This speech titled 2007.09.12 originally had 4446 tokens. You can view the original text here.
a few month_ago __PUNCT__ i met a woman who told me her nephew wa leav for iraq __PUNCT__
as she start to tell me about how much she miss him and how worri she wa about him __PUNCT__ she began to cry __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i can't breath __PUNCT__ she said __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ i want to know when i am go to be abl to breath again __PUNCT__
i have her on my mind when i think about what we gone through as a countri and where we need to go __PUNCT__
becaus we been hold our breath over iraq for five year __PUNCT__
as we go through yet anoth debat about yet anoth phase of thi misguid war __PUNCT__ we got a familiar feel __PUNCT__
again __PUNCT__ we told that progress is upon us __PUNCT__
again __PUNCT__ we ask to hold our breath a littl longer __PUNCT__
again __PUNCT__ we remind of what gone wrong with our polici and our polit __PUNCT__
it wa five year_ago todai __PUNCT__ on __DATE__ __PUNCT__ that presid_bush bush_made hi case for war at the unit_nation __PUNCT__
stand in front of a world that stood with us after 9/11 __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__ in the attack on america a year_ago __PUNCT__ we saw the destruct intent of our enemi __PUNCT__
then he talk about saddam_hussein __PUNCT__ a man who had noth to do with 9/11 __PUNCT__
but cite the lesson of 9/11 __PUNCT__ he and other said we had to act __PUNCT__
__PUNCT__ to suggest otherwis __PUNCT__ the presid said __PUNCT__ is to hope against the evid __PUNCT__
georg_bush wa wrong __PUNCT__
the peopl who attack us on 9/11 were in afghanistan __PUNCT__ not iraq __PUNCT__
al_qaeda in iraq didn't exist befor our invas __PUNCT__
the case for war wa built on exagger fear and empti evid __PUNCT__ so much so that bob graham __PUNCT__ the chairman of the senat intellig committe __PUNCT__ decid to vote against the war after he read the nation_intellig estim __PUNCT__
but convent think in washington line up for war __PUNCT__
the pundit judg the polit wind to be blow in the direct of the presid __PUNCT__
despit __PUNCT__ or perhap becaus of how much experi thei had in washington __PUNCT__ too mani politician fear look weak and fail to ask hard question __PUNCT__
too mani took the presid at hi word instead of read the intellig for themselv __PUNCT__
congress gave the presid the author to go to war __PUNCT__
our onli opportun to stop the war wa lost __PUNCT__
i made a differ judgment __PUNCT__
i thought our prioriti had to be finish the fight in afghanistan __PUNCT__
i spoke out against what i call __PUNCT__ a rash war __PUNCT__ in iraq __PUNCT__
i worri about __PUNCT__ an occup of undetermin length __PUNCT__ with undetermin cost __PUNCT__ and undetermin consequ __PUNCT__
the full account of those cost and consequ will onli be known to histori __PUNCT__
but the pictur is begin to come into focu __PUNCT__
nearli __NUM__ american have been kill in iraq __PUNCT__
five time that number have suffer horribl wound __PUNCT__ seen and unseen __PUNCT__
love on have been lost __PUNCT__ dream deni __PUNCT__
children will grow up without father and mother __PUNCT__
parent have outliv their children __PUNCT__
that is a cost of thi war __PUNCT__
when all is said and done __PUNCT__ the price __PUNCT__ tag will run over a trillion_dollar __PUNCT__
a trillion dollar __PUNCT__
that monei not spent on homeland_secur and counter __PUNCT__ terror __PUNCT__ on provid health_care to all american and a world __PUNCT__ class educ to everi child __PUNCT__ on invest in energi to save ourselv and our planet from an addict to oil __PUNCT__
that is a cost of thi war __PUNCT__
the excel of our militari is unmatch __PUNCT__
but as a result of thi war __PUNCT__ our forc ar under pressur as never befor __PUNCT__
our nation_guard and reserv have half of the equip thei need to respond to emerg at home and abroad __PUNCT__
retent among west_point graduat is down __PUNCT__
our power of deterr and influenc around the world ar down __PUNCT__
that is a cost of thi war __PUNCT__
america stand ha suffer __PUNCT__
our diplomaci ha been compromis by a refus to talk to peopl we don't like __PUNCT__
our allianc have been compromis by bluster __PUNCT__
our credibl ha been compromis by a faulti case for war __PUNCT__
our moral leadership ha been compromis by abu_ghraib __PUNCT__
that is a cost of thi war __PUNCT__
perhap the saddest ironi of the administr cynic us of 9/11 is that the iraq_war ha left us less safe than we were befor 9/11 __PUNCT__
osama_bin ladin and hi top lieuten have rebuilt a new base in pakistan where thei freeli train recruit __PUNCT__ plot new attack __PUNCT__ and dissemin propaganda __PUNCT__
the taliban is resurg in afghanistan __PUNCT__
iran ha emerg as the greatest strateg challeng to america in the middl_east in a gener __PUNCT__
violent extrem ha increas __PUNCT__
terror ha increas __PUNCT__
all of that is a cost of thi war __PUNCT__
after 9/11 __PUNCT__ instead of the polit of uniti __PUNCT__ we got a polit_strategi of divis with the war in iraq as it centerpiec __PUNCT__
the onli thing we were ask to do for our countri wa support a misguid war __PUNCT__
we lost that sens of common_purpos as american __PUNCT__
and we not go to be a truli unit and resolut america until we can stop hold our breath __PUNCT__ until we can come togeth to reclaim our foreign_polici and our polit and end thi war that ha cost us so much __PUNCT__
so there is someth unreal about the debat that take place in washington __PUNCT__
with all that our troop and their famili have sacrif __PUNCT__ with all thi war ha cost us __PUNCT__ and with no discern end in sight __PUNCT__ the same_peopl who told us we would be greet as liber __PUNCT__ about democraci spread across the middl_east __PUNCT__ about strike a decis blow against terror __PUNCT__ about an insurg in it last throe __PUNCT__ those same_peopl ar now trumpet the uneven and precari contain of brutal sectarian_violenc as if it valid all of their fail decis __PUNCT__
the bar for success is so low that it is almost buri in the sand __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have had enough of the shift spin __PUNCT__
we had enough of extend deadlin for benchmark that go unmet __PUNCT__
we had enough of mount cost in iraq and miss opportun around the world __PUNCT__
we had enough of a war that should never have been author and should never have been wage __PUNCT__
i oppos thi war from the begin __PUNCT__
i oppos the war in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i oppos it in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i oppos it in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i oppos it in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i oppos it in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
i introduc a plan in __DATE__ to remov all of our combat brigad by next march __PUNCT__
and i am here to sai that we have to begin to end thi war now __PUNCT__
my plan for end the war would turn the page in iraq by remov our combat troop from iraq civil_war __PUNCT__ by take a new approach to press for a new accord on reconcili within iraq __PUNCT__ by talk to all of iraq neighbor to press for a compact in the region __PUNCT__ and by confront the human_cost of thi war __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we need to immedi begin the respons remov of our troop from iraq civil_war __PUNCT__
our troop have perform brilliantli __PUNCT__
thei brought saddam_hussein to justic __PUNCT__
thei have fought for over four year to give iraqi a chanc for a better futur __PUNCT__
but thei cannot __PUNCT__ and should not __PUNCT__ bear the respons for resolv the grievanc at the heart of iraq civil_war __PUNCT__
recent new onli confirm thi __PUNCT__
the administr point to select statist to make the case for stai the cours __PUNCT__
kill and mortar attack and car bomb in certain district ar down from the highest_level we seen __PUNCT__
but thei still at the same horribl level thei were at __NUM___month month_ago or two year_ago __PUNCT__
expert will tell you that the kill ar down in some place becaus the ethnic_cleans ha alreadi taken place __PUNCT__
that hardli a caus for triumphal __PUNCT__
the state purpos of the surg wa to enabl iraq leader to reconcil __PUNCT__
but as the recent_report from the govern_account_offic confirm __PUNCT__ the iraqi ar not reconcil __PUNCT__
our troop fight and die in the __NUM___degre heat to give iraq leader space to agre __PUNCT__ but thei aren't fill it __PUNCT__
thei ar not move beyond their centuri __PUNCT__ old sectarian conflict __PUNCT__ thei ar fall further back into them __PUNCT__
we hear a lot about how violenc is down in part of anbar provinc __PUNCT__
but thi ha littl to do with the surg __PUNCT__ it becaus sunni tribal leader made a polit_decis to turn against al_qaeda in iraq __PUNCT__
thi onli underscor the point __PUNCT__ the solut in iraq is polit __PUNCT__ it is not militari __PUNCT__
violenc is contain in some part of baghdad __PUNCT__
that no surpris __PUNCT__
our troop have clear these neighborhood at great cost __PUNCT__
but our troop cannot polic baghdad indefinit __PUNCT__ onli iraqi can __PUNCT__
rather than us our presenc to make_progress __PUNCT__ the iraqi_govern ha put off take respons __PUNCT__ that the find of a commiss head by gener jim jone __PUNCT__
and our troop presenc cannot be sustain without crippl our militari abil to respond to other conting __PUNCT__
let me be clear __PUNCT__ there is no militari solut in iraq __PUNCT__ and there never wa __PUNCT__
the best wai to protect our secur and to pressur iraq leader to resolv their civil_war is to immedi begin to remov our combat troop __PUNCT__
not in six month or on year __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__
we should enter into talk with the iraqi_govern to discuss the process of our drawdown __PUNCT__
we must get out strateg and carefulli __PUNCT__ remov troop from secur area first __PUNCT__ and keep troop in more volatil area until later __PUNCT__
but our drawdown should proce at a steadi pace of on or two brigad each month __PUNCT__
if we start now __PUNCT__ all of our combat brigad should be out of iraq by the end of next year __PUNCT__
we will need to retain some forc in iraq and the region __PUNCT__
we continu to strike at al_qaeda in iraq __PUNCT__
we protect our forc as thei leav __PUNCT__ and we will continu to protect u. __PUNCT__ diplomat and facil __PUNCT__
if __PUNCT__ but onli if __PUNCT__ iraq make polit_progress and their secur_forc ar not sectarian __PUNCT__ we should continu to train and equip those forc __PUNCT__
but we will set our own direct and our own pace __PUNCT__ and our direct must be out of iraq __PUNCT__
the futur of our militari __PUNCT__ our foreign_polici __PUNCT__ and our nation purpos cannot be hostag to the inact of the iraqi_govern __PUNCT__
remov our troop is part of appli real pressur on iraq leader to end their civil_war __PUNCT__
some argu that we should just replac prime_minist maliki __PUNCT__
but that wouldn't solv the problem __PUNCT__
we shouldn't be in the busi of support coup __PUNCT__
and rememb __PUNCT__ befor maliki __PUNCT__ we said that we just need to replac the last prime minist to make everyth all right __PUNCT__
it didn't work __PUNCT__
the problem in iraq ar bigger than on man __PUNCT__
iraq need a new constitut_convent that would includ repres from all level of iraqi societi __PUNCT__ in and out of govern __PUNCT__
the unit_nation should plai a central_role in conven and particip in thi convent __PUNCT__ which should not adjourn until a new accord on nation reconcili is reach __PUNCT__
to reconcil __PUNCT__ the iraqi must also meet kei polit benchmark outsid of the constitut_process __PUNCT__ includ new local_elect and revis debaathif __PUNCT__
now the iraqi mai come out of thi process choos some kind of soft partit into three region __PUNCT__ on sunni __PUNCT__ on shia __PUNCT__ on kurd __PUNCT__
but it must be their choic __PUNCT__
america should not impos the divis of iraq __PUNCT__
while we chang the dynam within iraq __PUNCT__ we must surg our diplomaci in the region __PUNCT__
at everi stage of thi war __PUNCT__ we have suffer becaus of disdain for diplomaci __PUNCT__
we have not brought alli to the tabl __PUNCT__
we have refus to talk to peopl we don't like __PUNCT__
and we have fail to build a consensu in the region __PUNCT__
as a result __PUNCT__ iraq is more violent __PUNCT__ the region is less stabl __PUNCT__ and america is less secur __PUNCT__
we need to launch the most aggress diplomat effort in recent_histori to reach a new compact in the region __PUNCT__
thi effort should includ all of iraq neighbor __PUNCT__ and we should also bring in the unit_nation nation_secur secur_council __PUNCT__
all of us have a stake in iraq stabil __PUNCT__
it time to make thi less about what america is try to do for iraq __PUNCT__ and more about what the world can do with iraq __PUNCT__
thi compact must secur iraq border __PUNCT__ keep neighbor from meddl __PUNCT__ isol al_qaeda __PUNCT__ and support iraq uniti __PUNCT__
that mean help our turkish and kurdish friend reach an understand __PUNCT__
that mean press sunni state like saudi_arabia to stop the flow of foreign fighter into iraq __PUNCT__ increas their financi_support of reconstruct effort __PUNCT__ and encourag iraqi sunni to reconcil with their fellow iraqi __PUNCT__
and that mean turn the page on the bush __PUNCT__ chenei polici of not talk to syria and iran __PUNCT__
convent think in washington sai presid cannot lead thi diplomaci __PUNCT__
but i think the american_peopl know better __PUNCT__
not talk doesn't make us look tough __PUNCT__ it make us look arrog __PUNCT__
and it doesn't get result __PUNCT__
strong presid tell their adversari where thei stand __PUNCT__ and that what i would do __PUNCT__
that how tough and principl diplomaci work __PUNCT__
and that what we need to press syria and iran to stop be part of the problem in iraq __PUNCT__
iran pose a grave challeng __PUNCT__
it build a nuclear_program __PUNCT__ support terror __PUNCT__ and threaten israel with destruct __PUNCT__
but we hear eeri echo of the run __PUNCT__ up to the war in iraq in the wai that the presid and vice_presid talk about iran __PUNCT__
thei conflat iran and al_qaeda __PUNCT__ ignor the violent schism that exist between shiit and sunni milit __PUNCT__
thei issu veil threat __PUNCT__
thei suggest that the time for diplomaci and pressur is run out when we haven't even tri direct diplomaci __PUNCT__
well georg_bush and dick_chenei must hear __PUNCT__ loud and clear __PUNCT__ from the american_peopl and the congress __PUNCT__ you don't have our support __PUNCT__ and you don't have our author for anoth war __PUNCT__
georg_bush suggest that there ar two choic with regard to iran __PUNCT__
stai the cours in iraq or cede the region to the iran __PUNCT__
i reject thi choic __PUNCT__
keep our troop ti down in iraq is not the wai to weaken iran __PUNCT__ it precis what ha strengthen it __PUNCT__
presid ahmadinejad mai talk about fill a vacuum in the region after an american drawdown __PUNCT__ but he badli mistaken __PUNCT__
it time for a new and robust american leadership __PUNCT__
and that should begin with a new cooper secur framework with all of our friend and alli in the persian_gulf __PUNCT__
now is the time for tough and sustain diplomaci back by real pressur __PUNCT__
it time to ralli the region and the world to our side __PUNCT__
and it time to deliv a direct messag to tehran __PUNCT__
america is a part of a commun of nation __PUNCT__
america want peac in the region __PUNCT__
you can give up your nuclear ambit and support for terror and rejoin the commun of nation __PUNCT__
or you will face further isol __PUNCT__ includ much tighter sanction __PUNCT__
as we deliv thi messag __PUNCT__ we will be stronger __PUNCT__ not weaker __PUNCT__ if we ar disengag from iraq civil_war __PUNCT__
the final part of my plan is a major intern initi to address iraq humanitarian crisi __PUNCT__
presid_bush like to warn of the dire consequ of end the war __PUNCT__
he warn of rise iranian influenc __PUNCT__ but that ha alreadi taken place __PUNCT__
he warn of grow terror __PUNCT__ but that ha alreadi taken place __PUNCT__
and he warn of huge movement of refuge and mass sectarian kill __PUNCT__ but that ha alreadi taken place __PUNCT__
these ar not the consequ of a futur withdraw __PUNCT__
thei ar the realiti of iraq present __PUNCT__
thei ar a direct consequ of wage thi war __PUNCT__
two million iraqi ar displac in their own countri __PUNCT__
anoth two million iraqi have fled as refuge to neighbor_countri __PUNCT__
thi mass_movement of peopl is a threat to the secur of the middl_east and to our common human __PUNCT__
we have a strateg_interest __PUNCT__ and a moral_oblig __PUNCT__ to act __PUNCT__
the presid would have us believ there ar two choic __PUNCT__ keep all of our troop in iraq or abandon these iraqi __PUNCT__
i reject that choic __PUNCT__
we cannot continu to put thi burden on our troop alon __PUNCT__
i tire of thi notion that we either fight foolish war or retreat from the world __PUNCT__
we ar better than that as a nation __PUNCT__
there no militari solut that can reunit a famili or resettl an orphan child __PUNCT__
it time to form an intern work_group with the countri in the region __PUNCT__ our european and asian friend __PUNCT__ and the unit_nation __PUNCT__
the state_depart sai it ha invest __MONEY___million on displac iraqi thi year __PUNCT__ but that is not nearli enough __PUNCT__
we can and must do more __PUNCT__
we should up our share to at least __MONEY___billion to support thi effort __PUNCT__ to expand access to social_servic for refuge in neighbor_countri __PUNCT__ and to ensur that iraqi displac insid their own countri can find safe __PUNCT__ haven __PUNCT__
iraqi must know that those who engag in mass violenc will be brought to justic __PUNCT__
we should lead in form a commiss at the u.n __PUNCT__ to monitor and hold account perpetr of war_crime within iraq __PUNCT__
we must also put strict condit on u. __PUNCT__ assist to direct our support to those who want to hold iraq togeth __PUNCT__ not those who ar tear it apart __PUNCT__
the risk of greater atroc in the short __PUNCT__ term cannot deter us from do what we must to minim violenc in the long __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__
yet as we drawdown __PUNCT__ we must declar our readi to interven with alli to stop genocid violenc __PUNCT__
we must also keep faith with iraqi who kept faith with us __PUNCT__
on tragic outcom of thi war is that the iraqi who stood with america __PUNCT__ the interpret __PUNCT__ embassi worker __PUNCT__ and subcontractor __PUNCT__ ar be target for assassin __PUNCT__
an iraqi name laith who work for an american organ told a journalist __PUNCT__ sometim i feel like we stand in line for a ticket __PUNCT__ wait to die __PUNCT__
and yet our door ar shut __PUNCT__
in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ we admit exactli on iraqi refuge __PUNCT__ just on __PUNCT__
that is not how we treat our friend __PUNCT__
that is not how we take respons for our own action __PUNCT__
that is not who we ar as american __PUNCT__
it time to at least fill the __NUM__ slot that we pledg to iraqi refuge and to be open to accept even more iraqi at risk __PUNCT__
it also time to go to our friend and alli __PUNCT__ and all the member of our origin coalit in iraq __PUNCT__ to find home for the mani iraqi who ar in desper need of asylum __PUNCT__
keep thi moral_oblig is a kei part of how we turn the page in iraq __PUNCT__
becaus what at stake is bigger than thi war __PUNCT__ it our global leadership __PUNCT__
now is a time to be bold __PUNCT__
we must not stai the cours or take the convent path becaus the other cours is unknown __PUNCT__
to quot dr __PUNCT__ brzezinski __PUNCT__ we must not allow ourselv to becom __PUNCT__ prison of uncertainti __PUNCT__
georg_bush is afraid of thi futur __PUNCT__
that is why all he can do is drag up the past __PUNCT__
after all the flaw justif for hi fail polici __PUNCT__ he now invok vietnam as a reason to stai in iraq __PUNCT__
let put asid the strang reason __PUNCT__ that all would have been well if we had just stai the cours in vietnam __PUNCT__
let put it asid and leav it where it belong __PUNCT__ in the past __PUNCT__
now is not the time to reargu the vietnam_war __PUNCT__ we did that in the __NUM___elect __PUNCT__ and it wasn't pretti __PUNCT__
i come from a new gener of american __PUNCT__
i don't want to fight the battl of the 1960 __PUNCT__
i want to reclaim the futur for america __PUNCT__ becaus we have too mani threat to face and too mani opportun to seiz __PUNCT__
just think about what we can accomplish togeth when we end thi war __PUNCT__
when we end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ we can final finish the fight in afghanistan __PUNCT__
that is why i propos step up our commit there __PUNCT__ with at least two addit combat brigad and a comprehens program of aid and support to help afghan help themselv __PUNCT__
when we end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ we can more effect tackl the twin demon of extrem and hopeless that threaten the peac of the world and the secur of america __PUNCT__
that is why i have propos a program to spread hope __PUNCT__ not hate __PUNCT__ in the islam_world __PUNCT__ to build school that teach young_peopl to build and not destroi __PUNCT__ to support the rule of law and econom_develop __PUNCT__ and to launch a program of outreach to the islam_world that i will lead as presid __PUNCT__
when we end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ we can onc again lead the world against the common challeng of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__
against the spread of nuclear_weapon and climat chang __PUNCT__
against genocid in darfur __PUNCT__
against ignor and intoler __PUNCT__
corrupt and greed __PUNCT__
poverti and despair __PUNCT__
when we end thi war __PUNCT__ we can reclaim the caus of freedom and democraci __PUNCT__
we can be that beacon of hope __PUNCT__ that light to all the world __PUNCT__
when we end thi war __PUNCT__ we can recaptur our uniti of effort as american __PUNCT__
the american_peopl have the right instinct on iraq __PUNCT__
it time to heed their judgment __PUNCT__
it time to move beyond iraq so that we can move_forward togeth __PUNCT__
i will be a presid who listen to the american_peopl __PUNCT__ not a presid who ignor them __PUNCT__
and when we end the war in iraq __PUNCT__ we can come togeth to give our full attent to advanc the caus of health_care for everi american __PUNCT__ an energi_polici that doe not bankrol hostil nation while we melt the polar ic cap __PUNCT__ and a world class educ for our children __PUNCT__
abov all __PUNCT__ we can turn the page to a new kind of polit of uniti __PUNCT__ not divis __PUNCT__ of hope __PUNCT__ not fear __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ i welcom all of the folk who have chang their posit on the war over these last month and year __PUNCT__
and we need more of those vote to chang if we go to chang the direct of thi war __PUNCT__
that is why i will keep speak directli to my colleagu in the congress __PUNCT__ both republican and democrat __PUNCT__
histor __PUNCT__ we have come togeth in a bipartisan wai to deal with our most monument challeng __PUNCT__
we should do so again __PUNCT__
we have the power to do thi __PUNCT__ not as republican or democrat __PUNCT__ but as american __PUNCT__
we don't have to wait until georg_bush is gone from offic __PUNCT__ we can begin to end thi war todai __PUNCT__ right now __PUNCT__
but if we have learn anyth from iraq __PUNCT__ it is that the judgment that matter most is the judgment that is made first __PUNCT__
martin_luther_king onc stood up at riversid church and said __PUNCT__ in thi unfold conundrum of life and histori __PUNCT__ there is such a thing as be too late __PUNCT__
we ar too late to stop a war that should never have been fought __PUNCT__ too late to undo the pain of battl __PUNCT__ the anguish of so mani famili __PUNCT__ or the price of the fight __PUNCT__ too late to redo the year of divis and distract at home and abroad __PUNCT__
but i here todai becaus it not too late to come togeth as american __PUNCT__
becaus we not go to be abl to deal with the challeng that confront us until we end thi war __PUNCT__
what we can do is sai that we will not be prison of uncertainti __PUNCT__
that we reject the convent think that led us into iraq and that didn't ask hard question until it wa too late __PUNCT__
what we can sai is that we ar readi for someth new and someth bold and someth principl __PUNCT__
it time for us to breath again __PUNCT__
that begin with end thi war __PUNCT__ but it doe not end there __PUNCT__
it time reclaim our foreign_polici __PUNCT__
it time to reclaim our polit __PUNCT__
and it time to lead thi countri __PUNCT__ and thi world __PUNCT__ again __PUNCT__ to a new dawn of peac and uniti __PUNCT__