Barack Obama

This speech titled 2007.11.10 originally had 2028 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you so much __PUNCT__

to the great governor of iowa and lieuten __PUNCT__

governor of iowa __PUNCT__

to my dear friend tom harkin for the outstand work that he doe __PUNCT__

to the congression deleg of iowa that is do outstand work and to nanci_pelosi __PUNCT__ madam speaker __PUNCT__ thank you all for the wonder welcom and the wonder hospit __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ respond to audienc __PUNCT__ i love you back __PUNCT__

a littl less than on year from todai __PUNCT__ you will go into the vote_booth and you will select the presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ here the good new __PUNCT__ the name georg w __PUNCT__ bush will not be on the ballot __PUNCT__

the name of my cousin dick_chenei will not be on the ballot __PUNCT__

we been try to hide that for a long_time __PUNCT__

everybodi ha a black sheep in the famili __PUNCT__

the era of scooter libbi justic __PUNCT__ and browni incompet __PUNCT__ and karl_rove polit will final be over __PUNCT__

but the question you go to have to ask yourself when you caucu in __DATE__ and you vote in __DATE__ is __PUNCT__ what next for america __PUNCT__

we ar in a defin moment in our histori __PUNCT__

our nation is at war __PUNCT__

the planet is in peril __PUNCT__

the dream that so mani gener fought for feel as if it slowli slip awai __PUNCT__

we ar work_harder for less __PUNCT__

we never paid more for health_care or for colleg __PUNCT__

it harder to save and it harder to retir __PUNCT__

and most of all we lost faith that our leader can or will do anyth about it __PUNCT__

we were promis compassion_conservat and all we got wa katrina and wiretap __PUNCT__

we were promis a unit __PUNCT__ and we got a presid who could not even lead the half of the countri that vote for him __PUNCT__

we were promis a more ethic and more effici govern __PUNCT__ and instead we have a town call washington that is more corrupt and more wast than it wa befor __PUNCT__

and the onli mission that wa ever accomplish is to us fear and falsehood to take thi countri to a war that should have never been author and should have never been wage __PUNCT__

it is becaus of these failur that america is listen __PUNCT__ intent __PUNCT__ to what we sai here todai __PUNCT__ not just democrat __PUNCT__ but republican and independ who lost trust in their govern __PUNCT__ but want to believ again __PUNCT__

and it is becaus of these failur that we not onli have a moment of great_challeng __PUNCT__ but also a moment of great opportun __PUNCT__

we have a chanc to bring the countri togeth in a new major __PUNCT__ to final tackl problem that georg_bush bush_made far wors __PUNCT__ but that had fester long befor georg_bush ever took offic __PUNCT__ problem that we talk about year after year after year after year __PUNCT__

and that is why the same old washington textbook campaign just won't do in thi elect __PUNCT__

that why not answer_question __PUNCT__ caus we ar afraid our answer won't be popular just won't do __PUNCT__

that why tell the american_peopl what we think thei want to hear instead of tell the american peopl what thei need to hear just won't do __PUNCT__

triangul and poll __PUNCT__ driven posit becaus we worri about what mitt or rudi might sai about us just won't do __PUNCT__

if we ar realli seriou about wine thi elect democrat __PUNCT__ we can't live in fear of lose it __PUNCT__

thi parti __PUNCT__ the parti of jefferson and jackson __PUNCT__ of roosevelt and kennedi __PUNCT__ ha alwai made the biggest differ in the live of the american peopl when we led __PUNCT__ not by poll __PUNCT__ but by principl __PUNCT__ not by calcul __PUNCT__ but by convict __PUNCT__ when we summon the entir nation to a common_purpos __PUNCT__ a higher purpos __PUNCT__

and i run for the presid of the unit_state of america becaus that the parti america need us to be right now __PUNCT__

a parti that offer not just a differ in polici __PUNCT__ but a differ in leadership __PUNCT__

a parti that doesn't just focu on how to win but why we should __PUNCT__

a parti that doesn't just offer chang as a slogan __PUNCT__ but real __PUNCT__ meaning chang __PUNCT__ chang that america can believ in __PUNCT__

that why i in thi race __PUNCT__

that why i am run for the presid of the unit state of america __PUNCT__ to offer chang that we can believ in __PUNCT__

i am in thi race to tell the corpor_lobbyist that their dai of set the agenda in washington ar over __PUNCT__

i have done more than ani other candid in thi race to take on lobbyist __PUNCT__ and won __PUNCT__

thei have not fund my campaign __PUNCT__ thei will not get a job in my white_hous __PUNCT__ and thei will not drown out the voic of the american_peopl when i am presid __PUNCT__

i in thi race to take those tax_break awai from compani that ar move job_oversea and put them in the pocket of hard_work work_american who deserv it __PUNCT__

and i won't rais the minimum_wage everi ten_year __PUNCT__ i will rais it to keep pace so that worker don't __PUNCT__ fall behind __PUNCT__

that is why i am in it __PUNCT__

to protect the american_worker __PUNCT__

to fight for the american worker __PUNCT__

i in thi race becaus i want to stop_talk about the outrag of __NUM___million_american without health_care and start actual do someth about it __PUNCT__

i expand health care in illinoi by bring democrat and republican togeth __PUNCT__

by take on the insur_industri __PUNCT__

and that is how i will make certain that everi singl american in thi countri ha health_care thei can count on and i won't do it twenti_year from now __PUNCT__ i won't do it ten_year from now __PUNCT__ i will do it by the end of my first term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

i run for presid to make sure that everi american child ha the best educ that we have to offer __PUNCT__ from the dai thei ar born to the dai thei graduat from colleg __PUNCT__

and i won't just talk about how great teacher ar __PUNCT__ as presid i will reward them for their great __PUNCT__ by rais salari and give them more support __PUNCT__

that why i in thi race __PUNCT__

i am run for presid becaus i am sick and tire of democrat think that the onli wai to look tough on nation_secur is by talk __PUNCT__ and act __PUNCT__ and vote like georg_bush republican __PUNCT__

when i am thi parti nomine __PUNCT__ my oppon will not be abl to sai that i vote for the war in iraq __PUNCT__ or that i gave georg bush the benefit of the doubt on iran __PUNCT__ or that i support_bush __PUNCT__ chenei polici of not talk to leader that we don't like __PUNCT__

and he will not be abl to sai that i waver on someth as fundament as whether or not it is ok for america to tortur __PUNCT__ becaus it is never ok __PUNCT__

that why i am in it __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will end the war in iraq __PUNCT__

we will have our troop_home in sixteen month __PUNCT__

i will close guantanamo __PUNCT__

i will restor habea_corpu __PUNCT__

i will finish the fight against al_qaeda __PUNCT__

and i will lead the world to combat the common threat of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ nuclear_weapon and terror __PUNCT__ climat chang and poverti __PUNCT__ genocid and diseas __PUNCT__

and i will send onc more a messag to those yearn face beyond our shore that sai __PUNCT__ you matter to us __PUNCT__

your futur is our futur __PUNCT__

and our moment is now __PUNCT__

america __PUNCT__ our moment is now __PUNCT__

our moment is now __PUNCT__

i don't want to spend the next year or the next four year re __PUNCT__ fight the same fight that we had in the 1990 __PUNCT__

i don't want to pit red america against blue america __PUNCT__ i want to be the presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

and if those republican come at me with the same fear __PUNCT__ monger and swift __PUNCT__ boat that thei usual do __PUNCT__ then i will take them head on __PUNCT__

becaus i believ the american_peopl ar tire of fear and tire of distract and tire of divers __PUNCT__

we can make thi elect not about fear __PUNCT__ but about the futur __PUNCT__

and that won't just be a democrat victori __PUNCT__ that will be an american victori __PUNCT__

and that is a victori america need right now __PUNCT__

i am not in thi race to fulfil some long __PUNCT__ held ambit or becaus i believ it somehow ow to me __PUNCT__

i never expect to be here __PUNCT__ i alwai knew thi journei wa improb __PUNCT__

i never been on a journei that wasn't __PUNCT__

i am run in thi race becaus of what dr __PUNCT__ king call __PUNCT__ the fierc urgenc of now __PUNCT__

becaus i believ that there such a thing as be too late __PUNCT__

and that hour is almost upon us __PUNCT__

i don't want to wake up four year from now and find out that million of american still lack health_care becaus we couldn't take on the insur_industri __PUNCT__

i don't want to see that the ocean have risen a few more inch __PUNCT__

the planet ha reach a point of no return becaus we couldn't find a wai to stop bui oil from dictat __PUNCT__

i don't want to see more american_live put at risk becaus no on had the judgment or the courag to stand up against a misguid war befor we sent our troop into fight __PUNCT__

i don't want to see homeless veteran on the street __PUNCT__

i don't want to send anoth gener of american_children to fail school __PUNCT__

i don't want that futur for my daughter __PUNCT__

i don't want that futur for your son __PUNCT__

i do not want that futur for america __PUNCT__

i in thi race for the same reason that i fought for job for the jobless and hope for the hopeless on the street of chicago __PUNCT__ for the same reason i fought for justic and equal as a civil right lawyer __PUNCT__ for the same reason that i fought for illinoi famili for over a decad __PUNCT__

becaus i will never forget that the onli reason that i stand here todai is becaus somebodi __PUNCT__ somewher stood up for me when it wa riski __PUNCT__

stood up when it wa hard __PUNCT__

stood up when it wasn't popular __PUNCT__

and becaus that somebodi stood up __PUNCT__ a few more stood up __PUNCT__

and then a few thousand stood up __PUNCT__

and then a few million stood up __PUNCT__

and stand up __PUNCT__ with courag and clear purpos __PUNCT__ thei somehow manag to chang the world __PUNCT__

that why i run __PUNCT__ iowa __PUNCT__ to give our children and grandchildren the same chanc somebodi gave me __PUNCT__

that why i run __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ to keep the american_dream aliv for those who still hunger for opportun __PUNCT__ who still thirst for equal __PUNCT__

that why i ask you to stand with me __PUNCT__ that why i ask you to caucu for me __PUNCT__ that why i am ask you to stop settl for what the cynic sai we have to accept __PUNCT__

in thi elect __PUNCT__ in thi moment __PUNCT__ let us reach for what we know is possibl __PUNCT__

a nation heal __PUNCT__

a world repair __PUNCT__

an america that believ again __PUNCT__

thank you veri much everybodi __PUNCT__