This speech titled 2007.04.23 originally had 5958 tokens. You can view the original text here.
good morn __PUNCT__
we all know that these ar not the best of time for america reput in the world __PUNCT__
we know what the war in iraq ha cost us in live and treasur __PUNCT__ in influenc and respect __PUNCT__
we have seen the consequ of a foreign_polici base on a flaw ideolog __PUNCT__ and a belief that tough talk can replac real strength and vision __PUNCT__
mani around the world ar disappoint with our action __PUNCT__
and mani in our own countri have come to doubt either our wisdom or our capac to shape event beyond our border __PUNCT__
some have even suggest that america time ha pass __PUNCT__
but while we know what we have lost as a consequ of thi tragic war __PUNCT__ i also know what i have found in my travel over the past two year __PUNCT__
in an old build in ukrain __PUNCT__ i saw test tube fill with anthrax and the plagu ly virtual unlock and unguard __PUNCT__ danger we were told could onli be secur with america help __PUNCT__
on a trip to the middl_east __PUNCT__ i met isra and palestinian who told me that peac remain a distant hope without the promis of american leadership __PUNCT__
at a camp along the border of chad and darfur __PUNCT__ refuge beg for america to step in and help stop the genocid that ha taken their mother and father __PUNCT__ son and daughter __PUNCT__
and along the crowd street of kenya __PUNCT__ i met throng of children who ask if thei ever get the chanc to visit that magic place call america __PUNCT__
so i reject the notion that the american moment ha pass __PUNCT__
i dismiss the cynic who sai that thi new centuri cannot be anoth when __PUNCT__ in the word of presid franklin_roosevelt __PUNCT__ we lead the world in battl immedi evil and promot the ultim good __PUNCT__
i still believ that america is the last __PUNCT__ best hope of earth __PUNCT__
we just have to show the world why thi is so __PUNCT__
thi presid mai occupi the white_hous __PUNCT__ but for the last six year the posit of leader of the free_world ha remain open __PUNCT__
and it time to fill that role onc more __PUNCT__
i believ that the singl most import job of ani presid is to protect the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and i am equal convinc that do that job effect in the __NUM___centuri will requir a new vision of american leadership and a new concept of our nation_secur __PUNCT__ a vision that draw from the lesson of the past __PUNCT__ but is not bound by outdat think __PUNCT__
in todai global world __PUNCT__ the secur of the american_peopl is inextric link to the secur of all peopl __PUNCT__
when narco __PUNCT__ traffick and corrupt threaten democraci in latin_america __PUNCT__ it america problem too __PUNCT__
when poor villag in indonesia have no choic but to send chicken to market infect with avian flu __PUNCT__ it cannot be seen as a distant concern __PUNCT__
when religi_school in pakistan teach hatr to young_children __PUNCT__ our children ar threaten as well __PUNCT__
whether it global terror or pandem diseas __PUNCT__ dramat climat chang or the prolifer of weapon of mass annihil __PUNCT__ the threat we face at the dawn of the __NUM___centuri can no longer be contain by border and boundari __PUNCT__
the horrif attack on that clear __DATE___dai awaken us to thi new realiti __PUNCT__
and after 9/11 __PUNCT__ million around the world were readi to stand with us __PUNCT__
thei were will to ralli to our caus becaus it wa their caus too __PUNCT__ becaus thei knew that if america led the world toward a new era of global cooper __PUNCT__ it would advanc the secur of peopl in our nation and all nation __PUNCT__
we now know how badli thi administr squander that opportun __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ i state my opposit to the war in iraq __PUNCT__ not onli becaus it wa an unnecessari divers from the struggl against the terrorist who attack us on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ but also becaus it wa base on a fundament misunderstand of the threat that 9/11 brought to light __PUNCT__
i believ then __PUNCT__ and believ now __PUNCT__ that it wa base on old ideolog and outdat strategi __PUNCT__ a determin to fight a __NUM___centuri struggl with a __NUM__ centuri mindset __PUNCT__
there is no doubt that the mistak of the past six year have made our current task more difficult __PUNCT__
world opinion ha turn against us __PUNCT__
and after all the live lost and the billion of dollar_spent __PUNCT__ mani american mai find it tempt to turn inward __PUNCT__ and cede our claim of leadership in world_affair __PUNCT__
i insist __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ that such an abandon of our leadership is a mistak we must not make __PUNCT__
america cannot meet the threat of thi centuri alon __PUNCT__ but the world cannot meet them without america __PUNCT__
we must neither retreat from the world nor try to bulli it into submiss __PUNCT__ we must lead the world __PUNCT__ by deed and exampl __PUNCT__
we must lead by build a __NUM___centuri militari to ensur the secur of our peopl and advanc the secur of all peopl __PUNCT__
we must lead by marshal a global effort to stop the spread of the world most danger weapon __PUNCT__
we must lead by build and strengthen the partnership and allianc necessari to meet our common challeng and defeat our common threat __PUNCT__
and america must lead by reach out to all those live disconnect live of despair in the world forgotten corner __PUNCT__ becaus while there will alwai be those who succumb to hate and strap bomb to their bodi __PUNCT__ there ar million more who want to take anoth path __PUNCT__ who want our beacon of hope to shine it light their wai __PUNCT__
thi elect offer us the chanc to turn the page and open a new chapter in american leadership __PUNCT__
the disappoint that so mani around the world feel toward america right now is onli a testament to the high expect thei hold for us __PUNCT__
we must meet those expect again __PUNCT__ not becaus be respect is an end in itself __PUNCT__ but becaus the secur of america and the wider_world demand it __PUNCT__
thi will requir a new spirit __PUNCT__ not of bluster and bombast __PUNCT__ but of quiet confid and sober intellig __PUNCT__ a spirit of care and renew compet __PUNCT__
it will also requir a new leader __PUNCT__
and as a candid for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ i am ask you to entrust me with that respons __PUNCT__
there ar five wai america will begin to lead again when i presid __PUNCT__
five wai to let the world know that we ar commit to our common secur __PUNCT__ invest in our common human __PUNCT__ and still a beacon of freedom and justic for the world __PUNCT__
the first wai america will lead is by bring a respons end to thi war in iraq and refocus on the critic challeng in the broader region __PUNCT__
in a speech five month_ago __PUNCT__ i argu that there can be no militari solut to what ha becom a polit conflict between sunni and shi'a faction __PUNCT__
and i laid out a plan that i still believ offer the best chanc of pressur these war faction toward a polit settlement __PUNCT__ a phase withdraw of american_forc with the goal of remov all combat brigad from iraq by __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i acknowledg at the time that there ar risk involv in such an approach __PUNCT__
that is why my plan provid for an over __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ horizon forc that could prevent chao in the wider region __PUNCT__ and allow for a limit number of troop to remain in iraq to fight al_qaeda and other terrorist __PUNCT__
but my plan also make_clear that continu u. __PUNCT__ commit to iraq depend on the iraqi_govern meet a seri of well __PUNCT__ defin benchmark necessari to reach a polit settlement __PUNCT__
thu far __PUNCT__ the iraqi govern ha made veri littl progress in meet ani of the benchmark __PUNCT__ in part becaus the presid ha refus time and again to tell the iraqi govern that we will not be there forev __PUNCT__
the presid escal of u. __PUNCT__ forc mai bring a temporari reduct in the violenc in baghdad __PUNCT__ at the price of increas u. __PUNCT__ casualti __PUNCT__ though the experi so far is not encourag __PUNCT__
but it cannot chang the polit dynam in iraq __PUNCT__
a phase withdraw can __PUNCT__
moreov __PUNCT__ until we chang our approach in iraq __PUNCT__ it will be increasingli_difficult to refocu our effort on the challeng in the wider region __PUNCT__ on the conflict in the middl_east __PUNCT__ where hama and hezbollah feel embolden and israel prospect for a secur peac seem uncertain __PUNCT__ on iran __PUNCT__ which ha been strengthen by the war in iraq __PUNCT__ and on afghanistan __PUNCT__ where more american_forc ar need to battl al_qaeda __PUNCT__ track down osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__ and stop that countri from backslid toward instabl __PUNCT__
burden by iraq __PUNCT__ our lacklust diplomat effort leav a huge void __PUNCT__
our interest ar best serv when peopl and govern from jerusalem and amman to damascu and tehran understand that america will stand with our friend __PUNCT__ work_hard to build a peac middl_east __PUNCT__ and refus to cede the futur of the region to those who seek perpetu conflict and instabl __PUNCT__
such effect diplomaci cannot be done on the cheap __PUNCT__ nor can it be warp by an ongo occup of iraq __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ it will requir patient __PUNCT__ sustain effort __PUNCT__ and the person commit of the presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
that is a commit i intend to make __PUNCT__
the second wai america will lead again is by build the first truli __NUM___centuri militari and show wisdom in how we deploi it __PUNCT__
we must maintain the strongest __PUNCT__ best __PUNCT__ equip militari in the world in order to defeat and deter convent threat __PUNCT__
but while sustain our technolog edg will alwai be central to our nation_secur __PUNCT__ the abil to put boot on the ground will be critic in elimin the shadowi terrorist network we now face __PUNCT__
thi is why our countri greatest militari asset is the men and women who wear the uniform of the unit_state __PUNCT__
thi administr first secretari of defens proudli acknowledg that he had inherit the greatest fight forc in the nation_histori __PUNCT__
six year later __PUNCT__ he hand over a forc that ha been stretch to the break_point __PUNCT__ understaf __PUNCT__ and struggl to repair it equip __PUNCT__
two __PUNCT__ third of the armi is now rate __PUNCT__ not readi __PUNCT__ for combat __PUNCT__
__NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the nation_guard is not readi to deploi oversea __PUNCT__ and mani unit cannot respond to a domest emerg __PUNCT__
our men and women in uniform ar perform heroic around the world in some of the most difficult condit imagin __PUNCT__
but the war in afghanistan and the ill __PUNCT__ advis invas of iraq have clearli demonstr the consequ of underestim the number of troop requir to fight two war and defend our homeland __PUNCT__
that why i strongli_support the expans of our ground forc by ad___NUM__ __NUM___soldier to the armi and __NUM__ marin __PUNCT__
but ad troop isn't just about meet a quota __PUNCT__
it about recruit the best and brightest to servic __PUNCT__ and it about keep them in servic by provid them with the first __PUNCT__ rate equip __PUNCT__ armor __PUNCT__ train __PUNCT__ and incent thei deserv __PUNCT__
it about provid fund to enabl the nation_guard to achiev an adequ state of readi again __PUNCT__
and it about honor our veteran by give them the respect and digniti thei deserv and the care and benefit thei have earn __PUNCT__
a __NUM___centuri militari will also requir us to invest in our men and women abil to succe in todai complic conflict __PUNCT__
we know that on the street of baghdad __PUNCT__ a littl bit of arab can actual provid secur to our soldier __PUNCT__
yet __PUNCT__ just a year_ago __PUNCT__ less than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the american_militari could speak a languag such as arab __PUNCT__ mandarin __PUNCT__ hindi __PUNCT__ urdu __PUNCT__ or korean __PUNCT__
it time we recogn these as critic skill for our militari __PUNCT__ and it time we recruit and train for them __PUNCT__
former secretari_rumsfeld said __PUNCT__ you go to war with the armi you have __PUNCT__ not the on you want __PUNCT__
i sai that if the need aris when i presid __PUNCT__ the armi we have will be the armi we need __PUNCT__
of cours __PUNCT__ how we us our arm_forc matter just as much as how thei ar prepar __PUNCT__
no presid should ever hesit to us forc __PUNCT__ unilater if necessari __PUNCT__ to protect ourselv and our vital_interest when we ar attack or immin threaten __PUNCT__
but when we us forc in situat other than self __PUNCT__ defens __PUNCT__ we should make everi effort to garner the clear support and particip of other __PUNCT__ the kind of burden __PUNCT__ share and support presid_georg georg_h.w __PUNCT__ bush muster befor he launch oper desert storm __PUNCT__
and when we do send our men and women into harm wai __PUNCT__ we must also clearli defin the mission __PUNCT__ prescrib concret polit and militari object __PUNCT__ seek out advic of our militari_command __PUNCT__ evalu the intellig __PUNCT__ plan accordingli __PUNCT__ and ensur that our troop have the resourc __PUNCT__ support __PUNCT__ and equip thei need to protect themselv and fulfil their mission __PUNCT__
we must take these step with the knowledg that while sometim necessari __PUNCT__ forc is the costliest weapon in the arsen of american_power in term of live and treasur __PUNCT__
and it far from the onli measur of our strength __PUNCT__
in order to advanc our nation_secur and our common secur __PUNCT__ we must call on the full arsen of american_power and ingenu __PUNCT__
to constrain rogu nation __PUNCT__ we must us effect diplomaci and muscular allianc __PUNCT__
to penetr terrorist network __PUNCT__ we need a nimbl intellig_commun __PUNCT__ with strong leadership that forc agenc to share_inform __PUNCT__ and invest in the tool __PUNCT__ technolog and human intellig that can get the job done __PUNCT__
to maintain our influenc in the world_economi __PUNCT__ we need to get our fiscal hous in order __PUNCT__
and to weaken the hand of hostil dictat __PUNCT__ we must free ourselv from our oil addict __PUNCT__
none of these express of power can supplant the need for a strong militari __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ thei complement our militari __PUNCT__ and help ensur that the us of forc is not our sole avail option __PUNCT__
the third wai america must lead again is by marshal a global effort to meet a threat that rise abov all other in urgenc __PUNCT__ secur __PUNCT__ destroi __PUNCT__ and stop the spread of weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__
as leader from henri_kissing to georg shultz to bill perri to sam nunn have all warn __PUNCT__ the action we ar take todai on thi issu ar simpli not adequ to the danger __PUNCT__
there ar still about __NUM___ton of highli enrich uranium __PUNCT__ some of it poorli secur __PUNCT__ at civilian nuclear facil in over forti countri around the world __PUNCT__
in the former soviet_union __PUNCT__ there ar still about __NUM__ to __NUM__ nuclear_weapon and stockpil of uranium and plutonium capabl of make anoth __NUM__ weapon scatter across __NUM___time zone __PUNCT__
and peopl have alreadi been caught try to smuggl nuclear materi to sell them on the black_market __PUNCT__
we can do someth about thi __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will lead a global effort to secur all nuclear_weapon and materi at vulner site within four year __PUNCT__ the most effect wai to prevent terrorist from acquir a bomb __PUNCT__
we know that russia is neither our enemi nor close_alli right now __PUNCT__ and we shouldn't shy awai from push for more democraci __PUNCT__ transpar __PUNCT__ and account in that countri __PUNCT__
but we also know that we can and must work with russia to make sure everi on of it nuclear_weapon and everi cach of nuclear materi is secur __PUNCT__
and we should fulli implement the law i pass with senat dick lugar that would help the unit_state and our alli detect and stop the smuggl of weapon of mass_destruct throughout the world __PUNCT__
while we work to secur exist stockpil of nuclear materi __PUNCT__ we should also negoti a verifi global ban on the product of new nuclear_weapon materi __PUNCT__
as start_point __PUNCT__ the world must prevent iran from acquir nuclear_weapon and work to elimin north_korea nuclear_weapon weapon_program __PUNCT__
if america doe not lead __PUNCT__ these two nation could trigger region arm_race that could acceler nuclear prolifer on a global_scale and creat danger nuclear flashpoint __PUNCT__
in pursuit of thi goal __PUNCT__ we must never take the militari option off the tabl __PUNCT__
but our first line of offens here must be sustain __PUNCT__ direct and aggress diplomaci __PUNCT__
for north_korea __PUNCT__ that mean ensur the full implement of the recent agreement __PUNCT__
for iran __PUNCT__ it mean get the un secur_council __PUNCT__ europ __PUNCT__ and the gulf_state to join with us in ratchet up the econom_pressur __PUNCT__
we must also dissuad other countri from join the nuclear club __PUNCT__
just the other dai __PUNCT__ it wa report that nearli a dozen countri in and around the middl_east __PUNCT__ includ syria and saudi_arabia __PUNCT__ ar interest in pursu nuclear_power __PUNCT__
countri should not be abl to build a weapon_program under the auspic of develop peac nuclear_power __PUNCT__
that why we should creat an intern fuel bank to back up commerci fuel suppli so there an assur suppli and no more excus for nation like iran to build their own enrich plant __PUNCT__
it encourag that the nuclear threat initi __PUNCT__ back by warren_buffett __PUNCT__ ha alreadi offer fund for thi fuel bank __PUNCT__ if match two to on __PUNCT__
but on an issu of thi import __PUNCT__ the unit_state should not leav the solut to privat philanthropi __PUNCT__
it should be a central compon of our nation_secur __PUNCT__ and that why we should provid __MONEY___million to get thi fuel bank start and urg other nation __PUNCT__ start with russia __PUNCT__ to join us __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ if we want the world to deemphas the role of nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ the unit_state and russia must lead by exampl __PUNCT__
presid_bush onc said __PUNCT__ the unit_state should remov as mani weapon as possibl from high __PUNCT__ alert __PUNCT__ hair __PUNCT__ trigger statu __PUNCT__ anoth unnecessari vestig of cold_war confront __PUNCT__
six year later __PUNCT__ presid_bush ha not act on thi promis __PUNCT__
i will __PUNCT__
we cannot and should not accept the threat of accident or unauthor nuclear launch __PUNCT__
we can maintain a strong nuclear deterr to protect our secur without rush to produc a new gener of warhead __PUNCT__
the danger of nuclear prolifer remind us of how critic global cooper will be in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
that why the fourth wai america must lead is to rebuild and construct the allianc and partnership necessari to meet common challeng and confront common threat __PUNCT__
in the wake of the second world_war __PUNCT__ it wa america that larg built a system of intern_institut that carri us through the cold_war __PUNCT__
leader like harri_truman and georg marshal knew that instead of constrain our power __PUNCT__ these institut magnifi it __PUNCT__
todai it becom fashion to disparag the unit_nation __PUNCT__ the world_bank __PUNCT__ and other intern_organ __PUNCT__
in fact __PUNCT__ reform of these bodi is urgent need if thei ar to keep pace with the fast __PUNCT__ move threat we face __PUNCT__
such real_reform will not come __PUNCT__ howev __PUNCT__ by dismiss the valu of these institut __PUNCT__ or by bulli other countri to ratifi chang we have draft in isol __PUNCT__
real reform will come becaus we convinc other that thei too have a stake in chang __PUNCT__ that such reform will make their world __PUNCT__ and not just our __PUNCT__ more secur __PUNCT__
our allianc also requir constant manag and revis if thei ar to remain effect and relev __PUNCT__
for exampl __PUNCT__ over the last __NUM___year __PUNCT__ nato ha made tremend stride in transform from a cold_war secur structur to a dynam partnership for peac __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ nato challeng in afghanistan ha becom a test case __PUNCT__ in the word of dick lugar __PUNCT__ of whether the allianc can __PUNCT__ overcom the grow discrep between nato expand mission and it lag capabl __PUNCT__
we must close thi gap __PUNCT__ ralli member to contribut troop to collect secur oper __PUNCT__ urg them to invest more in reconstruct and stabil __PUNCT__ streamlin decis __PUNCT__ make_process __PUNCT__ and give command in the field more flexibl __PUNCT__
and as we strengthen nato __PUNCT__ we should also seek to build new allianc and relationship in other region import to our interest in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
in asia __PUNCT__ the emerg of an econom vibrant __PUNCT__ more polit_activ china offer new opportun for prosper and cooper __PUNCT__ but also pose new challeng for the unit_state and our partner in the region __PUNCT__
it is time for the unit state to take a more activ_role here __PUNCT__ to build on our strong bilater relat and inform arrang like the six parti talk __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i intend to forg a more effect region framework in asia that will promot stabil __PUNCT__ prosper and help us confront common transnat threat such as track down terrorist and respond to global health_problem like avian flu __PUNCT__
in thi wai __PUNCT__ the secur allianc and relationship we build in the __NUM___centuri will serv a broader purpos than prevent the invas of on countri by anoth __PUNCT__
thei can help us meet challeng that the world can onli confront togeth __PUNCT__ like the unpreced threat of global_climat chang __PUNCT__
thi is a crisi that cannot be contain to on corner of the globe __PUNCT__
studi_show that with each degre of warm __PUNCT__ rice yield __PUNCT__ the world most signific crop __PUNCT__ fall by __NUM__ __PUNCT__
by __NUM__ famin could displac more than __NUM___million_peopl worldwid __PUNCT__
that mean peopl compet for food and water in the next fifti_year in the veri place that have known horrif violenc in the last fifti __PUNCT__ africa __PUNCT__ the middl_east __PUNCT__ south_asia __PUNCT__
as the world_largest produc of greenhous_gase __PUNCT__ america ha the greatest respons to lead here __PUNCT__
we must enact a cap and trade_system that will dramat reduc our carbon_emiss __PUNCT__
and we must final free ourselv from our depend on foreign_oil by rais our fuel standard and har the power of biofuel __PUNCT__
such step ar not just environment prioriti __PUNCT__ thei ar critic to our secur __PUNCT__
america must take decis action in order to more plausibl demand the same effort from other __PUNCT__
we should push for bind and enforc commit to reduc_emiss by the nation which pollut the most __PUNCT__ the unit_state __PUNCT__ the european_union __PUNCT__ russia __PUNCT__ china __PUNCT__ and india togeth account for nearli two __PUNCT__ third of current emiss __PUNCT__
and we should help ensur that growth in develop_countri is fuel by low __PUNCT__ carbon energi __PUNCT__ the market for which could grow to __MONEY___billion by __NUM__ and spur the next wave of american entrepreneurship __PUNCT__
the fifth wai america will lead again is to invest in our common human __PUNCT__ to ensur that those who live in fear and want todai can live with digniti and opportun tomorrow __PUNCT__
a recent_report detail al_qaeda progress in recruit a new gener of leader to replac the on we have captur or kill __PUNCT__
the new recruit come from a broader rang of countri than the old leadership __PUNCT__ from afghanistan to chechnya __PUNCT__ from britain to germani __PUNCT__ from algeria to pakistan __PUNCT__
most of these recruit ar in their earli_thirti __PUNCT__
thei oper freeli in the disaffect commun and disconnect corner of our interconnect world __PUNCT__ the impoverish __PUNCT__ weak and ungovern state that have becom the most fertil breed ground for transnat threat like terror and pandem diseas and the smuggl of deadli weapon __PUNCT__
some of these terrorist recruit mai have alwai been destin to take the path thei did __PUNCT__ accept a tragic warp view of their religion in which god reward the kill of innoc __PUNCT__
but million of young_men and women have not __PUNCT__
last summer i visit the horn of africa combin joint task_forc __PUNCT__ which wa headquart at camp lemoni in djibouti __PUNCT__
it a u. __PUNCT__ base that wa set up four year_ago __PUNCT__ origin as a place to launch counter __PUNCT__ terror oper __PUNCT__
but recent __PUNCT__ a major focu of the task_forc ha been work with our diplomat and aid worker on oper to win heart and mind __PUNCT__
while i wa there __PUNCT__ i also took a helicopt ride with admir hunt __PUNCT__ the command of the task forc __PUNCT__ to dire dawa __PUNCT__ where the u. __PUNCT__ wa help provid food and water to ethiopian who had been devast by flood __PUNCT__
on of the navi captain who help run the base recent_told a report __PUNCT__ our mission is at least __NUM__ percent civil affair __PUNCT__
it try to get at the root caus of why peopl want to take on the u. __PUNCT__
the admir now in charg of the task_forc suggest that if thei can provid digniti and opportun to the peopl in that region __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ the chanc of extrem be welcom greatli __PUNCT__ if not complet __PUNCT__ diminish __PUNCT__
we have heard much over the last six year about how america larger purpos in the world is to promot the spread of freedom __PUNCT__ that it is the yearn of all who live in the shadow of tyranni and despair __PUNCT__
i agre __PUNCT__
but thi yearn is not satisfi by simpli depos a dictat and set up a ballot_box __PUNCT__
the true desir of all mankind is not onli to live_free live __PUNCT__ but live mark by digniti and opportun __PUNCT__ by secur and simpl justic __PUNCT__
deliv on these univers aspir requir basic susten like food and clean_water __PUNCT__ medicin and shelter __PUNCT__
it also requir a societi that is support by the pillar of a sustain democraci __PUNCT__ a strong legislatur __PUNCT__ an independ_judiciari __PUNCT__ the rule of law __PUNCT__ a vibrant civil_societi __PUNCT__ a free_press __PUNCT__ and an honest polic_forc __PUNCT__
it requir build the capac of the world weakest state and provid them what thei need to reduc_poverti __PUNCT__ build healthi and educ commun __PUNCT__ develop market __PUNCT__ and gener wealth __PUNCT__
and it requir state that have the capac to fight_terror __PUNCT__ halt the prolifer of deadli weapon __PUNCT__ and build the health_care infrastructur need to prevent and treat such deadli diseas as hiv/aid and malaria __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will doubl our annual invest in meet these challeng to __MONEY___billion by __NUM__ and ensur that those new resourc ar direct toward these strateg goal __PUNCT__
for the last twenti_year __PUNCT__ u. __PUNCT__ foreign_aid fund ha done littl more than keep pace with inflat __PUNCT__
doubl our foreign assist spend by __NUM__ will help meet the challeng laid out by toni_blair at the __NUM__ g __PUNCT__ __NUM__ confer at gleneagl __PUNCT__ and it will help push the rest of the develop_world to invest in secur and opportun __PUNCT__
as we have seen recent with larg increas in fund for our aid program __PUNCT__ we have the capac to make sure thi fund make a real differ __PUNCT__
part of thi new fund will also establish a two billion_dollar global educ fund that call on the world to join togeth in elimin the global educ deficit __PUNCT__ similar to what the 9/11_commiss propos __PUNCT__
becaus we cannot hope to shape a world where opportun outweigh danger unless we ensur that everi child __PUNCT__ everywher __PUNCT__ is taught to build and not to destroi __PUNCT__
i know that mani american ar skeptic about the valu of foreign_aid todai __PUNCT__
but as the u. __PUNCT__ militari made_clear in camp lemoni __PUNCT__ a rel small invest in these fragil state up front can be on of the most effect wai to prevent the terror and strife that is far more costli __PUNCT__ both in live and treasur __PUNCT__ down the road __PUNCT__
in thi wai __PUNCT__ __MONEY___billion a year in foreign_aid __PUNCT__ which is less than on __PUNCT__ half of on percent of our gdp __PUNCT__ doesn't sound as costli when you consid that last year __PUNCT__ the pentagon spent nearli doubl that amount in iraq alon __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ while america can help other build more secur societi __PUNCT__ we must never forget that onli the citizen of these nation can sustain them __PUNCT__
the corrupt i heard about while visit part of africa ha been around for decad __PUNCT__ but the hunger to elimin such corrupt is a grow and power_forc among peopl there __PUNCT__
and so in these place where fear and want still thrive __PUNCT__ we must coupl our aid with an insist call for reform __PUNCT__
we must do so not in the spirit of a patron __PUNCT__ but the spirit of a partner __PUNCT__ a partner that is mind of it own imperfect __PUNCT__
extend an outstretch hand to these state must ultim be more than just a matter of expedi or even chariti __PUNCT__
it must be about recogn the inher equal and worth of all peopl __PUNCT__
and it about show the world that america stand for someth __PUNCT__ that we can still lead __PUNCT__
these ar the wai we will answer the challeng that arriv on our shore that __DATE___morn more than five year_ago __PUNCT__
a __NUM___centuri militari to stai on the offens __PUNCT__ from djibouti to kandahar __PUNCT__
global effort to keep the world deadliest weapon out of the world most danger hand __PUNCT__
stronger allianc to share_inform __PUNCT__ pool resourc __PUNCT__ and break up terrorist network that oper in more than eighti countri __PUNCT__
and a stronger push to defeat the terrorist __PUNCT__ messag of hate with an agenda for hope around the world __PUNCT__
it time we had a presid who can do thi again __PUNCT__ who can speak directli to the world __PUNCT__ and send a messag to all those men and women beyond our shore who long for live of digniti and secur that sai __PUNCT__ you matter to us __PUNCT__
your futur is our futur __PUNCT__
and our moment is now __PUNCT__
it time __PUNCT__ as well __PUNCT__ for a presid who can build a consensu at home for thi ambiti but necessari cours __PUNCT__
for in the end __PUNCT__ no foreign_polici can succe unless the american_peopl peopl_understand it and feel a stake in it success __PUNCT__ and unless thei trust that their govern hear their more immedi concern as well __PUNCT__
after all __PUNCT__ we will not be abl to increas foreign_aid if we fail to invest in secur and opportun for our own peopl __PUNCT__
we cannot negoti trade_agreement to help spur develop in poor_countri so long as we provid no meaning help to work_american burden by the disloc of a global_economi __PUNCT__
we cannot expect american to support place our men and women in harm wai if we cannot prove that we will us forc wise and judici __PUNCT__
but if the next presid can restor the american_peopl trust __PUNCT__ if thei know that he or she is act with their best interest at heart __PUNCT__ with prudenc and wisdom and some measur of humil __PUNCT__ then i believ the american peopl will be readi to see america lead again __PUNCT__
thei will be readi to show the world that we ar not a countri that ship prison in the dead of night to be tortur in far off countri __PUNCT__
that we ar not a countri that run prison which lock peopl awai without ever tell them why thei ar there or what thei ar charg with __PUNCT__
that we ar not a countri which preach compass and justic to other while we allow bodi to float down the street of a major american_citi __PUNCT__
that is not who we ar __PUNCT__
america is the countri that help liber a contin from the march of a madman __PUNCT__
we ar the countri that told the brave peopl of a divid citi that we were berlin too __PUNCT__
we sent gener of young_peopl to serv as ambassador for peac in countri all over the world __PUNCT__
and we the countri that rush aid throughout asia for the victim of a devast tsunami __PUNCT__
now it our moment to lead __PUNCT__ our gener time to tell anoth great_american stori __PUNCT__
so somedai we can tell our children that thi wa the time when we help forg peac in the middl_east __PUNCT__
that thi wa the time when we confront climat chang and secur the weapon that could destroi the human_race __PUNCT__
thi wa the time when we brought opportun to those forgotten corner of the world __PUNCT__
and thi wa the time when we renew the america that ha led gener of weari travel from all over the world to find opportun __PUNCT__ and liberti __PUNCT__ and hope on our doorstep __PUNCT__
on of these travel wa my father __PUNCT__
i bare knew him __PUNCT__ but when __PUNCT__ after hi death __PUNCT__ i final took my first trip to hi tini villag in kenya and ask my grandmoth if there wa anyth left from him __PUNCT__ she open a trunk and took out a stack of letter __PUNCT__ which she hand to me __PUNCT__
there were more than thirti of them __PUNCT__ all handwritten by my father __PUNCT__ all address to colleg and univers across america __PUNCT__ all fill with the hope of a young_man who dream of more for hi life __PUNCT__
it is becaus someon in thi countri answer that prayer that i stand befor you todai with faith in our futur __PUNCT__ confid in our stori __PUNCT__ and a determin to do my part in write our countri next great chapter __PUNCT__
the american moment ha not pass __PUNCT__
the american moment is here __PUNCT__
and like gener befor us __PUNCT__ we will seiz that moment __PUNCT__ and begin the world anew __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__