for it __PUNCT__
doe anyon serious believ that these trillion of dollar ar go to come from onli the veri highest incom_earner __PUNCT__ even hi support ar skeptic __PUNCT__
democrat_senat jai rockefel of west_virginia said of these plan __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ there is not enough monei to do all thi stuff __PUNCT__
an influenti newspap call hi claim __PUNCT__ quot __PUNCT__ neither polit nor econom plausibl __PUNCT__
that critiqu came from the editori_board of the new york_time __PUNCT__ and when barack_obama lose them you know he gone too far __PUNCT__
for my part __PUNCT__ i have set befor america an altern to the phoni tax_cut my oppon start_talk about onli month_ago __PUNCT__
my tax_cut is the real_thing __PUNCT__
we go to doubl the child deduct for everi famili __PUNCT__
we will cut the capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__
we will end tax on unemploy_benefit __PUNCT__
and we will cut busi tax to help creat_job __PUNCT__ and keep american_busi in america __PUNCT__
as joe ha now remind us all __PUNCT__ america didn't becom the greatest nation on earth by give our monei to the govern to __PUNCT__ spread the wealth around __PUNCT__
in thi countri __PUNCT__ we believ in spread opportun __PUNCT__ for those who need job and those who creat them __PUNCT__
and that is exactli what i intend to do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
thi is the choic that we face __PUNCT__
these ar hard_time __PUNCT__
our economi is in crisi __PUNCT__
american ar fight in two war __PUNCT__
we face mani enemi in thi danger world __PUNCT__ and mani challeng here at home __PUNCT__
the next presid won't have time to get us to the offic __PUNCT__
he cannot invit test from the world __PUNCT__
he will have to act immedi __PUNCT__
we cannot spend the next four year as we have spent much of the last eight __PUNCT__ hope for our luck to chang __PUNCT__
we have to act immedi __PUNCT__
i said it at the last debat __PUNCT__ i not georg_bush __PUNCT__ if senat_obama want to run against georg_bush __PUNCT__ he should have run for presid four year_ago __PUNCT__
we need a new direct now __PUNCT__
we have to fight for it __PUNCT__
what america need in thi hour is a fighter __PUNCT__ someon who put all hi card on the tabl and trust the judgment of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
i have fought for you most of my life __PUNCT__
there ar other wai to love thi countri __PUNCT__ but i never been the kind to do it from the sidelin __PUNCT__
i know you worri __PUNCT__
america is a great_countri __PUNCT__ but we ar at a moment of nation crisi that will determin our futur __PUNCT__
will we continu to lead the world_economi or will we be overtaken __PUNCT__ will the world becom safer or more danger __PUNCT__ will our militari remain the strongest in the world __PUNCT__ will our children and grandchildren futur be brighter than our __PUNCT__ my answer to you is ye __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will lead __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will prosper __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will be safer __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will pass on to our children a stronger __PUNCT__ better countri __PUNCT__
but we must be prepar to act swiftli __PUNCT__ boldli __PUNCT__ with courag and wisdom __PUNCT__
i am an american __PUNCT__ and i choos to fight __PUNCT__
don't give up hope __PUNCT__
be strong __PUNCT__
have courag __PUNCT__
and fight __PUNCT__
fight for a new direct for our countri __PUNCT__
fight for what right for america __PUNCT__
fight to clean up the mess of corrupt __PUNCT__ infight and selfish in washington __PUNCT__
fight to get our economi out of the ditch and back in the lead __PUNCT__
fight for the ideal and charact of a free_peopl __PUNCT__
fight for our children futur __PUNCT__
fight for justic and opportun for all __PUNCT__
stand up to defend our countri from it enemi __PUNCT__
stand up __PUNCT__ stand up __PUNCT__ stand up and fight __PUNCT__
america is worth fight for __PUNCT__
noth is inevit here __PUNCT__
we never give up __PUNCT__
we never quit __PUNCT__
we never hide from histori __PUNCT__
we make histori __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ let go win thi elect and get thi countri move again __PUNCT__