Barack Obama

This speech titled 2007.10.08 originally had 4568 tokens. You can view the original text here.

two week_ago __PUNCT__ repres from some of the world_largest emitt of greenhous_gase were invit to washington by the presid for a global confer on climat chang __PUNCT__

for a brief moment __PUNCT__ there wa a hope that mayb thi confer would be differ __PUNCT__ that mayb america would final commit to the step that nearli everi scientist and expert believ we must take __PUNCT__ that mayb the planet onli superpow would final lead the world __PUNCT__ or at the veri least __PUNCT__ follow it __PUNCT__ in take on the planet greatest_threat __PUNCT__

instead __PUNCT__ the world travel thousand of mile to washington onli to find that washington is still mile awai from the world in it willing to address on of the most urgent challeng of our gener __PUNCT__

some of the attende said thei were amaz at how isol the white_hous view had becom __PUNCT__

other dismiss the presid credibl entir __PUNCT__

and anoth headlin note that when it come to the global debat on climat chang __PUNCT__ our countri is struggl just to stai relev __PUNCT__

struggl just to stai relev __PUNCT__

that is not the america we know __PUNCT__

it is not the america we believ in __PUNCT__

we ar a nation that ha led the world ever sinc the moment a lowli band of colonist prove that freedom could triumph over tyranni __PUNCT__

we ar the countri that summon the courag of it peopl to build an arsen of democraci that freed a contin and brought peac to a world at war __PUNCT__

we ar a land of moon shot and miracl of scienc and technolog that have touch the live of million across the planet __PUNCT__

and when that planet is challeng or when it is threaten __PUNCT__ the ey of the world have alwai turn to thi nation as the __PUNCT__ last __PUNCT__ best hope of earth __PUNCT__

that is the america i want to lead as presid __PUNCT__

i believ that when it come to the issu that will determin the veri futur of life on thi earth __PUNCT__ we ar still earth best hope __PUNCT__

and when the world arriv at the doorstep of the white hous to hear what america ha to sai about climat chang __PUNCT__ i will let them know that america is up to the challeng __PUNCT__

that america is readi to lead again __PUNCT__

we have not fallen behind on energi due to a lack of ingenu or initi from the american_peopl __PUNCT__

i have seen too much innov and possibl in thi countri to believ that __PUNCT__

right here in new hampshir __PUNCT__ i fill up at a biodiesel pump at unh __PUNCT__ where thi year student and faculti will remov over __NUM___ton of carbon_dioxid from the atmospher __PUNCT__

new hampshir is alreadi reduc it greenhous_ga pollut as part of the region greenhous ga initi __PUNCT__ and thank to the leadership of senat martha fuller clark and governor lynch __PUNCT__ you get __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of your energi from renew_sourc by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

keen is on of america greenest citi __PUNCT__ and i understand that __NUM__ town have now pass a resolut demand that washington take action on climat chang

but washington hasn't act __PUNCT__ and that is the real reason why america hasn't led __PUNCT__

washington failur to lead on energi is the failur of a presid who spent most of hi time in offic deni the veri exist of global_warm __PUNCT__ a presid who put more faith in the spin of a scienc_fiction writer than the scienc fact of real expert __PUNCT__

it the failur of an administr that develop america energi_polici with a secret task_forc that open the door to oil lobbyist and then shut it to everi other viewpoint __PUNCT__

it a failur of leadership that ha never call on the american_peopl to do anyth more than go shop __PUNCT__

and it also a failur of our polit that pre __PUNCT__ date the presid of georg w __PUNCT__ bush __PUNCT__

we have heard promis about energi_independ from everi singl u. __PUNCT__ presid sinc richard_nixon __PUNCT__ republican and democrat __PUNCT__

we heard propos to curb our us of fossil_fuel in nearli everi state of the union_address sinc the oil embargo of __NUM__ __PUNCT__

back then we import about a third of our oil __PUNCT__

now we import over half __PUNCT__

back then global_warm wa just the theori of a few scientist __PUNCT__

now it is a fact that threaten our veri exist __PUNCT__

the truth is __PUNCT__ our energi problem ha becom an energi_crisi becaus no matter how well __PUNCT__ intent the promis __PUNCT__ no matter how bold the propos __PUNCT__ thei all fall victim to the same washington polit that ha onli becom more divid and dishonest __PUNCT__ more timid and calcul __PUNCT__ more beholden to the power_interest that have the biggest stake in the statu_quo __PUNCT__

there ar some in thi race who actual make the argument that the more time you spend immers in the broken polit of washington __PUNCT__ the more like you ar to chang it __PUNCT__

i alwai find thi a littl amus __PUNCT__

i know that chang make for good campaign rhetor __PUNCT__ but when these same_peopl had the chanc to actual make chang happen __PUNCT__ thei didn't lead __PUNCT__

when thei had the chanc to stand up and requir automak to rais their fuel standard __PUNCT__ thei refus __PUNCT__

when thei had multipl chanc to reduc our depend on foreign_oil by invest in renew fuel that we can liter grow right here in america __PUNCT__ thei said no __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i know that some of these polici ar difficult polit __PUNCT__

thei aren't easi __PUNCT__

but be presid of the unit_state isn't about do what easi __PUNCT__

it about do what hard __PUNCT__

it about do what right __PUNCT__

leadership isn't about tell peopl what thei want to hear __PUNCT__ it about tell them what thei need to hear __PUNCT__

when i arriv in the u. __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__ i want to do whatev i could to make_real progress toward energi_independ __PUNCT__

i reach across the aisl to pass a law that will give more american the chanc to fill up their car with clean biofuel __PUNCT__

i pass a law that will fuel the research need to develop a car that will get __NUM___mile to the gallon __PUNCT__

i even vote for an energi_bill that wa far from perfect becaus i wa abl to ensur that it contain some real invest in renew_sourc of energi __PUNCT__

and i fought to elimin the tax giveawai to oil_compani that were slip into that bill __PUNCT__ oil compani that have spent half a billion_dollar lobbi_congress in the last ten_year while their profit have risen to record high __PUNCT__

and i did someth els __PUNCT__

i knew that america hadn't rais the fuel standard for our car in twenti_year __PUNCT__

even though we had the technolog on the shelf __PUNCT__

even though japanes car_compani that make more fuel __PUNCT__ effici car ar run circl around our own car compani __PUNCT__

even though we send hundr of million of dollar a dai to some of the world most danger regim for their oil __PUNCT__

so i decid to try someth new __PUNCT__

i reach across the aisl to come up with a plan to rais our fuel standard that won support of lawmak who had never support rais fuel standard befor __PUNCT__

and i didn't just give a speech about it in front of some environment audienc in california __PUNCT__

i went to detroit __PUNCT__ i stood in front of a group of automak __PUNCT__ and i told them that when i am presid __PUNCT__ there will be no more excus __PUNCT__ we will help them retool their factori __PUNCT__ but thei will have to make car that us less oil __PUNCT__

now i have to admit __PUNCT__ the room wa pretti quiet after that __PUNCT__

but i said what i did becaus i believ america ha had enough of politician who just tell everyon what thei want to hear __PUNCT__

we have to tell peopl the truth __PUNCT__

and the truth is that we can't afford to let the same old polit stand in the wai of our futur anymor __PUNCT__

we can't afford the same_kind of caution when the futur of our secur is at stake __PUNCT__

we know that the monei that america spend on foreign_oil is fund both side of the war on terror __PUNCT__ that it pai for everyth from the madrassa that plant the seed of terror in young mind to the sunni_insurg that attack our troop in iraq __PUNCT__

we know thi monei corrupt bud democraci and allow dictat from hostil regim to threaten the intern_commun __PUNCT__

it even present a target for osama_bin_laden __PUNCT__ who ha told al_qaeda to __PUNCT__ focu your oper on oil __PUNCT__ sinc thi will caus __PUNCT__ the american __PUNCT__ to die off on their own __PUNCT__

we can't be afraid to stand up to the oil and auto_industri when the futur of our economi is at stake __PUNCT__

when we let these compani off the hook __PUNCT__ when we tell them thei don't have to build fuel __PUNCT__ effici car or transit to renew fuel __PUNCT__ it mai boost their short __PUNCT__ term_profit __PUNCT__ but it is kill their long __PUNCT__ term chanc for surviv and threaten too mani american_job __PUNCT__

the global_market is alreadi move awai from fossil_fuel __PUNCT__

the question is not if a renew_energi energi_economi will thrive in the futur __PUNCT__ it where __PUNCT__

and if we want that place to be the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ we can't afford to wait ani longer __PUNCT__

most of all __PUNCT__ we cannot afford more of the same timid polit when the futur of our planet is at stake __PUNCT__

global_warm is not a somedai problem __PUNCT__ it is now __PUNCT__

in a state like new hampshir __PUNCT__ the ski industri is face shorter season and lose job __PUNCT__

we ar alreadi break record with the intens of our storm __PUNCT__ the number of forest fire __PUNCT__ the period of drought __PUNCT__

by __NUM__ famin could forc more than __NUM___million from their home __PUNCT__ famin that will increas the chanc of war and strife in mani of the world weakest state __PUNCT__

the polar ic cap ar now melt faster than scienc had ever predict __PUNCT__

and if we do noth __PUNCT__ sea_level will rise high enough to swallow larg_portion of everi coastal citi and town __PUNCT__

thi is not the futur i want for my daughter __PUNCT__

it not the futur ani of us want for our children __PUNCT__

and if we act now and we act boldli __PUNCT__ it doesn't have to be __PUNCT__

but if we wait __PUNCT__ if we let campaign_promis and state of the union pledg go unansw for yet anoth year __PUNCT__ if we let the same broken polit that held us back for decad win on more time __PUNCT__ we will lose anoth chanc to save our planet __PUNCT__

and we might not get mani more __PUNCT__

i reject that futur __PUNCT__

i would not be run for presid if i didn't believ that thi time could be differ __PUNCT__

not becaus i have some perfect solut that everi other expert and candid ha somehow miss __PUNCT__

not becaus i think i can lock myself in the white_hous with a secret task_forc and get thi done on my own __PUNCT__

but becaus i believ the american_peopl ar readi for a presid who can unit us around a common_purpos again __PUNCT__

i believ that we ar readi to lead again __PUNCT__

make no mistak __PUNCT__ develop the next gener of energi will be on of the greatest_challeng that thi gener of american will ever face __PUNCT__

it will not be easi __PUNCT__

it will not come without cost or without sacrific __PUNCT__

and if anyon tri to tell you otherwis __PUNCT__ thei ar either fool themselv or try to fool you __PUNCT__

i will set big goal for thi countri as presid __PUNCT__ some so larg that the technolog to reach them doe not yet exist __PUNCT__

but that ha not stop us befor __PUNCT__

when presid_roosevelt advisor inform him that hi goal for wartim product were imposs to meet __PUNCT__ he wave them off and said __PUNCT__ believ me __PUNCT__ the product peopl can do it if thei realli try __PUNCT__

and thei did __PUNCT__

when the scientist and engin told john f __PUNCT__ kennedi that thei had no idea how to put a man on the moon __PUNCT__ he told them thei would find a wai __PUNCT__

and we found on __PUNCT__

i believ we will again __PUNCT__

in the speech i gave in detroit __PUNCT__ i laid out the first part of my comprehens energi plan __PUNCT__ a propos that will requir our car to us less oil and our fuel to us less carbon __PUNCT__

it a propos that alon remov __NUM___million car __PUNCT__ worth of pollut from the road and reduc our oil consumpt __NUM__ million_barrel a dai by __NUM__ __PUNCT__ the equival of all the oil we import from the persian_gulf todai __PUNCT__

todai i want to lai out the second part of my plan __PUNCT__ a set of propos that will allow america to lead the world in combat global_climat chang __PUNCT__

from the moment i take offic as presid __PUNCT__ i will call togeth scientist and entrepreneur __PUNCT__ head of industri and labor __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ republican and american from all walk of life to help develop and deploi the next gener of energi that will allow us to build the next gener economi __PUNCT__

after all __PUNCT__ in meet the challeng of earlier_gener __PUNCT__ we didn't just end a costli war or beat the soviet to the moon __PUNCT__ we also unleash opportun we had never dream of __PUNCT__

the gi_bill sent an entir gener of american __PUNCT__ includ my grandfath __PUNCT__ to colleg and then on to the middl __PUNCT__ class __PUNCT__

legion of scientist and engin emerg from our race to space whose discoveri and innov have forev chang the world __PUNCT__

thi same opportun exist todai __PUNCT__

that why my plan isn't just about make dirti energi expens __PUNCT__ it about make clean_energi afford __PUNCT__ a project that will creat million of new job and entir new industri right here in america __PUNCT__

the first step in do thi is to phase out a carbon __PUNCT__ base_economi that caus our chang climat __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will set a hard cap on all carbon_emiss at a level that scientist sai is necessari to curb global_warm __PUNCT__ an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ reduct by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

to ensur thi isn't just talk __PUNCT__ i will also commit to interim target toward thi goal in __NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__

these reduct will start immedi __PUNCT__ and we continu to follow the recommend of top scientist to ensur that our target ar strong enough to meet the challeng we face __PUNCT__

in addit to thi cap __PUNCT__ all pollut will have to pai base on the amount of pollut thei releas into the sky __PUNCT__

the market will set the price __PUNCT__ but unlik the other cap __PUNCT__ and __PUNCT__ trade propos that have been offer in thi race __PUNCT__ no busi will be allow to emit ani greenhous_gase for free __PUNCT__

busi don't own the sky __PUNCT__ the public doe __PUNCT__ and if we want them to stop pollut it __PUNCT__ we have to put a price on all pollut __PUNCT__

it time to make the cleaner wai of do busi the more profit wai of do busi __PUNCT__

there is no doubt that thi transit will be costli in the short __PUNCT__ term __PUNCT__

to make it easier __PUNCT__ we will provid assist to american who need help with their energi_bill __PUNCT__

we help famili make their home more energi_effici __PUNCT__ and we help worker and factori retool their facil so thei can compet and thrive in a clean_energi energi_economi __PUNCT__

and onc we make_america more energi_effici and start produc more renew_energi __PUNCT__ we will save_monei and bring energi_cost down in the long __PUNCT__ run __PUNCT__

but we must act now __PUNCT__

onc we make dirti energi expens __PUNCT__ the second step in my plan is to invest __MONEY___billion over the next decad to ensur the develop and deploy of clean __PUNCT__ afford energi __PUNCT__

that start with the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__

we know that corn ethanol ha been the most success altern fuel we have ever develop __PUNCT__

i been a champion for ethanol __PUNCT__

in just two year __PUNCT__ the renew fuel standard i help pass ha spark an histor expans of ethanol_product __PUNCT__

it ha help displac foreign_oil and strengthen our rural economi __PUNCT__

and we should fight the effort of big_oil and big agri __PUNCT__ busi to undermin thi emerg industri __PUNCT__

but the truth is __PUNCT__ corn ethanol is neither the perfect nor the perman answer to our energi challeng __PUNCT__

there ar legitim econom and ecolog concern about an over __PUNCT__ relianc on corn __PUNCT__ base ethanol __PUNCT__

and even if we doubl or tripl it product __PUNCT__ it won't replac even a tenth of our demand for gasolin __PUNCT__

that why we must invest in the next gener of advanc biofuel like cellulos ethanol that can be made from thing like switchgrass and woodchip __PUNCT__

the struggl paper mill in new hampsir would be back in busi if thei could us wood to produc biofuel __PUNCT__

we should set a goal to produc the first two billion gallon of advanc biofuel by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and we should make sure that more local farm and local refineri have the chanc to be a part of thi new industri __PUNCT__

we also invest in clean_energi energi_sourc like wind_power and solar_power __PUNCT__ so that by __NUM___america can meet a new standard that will requir __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of all our electr to come from renew_sourc __PUNCT__

and we must find a wai to stop coal from pollut our atmospher without pretend that our nation most abund energi_sourc will just go awai __PUNCT__

it won't __PUNCT__

it will also requir take step to ensur that china coal emiss ar curb as well __PUNCT__

alreadi __PUNCT__ some coal pollut from china dirti plant is make it wai to california __PUNCT__

that why we must invest in clean_coal technolog that we can us at home and share with the world __PUNCT__

until those technolog ar avail __PUNCT__ i will reli on the carbon cap and whatev tool ar necessari to stop new dirti coal_plant from be built in america __PUNCT__ includ a ban on new tradit coal facil __PUNCT__

we will also explor safer wai to us nuclear_power __PUNCT__ which right now account for more than __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of our non __PUNCT__ carbon gener_electr __PUNCT__

we should acceler research into technolog that will allow for the safe __PUNCT__ secur treatment of nuclear_wast __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i continu the work i began in the senat to ensur that all nuclear materi is store __PUNCT__ secur and account for __PUNCT__ both at home and around the world __PUNCT__

there should be no short cut or regulatori loophol __PUNCT__ period __PUNCT__

mani of these clean_energi energi_technolog __PUNCT__ from biofuel to solar_power to carbon_sequestr __PUNCT__ ar be develop in research lab and facil all across america at thi veri moment __PUNCT__

the problem is thei might never get further than that __PUNCT__

u. __PUNCT__ ventur_capit fund doe a great job invest in research and develop __PUNCT__ but we don't do enough to take the risk out of bring new discoveri to the wider marketplac __PUNCT__

and so we see technolog that ar invent here in america __PUNCT__ like wind_turbin __PUNCT__ solar_panel __PUNCT__ and compact fluoresc bulb __PUNCT__ develop oversea and then sold back to american_consum __PUNCT__

thi will chang when i am presid __PUNCT__

i will launch a clean technolog ventur_capit fund that will provid __MONEY___billion a year for five year to get the most promis clean_energi energi_technolog off the ground __PUNCT__

thi ventur_capit fund will get new technolog from the lab to the marketplac so that in the next few year __PUNCT__ the american_economi can benefit from america innov __PUNCT__

the third step in my plan to combat climat chang is to call on busi __PUNCT__ govern __PUNCT__ and the american_peopl to make_america america___NUM__ __PUNCT__ more energi_effici by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi is by far the fastest __PUNCT__ easiest __PUNCT__ and cheapest wai to curb our emiss and save_monei at the same_time __PUNCT__

sinc dupont implement an energi_effici program in __NUM__ the compani ha significantli reduc it pollut and cut it energi_bill by __MONEY___billion __PUNCT__ and citi like keen and portland __PUNCT__ oregon have led in meet new effici standard __PUNCT__

there is no reason the rest of america can't do the same __PUNCT__

we will start by dramat improv the effici of our build __PUNCT__ which current account for nearli half of all carbon_emiss in america_todai __PUNCT__

when i am presid __PUNCT__ we set a goal of make our new build __NUM__ __PUNCT__ more effici within sever year __PUNCT__

the feder_govern will lead by make all of it build carbon neutral by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and i will set a nation goal of make all new build in america carbon neutral by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

we will also start replac our outdat power grid with a digit smart grid so that we don't lose preciou energi and billion of dollar like we did in the __NUM__ new york_citi blackout __PUNCT__

we follow the lead of state like california and chang the wai util make_monei so that their profit aren't ti to how much energi we us __PUNCT__ but how much energi we save __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ we know that if everi home in america replac just five incandesc light_bulb with five compact fluoresc bulb __PUNCT__ it would elimin the need for twenti __PUNCT__ on power_plant __PUNCT__

we do on better __PUNCT__

i will immedi sign a law that begin to phase out all incandesc light_bulb __PUNCT__ a measur that will save american_consum __MONEY___billion a year on their electr bill __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ none of these step will happen overnight __PUNCT__

thei will take time __PUNCT__ thei will take sacrific __PUNCT__ and thei will take a sustain commit from the american_peopl __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will lead thi commit __PUNCT__

i will not be outlin these goal in my state of the union and then walk awai when thei becom too difficult __PUNCT__

i will report to the american peopl everi year on the state of our energi futur __PUNCT__ and let you know the progress we made toward an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ emiss_reduct by __NUM__ toward replac over a third of our oil consumpt by __NUM__ and toward improv our energi_effici __NUM__ __PUNCT__ by __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i will also make_america energi_secur a fundament tenet of our nation_secur by prepar our militari to deal with threat pose by climat chang __PUNCT__

and there is on step i will take as soon as possibl __PUNCT__

from the moment i take offic __PUNCT__ i will invit the world back to washington and let it be known that the unit_state of america is readi to lead again __PUNCT__

that we ar readi to rejoin the commun of nation in take on the greatest_challeng of thi gener __PUNCT__

i will person reach out to the leader of the biggest carbon emit nation in both the develop and develop_world and ask them to join america in creat a new global energi forum that will lai the foundat for the next gener of climat protocol __PUNCT__

it will complement __PUNCT__ and ultim merg with __PUNCT__ the much larger negoti process underwai at the un to develop a post __PUNCT__ kyoto framework __PUNCT__

i will be in constant contact with these leader to develop concret __PUNCT__ feasibl emiss target that all of us will meet __PUNCT__

we will also work to build an allianc of oil __PUNCT__ import nation and work togeth to reduc our demand __PUNCT__ just like the opec nation strateg on suppli __PUNCT__

and as we develop new form of clean_energi here at home __PUNCT__ we will share our technolog and our innov with all the nation of the world __PUNCT__

if we can build a clean_coal coal_plant in america __PUNCT__ china should be abl to as well __PUNCT__

if we find a wai to har the next gener of biofuel __PUNCT__ india will know how to do it too __PUNCT__

and as we tackl under __PUNCT__ develop in impoverish nation __PUNCT__ we will us what we know to help them reduc the neg_impact of climat chang and build a clean_energi futur __PUNCT__

recent __PUNCT__ the director of a nonprofit that help promot clean energi_polici in china said that the most frequent question he get from the chines about everi polici initi he suggest is __PUNCT__ if it is so good __PUNCT__ why aren't you do it __PUNCT__ and it the hardest question to answer __PUNCT__

he said __PUNCT__ we can point to good exampl that some american_state __PUNCT__ or citi __PUNCT__ or compani ar __URL__ we can't point to america __PUNCT__

i believ it time the world could point to america again __PUNCT__

i want the engin in new delhi to point to our green_build as the kind he like to design for hi countri __PUNCT__

i want the automak in tokyo to point to our car as the model for all the world __PUNCT__

i want the leader of europ and asia __PUNCT__ of africa and south_america to point to our diplomaci and our engag and our ingenu as the light that led us toward a new energi futur in our time __PUNCT__

and most of all __PUNCT__ i want our children and our children children to point to thi gener and thi moment as the time when america_found it wai again __PUNCT__

as the time when america overcam the divis and the polit and the petti of an earlier_era so that a new gener could come togeth and take on the most urgent challeng of thi era __PUNCT__

i am run for presid of the unit_state to lead us toward thi new era __PUNCT__ and i ask all of you to join me in take on the challeng that li ahead __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__