Barack Obama

This speech titled 2007.03.04 originally had 4791 tokens. You can view the original text here.

here todai __PUNCT__ i must begin becaus at the uniti breakfast thi morn i wa save for last and the list wa so long i left him out after that introduct __PUNCT__

so i go to start by sai how much i appreci the friendship and the support and the outstand work that he doe each and everi dai __PUNCT__ not just in capitol_hill but also back here in the district __PUNCT__

pleas give a warm round of applaus for your congressman artur davi __PUNCT__

it is a great honor to be here __PUNCT__

reverend jackson __PUNCT__ thank you so much __PUNCT__

to the famili of brown a.m. __PUNCT__ to the good bishop kirkland __PUNCT__ thank you for your wonder messag and your leadership __PUNCT__

i want to acknowledg on of the great hero of american_histori and american_life __PUNCT__ somebodi who captur the essenc of decenc and courag __PUNCT__ somebodi who i have admir all my life and were it not for him __PUNCT__ i not sure i be here todai __PUNCT__ congressman john lewi __PUNCT__

i thank to him __PUNCT__

to all the distinguish guest and clergi __PUNCT__ i not sure i go to thank reverend loweri becaus he stole the show __PUNCT__

i wa mention_earlier __PUNCT__ i know we got c.t __PUNCT__

vivian in the audienc __PUNCT__ and when you have to speak in front of somebodi who martin_luther_king said wa the greatest preacher he ever heard __PUNCT__ then you got some problem __PUNCT__

and i a littl nervou about follow so mani great preacher __PUNCT__

but i hope that the spirit move me and to all my colleagu who have given me such a warm welcom __PUNCT__ thank you veri much for allow me to speak to you here todai __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ sever week_ago __PUNCT__ after i had announc that i wa run for the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ i stood in front of the old state_capitol in springfield __PUNCT__ illinoi __PUNCT__ where abraham_lincoln deliv hi speech declar __PUNCT__ draw in scriptur __PUNCT__ that a hous_divid against itself could not stand __PUNCT__

and i stood and i announc that i wa run for the presid __PUNCT__

and there were a lot of comment __PUNCT__ as thei ar prone to do __PUNCT__ who question the audac of a young_man like myself __PUNCT__ haven't been in washington too long __PUNCT__

and i acknowledg that there is a certain presumptu about thi __PUNCT__

but i got a letter from a friend of some of your name reverend oti moss jr __PUNCT__ in cleveland __PUNCT__ and hi son __PUNCT__ oti moss iii is the pastor at my church and i must send greet from dr __PUNCT__ jeremiah a __PUNCT__ wright jr __PUNCT__ but i got a letter give me encourag and sai how proud he wa that i had announc and encourag me to stai true to my ideal and my valu and not to be fear __PUNCT__

and he said __PUNCT__ if there some folk out there who ar question whether or not you should run __PUNCT__ just tell them to look at the stori of joshua becaus you part of the joshua gener __PUNCT__

so i just want to talk a littl about mose and aaron and joshua __PUNCT__ becaus we ar in the presenc todai of a lot of moses __PUNCT__

we in the presenc todai of giant whose shoulder we stand on __PUNCT__ peopl who battl __PUNCT__ not just on behalf of african_american but on behalf of all of america __PUNCT__ that battl for america soul __PUNCT__ that shed blood __PUNCT__ that endur taunt and formant and in some case gave __PUNCT__ torment and in some case gave the full_measur of their devot __PUNCT__

like mose __PUNCT__ thei challeng pharaoh __PUNCT__ the princ __PUNCT__ power who said that some ar atop and other ar at the bottom __PUNCT__ and that how it alwai go to be __PUNCT__

there were peopl like anna cooper and mari foster and jimmi lee jackson and mauric olett __PUNCT__ c.t __PUNCT__

vivian __PUNCT__ reverend loweri __PUNCT__ john lewi __PUNCT__ who said we can imagin someth differ and we know there is someth out there for us __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

thank god __PUNCT__ he made us in hi imag and we reject the notion that we will for the rest of our live be confin to a station of inferior __PUNCT__ that we can't aspir to the highest of height __PUNCT__ that our talent can't be express to their fullest __PUNCT__

and so becaus of what thei endur __PUNCT__ becaus of what thei march __PUNCT__ thei led a peopl out of bondag __PUNCT__

thei took them across the sea that folk thought could not be part __PUNCT__

thei wander through a desert but alwai know that god wa with them and that __PUNCT__ if thei maintain that trust in god __PUNCT__ that thei would be all right __PUNCT__

and it becaus thei march that the next gener hasn't been bloodi so much __PUNCT__

it becaus thei march that we elect councilmen __PUNCT__ congressmen __PUNCT__

it is becaus thei march that we have artur davi and keith ellison __PUNCT__

it is becaus thei march that i got the kind of educ i got __PUNCT__ a law degre __PUNCT__ a seat in the illinoi senat and ultim in the unit_state state_senat __PUNCT__

it is becaus thei march that i stand befor you here todai __PUNCT__

i wa mention at the uniti breakfast thi morn __PUNCT__ my __PUNCT__ at the uniti breakfast thi morn that my debt is even greater than that becaus not onli is my career the result of the work of the men and women who we honor here todai __PUNCT__

my veri exist might not have been possibl had it not been for some of the folk here todai __PUNCT__

i mention at the uniti breakfast that a lot of peopl been ask __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ your father wa from africa __PUNCT__ your mother __PUNCT__ she a white_woman from kansa __PUNCT__

i not sure that you have the same experi __PUNCT__

and i tri to explain __PUNCT__ you don't understand __PUNCT__

you see __PUNCT__ my grandfath wa a cook to the british in kenya __PUNCT__

grew up in a small villag and all hi life __PUNCT__ that all he wa __PUNCT__ a cook and a hous boi __PUNCT__

and that what thei call him __PUNCT__ even when he wa __NUM___year old __PUNCT__

thei call him a hous boi __PUNCT__

thei wouldn't call him by hi last name __PUNCT__

sound_familiar __PUNCT__

he had to carri a passbook around becaus african in their own land __PUNCT__ in their own countri __PUNCT__ at that time __PUNCT__ becaus it wa a british_coloni __PUNCT__ could not move about freeli __PUNCT__

thei could onli go where thei were told to go __PUNCT__

thei could onli work where thei were told to work __PUNCT__

yet someth happen back here in selma __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__

someth happen in birmingham that sent out what bobbi kennedi call __PUNCT__ rippl of hope all around the world __PUNCT__

someth happen when a bunch of women decid thei were go to walk instead of ride the bu after a long_dai of do somebodi els laundri __PUNCT__ look after somebodi els children __PUNCT__

when men who had phd decid that enough and we go to stand up for our digniti __PUNCT__

that sent a shout across ocean so that my grandfath began to imagin someth differ for hi son __PUNCT__

hi son __PUNCT__ who grew up herd goat in a small villag in africa could suddenli set hi sight a littl higher and believ that mayb a black_man in thi world had a chanc __PUNCT__

what happen in selma __PUNCT__ alabama and birmingham also stir the conscienc of the nation __PUNCT__

it worri folk in the white_hous who said __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ we battl commun __PUNCT__

how ar we go to win heart and mind all across the world __PUNCT__ if right here in our own countri __PUNCT__ john __PUNCT__ we not observ the ideal set fort in our constitut __PUNCT__ we might be accus of be hypocrit __PUNCT__

so the kennedi decid we go to do an air lift __PUNCT__

we go to go to africa and start bring young african over to thi countri and give them scholarship to studi so thei can learn what a wonder countri america is __PUNCT__

thi young_man name barack_obama got on of those ticket and came over to thi countri __PUNCT__

he met thi woman whose great great __PUNCT__ great __PUNCT__ great __PUNCT__ grandfath had own slave __PUNCT__ but she had a good_idea there wa some crazi go on becaus thei look at each other and thei decid that we know that the world as it ha been it might not be possibl for us to get togeth and have a child __PUNCT__

there wa someth stir across the countri becaus of what happen in selma __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__ becaus some folk ar will to march across a bridg __PUNCT__

so thei got togeth and barack_obama jr __PUNCT__ wa born __PUNCT__

so don't tell me i don't have a claim on selma __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__

don't tell me i not come home to selma __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__

i here becaus somebodi march __PUNCT__

i here becaus you all sacrif for me __PUNCT__

i stand on the shoulder of giant __PUNCT__

i thank the mose gener __PUNCT__ but we got to rememb __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__ that joshua still had a job to do __PUNCT__

as great as mose wa __PUNCT__ despit all that he did __PUNCT__ lead a peopl out of bondag __PUNCT__ he didn't cross over the river to see the promis_land __PUNCT__

god told him your job is done __PUNCT__

you see it __PUNCT__

you be at the mountain top and you can see what i promis __PUNCT__

what i promis to abraham and isaac and jacob __PUNCT__

you will see that i fulfil that promis but you won't go there __PUNCT__

we go to leav it to the joshua gener to make sure it happen __PUNCT__

there ar still battl that need to be fought __PUNCT__ some river that need to be cross __PUNCT__

like mose __PUNCT__ the task wa pass on to those who might not have been as deserv __PUNCT__ might not have been as courag __PUNCT__ find themselv in front of the risk that their parent and grandpar and great grandpar had taken __PUNCT__

that doesn't mean that thei don't still have a burden to shoulder __PUNCT__ that thei don't have some respons __PUNCT__

the previou_gener __PUNCT__ the mose gener __PUNCT__ point the wai __PUNCT__

thei took us __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the wai there __PUNCT__

we still got that __NUM__ __PUNCT__ in order to cross over to the other side __PUNCT__

so the question __PUNCT__ i guess __PUNCT__ that i have todai is what call of us in thi joshua gener __PUNCT__ what do we do in order to fulfil that legaci __PUNCT__ to fulfil the oblig and the debt that we ow to those who allow us to be here todai __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i don't think we could ever fulli repai that debt __PUNCT__

i think that we alwai go to be look back __PUNCT__ but there ar at least a few suggest that i would have in term of how we might fulfil that enorm legaci __PUNCT__

the first is to recogn our histori __PUNCT__

john lewi talk about why we here todai __PUNCT__

but i worri sometim __PUNCT__ we got black histori month __PUNCT__ we come down and march everi year __PUNCT__ onc a year __PUNCT__

we occasion celebr the variou event of the civil right movement __PUNCT__ we celebr dr __PUNCT__ king birthdai __PUNCT__ but it strike me that understand our histori and know what it mean __PUNCT__ is an everydai activ __PUNCT__

mose told the joshua gener __PUNCT__ don't forget where you came from __PUNCT__

i worri sometim __PUNCT__ that the joshua gener in it success forget where it came from __PUNCT__

think it doesn't have to make as mani sacrific __PUNCT__

think that the veri height of ambit is to make as much monei as you can __PUNCT__ to drive the biggest car and have the biggest hous and wear a rolex watch and get your own privat_jet __PUNCT__ get some of that oprah monei __PUNCT__

and i think that a good_thing __PUNCT__

there noth wrong with make_monei __PUNCT__ but if you know your histori __PUNCT__ then you know that there is a certain poverti of ambit involv in simpli strive just for monei __PUNCT__

materi alon will not fulfil the possibl of your exist __PUNCT__

you have to fill that with someth els __PUNCT__

you have to fill it with the golden_rule __PUNCT__

you got to fill it with think about other __PUNCT__

and if we know our histori __PUNCT__ then we will understand that that is the highest mark of servic __PUNCT__

second thing that the joshua gener need to understand is that the principl of equal that were set fort and were battl for have to be fought each and everi dai __PUNCT__

it is not a on __PUNCT__ time thing __PUNCT__

i wa remark at the uniti breakfast on the fact that the singl most signific concern that thi justic_depart under thi administr ha had with respect to discrimin ha to do with affirm_action __PUNCT__

that thei have basic spent all their time worri about colleg and univers around the countri that ar given a littl break to young african_american and hispan to make sure that thei can go to colleg __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__

i had a school in southern illinoi that set up a program for phd in math and scienc for african american __PUNCT__

and the reason thei had set it up is becaus we onli had less than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the phd in scienc and math go to african american __PUNCT__

at a time when we ar compet in a global_economi __PUNCT__ when we not compet just against folk in north_carolina or florida or california __PUNCT__ we compet against folk in china and india and we need math and scienc major __PUNCT__ thi univers thought thi might be a nice thing to do __PUNCT__

and the justic_depart wrote them a letter sai we ar go to threaten to sue you for revers discrimin unless you ceas thi program __PUNCT__

and it remind us that we still got a lot of work to do __PUNCT__ and that the basic enforc of anti __PUNCT__ discrimin law __PUNCT__ the injustic that still exist within our crimin_justic_system __PUNCT__ the dispar in term of how peopl ar treat in thi countri continu __PUNCT__

it ha gotten better __PUNCT__

and we should never deni that it gotten better __PUNCT__

but we shouldn't forget that better is not good enough __PUNCT__

that until we have absolut equal in thi countri in term of peopl be treat on the basi of their color or their gender __PUNCT__ that that is someth that we got to continu to work on and the joshua gener ha a signific task in make that happen __PUNCT__

third thing __PUNCT__ we got to recogn that we fought for civil right __PUNCT__ but we still got a lot of econom right that have to be dealt with __PUNCT__

we got __NUM___million_peopl uninsur in thi countri despit spend more monei on health_care than ani nation on earth __PUNCT__

it make no sens __PUNCT__

as a consequ __PUNCT__ we got what known as a health care dispar in thi nation becaus mani of the uninsur ar african_american or latino __PUNCT__

life_expect is lower __PUNCT__

almost everi diseas is higher within minor_commun __PUNCT__

the health_care gap __PUNCT__

black ar less like in their school to have adequ fund __PUNCT__

we have less __PUNCT__ qualifi teacher in those school __PUNCT__

we have fewer textbook in those school __PUNCT__

we got in some school rat outnumb comput __PUNCT__

that call the achiev_gap __PUNCT__

you got a health_care gap and you got an achiev_gap __PUNCT__

you got katrina still undon __PUNCT__

i went down to new orlean three week_ago __PUNCT__

it still look bomb out __PUNCT__

still not rebuilt __PUNCT__

when 9/11 happen __PUNCT__ the feder_govern had a special program of grant to help rebuild __PUNCT__

thei waiv ani requir that manhattan would have to pai___NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the cost of rebuild __PUNCT__

when hurrican andrew happen in florida __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ requir __PUNCT__ thei waiv it becaus thei understood that some disast ar so devast that we can't expect a commun to rebuild __PUNCT__

new orlean __PUNCT__ the largest nation catastroph in our histori __PUNCT__ the feder_govern sai where your __NUM__ __PUNCT__

there is an empathi gap __PUNCT__

there is a gap in term of sympath for the folk in new orlean __PUNCT__

it not a gap that the american_peopl felt becaus we saw how thei respond __PUNCT__

but somehow our govern didn't respond with that same sens of compass __PUNCT__ with that same sens of kind __PUNCT__

and here is the worst part __PUNCT__ the tragedi in new orlean happen well befor the hurrican struck becaus mani of those commun __PUNCT__ there were so mani young_men in prison __PUNCT__ so mani kid drop out __PUNCT__ so littl hope __PUNCT__

a hope gap __PUNCT__

a hope gap that still pervad too mani commun all across the countri and right here in alabama __PUNCT__

so the question is __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ what ar we __PUNCT__ the joshua gener __PUNCT__ do to close those gap __PUNCT__ ar we do everi singl thing that we can do in congress in order to make sure that earli_educ is adequ fund and make sure that we ar rais the minimum_wage so peopl can have digniti and respect __PUNCT__

ar we ensur that __PUNCT__ if somebodi lose a job __PUNCT__ that thei get retrain __PUNCT__ and that __PUNCT__ if thei lost their health_care and pension __PUNCT__ somebodi is there to help them get back on their feet __PUNCT__ ar we make sure we give a second chanc to those who have strai and gone to prison but want to start a new life __PUNCT__ govern alon can't solv all those problem __PUNCT__ but govern can help __PUNCT__

it the respons of the joshua gener to make sure that we have a govern that is as respons as the need that exist all across america __PUNCT__

that bring me to on other point __PUNCT__ about the joshua gener __PUNCT__ and that is thi __PUNCT__ that it not enough just to ask what the govern can do for us __PUNCT__ it import for us to ask what we can do for ourselv __PUNCT__

on of the signatur aspect of the civil right movement wa the degre of disciplin and fortitud that wa instil in all the peopl who particip __PUNCT__

imagin young_peopl __PUNCT__ __NUM__ back straight __PUNCT__ ey clear __PUNCT__ suit and tie __PUNCT__ sit down at a lunch_counter know somebodi is go to spill milk on you but you have the disciplin to understand that you ar not go to retali becaus in show the world how disciplin we were as a peopl __PUNCT__ we were abl to win over the conscienc of the nation __PUNCT__

i can't sai for certain that we have instil that same sens of moral_clariti and purpos in thi gener __PUNCT__

bishop __PUNCT__ sometim i feel like we lost it a littl bit __PUNCT__

i fight to make sure that our school ar adequ fund all across the countri __PUNCT__

with the inequ of reli on properti_tax and peopl who ar born in wealthi district get better school than folk born in poor district and that now how it suppos to be __PUNCT__

that not the american wai __PUNCT__

but i tell you what __PUNCT__ even as i fight on behalf of more educ fund __PUNCT__ more equiti __PUNCT__ i have to also sai that __PUNCT__ if parent don't turn off the televis set when the child come home from school and make sure thei sit down and do their homework and go talk to the teacher and find out how thei do __PUNCT__ and if we don't start instil a sens in our young_children that there is noth to be asham about in educ achiev __PUNCT__ i don't know who taught them that read and write and conjug your verb wa someth white __PUNCT__

we got to get over that mental __PUNCT__

that is part of what the mose gener teach us __PUNCT__ not sai to ourselv we can't do someth __PUNCT__ but tell ourselv that we can achiev __PUNCT__

we can do that __PUNCT__

we got power in our hand __PUNCT__

folk ar complain about the qualiti of our govern __PUNCT__ i understand there someth to be complain about __PUNCT__

i in washington __PUNCT__

i see what go on __PUNCT__

i see those power and princip have snuck back in there __PUNCT__ that thei write the energi_bill and the drug_law __PUNCT__

we understand that __PUNCT__ but i tell you what __PUNCT__

i also know that __PUNCT__ if cousin pooki would vote __PUNCT__ get off the couch and regist some folk and go to the poll __PUNCT__ we might have a differ kind of polit __PUNCT__

that what the mose gener teach us __PUNCT__

take off your bedroom slipper __PUNCT__

put on your march shoe __PUNCT__

go do some polit __PUNCT__

chang thi countri __PUNCT__ that what we need __PUNCT__

we have too mani children in poverti in thi countri and everybodi should be asham __PUNCT__ but don't tell me it doesn't have a littl to do with the fact that we got too mani daddi not act like daddi __PUNCT__

don't think that fatherhood end at concept __PUNCT__

i know someth about that becaus my father wasn't around when i wa young and i struggl __PUNCT__

those of you who read my book know __PUNCT__

i went through some difficult_time __PUNCT__

i know what it mean when you don't have a strong male figur in the hous __PUNCT__ which is why the hardest_thing about me be in polit sometim is not be home as much as i like and i just bless that i got such a wonder wife at home to hold thing togeth __PUNCT__

don't tell me that we can't do better by our children __PUNCT__ that we can't take more respons for make sure we instil in them the valu and the ideal that the mose gener taught us about sacrific and digniti and honesti and hard_work and disciplin and self __PUNCT__ sacrific __PUNCT__

that come from us __PUNCT__

we got to transmit that to the next gener and i guess the point that i make is that the civil right movement wasn't just a fight against the oppressor __PUNCT__ it wa also a fight against the oppressor in each of us __PUNCT__

sometim it easi to just point at somebodi els and sai it their fault __PUNCT__ but oppress ha a wai of creep into it __PUNCT__

reverend __PUNCT__ it ha a wai of stunt yourself __PUNCT__

you start tell yourself __PUNCT__ bishop __PUNCT__ i can't do someth __PUNCT__

i can't read __PUNCT__

i can't go to colleg __PUNCT__

i can't start a busi __PUNCT__

i can't run for congress __PUNCT__

i can't run for the presid __PUNCT__

peopl_start tell you __PUNCT__ you can't do someth __PUNCT__ after a while __PUNCT__ you start believ it and part of what the civil right movement wa about wa recogn that we have to transform ourselv in order to transform the world __PUNCT__

mahatma gandhi __PUNCT__ great hero of dr __PUNCT__ king and the person who help creat the nonviol movement around the world __PUNCT__ he onc said that you can't chang the world if you haven't chang __PUNCT__

if you want to chang the world __PUNCT__ the chang ha to happen with you first and that is someth that the greatest and most honor of gener ha taught us __PUNCT__ but the final thing that i think the mose gener teach us is to remind ourselv that we do what we do becaus god is with us __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ when mose wa first call to lead_peopl out of the promis_land __PUNCT__ he said i don't think i can do it __PUNCT__ lord __PUNCT__

i don't speak like reverend loweri __PUNCT__

i don't feel brave and courag and the lord said i will be with you __PUNCT__

throw down that rod __PUNCT__

pick it back up __PUNCT__

i show you what to do __PUNCT__

the same_thing happen with the joshua gener __PUNCT__

joshua said __PUNCT__ you know __PUNCT__ i scare __PUNCT__

i not sure that i am up to the challeng __PUNCT__ the lord said to him __PUNCT__ everi place that the sole of your foot will tread upon __PUNCT__ i have given you __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag __PUNCT__ for i am with you wherev you go __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag __PUNCT__

it a prayer for a journei __PUNCT__

a prayer that kept a woman in her seat when the bu driver told her to get up __PUNCT__ a prayer that led nine children through the door of the littl rock school __PUNCT__ a prayer that carri our brother and sister over a bridg right here in selma __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag __PUNCT__

when you see row and row of state_trooper face you __PUNCT__ the hors and the tear_ga __PUNCT__ how els can you walk __PUNCT__ toward them __PUNCT__ unarm __PUNCT__ unafraid __PUNCT__

when thei come start beat your friend and neighbor __PUNCT__ how els can you simpli kneel down __PUNCT__ bow your head and ask the lord for salvat __PUNCT__ when you see head gash open and ey burn and children ly hurt on the side of the road __PUNCT__ when you ar john lewi and you been beaten within an inch of your life on sundai __PUNCT__ how do you wake up mondai and keep on march __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag __PUNCT__ for i am with you wherev you go __PUNCT__

we come a long wai in thi journei __PUNCT__ but we still have a long wai to travel __PUNCT__

we travel becaus god wa with us __PUNCT__

it not how far we come __PUNCT__

that bridg outsid wa cross by black and white __PUNCT__ northern and southern __PUNCT__ teenag and children __PUNCT__ the belov commun of god_children __PUNCT__ thei want to take those step togeth __PUNCT__ but it wa left to the joshua to finish the journei mose had begun and todai we call to be the joshua of our time __PUNCT__ to be the gener that find our wai across thi river __PUNCT__

there will be dai when the water seem wide and the journei too far __PUNCT__ but in those moment __PUNCT__ we must rememb that throughout our histori __PUNCT__ there ha been a run thread of ideal that have guid our travel and push us forward __PUNCT__ even when thei just beyond our reach __PUNCT__ liberti in the face of tyranni __PUNCT__ opportun where there wa none and hope over the most crush despair __PUNCT__

those ideal and valu beckon us still and when we have our doubt and our fear __PUNCT__ just like joshua did __PUNCT__ when the road look too long and it seem like we mai lose our wai __PUNCT__ rememb what these peopl did on that bridg __PUNCT__

keep in your heart the prayer of that journei __PUNCT__ the prayer that god_gave to joshua __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag in the face of injustic __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag in the face of prejudic and hatr __PUNCT__ in the face of jobless and helpless and hopeless __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag __PUNCT__ brother and sister __PUNCT__ those who ar gather here todai __PUNCT__ in the face of our doubt and fear __PUNCT__ in the face of skeptic __PUNCT__ in the face of cynic __PUNCT__ in the face of a mighti river __PUNCT__

be strong and have courag and let us cross over that promis_land togeth __PUNCT__

thank you so much everybodi __PUNCT__

god_bless you __PUNCT__