This speech titled 2007.08.21 originally had 3655 tokens. You can view the original text here.
thank you __PUNCT__ command kurpiu __PUNCT__ for that introduct and for your leadership __PUNCT__ and let me acknowledg the incom nation command georg lisicki __PUNCT__
i want to thank all of the member of the veteran of foreign_war of the unit_state of america for invit me here todai __PUNCT__
i glad to see rich coomb __PUNCT__ the state command for illinoi __PUNCT__
and let me sai a word of acknowledg to the __NUM__ illinoisan who ar vfw member __PUNCT__
to america veteran __PUNCT__ our countri must speak with on voic __PUNCT__ we honor your servic __PUNCT__ and we enter into a sacr trust with you from the moment you put on that uniform __PUNCT__
that trust is simpl __PUNCT__ america will be there for you just as you have been there for america __PUNCT__
as a candid for the presid __PUNCT__ i know that i am run to becom command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ to safeguard thi nation_secur __PUNCT__ and to keep that sacr trust __PUNCT__
there is no respons that i take more serious __PUNCT__
we know that the america we live in is the legaci of those who have born the burden of battl __PUNCT__
you ar part of an unbroken line ofamerican who threw off the tyranni of a king __PUNCT__ who held the countri togeth and set the captiv free __PUNCT__ who face down fascism and fought for freedom in korea and vietnam __PUNCT__ who liber kuwait and stop ethnic_cleans in the balkan __PUNCT__ and who fight brave and brilliantli under our flag todai in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__
keep faith with those who serv must alwai be a core american valu and a cornerston of american_patriot __PUNCT__
becaus america commit to it servicemen and women begin at enlist __PUNCT__ and it must never end __PUNCT__
without that commit __PUNCT__ i probabl wouldn't be here todai __PUNCT__
my grandfath __PUNCT__ stanlei dunham __PUNCT__ enlist after pearl_harbor and went on to march in patton armi __PUNCT__
my mother wa born at fort leavenworth and my grandmoth work on a bomber assembl_line __PUNCT__
after my grandfath stood up for hi countri __PUNCT__ america stood by him __PUNCT__
he went to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__ bought hi first home with help from the feder_hous author __PUNCT__
then he move hi famili west to hawaii __PUNCT__ where i wa born __PUNCT__ and where he and my grandmoth help rais me __PUNCT__
he is buri in the punchbowl __PUNCT__ the nation memori cemeteri of the pacif __PUNCT__ where __NUM__ victim of pearl_harbor ar laid to rest __PUNCT__
i knew him when he wa older __PUNCT__
but i think about him now and then as he enlist __PUNCT__ a man of __NUM__ fresh __PUNCT__ face with a wise __PUNCT__ gui grin __PUNCT__ when i see young_men and women sign up to serv todai __PUNCT__
these son and daughter of america ar the best and bravest among us __PUNCT__
and thei ar sign up at a time when the danger that america_face ar great __PUNCT__
sinc the end of the cold_war __PUNCT__ threat from distant corner of the world increasingli pose a direct danger to america __PUNCT__
kill field in rwanda __PUNCT__ congo and darfur have offend our common human and set back the world sens of collect secur __PUNCT__
weak and fail_state from africa to central_asia to the pacif_rim ar incub of resent and anarchi that can endang those countri and our __PUNCT__
an assert russia and a rise china remind us __PUNCT__ through word and deed __PUNCT__ that the primaci of our power doe not mean our power will go unchalleng __PUNCT__
a new ag of nuclear prolifer ha left the world most deadli weapon unlock by more and more countri __PUNCT__ with thousand of weapon and stockpil poorli secur all over the world __PUNCT__
at the dawn of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ the threat we face can no longer be contain by border and boundari __PUNCT__
that is the lesson of 9/11 __PUNCT__
we will never forget the __NUM__ american kill on 9/11 __PUNCT__ more than we lost at pearl_harbor __PUNCT__
the threat did not come from a dictat __PUNCT__ a state __PUNCT__ or an empir __PUNCT__ it came from stateless terrorist __PUNCT__
these violent extremist ar a small_minor in the muslim_world __PUNCT__
thei distort islam __PUNCT__
thei hate_america __PUNCT__
thei kill man __PUNCT__ woman and child __PUNCT__
and thei seek a repress caliph that would resembl afghanistan under the taliban __PUNCT__
our brave young_men and women have sign up to make these burden their own __PUNCT__
thei have come face to face with the threat of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ and thei have been ask to bear an evolv and ever __PUNCT__ increas load __PUNCT__
peacekeep mission __PUNCT__
intellig gather __PUNCT__
train foreign militari __PUNCT__
earthquak and tsunami relief __PUNCT__
fight with afghan alli to toppl the taliban __PUNCT__
persev in the desert and citi of iraq __PUNCT__
the u. __PUNCT__ militari ha answer when call __PUNCT__ and the verdict on their perform is clear __PUNCT__ through their commit __PUNCT__ their courag __PUNCT__ and their capabl thei have done us all proud __PUNCT__
what we need is civilian leadership that live up thi servic __PUNCT__
we had a chanc to deliv a decis blow to the taliban and al_qaeda and to bring thi countri togeth with uniti of effort and purpos __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ we went to war in iraq __PUNCT__ a war that i oppos __PUNCT__ with no plan for how to win the peac __PUNCT__ shift our focu __PUNCT__ strain our militari __PUNCT__ split our countri __PUNCT__ and sacrif our global stand __PUNCT__
i want to be clear __PUNCT__
our troop have perform brilliantli in iraq __PUNCT__
thei have done everyth we have ask of them __PUNCT__
thei have won everi battl thei have fought __PUNCT__
thei have built school and train battalion __PUNCT__
i know there ar honest differ about the next step that we should take __PUNCT__
and the truth is __PUNCT__ there ar no good option __PUNCT__
all of our top militari_command recogn that there is no militari solut in iraq __PUNCT__
and no matter how brilliantli and brave our troop and their command perform __PUNCT__ thei cannot and should not bear the respons of resolv grievanc at the heart of iraq civil_war __PUNCT__
no militari surg can succe without polit reconcili and a surg of diplomaci in iraq and the region __PUNCT__
iraq leader ar not reconcil __PUNCT__
thei ar not achiev polit benchmark __PUNCT__
the onli thing thei seem to have agre on is to take a vacat __PUNCT__
that is why i have push for a care and respons redeploy of troop engag in combat oper out of iraq __PUNCT__ join with direct and sustain diplomaci in the region __PUNCT__
and that is why i will continu to push the presid to chang our polici __PUNCT__
on reason to stop fight the wrong war is so that we can fight the right war against terror and extrem __PUNCT__
and my judgment __PUNCT__ base in part on the clear find of the nation_intellig estim __PUNCT__ is that the most direct terrorist_threat to our homeland come from al_qaeda oper in afghanistan and pakistan __PUNCT__
that why earlier thi month __PUNCT__ i laid out a comprehens counter __PUNCT__ terror strategi __PUNCT__
that plan ha five element __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we need to end the war in iraq and focu on the terrorist in afghanistan and pakistan __PUNCT__ and i would re __PUNCT__ enforc our mission in afghanistan with at least two brigad __PUNCT__
second __PUNCT__ we need to develop our capabl to take down terrorist network and secur nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
third __PUNCT__ we need to dry up support for extrem __PUNCT__ becaus we cannot win the long_war unless we win more heart and mind in the muslim_world __PUNCT__
fourth __PUNCT__ we need to restor our valu __PUNCT__ becaus as the counter __PUNCT__ insurg manual remind us __PUNCT__ tortur set back our mission to keep the peopl on our side __PUNCT__
and fifth __PUNCT__ we need to protect our homeland by set common_sens prioriti __PUNCT__
in lai out thi strategi __PUNCT__ i am guid by the understand that there is no more awesom respons that is place in a presid hand than protect our countri and our secur __PUNCT__
i believ that thi strategi is on that we must pursu __PUNCT__ guid by the principl that we must act swiftli and strongli against clear and immin_threat to our secur __PUNCT__
i will act with proper regard for the cost and consequ of action __PUNCT__ base on the advic of militari_command and with a clear statement of purpos and polici to the american_peopl __PUNCT__
becaus a presid can choos to go to war __PUNCT__ but the countri must be prepar to sustain it __PUNCT__
that depend upon know why we ar fight __PUNCT__ what clear goal we ar fight for __PUNCT__ and how we plan to win the peac __PUNCT__
and as we implement thi comprehens strategi __PUNCT__ and phase out of iraq and bolster our mission in afghanistan __PUNCT__ i believ we can then focu on rebuild our militari and take better care of our servicemen and women __PUNCT__
in an obama_administr __PUNCT__ i will ensur that america goe to war with the arm_forc it need __PUNCT__
our troop should not be over __PUNCT__ stretch __PUNCT__
we need to ensur that our abil to respond to threat around the world is never compromis __PUNCT__
and i will alwai respect __PUNCT__ and not ignor __PUNCT__ the advic of militari_command __PUNCT__
but i will also make_clear that when i am presid __PUNCT__ the buck will stop in the oval_offic __PUNCT__
we know our troop will answer the call __PUNCT__
but we must issu that call respons __PUNCT__
the war in iraq and afghanistan have been mark by repeat and unpredict deploy __PUNCT__
aircraft bound for home have been turn around __PUNCT__
soldier and marin have serv two __PUNCT__ three or four tour __PUNCT__
retent rate of west_point graduat ar approach record low __PUNCT__
we need to keep these battl __PUNCT__ harden major and captain so thei can becom tomorrow gener __PUNCT__
we need predict rotat __PUNCT__
we need to deploi troop at an appropri state of readi __PUNCT__
i will add __NUM___soldier and __NUM__ marin to reliev the strain on our ground forc __PUNCT__
i will maintain our technolog edg and invest in the capabl we need to succe in the mission of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
that mean train for critic languag like arab __PUNCT__ for civil affair __PUNCT__ and for increas special_forc __PUNCT__
and i will heed the call for greater civilian capac __PUNCT__
our troop __PUNCT__ train for war __PUNCT__ ar serv as water and electr expert in baghdad and agricultur advisor in kandahar __PUNCT__
the finest militari in the world need civilian partner who can carri out critic mission __PUNCT__
we need to strengthen and integr all aspect of american might __PUNCT__
and thi is not just about program and polici __PUNCT__
it about peopl __PUNCT__
part of our sacr trust with the men and women who serv is also provid the equip thei need __PUNCT__
we had troop deploi to iraq who had to bui life __PUNCT__ save equip on __PUNCT__ line __PUNCT__
that not america __PUNCT__
that not who we ar __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will ensur that everi servic __PUNCT__ member ha what thei need to do the job safe and successfulli __PUNCT__
and the strain of servic is great in a place where a threat can come from a pile by the side of the road __PUNCT__ a seemingli friendli face in the crowd __PUNCT__ or a mortar lob into a base __PUNCT__
just the other dai we learn there were at least __NUM__ suicid in the armi last year __PUNCT__ the most in a quarter_centuri __PUNCT__
to keep our sacr trust __PUNCT__ i will improv mental_health screen and treatment at all level __PUNCT__ from enlist __PUNCT__ to deploy __PUNCT__ to reentri into civilian life __PUNCT__
no servic __PUNCT__ member should be kick out of the militari becaus thei ar struggl with untreat ptsd __PUNCT__
no veteran should have to fill out a __NUM__ __PUNCT__ page claim to get care __PUNCT__ or wait month __PUNCT__ even year __PUNCT__ to get an appoint at the va __PUNCT__
we need more mental_health_profession __PUNCT__ more train to recogn sign and to reject the stigma of seek care __PUNCT__
and to treat a signatur wound of these war __PUNCT__ we need clear standard of care for traumat brain injuri __PUNCT__
we also need to provid more servic to our militari famili __PUNCT__
let me thank the vfw for help famili with everyth from repair and errand to call_card that bring a love on nearer __PUNCT__
effort like oper uplink make a huge differ __PUNCT__
you ar fill in some of the pain space in peopl __PUNCT__ live __PUNCT__
and anyon who ha visit our militari hospit ha seen wonder spous who don't see visit hour as part __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__
that why i pass a bill to provid famili_member with a year of job protect __PUNCT__ so thei never have to face a choic between care for a love on and keep a job __PUNCT__
i have also fought to improv shame care for wound warrior __PUNCT__
i led a bipartisan effort to improv outpati facil __PUNCT__ slash red_tape __PUNCT__ and reform the disabl review process __PUNCT__ becaus recov troop should alwai go to the front of the line __PUNCT__ and thei shouldn't have to fight to get there __PUNCT__
but we know that the sacr trust cannot expir when the uniform come off __PUNCT__
when we fail to keep faith with our veteran __PUNCT__ the bond between our nation and our nation hero becom frai __PUNCT__
when a veteran is deni care __PUNCT__ we ar all dishonor __PUNCT__
it not enough to lai a wreath on memori_dai __PUNCT__ or to pai tribut to our veteran in speech __PUNCT__
a proud and grate nation ow more than ceremoni gestur and kind word __PUNCT__
care for those who serv __PUNCT__ and for their famili __PUNCT__ is a fundament respons of the command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__
it is not a separ cost __PUNCT__
it is a cost of war __PUNCT__
it is someth i fought for as a member of the senat_committe on veteran __PUNCT__ affair __PUNCT__
and it is someth i will fight for as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
it time for comprehens reform __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ build a __NUM___centuri va to serv our veteran will be an equal prioriti to build a __NUM__ centuri militari to fight our war __PUNCT__
my secretari of veteran affair will be just as import as my secretari of defens __PUNCT__
no more shortfal __PUNCT__ it time to fulli fund the va medic_center __PUNCT__
no more delai __PUNCT__ it time to pass on __PUNCT__ time va budget each and everi year __PUNCT__
no more mean test __PUNCT__ it time to allow all veteran back into the va __PUNCT__
i will immedi revers a polici that led the va to turn awai nearli __NUM___million middl and low __PUNCT__ incom veteran sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the va will also be at the cut edg of my plan for univers_health_care __PUNCT__ with better prevent_care __PUNCT__ more research and specialti treatment __PUNCT__ and more vet center __PUNCT__ particularli in rural_area __PUNCT__
i will revamp an overburden benefit system __PUNCT__
the vfw ha done a remark job help more than __NUM__ veteran a year navig the broken vba bureaucraci __PUNCT__ but you shouldn't have to do it alon __PUNCT__
i will hire addit worker __PUNCT__ and creat an electron system that is fulli link up to militari record and the va health network __PUNCT__
on of the most admir principl of the u. __PUNCT__ militari is that no on get left behind __PUNCT__
yet too often america doe not keep faith with thi principl __PUNCT__
on ani given night __PUNCT__ more than __NUM__ veteran ar homeless __PUNCT__
we alreadi hear about hundr of homeless iraq_war vet __PUNCT__
that not right __PUNCT__
that not keep our sacr trust __PUNCT__
we must not leav these men and women behind __PUNCT__
my principl will be simpl __PUNCT__ zero toler __PUNCT__
zero toler for veteran sleep on the street __PUNCT__
i fought for thi in the senat __PUNCT__ and as presid i expand hous voucher __PUNCT__ and i launch a new support_servic hous program to prevent at __PUNCT__ risk veteran and their famili from slide into homeless __PUNCT__
i also keep faith with america veteran by help them achiev their dream __PUNCT__
we need a g.i __PUNCT__
bill for the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
an obama_administr will expand access to educ for our veteran __PUNCT__ and increas benefit to keep pace with rise_cost __PUNCT__
all who wear the uniform of the unit_state ar entitl to the same opportun that my grandfath had under the g.i __PUNCT__
bill __PUNCT__
and our sacr trust doe not end when a servic __PUNCT__ member di __PUNCT__
the grave of our veteran ar hallow ground __PUNCT__
when men and women who die in servic to thi countri ar laid to rest __PUNCT__ there must be no protest near the funer __PUNCT__
it wrong and it need to stop __PUNCT__
over __NUM___year_ago __PUNCT__ a hand of veteran from the spanish __PUNCT__ american_war came togeth in place like a tailor shop in columbu __PUNCT__ ohio __PUNCT__
at the time __PUNCT__ america had no medic_care __PUNCT__ no pension for it return warrior __PUNCT__
folk could rais their voic __PUNCT__ but washington didn't listen __PUNCT__
so these men band togeth and start a movement __PUNCT__
thei care for each other and made the case for their right __PUNCT__
thei found local_organ all across thi countri __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ there were __NUM___member __PUNCT__
todai __PUNCT__ you have nearli __NUM___million member __PUNCT__
the veteran of foreign_war repres the best of america __PUNCT__ the courag to fight for our countri abroad __PUNCT__ and come togeth at home for a caus __PUNCT__
oliv wendel holm onc remark that __PUNCT__ to fight out a war __PUNCT__ you must believ someth and want someth with all your might __PUNCT__
the american who fight todai believ in thi countri deepli __PUNCT__
and no matter how mani you meet __PUNCT__ or how mani stori of heroism you hear __PUNCT__ everi encount remind you that thei ar truli special __PUNCT__
that through their servic __PUNCT__ thei ar live out the ideal that stir so mani of us as american __PUNCT__ pride __PUNCT__ duti __PUNCT__ and sacrific __PUNCT__
some of the most inspir ar those you meet at place like walter reed medic_center __PUNCT__
young_men and women who mai have lost a limb or even their abil to take care of themselv __PUNCT__ but will never lose the pride thei feel for serv their countri __PUNCT__
thei not interest in self __PUNCT__ piti __PUNCT__ but yearn to move_forward with their live __PUNCT__
and it thi classic american optim that make you realiz the qualiti of person we have serv in the unit_state arm_forc __PUNCT__
i know all of us don't agre on everyth __PUNCT__
i have heard those of you who disagre with me __PUNCT__
i want you to know that i respect the view of all who come to thi hall todai __PUNCT__
i will listen to them as a candid __PUNCT__ and i will listen to them as presid __PUNCT__
and i will be clear that whatev disagr we have on polici __PUNCT__ there will be no daylight between us when it come to honor these men and women who serv __PUNCT__ and keep faith with our veteran __PUNCT__
thi is not a partisan issu __PUNCT__
thi is a moral_oblig __PUNCT__
thi must be a beachhead for bring our countri togeth __PUNCT__
some like to sai thi countri is divid __PUNCT__
but that is not how i choos to see it __PUNCT__
i see a countri that all of us love __PUNCT__ a countri that my grandfath serv __PUNCT__ and that my father cross an ocean to reach __PUNCT__
i see valu that all of us share __PUNCT__ valu of liberti __PUNCT__ equal __PUNCT__ and servic to a common_good and a greater_good __PUNCT__
i see a flag that we fly with pride __PUNCT__
i see an america that is the strongest nation in the histori of the world __PUNCT__ not just becaus of our arm __PUNCT__ but becaus of the strength of our valu __PUNCT__ and of the men and women who serv __PUNCT__
as presid franklin_roosevelt said in hi final inaugur __PUNCT__ the almighti_god ha bless our land in mani wai __PUNCT__
he ha given our peopl stout heart and strong arm with which to strike mighti blow for freedom and truth __PUNCT__
he ha given to our countri a faith which ha becom the hope of all peopl in an anguish world __PUNCT__
with that strength come great respons __PUNCT__ to join our strength with wisdom __PUNCT__ and to keep that light of hope burn as a beacon to the world __PUNCT__
and there is no respons greater than keep faith with the men and women who serv __PUNCT__ so that our countri serv them as well as you have serv us __PUNCT__
let that be our call __PUNCT__
and let histori find us never want __PUNCT__