This speech titled 2008.11.04.address_in_phoenix_conceding_the_2008_presidential_election originally had 1436 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
thank you for come here on thi beauti arizona even __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ we have __PUNCT__ we have come to the end of a long journei __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have spoken __PUNCT__ and thei have spoken clearli __PUNCT__
a littl while ago __PUNCT__ i had the honor of call senat barack_obama to congratul him __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ pleas __PUNCT__
to congratul him on be elect the next presid of the countri that we both love __PUNCT__
in a contest as long and difficult as thi campaign ha been __PUNCT__ hi success alon command my respect for hi abil and persever __PUNCT__
but that he manag to do so by inspir the hope of so mani million of american who had onc wrongli believ that thei had littl at stake or littl influenc in the elect of an american_presid is someth i deepli admir and commend him for achiev __PUNCT__
thi is an histor elect __PUNCT__ and i recogn the special signific it ha for african __PUNCT__ american and for the special pride that must be their tonight __PUNCT__
i alwai believ that america offer opportun to all who have the industri and will to seiz it __PUNCT__
senat_obama believ that __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
but we both recogn that __PUNCT__ though we have come a long wai from the old injustic that onc stain our nation reput and deni some american the full bless of american citizenship __PUNCT__ the memori of them still had the power to wound __PUNCT__
a centuri_ago __PUNCT__ presid theodor_roosevelt invit of booker t __PUNCT__ washington to dine at the white_hous wa taken as an outrag in mani quarter __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ america_todai is a world awai from the cruel and fright bigotri of that time __PUNCT__
there is no better evid of thi than the elect of an african __PUNCT__ american to the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
let there be no reason now __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ let there be no reason now for ani american to fail to cherish their citizenship in thi __PUNCT__ the greatest nation on earth __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ senat_obama ha achiev a great_thing for himself and for hi countri __PUNCT__
i applaud him for it __PUNCT__ and offer him my sincer sympathi that hi belov grandmoth did not live to see thi dai __PUNCT__
though our faith assur us she is at rest in the presenc of her creator and so veri proud of the good_man she help rais __PUNCT__
senat_obama and i have had and argu our differ __PUNCT__ and he ha prevail __PUNCT__
no doubt mani of those differ remain __PUNCT__
these ar difficult_time for our countri __PUNCT__
and i pledg to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the mani challeng we face __PUNCT__
i urg all american __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i urg all american who support me to join me in not just congratul him __PUNCT__ but offer our next presid our good will and earnest effort to find wai to come togeth to find the necessari compromis to bridg our differ and help restor our prosper __PUNCT__ defend our secur in a danger world __PUNCT__ and leav our children and grandchildren a stronger __PUNCT__ better countri than we inherit __PUNCT__
whatev our differ __PUNCT__ we ar fellow_american __PUNCT__
and pleas believ me when i sai no associ ha ever meant more to me than that __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ it is natur __PUNCT__
it natur __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ to feel some disappoint __PUNCT__
but tomorrow __PUNCT__ we must move beyond it and work togeth to get our countri move again __PUNCT__
we fought __PUNCT__ we fought as hard as we could __PUNCT__
and though we feel short __PUNCT__ the failur is mine __PUNCT__ not your __PUNCT__
audienc __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i am so __PUNCT__
audienc __PUNCT__ chant __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ i am so deepli grate to all of you for the great honor of your support and for all you have done for me __PUNCT__
i wish the outcom had been differ __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
audienc member __PUNCT__ we do __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ off __PUNCT__ mike __PUNCT__ mccain __PUNCT__ the road wa a difficult on from the outset __PUNCT__ but your support and friendship never waver __PUNCT__
i cannot adequ express how deepli indebt i am to you __PUNCT__
i especi grate to my wife __PUNCT__ cindi __PUNCT__ my children __PUNCT__ my dear mother __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
my dear mother and all my famili __PUNCT__ and to the mani old and dear friend who have stood by my side through the mani up and down of thi long campaign __PUNCT__
i have alwai been a fortun man __PUNCT__ and never more so for the love and encourag you have given me __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ campaign ar often harder on a candid famili than on the candid __PUNCT__ and that been true in thi campaign __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ all i can offer in compens is my love and gratitud and the promis of more peac year_ahead __PUNCT__
i am also __PUNCT__ i am also __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ veri thank to governor sarah_palin __PUNCT__ on of the best campaign i ever seen __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
on of the best campaign i have ever seen __PUNCT__ and an impress new voic in our parti for reform and the principl that have alwai been our greatest strength __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__
her husband todd and their five beauti children __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ for their tireless dedic to our caus __PUNCT__ and the courag and grace thei show in the rough and tumbl of a presidenti_campaign __PUNCT__
we can all look forward with great interest to her futur servic to alaska __PUNCT__ the republican_parti and our countri __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ to all my campaign comrad __PUNCT__ from rick_davi and steve_schmidt and mark salter __PUNCT__ to everi last volunt who fought so hard and valiantli __PUNCT__ month after month __PUNCT__ in what at time seem to be the most challeng campaign in modern_time __PUNCT__ thank you so much __PUNCT__
a lost elect will never mean more to me than the privileg of your faith and friendship __PUNCT__
i don't know __PUNCT__ i don't know what more we could have done to try to win thi elect __PUNCT__
i leav that to other to determin __PUNCT__
everi candid make_mistak __PUNCT__ and i sure i made my share of them __PUNCT__
but i won't spend a moment of the futur regret what might have been __PUNCT__
thi campaign wa and will remain the great honor of my life __PUNCT__ and my heart is fill with noth but gratitud for the experi and to the american_peopl for give me a fair hear befor decid that senat_obama and my old friend senat joe_biden should have the honor of lead us for the next four year __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ boo __PUNCT__ pleas __PUNCT__
pleas __PUNCT__
i would not __PUNCT__ i would not be an american worthi of the name should i regret a fate that ha allow me the extraordinari privileg of serv thi countri for a half a centuri __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ todai __PUNCT__ i wa a candid for the highest offic in the countri i love so much __PUNCT__
and tonight __PUNCT__ i remain her servant __PUNCT__
that is bless enough for anyon __PUNCT__ and i thank the peopl of arizona for it __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ audienc __PUNCT__ usa __PUNCT__
usa __PUNCT__
usa __PUNCT__
usa __PUNCT__
mccain __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ tonight __PUNCT__ more than ani night __PUNCT__ i hold in my heart noth but love for thi countri and for all it citizen __PUNCT__ whether thei support me or senat_obama __PUNCT__ whether thei support me or senat obama __PUNCT__
i wish godspe to the man who wa my former oppon and will be my presid __PUNCT__
and i call on all american __PUNCT__ as i have often in thi campaign __PUNCT__ to not despair of our present difficulti __PUNCT__ but to believ __PUNCT__ alwai __PUNCT__ in the promis and great of america __PUNCT__ becaus noth is inevit here __PUNCT__
american never quit __PUNCT__
we never surrend __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ we never hide from histori __PUNCT__
we make histori __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__ and god_bless_america __PUNCT__
thank you all veri much __PUNCT__