John McCain

This speech titled 2008.10.27.remarks_in_dayton_ohio originally had 1711 tokens. You can view the original text here.

it great to be back in ohio __PUNCT__

we need to win ohio on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ and with your help we go to win here __PUNCT__ and bring real chang to washington __PUNCT__ dc __PUNCT__

it been a long campaign and we heard a lot of word __PUNCT__ and great campaign_trail eloqu __PUNCT__

the amaz_thing is that we learn more about senat_obama real goal for our countri over the last two week than we learn over the past two year __PUNCT__

it is amaz that even at thi late hour __PUNCT__ we ar still learn more about senat obama and hi agenda __PUNCT__

he told joe the plumber right here in ohio he want to quot __PUNCT__ spread the wealth around __PUNCT__

it alwai more interest to hear what peopl have to sai in these unscript moment __PUNCT__ and todai we heard anoth moment like thi from senat obama __PUNCT__

in a radio interview reveal todai __PUNCT__ he said that on of the quot __PUNCT__ tragedi __PUNCT__ of the civil right movement is that it didn't bring about a redistribut of wealth in our societi __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ and i quot __PUNCT__ on of the tragedi of the civil right movement wa becaus the civil right movement becam so court __PUNCT__ focus i think that there wa a tendenc to lose track of the polit and commun_organ and activ on the ground that ar abl to put togeth the actual coalit of power through which you bring about redistribut chang __PUNCT__

that is what chang mean for barack the redistributor __PUNCT__ it mean take your monei and give it to someon els __PUNCT__

he believ in redistribut_wealth __PUNCT__ not in polici that grow our economi and creat_job __PUNCT__

he is more interest in control wealth than in creat it __PUNCT__ in redistribut monei instead of spread opportun __PUNCT__

i am go to creat_wealth for all american __PUNCT__ by creat opportun for all american __PUNCT__

we all heard hi campaign_trail promis __PUNCT__ he sai he onli want to tax the rich __PUNCT__

but these unscript moment and hi record tell a differ stori __PUNCT__

he support the democrat budget plan pass just thi year that call for rais_tax on peopl_make just __NUM___dollar per year __PUNCT__

and senat_obama ha vote___NUM__ __NUM___time for tax_increas or against tax_cut __PUNCT__

senat_obama mai sai he try to soak the rich __PUNCT__ but it the middl_class who ar go to get put through the wringer __PUNCT__ becaus even the tax_increas he admit to miss the target __PUNCT__

to pai for nearli a trillion_dollar in new govern_spend __PUNCT__ hi tax_increas would impact __NUM__ percent of small_busi incom in thi countri __PUNCT__ and the job of __NUM___million middl_class class_american who work for those small_busi __PUNCT__

whether it joe the plumber here in ohio or the work_men and women across thi countri __PUNCT__ we shouldn't be tax our small_busi more as senat_obama want to do __PUNCT__ we need to be help them expand their busi and creat_job __PUNCT__

america didn't becom the greatest nation on earth by give our monei to the govern to __PUNCT__ redistribut __PUNCT__

in thi countri __PUNCT__ we believ in spread opportun __PUNCT__ for those who need job and those who creat them __PUNCT__

and that is exactli what i intend to do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

my oppon massiv new tax_increas is exactli the wrong approach in an econom slowdown __PUNCT__

the answer to a slow economi is not higher_tax __PUNCT__ but that is exactli what is go to happen when the democrat have total control of washington __PUNCT__

we can't let that happen __PUNCT__

we need pro __PUNCT__ growth and pro __PUNCT__ job econom_polici __PUNCT__ not pro __PUNCT__ govern_spend spend_program paid for with higher_tax __PUNCT__

thi is the fundament differ between senat_obama and me __PUNCT__

we both disagre with presid_bush on econom_polici __PUNCT__

the differ is that he think tax have been too low __PUNCT__ and i think that spend ha been too high __PUNCT__

senat_obama prioriti is not to get spend under control __PUNCT__ it is to spend more __PUNCT__ and if he ha to tax you to do it __PUNCT__ he shown in the past that he doesn't have a problem with that __PUNCT__

we cannot spend the next four year as we have spent much of the last eight __PUNCT__ spend ourselv into a ditch and hope that the consequ don't come __PUNCT__

we need to get our govern under control __PUNCT__ and we need to get our economi move again __PUNCT__

we have to act __PUNCT__

we need a new direct __PUNCT__ and we have to fight for it __PUNCT__

i been fight for thi countri sinc i wa seventeen year old __PUNCT__ and i have the scar to prove it __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will fight to shake up washington and take america in a new direct from my first dai in offic until my last __PUNCT__

i not afraid of the fight __PUNCT__ i readi for it __PUNCT__

i not go to spend___MONEY___billion billion_dollar of your monei just bail out the wall_street banker and broker who got us into thi mess __PUNCT__

i go to make sure we take care of the work_peopl who were devast by the excess of wall_street and washington __PUNCT__

i have a plan to hold the line on tax and cut them to make_america more competit and creat_job here at home __PUNCT__

we go to doubl the child deduct for work_famili __PUNCT__

we will cut the capit_gain gain_tax __PUNCT__

and we will cut busi tax to help creat_job __PUNCT__ and keep american_busi in america __PUNCT__

rais_tax make a bad economi much wors __PUNCT__

keep tax low creat_job __PUNCT__ keep monei in your hand and strengthen our economi __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ i won't spend nearli a trillion_dollar more of your monei __PUNCT__

senat_obama will __PUNCT__

and he can't do that without rais your tax or dig us further into debt __PUNCT__

i go to make govern live on a budget just like you do __PUNCT__

i will freez govern_spend on all but the most import program like defens __PUNCT__ veteran care __PUNCT__ social_secur and health_care until we scrub everi singl govern_program and get rid of the on that aren't work for the american_peopl __PUNCT__

and i will veto everi singl pork barrel bill congress_pass __PUNCT__

if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ we go to stop spend___MONEY___billion to bui oil from countri that don't like us veri much __PUNCT__

senat_obama will argu to delai drill for more oil and ga and against build new nuclear_power_plant in america __PUNCT__

if i am presid __PUNCT__ we will start new drill now __PUNCT__

we will invest in all energi altern __PUNCT__ nuclear __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ and tide __PUNCT__

we will encourag the manufactur of hybrid __PUNCT__ flex fuel and electr automobil __PUNCT__

we will invest in clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__

we will lower the cost of energi within month __PUNCT__ and we will creat million of new job __PUNCT__

let me give you the state of the race todai __PUNCT__

there eight dai to go __PUNCT__

we a few point down __PUNCT__

the pundit have written us off __PUNCT__ just like thei done befor __PUNCT__

my oppon is work out the detail with speaker_pelosi and senat reid of their plan to rais your tax __PUNCT__ increas_spend __PUNCT__ and conced defeat in iraq __PUNCT__

he measur the drape __PUNCT__ and he plan hi first address to the nation for befor the elect __PUNCT__

i guess i old fashion about these thing i prefer to let the voter weigh in befor presum the outcom __PUNCT__

what america need now is someon who will finish the race befor the start the victori lap __PUNCT__ someon who will fight to the end __PUNCT__ and not for himself but for hi countri __PUNCT__

i have fought for you most of my life __PUNCT__ and in place where defeat meant more than return to the senat __PUNCT__

there ar other wai to love thi countri __PUNCT__ but i never been the kind to back down when the stake ar high __PUNCT__

i know you worri __PUNCT__

america is a great_countri __PUNCT__ but we ar at a moment of nation crisi that will determin our futur __PUNCT__

will we continu to lead the world_economi or will we be overtaken __PUNCT__ will the world becom safer or more danger __PUNCT__ will our militari remain the strongest in the world __PUNCT__ will our children and grandchildren futur be brighter than our __PUNCT__ my answer to you is ye __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will lead __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will prosper __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will be safer __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we will pass on to our children a stronger __PUNCT__ better countri __PUNCT__

but we must be prepar to act swiftli __PUNCT__ boldli __PUNCT__ with courag and wisdom __PUNCT__

i an american __PUNCT__

and i choos to fight __PUNCT__

don't give up hope __PUNCT__

be strong __PUNCT__

have courag __PUNCT__

and fight __PUNCT__

fight for a new direct for our countri __PUNCT__

fight for what right for america __PUNCT__

fight to clean up the mess of corrupt __PUNCT__ infight and selfish in washington __PUNCT__

fight to get our economi out of the ditch and back in the lead __PUNCT__

fight for the ideal and charact of a free_peopl __PUNCT__

fight for our children futur __PUNCT__

fight for justic and opportun for all __PUNCT__

stand up to defend our countri from it enemi __PUNCT__

stand up __PUNCT__ stand up __PUNCT__ stand up and fight __PUNCT__

america is worth fight for __PUNCT__

noth is inevit here __PUNCT__

we never give up __PUNCT__

we never quit __PUNCT__

we never hide from histori __PUNCT__

we make histori __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ let go win thi elect and get thi countri move again __PUNCT__