This speech titled 2008.11.04.remarks_in_grand_junction_colorado originally had 1579 tokens. You can view the original text here.
but he doe a great job __PUNCT__
he goe to iraq __PUNCT__ help the iraqi_peopl with the rule of law and i proud of senat lindsai graham of south_carolina __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ polit_courag is not a __PUNCT__ a bit of a scarc commod and i veri proud and grate that a person who came across the aisl in an incred act of polit courag and support my candidaci when it matter the most __PUNCT__ a truli great_american __PUNCT__ senat joe_lieberman and hi wife __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ it funni __PUNCT__
we got joe the plumber __PUNCT__ joe lieberman __PUNCT__
that great __PUNCT__
and then we got joe the biden __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ you can't be perfect __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
and could i mention my __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old mother who ha more energi that anybodi in thi room __PUNCT__ roberta mccain __PUNCT__
a coupl of christmas ago __PUNCT__ she want to drive around franc __PUNCT__ so she flew to pari __PUNCT__
she want to rent a car __PUNCT__ thei said she wa too old __PUNCT__ so she bought on __PUNCT__
when anybodi ever ask anyth about my ag __PUNCT__ i alwai introduc them to my mother __PUNCT__
i so grate you here __PUNCT__
my son __PUNCT__ doug __PUNCT__ and hi wife ar here __PUNCT__
i want to thank all of you __PUNCT__
i feel the momentum __PUNCT__
i feel it and you feel it and we go to win thi elect __PUNCT__
we go to win it and we go to __PUNCT__ we go to win it right here in the state of colorado __PUNCT__
and i bring greet __PUNCT__ i bring greet from the great governor of the state of alaska __PUNCT__ sarah_palin __PUNCT__ whose ignit thi campaign __PUNCT__ who ha done an incred job __PUNCT__
she got a husband whose name is todd __PUNCT__
she call him first dude __PUNCT__
her husband todd is a four __PUNCT__ time world champion in a snow mobil race across alaska in the middl of the winter __PUNCT__
on time __PUNCT__ he wa run thi race __PUNCT__ broke hi arm with __NUM___mile to go and still won __PUNCT__
i think he readi for washington __PUNCT__ dc __PUNCT__
and so is she __PUNCT__
don't you think __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ i like to thank all the veteran who ar here __PUNCT__
would you rais your hand so we can sai thank you for your servic __PUNCT__ thank you veri much __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
air_forc brat for mccain __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
and here is two special peopl marin girlfriend for mccain and armi girlfriend for mccain __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
militari mom for mccain __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__
i want to sai thank you again __PUNCT__ i want to sai it great to get a turnout todai __PUNCT__
we got to turnout our vote and we go to be up late tonight __PUNCT__
and you know __PUNCT__ some of the the pundit have written us off __PUNCT__ thei mai not know it __PUNCT__ but the mac is back __PUNCT__
with your help __PUNCT__ we go to take america in a new direct __PUNCT__
get out there and vote __PUNCT__
i need your help __PUNCT__
volunt __PUNCT__
knock on door __PUNCT__ get your neighbor to the poll __PUNCT__ drag them there if you need to __PUNCT__
we go to bring real chang to washington and we have to fight for it __PUNCT__ so __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ you know that i been fight for thi countri sinc i wa __NUM___year old and it been the honor of my life and i never live a dai __PUNCT__ in good_time or bad __PUNCT__ that i didn't thank god for the privileg of serv the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
i ow thi countri more than it will ever ow me __PUNCT__
and i promis you if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ i will never let you down __PUNCT__
i fight to shake up washington and take america in a new direct from my first dai in offic until my last __PUNCT__
i not afraid of the fight __PUNCT__ i readi for the fight __PUNCT__ and we go to cut_tax for work_famili and we cut busi tax to help creat_job and keep american_busi in america __PUNCT__
we go to get the spend in washington under control __PUNCT__
i go to make govern live on a budget just like you do __PUNCT__ and i veto everi singl pork barrel bill that come across my desk __PUNCT__ you will know their name __PUNCT__ i make them famou __PUNCT__
and we go to make sure we take care of the work_peopl who were devast by the excess and greed and corrupt of wall_street and washington __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ we have to fix our hous_market __PUNCT__
we got to get home valu up __PUNCT__
keep peopl in their home __PUNCT__
that the american_dream __PUNCT__
i go to protect it __PUNCT__
we keep peopl in their home __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__ we go to protect peopl retir __PUNCT__
don't be afraid of the scare tactic that get trot out everi four year __PUNCT__
thei try to scare senior __PUNCT__
i wa there when we fix social_secur and i go to be there when we fix it again __PUNCT__
i go to protect social secur __PUNCT__
i go to protect medicar and i not go to let washington tax awai your retir_save __PUNCT__
and my friend __PUNCT__ if i elect_presid __PUNCT__ when i elect presid __PUNCT__ we go to stop spend___MONEY___billion to bui oil from countri that don't like us veri much __PUNCT__
we will invest in everi energi altern __PUNCT__ wind __PUNCT__ solar __PUNCT__ tide __PUNCT__ hybrid car __PUNCT__ clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__ safe nuclear_power and offshor_drill __PUNCT__ when i presid __PUNCT__ we will drill offshor and we will drill now __PUNCT__ i think we ought to __PUNCT__ we ought to hear it on more time __PUNCT__
drill __PUNCT__ babi __PUNCT__ drill __PUNCT__
and we will __PUNCT__
and we will __PUNCT__ my friend __PUNCT__
if we go to chang washington __PUNCT__ we need a presid who can make it happen __PUNCT__
i been fight for chang in washington my whole career and i wasn't elect miss congeni becaus of it __PUNCT__
the next presid won't have time to learn how to chang washington or get us to the offic __PUNCT__
america_face mani challeng at home and there ar mani enemi abroad in thi world __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ we elect a command in chief to lead thi nation __PUNCT__
i know how to deal with our enemi and i know how to deal with our friend __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ there be a lot of talk recent about the test the next presid will face __PUNCT__
my friend __PUNCT__ i been test and i pass the test __PUNCT__
when mani of both parti want to retreat in iraq __PUNCT__ i said no __PUNCT__ i rather lose an elect than lose a war __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ becaus of the surg strategi __PUNCT__ becaus of a great gener name petraeu __PUNCT__ becaus of the brave men and women serv in uniform __PUNCT__ the best of all of us __PUNCT__ the best of america __PUNCT__ we ar succeed in iraq __PUNCT__ we will succe in afghanistan and when i presid __PUNCT__ our troop will come home with honor and victori __PUNCT__ not in defeat __PUNCT__ let me give you a littl straight talk about the elect todai __PUNCT__
i know you worri __PUNCT__
america a great_countri __PUNCT__
we in a moment of nation crisi that will determin our futur __PUNCT__
let me ask you __PUNCT__ will we continu to lead the world_economi or be over taken __PUNCT__ will the world becom safer or more danger __PUNCT__ will our militari remain the strongest in the world and will our children and grandchildren futur be brighter than our __PUNCT__ my answer to you is ye __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__ we will lead __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will prosper __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will be safer __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we will pass on to our children __PUNCT__ a stronger __PUNCT__ better countri __PUNCT__
but we must be prepar to act swiftli __PUNCT__ boldli __PUNCT__ with courag and wisdom __PUNCT__ i an american and i choos to fight __PUNCT__ don't give up hope __PUNCT__ be strong __PUNCT__ have courag and fight __PUNCT__ fight for a new direct for our countri __PUNCT__ fight for what right for america __PUNCT__
fight to clean up the mess of corrupt __PUNCT__
fight to get our economi out of the ditch and back in the lead __PUNCT__
fight for the idea and charact of a free_peopl __PUNCT__
fight for our children futur __PUNCT__
fight for justic and opportun for all __PUNCT__
stand up to defend our countri from it enemi __PUNCT__
stand up __PUNCT__ stand up __PUNCT__ stand up and fight __PUNCT__ america is worth fight for __PUNCT__ noth is inevit here __PUNCT__ we never give up __PUNCT__ we never quit __PUNCT__ we never hide from histori __PUNCT__
we make histori __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ let go win thi elect and get thi countri move again __PUNCT__ let go __PUNCT__ colorado __PUNCT__ god_bless you __PUNCT__ god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
thank you for be here todai __PUNCT__