This speech titled 2007.04.28 originally had 2966 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it ha now been a littl over two month sinc we began thi campaign __PUNCT__
in that time we have travel all across thi countri __PUNCT__
and befor everi event we do __PUNCT__ i usual have a minut to sit quietli and collect my thought __PUNCT__
and recent __PUNCT__ i found myself reflect on what it wa that led me to public_servic in the first place __PUNCT__
i live in chicago now __PUNCT__ but i am not a nativ of that great_citi __PUNCT__
i move there when i wa just a year out of colleg __PUNCT__ and a group of church offer me a job as a commun_organ so i could help rebuild neighborhood that had been devast by the close of steel plant __PUNCT__
the salari wa __MONEY__ a year plu enough monei to bui an old __PUNCT__ beat __PUNCT__ up car __PUNCT__ and so i took the job and drove out to chicago __PUNCT__ where i didn't know a soul __PUNCT__
and dure the time i wa there __PUNCT__ we work to set up job_train train_program for the unemploi and after school program for kid __PUNCT__
and it wa the best educ i ever had __PUNCT__ becaus i learn in those neighborhood that when ordinari_peopl come togeth __PUNCT__ thei can achiev extraordinari thing __PUNCT__
after three year __PUNCT__ i went back to law_school __PUNCT__
i left there with a degre and a lifetim of debt __PUNCT__ but i turn down the corpor job offer so i could come back to chicago and organ a voter_registr drive __PUNCT__
i also start a civil right practic __PUNCT__ and began to teach constitut_law __PUNCT__
and after a few year __PUNCT__ peopl_start come up to me and tell me i should run for state_senat __PUNCT__
so i did what everi man doe when he face with a big decis __PUNCT__ i prai __PUNCT__ and i ask my wife __PUNCT__
and after consult those two higher_power __PUNCT__ i decid to get in the race __PUNCT__
and everywher i go __PUNCT__ i get two question __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ thei ask __PUNCT__ where you get that funni name __PUNCT__ barack_obama __PUNCT__ becaus peopl just couldn't pronounc it __PUNCT__
thei call me __PUNCT__ alabama __PUNCT__ or thei call me __PUNCT__ yo mama __PUNCT__ and i tell them that my father wa from kenya __PUNCT__ and that where i got my name __PUNCT__
and my mother wa from kansa __PUNCT__ and that where i got my accent from __PUNCT__
and the second thing peopl would ask me wa __PUNCT__ you seem like a nice young_man __PUNCT__
you done all thi great_work __PUNCT__
you been a commun_organ __PUNCT__ and you teach law_school __PUNCT__ you a civil right attornei __PUNCT__ you a famili_man __PUNCT__ why would you wanna go into someth dirti and nasti like polit __PUNCT__
and i understand the question __PUNCT__ and the cynic __PUNCT__
we all understand it __PUNCT__
we understand it becaus we get the sens todai that polit ha becom a busi and not a mission __PUNCT__
in the last sever year __PUNCT__ we have seen washington becom a place where keep score of who up and who down is more import than who work on behalf of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
we have been told that our mount debt don't matter __PUNCT__ that the economi is do great __PUNCT__ and so american should be left to face their anxieti about rise health_care_cost and disappear pension on their own __PUNCT__
we been told that climat chang is a hoax __PUNCT__ that our broken school cannot be fix __PUNCT__ that we ar destin to send million of dollar a dai to mideast dictat for their oil __PUNCT__
and we seen how a foreign_polici base on bluster and bombast can lead us into a war that should never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__
and when we try to have an honest debat about the crise we face __PUNCT__ whether it on the senat_floor or a sundai talk_show __PUNCT__ the convers isn't about find common_ground __PUNCT__ it about find someon to blame __PUNCT__
we divid into red_state and blue_state __PUNCT__ and told to alwai point the finger at somebodi els __PUNCT__ the other parti __PUNCT__ or gai_peopl __PUNCT__ or immigr __PUNCT__
for good reason __PUNCT__ the rest of us have becom cynic about what polit can achiev in thi countri __PUNCT__ and as we turn awai in frustrat __PUNCT__ we know what fill the void __PUNCT__
the lobbyist and influenc __PUNCT__ peddler with the cash and the connect __PUNCT__ the on who turn govern into a game onli thei can afford to plai __PUNCT__
thei write the check and you get stuck with the bill __PUNCT__ thei get the access while you get to write a letter __PUNCT__ thei think thei own thi govern __PUNCT__ but we here to tell them it not for sale __PUNCT__
peopl tell me i haven't spent a lot of time learn the wai of washington __PUNCT__
but i promis you thi __PUNCT__ i been there long enough to know that the wai of washington must chang __PUNCT__
i run for presid becaus the time for the can't __PUNCT__ do __PUNCT__ won't __PUNCT__ do __PUNCT__ won't __PUNCT__ even __PUNCT__ try style of polit is over __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
there is an awaken take place in america_todai __PUNCT__
from new hampshir to california __PUNCT__ from texa to iowa __PUNCT__ we ar see crowd we never seen befor __PUNCT__ we see peopl show up to the veri first polit event of their live __PUNCT__
thei come becaus thei know we ar at a crossroad right now __PUNCT__
becaus we ar face a set of challeng we haven't seen in a gener __PUNCT__ and if we don't meet those challeng __PUNCT__ we could end up leav our children a world that a littl poorer and a littl meaner than we found it __PUNCT__
and so the american_peopl ar hungri for a differ kind of polit __PUNCT__ the kind of polit_base on the ideal thi countri wa found upon __PUNCT__
the idea that we ar all connect as on peopl __PUNCT__
that we all have a stake in on anoth __PUNCT__
it what i learn as a state_senat in illinoi __PUNCT__
that you can turn the page on old debat __PUNCT__ that it possibl to compromis so long as you as you never compromis your principl __PUNCT__ and that so long as we will to listen to each other __PUNCT__ we can assum the best in peopl instead of the worst __PUNCT__
that how we were abl to reform a death_penalti system that sent __NUM__ innoc_peopl to death_row __PUNCT__
that how we were abl to give health_insur to __NUM__ more children who need it __PUNCT__
that how we gave __MONEY___million worth of tax_cut to work_famili in illinoi __PUNCT__
and that how we pass the first ethic reform in twenti __PUNCT__ five year __PUNCT__
we have seen too mani campaign where our problem ar talk to death __PUNCT__
where ten __PUNCT__ point_plan ar crush under the weight of the same old polit onc the elect over __PUNCT__
where experi in washington doesn't alwai translat to result for the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and so if we do not chang our polit __PUNCT__ if we do not fundament chang the wai washington work __PUNCT__ then the problem we been talk about for the last gener will be the same on that haunt us for gener to come __PUNCT__
we must find a wai to come togeth in thi countri __PUNCT__ to realiz that the respons we have to on anoth as american is greater than the pursuit of ani ideolog_agenda or corpor bottom_line __PUNCT__
democrat of california __PUNCT__ it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page on health_care __PUNCT__ to bring togeth union and busi __PUNCT__ democrat and republican __PUNCT__ and to let the insur and drug_compani know that while thei get a seat at the tabl __PUNCT__ thei don't get to bui everi chair __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ i will sign a univers_health_care law by the end of my first term __PUNCT__
my plan will cover the uninsur by let peopl_bui into the same_kind of health_care_plan that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
it will bring down cost by invest in inform_technolog __PUNCT__ and prevent_care __PUNCT__ and by stop the drug_compani from price __PUNCT__ goug when patient need their medicin __PUNCT__
it will help busi and famili shoulder the burden of catastroph care so that an ill doesn't lead to a bankruptci __PUNCT__
and it will save the averag_famili a thousand_dollar a year on their premium __PUNCT__
we can do thi __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page on educ __PUNCT__ to move past the slow decai of indiffer that sai some school can't be fix and some kid just can't learn __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will launch a campaign to recruit and support hundr of thousand of new teacher across the countri __PUNCT__ becaus the most import_part of ani educ is the person stand in the front of the classroom __PUNCT__
it time to treat teach like the profess it is __PUNCT__ pai teacher what thei deserv and work with them __PUNCT__ not against them __PUNCT__ to develop the high_standard we need __PUNCT__
we can do thi __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page on energi __PUNCT__ to break the polit stalem that kept our fuel_effici standard in the same place for twenti_year __PUNCT__ to tell the oil and auto_industri that thei must act __PUNCT__ not onli becaus their futur at stake __PUNCT__ but becaus the futur of our countri and our planet is at stake as well __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will institut a cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade_system that would dramat reduc carbon_emiss and auction off emiss credit that would gener million of dollar to invest in renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__
i put in place a low __PUNCT__ carbon fuel standard like you have here in california that will take __NUM___million car __PUNCT__ worth of pollut off the road __PUNCT__
and i rais the fuel_effici standard for our car and truck becaus we know we have the technolog to do it and it time we did __PUNCT__
we can do thi __PUNCT__
we can do all of thi __PUNCT__
but most of all __PUNCT__ we have to turn the page on thi disast in iraq and restor our stand in the world __PUNCT__
i am proud that i stood up in __NUM__ and urg our leader not to take us down thi danger path __PUNCT__
and so mani of you did the same __PUNCT__ even when it wasn't popular to do so __PUNCT__
we knew back then thi war wa a mistak __PUNCT__
we knew back then that it wa danger divers from the struggl against the terrorist who attack us on __DATE__ __PUNCT__
we knew back then that we could find ourselv in an occup of undetermin length __PUNCT__ at undetermin cost __PUNCT__ with undetermin consequ __PUNCT__
but the war went forward __PUNCT__
and now __PUNCT__ we seen those consequ and we mourn for the dead and wound __PUNCT__
i wa in new hampshir the other week when a woman told me that her nephew wa leav for iraq __PUNCT__
and as she start tell me how much she miss him and how worri she wa about him __PUNCT__ she began to cry __PUNCT__
and she said to me __PUNCT__ i can't breath __PUNCT__
i want to know __PUNCT__ when am i go to be abl to breath again __PUNCT__
it is time to let thi woman know she can breath again __PUNCT__
it is time to put an end thi war __PUNCT__
the major of both hous of the american congress __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__ just pass a bill that would do exactli that __PUNCT__
it a bill similar to the plan i introduc in __DATE__ that sai there is no militari solut to thi civil_war __PUNCT__ that the last __PUNCT__ best hope to pressur the war faction to reach a polit settlement is to let the iraqi_govern know that america will not be there forev __PUNCT__ to begin a phase withdraw with the goal of bring all combat brigad home by __DATE__ __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__
we ar on signatur awai from end thi war __PUNCT__
if the presid refus to sign it __PUNCT__ we will go back and find the sixteen vote we need to end thi war without him __PUNCT__
we will turn up the pressur on all those republican_congressmen and senat who refus to acknowledg the realiti that the american_peopl know so well __PUNCT__ and we will get thi done __PUNCT__
we will bring our troop_home __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
it time to show the world that america is still the last __PUNCT__ best hope of earth __PUNCT__
thi presid mai occupi the white_hous __PUNCT__ but for the last six year the posit of leader of the free_world ha remain open __PUNCT__
it time to fill that role onc more __PUNCT__
whether it terror or climat chang __PUNCT__ global aid or the spread of weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ america cannot meet the threat of thi new centuri alon __PUNCT__ but the world cannot meet them without america __PUNCT__
it time for us to lead __PUNCT__
it time for us to show the world that we ar not a countri that ship prison in the dead of night to be tortur in far off countri __PUNCT__
that we ar not a countri that run prison which lock peopl awai without ever tell them why thei ar there or what thei ar charg with __PUNCT__
we ar not a countri which preach compass to other while we allow bodi to float down the street of a major american_citi __PUNCT__
that is not who we ar __PUNCT__
we ar america __PUNCT__
we ar the nation that liber a contin from a madman __PUNCT__ that lift ourselv from the depth of depress __PUNCT__ that won civil right __PUNCT__ and women right __PUNCT__ and vote right for all our peopl __PUNCT__
we ar the beacon that ha led gener of weari travel to find opportun __PUNCT__ and liberti __PUNCT__ and hope on our doorstep __PUNCT__
that who we ar __PUNCT__
i wa down in selma __PUNCT__ alabama awhil back __PUNCT__ and we were celebr the __NUM___anniversari of the march across the edmund pettu bridg __PUNCT__
it wa a march of ordinari_american __PUNCT__ maid and cook __PUNCT__ preacher and pullman porter who face down fire hose and dog __PUNCT__ tear_ga and billi club when thei tri to get to the other side __PUNCT__
but everi time thei were stop __PUNCT__ everi time thei were knock down __PUNCT__ thei got back up __PUNCT__ thei came back __PUNCT__ and thei kept on march __PUNCT__
and final thei cross over __PUNCT__
it wa call bloodi sundai __PUNCT__ and it wa the culmin of the civil right movement __PUNCT__
when i came back from that celebr __PUNCT__ peopl would sai __PUNCT__ oh __PUNCT__ what a wonder celebr of african __PUNCT__ american_histori that must have been __PUNCT__
and i would sai __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ that wasn't african __PUNCT__ american histori __PUNCT__
that wa a celebr of american histori __PUNCT__ it our stori __PUNCT__
and it remind us of a simpl_truth __PUNCT__ a truth i learn all those year_ago as an organ in chicago __PUNCT__ a truth you carri by be here todai __PUNCT__ that in the face of imposs odd __PUNCT__ peopl who love their countri can chang it __PUNCT__
i am confid about my abil to lead thi countri __PUNCT__
but i also know that i can't do it without you __PUNCT__
there will be time when i get tire __PUNCT__ there will be time when i make a mistak __PUNCT__ it true __PUNCT__ talk to my wife __PUNCT__ she tell you __PUNCT__
but thi campaign that we run ha to be about your hope __PUNCT__ and your dream __PUNCT__ and what you will do __PUNCT__
becaus there ar few obstacl that can withstand the power of million of voic call for chang __PUNCT__
that how chang ha alwai happen __PUNCT__ not from the top __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ but from the bottom __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__
and that exactli how you and i will chang thi countri __PUNCT__
california __PUNCT__ if you want a new kind of polit __PUNCT__ it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
if you want an end to the old divis __PUNCT__ and the stale debat __PUNCT__ and the score __PUNCT__ keep and the name __PUNCT__ call __PUNCT__ it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
if you want health_care for everi american and a world __PUNCT__ class educ for all our children __PUNCT__ if you want energi_independ and an end to thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ if you believ america is still that last __PUNCT__ best hope of earth __PUNCT__ then it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page for hope __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page for justic __PUNCT__
it is time to turn the page and write the next chapter in the great_american stori __PUNCT__
let begin the work __PUNCT__
let do thi togeth __PUNCT__
let turn that page __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__