Barack Obama

This speech titled 2007.11.13 originally had 2255 tokens. You can view the original text here.

we meet at a difficult_time for organ_labor __PUNCT__

a while back __PUNCT__ i went to a maytag plant in galesburg __PUNCT__ illinoi that wa move to mexico __PUNCT__

and i met worker who were have to compet with their own children for job that pai seven buck an hour __PUNCT__

a few month_ago __PUNCT__ i travel to newton __PUNCT__ where maytag wa shut it door after __NUM___year __PUNCT__

on worker who been there more than a decad said __PUNCT__ i just thought i would retir from here and never have anoth job __PUNCT__

i scare __PUNCT__

i scare __PUNCT__

it make us outrag to hear these stori __PUNCT__

and we been hear them for a long_time __PUNCT__

it wa stori like these that led me more than two decad_ago to walk awai from a career on wall_street and becom a commun_organ in chicago __PUNCT__ so i could help folk who lost job and lost hope when the nearbi steel plant_close down __PUNCT__

i didn't know a soul in chicago __PUNCT__ but i knew i didn't like the idea of work_peopl be laid off and not have anybodi fight for them __PUNCT__

i knew i want to do my part to make sure thei had a decent futur __PUNCT__

so when i go to place like galesburg or newton __PUNCT__ it remind me why i enter public_servic __PUNCT__

and it remind me why i a democrat __PUNCT__

becaus if the democrat_parti mean anyth __PUNCT__ then it ha to mean we valu labor __PUNCT__

if the democrat parti stand for anyth __PUNCT__ then it ha to stand up for your right __PUNCT__ and your futur __PUNCT__

if the democrat parti ha a vision for america __PUNCT__ then it ha to be an america that work for work_american __PUNCT__

but we all know that for a long_time now __PUNCT__ we had a presid who doesn't see it that wai __PUNCT__

we have live through six year of the most anti __PUNCT__ labor administr in gener __PUNCT__

thei don't believ in union __PUNCT__

thei don't believ in organ __PUNCT__

thei pack the labor_relat board with their corpor buddi __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ we got new for them __PUNCT__ it not the depart of manag __PUNCT__ it the depart of labor __PUNCT__ and we go to take it back __PUNCT__

but despit six year of them do everyth thei could to tear labor down __PUNCT__ as i look out on thi crowd and as i travel across thi countri __PUNCT__ the on thing i know for certain is that the uaw is still fight __PUNCT__

the uaw is still mobil __PUNCT__

the uaw is still organ __PUNCT__

i tire of plai defens __PUNCT__

i know the uaw is tire of plai defens __PUNCT__

we readi to plai some offens __PUNCT__

we readi to plai offens for a secur retir __PUNCT__

we readi to plai offens to enforc labor_law __PUNCT__

we readi to plai offens for univers_health_care __PUNCT__

i tire of see union go to the bargain_tabl and fight for the benefit thei negoti a long_time time_ago __PUNCT__ instead of fight for better wage to support their famili __PUNCT__

i reform health_care in illinoi __PUNCT__

and i did it by reach out to democrat and republican __PUNCT__

we took on the insur_industri __PUNCT__ and we won __PUNCT__

and that what i do as presid __PUNCT__

i got a plan that cut_cost for the typic famili by up to __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ more than ani other plan that been offer in thi race __PUNCT__

and i make thi solemn pledg to you __PUNCT__ i sign my univers_health_care health_care_plan into law by the end of my first term __PUNCT__

we readi to plai offens for american_worker __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ we not go to wait twenti_year or ten_year to rais the minimum_wage __PUNCT__ we rais it to keep pace with inflat everi year so that american_worker aren't fall behind __PUNCT__

and we take tax_break awai from compani that ship our job_oversea and put them in the pocket of work_american who deserv it __PUNCT__

we not go to stop global in it track __PUNCT__ but we shouldn't be stand idli by while american_job ar ship oversea __PUNCT__

it time to put main_street ahead of wall_street when it come to trade __PUNCT__

the onli trade_agreement i believ in ar on that put worker first __PUNCT__ becaus trade_deal aren't good for the american_peopl if thei aren't good for work_peopl __PUNCT__

that why i oppos cafta __PUNCT__

that why i oppos the south_korea free_trade_agreement __PUNCT__

that why i vote to block mexican truck from enter thi countri __PUNCT__

and that why we need to amend nafta __PUNCT__

we readi to take the offens for organ_labor __PUNCT__

it time we had a presid who didn't choke sai the word __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__

we need to strengthen our union by let them do what thei do best __PUNCT__ organ our worker __PUNCT__

if a major of worker want a union __PUNCT__ thei should get a union __PUNCT__

it that simpl __PUNCT__

we need to stand up to the busi_lobbi that been get their friend in congress and in the white_hous to block card_check __PUNCT__

that why i wa on of the leader fight to pass the employe free choic act __PUNCT__

that why i fight for it in the senat __PUNCT__

and that why we make it the law of the land when i presid __PUNCT__

there ar few more import union in thi countri than the uaw __PUNCT__

you creat the auto_industri __PUNCT__

you secur good __PUNCT__ pai_job for gener of worker __PUNCT__

and you built the american_middl_class __PUNCT__ the backbon of our economi __PUNCT__

so i know someon onc said what good for gm is good for america __PUNCT__

but it time we also recogn that what good for the uaw is good for america __PUNCT__

we need to help you compet with worker around the world by help the auto_industri compet with car_compani all over the world __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ that mean rais our fuel standard so we can make the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car that ar the futur of your industri __PUNCT__

but it also mean give you the help you need to retool your plant so we can build these car right here in america __PUNCT__

and if we can do that __PUNCT__ we creat thousand and thousand of job in the process __PUNCT__

but if we seriou about help you compet abroad __PUNCT__ we need to stand up for you here at home __PUNCT__

that why i call mike sheridan with local___NUM__ in wisconsin the dai thei decid to strike gm __PUNCT__ and gave him my support __PUNCT__

and i made the same call to dan kirk with local __NUM__ when chrysler worker went on strike __PUNCT__

and larri sharp and hi member in local __NUM__ from my home_state of illinoi can't be here todai becaus thei strike intern truck and engin __PUNCT__ but larri know he ha my support __PUNCT__

becaus when you hit the picket_line __PUNCT__ whether it with gm or chrysler or anybodi els __PUNCT__ you aren't just fight for your own right __PUNCT__ you fight for the right of everi american_worker __PUNCT__

but it go to be hard to do all thi __PUNCT__ it go to be hard to make the uaw agenda america agenda __PUNCT__ until we end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__

thi is a war i oppos in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

it a war i oppos in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

and in __NUM__ and __NUM__ and __NUM__ __PUNCT__

thi is a war that should have never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__

and we shouldn't compound the mistak of go in by wait ani longer to pull our troop out __PUNCT__

that why i call for us to start withdraw troop not next month __PUNCT__ not next year __PUNCT__ now __PUNCT__

thi is a defin moment in our histori __PUNCT__

our nation is at war __PUNCT__

the dream that so mani gener fought for feel as if it slowli slip awai __PUNCT__

we ar work_harder for less __PUNCT__

we never paid more for health_care or for colleg __PUNCT__

it harder to save and it harder to retir __PUNCT__

and most of all we lost faith that our leader can or will do anyth about it __PUNCT__

and it is becaus of thi that america is listen __PUNCT__ intent __PUNCT__ to what my fellow candid and i ar sai __PUNCT__ not just democrat __PUNCT__ but republican and independ who lost trust in their govern __PUNCT__ but want to believ again __PUNCT__

so in thi elect __PUNCT__ we have a chanc to bring the countri togeth in a new major __PUNCT__ to final tackl problem that georg_bush bush_made far wors __PUNCT__ but that had fester long befor georg_bush ever took offic __PUNCT__ problem that we talk about year after year after year after year __PUNCT__

and that is why the same old washington textbook campaign just won't do in thi elect __PUNCT__

that why not answer_question becaus we afraid our answer won't be popular just won't do __PUNCT__

that why tell the american_peopl what we think thei want to hear instead of tell the american peopl what thei need to hear just won't do __PUNCT__

triangul and poll __PUNCT__ driven posit becaus we worri about what mitt or rudi might sai about us just won't do __PUNCT__

if we realli seriou about win thi elect __PUNCT__ we can't live in fear of lose it __PUNCT__

the democrat_parti ha alwai made the biggest differ in the live of the american_peopl when we led not by poll __PUNCT__ but by principl __PUNCT__ not by calcul __PUNCT__ but by convict __PUNCT__ when we summon the entir nation to a common_purpos __PUNCT__ a higher purpos __PUNCT__

and i run for the presid of the unit_state of america becaus that the parti america need us to be right now __PUNCT__

a parti that offer not just a differ in polici __PUNCT__ but a differ in leadership __PUNCT__

a parti that doesn't just focu on how to win but why we should __PUNCT__

a parti that doesn't just offer chang as a slogan __PUNCT__ but real __PUNCT__ meaning chang __PUNCT__ chang that america can believ in __PUNCT__

that why i in thi race __PUNCT__

that why i am run for presid of the unit state of america __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i know we got a lot of good candid in thi race __PUNCT__ and i know thei sai the right thing when thei come and talk to you __PUNCT__

but politician often sai thei pro __PUNCT__ labor at elect time no matter what thei said or done befor __PUNCT__

and that leav you wonder what thei will sai or do after the elect __PUNCT__

so when a candid rail against nafta todai __PUNCT__ it fair to ask her where she been befor __PUNCT__

when a candid sai he oppos right __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ work_law or trade rule that hurt worker todai __PUNCT__ ask him where he been befor __PUNCT__

becaus what you need __PUNCT__ what america need __PUNCT__ is a presid who will fight for you when it hard __PUNCT__ and not just when it polit conveni __PUNCT__

and that exactli what i intend to do __PUNCT__

becaus polit didn't lead me to work folk __PUNCT__ work folk led me into polit __PUNCT__

i wa stand with american_worker on the street of chicago twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__ and the reason i here todai is becaus i don't want to wake up on dai mani year from now and see that we still stand by while american_job get ship oversea __PUNCT__

so i not just here to give a speech __PUNCT__

i don't like just talk about the problem we face in thi countri __PUNCT__

i want to solv them __PUNCT__

so i here to ask for your support __PUNCT__ region __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i here to ask you to believ not just in me __PUNCT__ but in your own sens of possibl __PUNCT__ your own imagin about what america might be __PUNCT__

imagin a presid whose life_stori wa like so mani of your own __PUNCT__ who know what it like to go to colleg on scholarship __PUNCT__ who know what it like to see hi mother get sick and worri that mayb she can't pai the medic_bill __PUNCT__

imagin a presid who know what it like to put on a comfort pair of shoe and walk with you on that picket_line __PUNCT__

who give denni william a call befor ani major piec of labor legisl cross hi desk __PUNCT__ so even if we don't see ey to ey on everyth __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard __PUNCT__

imagin an america where we don't have to keep plai defens becaus we can final plai some offens __PUNCT__

that futur is within our grasp __PUNCT__

we can build that america togeth if you join me __PUNCT__

but each of us ha to do our part __PUNCT__

so i just want to close with a stori about the differ that on voic can make __PUNCT__