This speech titled 2007.06.22 originally had 3491 tokens. You can view the original text here.
over on hundr_year year_ago __PUNCT__ around the turn of the last centuri __PUNCT__ the industri_revolut wa begin to take hold of america __PUNCT__ creat unimagin wealth in sprawl metropolis all across the countri __PUNCT__
as factori multipli and profit grew __PUNCT__ the win of the new economi becam more and more concentr in the hand of a few robber_baron __PUNCT__ railroad tycoon and oil magnat __PUNCT__
it wa known as the gild_ag __PUNCT__ and it wa made possibl by a govern that plai along __PUNCT__
from the politician in washington to the big_citi machin __PUNCT__ a vast system of payoff and patronag __PUNCT__ scandal and corrupt kept power in the hand of the few while the worker who stream into the new factori found it harder and harder to earn a decent_wage or work in a safe environ or get a dai off onc in awhil __PUNCT__
eventu __PUNCT__ leader commit to reform began to speak out all across america __PUNCT__ demand a new kind of polit that would give govern_back to the peopl __PUNCT__
on wa the young governor of the state of new york __PUNCT__
in just hi first year __PUNCT__ he had alreadi begun to antagon the state_polit polit_machin by attack it system of favor and corpor giveawai __PUNCT__
he also sign a worker __PUNCT__ compens bill __PUNCT__ and fire a high __PUNCT__ level offici for take monei from the veri industri he wa suppos to be regul __PUNCT__
none of thi reform sat too well with new york power parti boss __PUNCT__ who final plot to get rid of the governor by make sure he wa nomin for the vice_presid that year __PUNCT__
what no on could have expect is that soon after the elect __PUNCT__ when presid william mckinlei wa assassin __PUNCT__ the greatest fear of all the entrench interest came true when that former governor becam presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
hi name __PUNCT__ of cours __PUNCT__ wa teddi_roosevelt __PUNCT__
and dure hi presid __PUNCT__ he went on to bust trust __PUNCT__ break up monopoli __PUNCT__ and do hi best to give the american_peopl a shot at the dream onc more __PUNCT__
over a centuri later __PUNCT__ america need thi kind of leadership more than ever __PUNCT__
we need a presid who see govern not as a tool to enrich well __PUNCT__ connect friend and high __PUNCT__ price lobbyist __PUNCT__ but as the defend of fair and opportun for everi american __PUNCT__
that what thi countri ha alwai been about __PUNCT__ and that the kind of presid i intend to be __PUNCT__
we cannot settl for a second gild_ag in america __PUNCT__
and yet we find ourselv onc more in the midst of a new economi where more wealth is in danger of fall into fewer hand __PUNCT__ where the averag ceo now earn more in on dai than an averag_worker earn in an entir year __PUNCT__ where american ar struggl like never befor to pai their medic_bill __PUNCT__ or their kid __PUNCT__ tuition __PUNCT__ or high ga_price __PUNCT__ all while the profit of the drug and insur and oil_industri have never been higher __PUNCT__
and onc again __PUNCT__ we ar face with a polit that make all of thi possibl __PUNCT__
in the last six year __PUNCT__ our leader have thrown open the door of congress and the white_hous to an armi of washington_lobbyist who have turn our govern into a game onli thei can afford to plai __PUNCT__ a game plai on a field that no longer level __PUNCT__ but rig to alwai favor their own narrow agenda __PUNCT__
from jack_abramoff to tom_delai __PUNCT__ from briberi to indict __PUNCT__ the scandal that have plagu washington over the last few year have been too numer to recal __PUNCT__
but their most troubl aspect goe far beyond the headlin that focu on the culprit and their crime __PUNCT__
it an entir cultur in washington __PUNCT__ some of it legal __PUNCT__ some of it not __PUNCT__ that allow thi to happen __PUNCT__
becaus what most outrag is not the moral offens conduct on behalf of these lobbyist and legisl __PUNCT__ but the moral offens law and decis that get made as a result __PUNCT__
the drug and insur_industri spent___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion in lobbi over the last decad __PUNCT__
thei got what thei paid for when their friend in congress broke the rule and twist arm to push through a prescript_drug bill that actual made it illeg for our own govern to negoti with the pharmaceut_compani for cheaper drug_price __PUNCT__
onc it pass __PUNCT__ those compani reward fifteen govern_offici and congressmen who work on the bill with cushi lobbi job that pai million __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__ there ar parent and grandpar in thi countri who will walk into a drugstor and wonder how their social_secur check isgo to cover a prescript that more expens than it wa a month_ago __PUNCT__ who will be forc to choos between their medicin and their groceri becaus thei can no longer afford both __PUNCT__
thi isn't the govern thei deserv __PUNCT__
the oil_compani were allow to craft energi_polici with dick_chenei in secret while everi other voic wa silenc __PUNCT__ includ the nasa scientist who tri to warn us about the danger of climat chang __PUNCT__
the industri got everyth it want __PUNCT__ and it even got on of it top lobbyist a job at the white_hous as an environment watchdog __PUNCT__ a job he us to fix report that show a link between carbon_emiss and global_warm __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ our planet is six year closer to a tip_point on climat chang __PUNCT__
our countri grow more depend by the dai on oil suppli by some of the world most danger and defiant regim __PUNCT__
and in a year where exxon report the biggest annual profit of ani u. __PUNCT__ corpor in histori __PUNCT__ our famili ar head into a summer where thei could pai up to four dollar a gallon for gasolin in some place __PUNCT__
thi isn't the govern we deserv __PUNCT__
at least eight top_offici in our own educ depart have taken or had job in the student_loan industri __PUNCT__ includ on who wa fire for still own __MONEY___worth of stock in that industri __PUNCT__
these ar the same privat lender and bank who have been caught actual bribe colleg to steer busi their wai __PUNCT__ the same on who charg taxpay __MONEY___billion a year to provid student_loan at inflat_rate __PUNCT__ instead of offer the loan directli and us the save to help more kid __PUNCT__
and we wonder why __NUM___student didn't go to colleg in on recent_year for the simpl reason that thei couldn't afford it __PUNCT__
billion of no __PUNCT__ bid __PUNCT__ no __PUNCT__ string __PUNCT__ attach contract have been hand out in new orlean and iraq and at walter reed medic_center on the sole basi of who you know and the favor you done __PUNCT__ and yet we somehow surpris when the famili in the __NUM__ ward ar still live in trailer __PUNCT__ or our soldier don't have the bodi armor thei need __PUNCT__ or our veteran ar forc to come home to squalor and neglect __PUNCT__
thi isn't the govern thei deserv __PUNCT__
thi isn't the america we believ in __PUNCT__
and thi is the kind of polit that will end when i am presid __PUNCT__
american of everi background and belief ar hungri for a new kind of polit __PUNCT__ a peopl polit that reconnect them with their govern __PUNCT__ on that offer not just a vote at the ballot_box __PUNCT__ but a voic in washington and an assur that the leader we send there will hear it __PUNCT__
the peopl i met across thi countri don't just want reform for reform sake __PUNCT__ thei want reform that will help pai their doctor bill __PUNCT__ or ensur that their tax_dollar ar spent wise __PUNCT__ or put us on the path to energi_independ __PUNCT__
thei want real_reform and thei tire of the lobbyist stand in the wai __PUNCT__
look __PUNCT__ we can't begrudg busi for try to make a profit __PUNCT__
that how the free_market market_work __PUNCT__
and everi american __PUNCT__ rich or poor __PUNCT__ ha the right to lobbi their govern __PUNCT__
that perfectli fine __PUNCT__
but it time we had a presid who tell the drug_compani and the oil_compani and the insur_industri that while thei get a seat at the tabl in washington __PUNCT__ thei don't get to bui everi chair __PUNCT__
not anymor __PUNCT__
i know that in everi campaign __PUNCT__ politician make promis about clean up washington __PUNCT__
and most time __PUNCT__ you end up disappoint when it doesn't happen __PUNCT__
so it easi to becom cynic __PUNCT__ to believ that chang isn't possibl __PUNCT__ that the odd ar too great __PUNCT__ that thi year is bound to be no differ from the last __PUNCT__
but i also know what i seen and what i done __PUNCT__
i know that for me __PUNCT__ reform isn't just the rhetor of a campaign __PUNCT__ it been a caus of my career __PUNCT__
when i arriv in springfield a decad_ago as a state_senat __PUNCT__ peopl said it wa too hard to take on the issu of monei in polit __PUNCT__
illinoi actual had a law that allow politician to pocket the monei in their campaign account for person us __PUNCT__ that allow ani lobbyist or special_interest to shower lawmak with unlimit gift __PUNCT__
it wa obviou that as long as thi went on __PUNCT__ the peopl busi would never come first __PUNCT__
i knew it wa go to be tough __PUNCT__ and that i wasn't go to make myself the most popular gui in town __PUNCT__ or even in my own parti __PUNCT__
but we had the peopl of illinoi on our side __PUNCT__ and that there were folk on both side of the aisl who were will to listen __PUNCT__ and so we were final abl to pass the first major ethic reform in twenti __PUNCT__ five year __PUNCT__
when i arriv in washington eight year later __PUNCT__ the need for chang wa equal clear __PUNCT__
big_monei and lobbyist were clearli drown out the aspir of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
so when my parti made me the point person on ethic __PUNCT__ i wa determin to pass the strongest reform possibl __PUNCT__
the first time around __PUNCT__ congress came up with a water __PUNCT__ down version __PUNCT__
and i wa proud to vote against it __PUNCT__
so we came back the second time __PUNCT__ and in our bill __PUNCT__ we ban gift and meal and put an end to subsid travel on corpor jet __PUNCT__
we made sure that the american peopl could see all the pet project that lawmak were try to pass befor thei were vote on __PUNCT__
and we did someth more __PUNCT__
over the object of power voic in both parti __PUNCT__ we shine a bright light on how lobbyist help fill the campaign coffer of member of congress __PUNCT__
and we made sure those lobbyist will have to disclos who thei rais campaign monei from __PUNCT__ and who in congress thei funnel it to __PUNCT__
as a candid for presid __PUNCT__ i tri to lead by exampl __PUNCT__ turn down all contribut from feder lobbyist and the polit_action_committe that the special_interest us to pass out campaign monei __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ it true that all of thi repres a step_forward when it come to reconnect peopl with their govern __PUNCT__
but it also true that a step forward isn't good enough __PUNCT__
too often in washington __PUNCT__ special_interest still exercis an effect veto on our progress __PUNCT__ on issu from health_care_reform and drug cost to energi_independ and global_warm __PUNCT__
we saw how thi happen dure the debat over the energi_bill thi week __PUNCT__
in the face of furiou lobbi __PUNCT__ congress brush asid incent for the product of more renew fuel in favor of more tax_break for the oil and ga compani __PUNCT__
and while we made some progress on fuel_economi standard __PUNCT__ we didn't get the bold __PUNCT__ long __PUNCT__ last solut that america need to break it depend on foreign_oil __PUNCT__
so there more clean up to do in washington and congress need to start do it so we can final take action on the big challeng that demand solut __PUNCT__
but we need to clean up both end of pennsylvania_avenu __PUNCT__
i believ that the respons for a peopl polit begin with the person who sit in the oval_offic __PUNCT__
that is why on my veri first dai as presid __PUNCT__ i will launch the most sweep ethic reform in histori to make the white_hous the peopl hous and send the washington_lobbyist back to k street __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we will close the revolv_door that ha allow peopl to us their administr job as a step stone to further their lobbi career __PUNCT__
thi administr tri to fill the top job at the consum_product safeti commiss with a lobbyist from the same manufactur industri it suppos to regul __PUNCT__
if michael baroodi had taken that job __PUNCT__ and he face a complaint over an unsaf product __PUNCT__ whose interest would he have serv __PUNCT__ the mother worri about the lead in her child toi __PUNCT__ or the former boss who gave him a special __MONEY__ sever packag on hi wai out the door __PUNCT__
when you on dick_chenei energi task_forc and you know that a multimillion dollar job as an oil lobbyist could be wait for you __PUNCT__ whose interest ar you go to serv __PUNCT__ the oil_compani that ar ask for more tax_break or the scientist and energi expert who sai we need to invest in renew fuel __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ i will make it absolut clear that work in an obama_administr is not about serv your former employ __PUNCT__ your futur employ __PUNCT__ or your bank_account __PUNCT__ it about serv your countri __PUNCT__ and that what come first __PUNCT__
when you walk into my administr __PUNCT__ you will not be abl to work on regul or contract directli relat to your former employ for two year __PUNCT__
and when you leav __PUNCT__ you will not be abl to lobbi the administr throughout the remaind of my term in offic __PUNCT__
a lot of peopl have told me thi is pretti tough __PUNCT__ but i refus to accept the washington logic that you cannot find thousand of talent __PUNCT__ patriot american will to devot a few year to their countri without the promis of a lucr lobbi job after thei done __PUNCT__
i know we can find them __PUNCT__ and in my administr __PUNCT__ we will __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ i will end the abus of no __PUNCT__ bid contract in my administr __PUNCT__
in the last six year __PUNCT__ the unpreced us of these contract ha wast billion of taxpay_dollar and outsourc critic govern_servic to friend and support who ar more connect than thei ar qualifi __PUNCT__
that why __PUNCT__ in the senat __PUNCT__ i work with republican_senat tom_coburn to pass_legisl that restrict the us of no __PUNCT__ bid contract when it come to rebuild the gulf_coast __PUNCT__
but we need to do more __PUNCT__
when our govern give halliburton __MONEY___billion in taxpay_dollar to put out iraqi oil fire that don't exist __PUNCT__ when we hand over katrina contract to more of georg_bush fema friend __PUNCT__ it doesn't just violat the american_peopl trust __PUNCT__ it take awai the tax_dollar thei earn and the valuabl servic thei need __PUNCT__
it wrong __PUNCT__ and when i am presid __PUNCT__ it will end __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we will institut an absolut gift ban so that no regist lobbyist can curri favor and build relationship with member of my administr base on how much thei can spend __PUNCT__
when the american_peopl have a concern about the high_cost of health_care or colleg_tuition __PUNCT__ thei can't afford to take a white_hous staffer out to a fanci dinner or an expens sport event __PUNCT__ and lobbyist shouldn't get to either __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ when it come to hire_peopl in my administr __PUNCT__ the litmu_test we appli will not be base on parti or ideolog __PUNCT__ but qualif and experi __PUNCT__
thi ha been the most politic white_hous in histori __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl have suffer as a result __PUNCT__
presid obvious want to surround themselv with those who share their view and their belief __PUNCT__ but the dai of fire eight qualifi u. __PUNCT__ attornei becaus of their polit is over __PUNCT__
the dai of us the white_hous as anoth arm of the republican_nation_committe ar over __PUNCT__
and the dai of michael brown __PUNCT__ arabian hors judg __PUNCT__ ar over __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we will return govern to the peopl by bring govern to the peopl __PUNCT__ by make it open and transpar so that anyon can see that our busi is the peopl busi __PUNCT__
as justic loui brandei onc said __PUNCT__ sunlight is the greatest disinfect __PUNCT__
the more peopl know about how feder_law __PUNCT__ rule and regul ar made __PUNCT__ and who make them __PUNCT__ the less like it is that critic decis will be hijack by lobbyist and special_interest __PUNCT__
i think the current administr know that __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__ which is why it been the most defiantli secret govern in modern_time __PUNCT__
it time to chang that __PUNCT__
when there is a bill that end up on my desk as presid __PUNCT__ you will have five dai to look onlin and find out what in it befor i sign it __PUNCT__
when there ar meet between lobbyist and a govern_agenc __PUNCT__ we won't be go to the suprem_court to keep it secret like dick_chenei and hi energi task_forc __PUNCT__ we be put them up on the internet for everi american to watch __PUNCT__
and instead of allow lobbyist to slip big_corpor corpor_tax tax_break into bill dure the dead of night __PUNCT__ we will make sure everi singl tax break and earmark is avail to everi american onlin __PUNCT__
thi build on the __PUNCT__ googl for govern __PUNCT__ law i pass in congress __PUNCT__ which alreadi allow you to see everi contract __PUNCT__ everi grant __PUNCT__ everi dime of feder_spend onlin __PUNCT__
it time to renew a peopl polit in thi countri __PUNCT__ to ensur that the hope and concern of averag_american speak louder in washington than the hallwai whisper of high __PUNCT__ price lobbyist __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ over __MONEY___billion wa spent lobbi the feder_govern __PUNCT__
that amount to over __MONEY___million per member of congress __PUNCT__
__MONEY__ million so that oil_compani can still run our energi_polici and pharmaceut_compani can still inflat our drug_price and special_interest can still wast our tax_dollar __PUNCT__
the american_peopl don't have that kind of monei to spend on washington __PUNCT__
but thei shouldn't have to __PUNCT__
in our democraci __PUNCT__ the price of access and influenc should be noth more than your voic and your vote __PUNCT__
that should be enough for health_care_reform __PUNCT__
that should be enough for a real energi_polici __PUNCT__
that should be enough to ensur that our govern is still the defend of fair and opportun for everi american __PUNCT__
that the countri we work toward right now __PUNCT__
and that the countri i fight for everi dai as your presid __PUNCT__
earli in hi presid __PUNCT__ teddi_roosevelt gave a famou speech befor farmer and factori_worker that laid out hi vision of what govern at it best should be __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ the welfar of each of us is depend fundament upon the welfar of all of us __PUNCT__ and therefor in public_life __PUNCT__ that man is the best __URL__ endeavor it is not to repres ani special class or interest __PUNCT__ but to repres __URL__ work for our common countri __PUNCT__
it time to get to work onc more for our common countri __PUNCT__
it time we had a polit that reflect that commit __PUNCT__
and it time we had a presid who can get it done __PUNCT__
i look forward to be that presid __PUNCT__ and work with all of you to make thi america happen __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__