Barack Obama

This speech titled 2007.11.20 originally had 4469 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i visit mani school and spoken to mani teacher and student throughout my two decad of public_servic __PUNCT__ but on i alwai rememb is my visit to dodg elementari_school in chicago just a few year_ago __PUNCT__

i wa talk with a young teacher there __PUNCT__ and i ask her what she saw as the biggest challeng_face her student __PUNCT__

she gave me an answer that i had never heard befor __PUNCT__

she spoke about what she call __PUNCT__ these kid syndrom __PUNCT__ the tendenc to explain awai the shortcom and failur of our educ_system by sai that __PUNCT__ these kid can't learn __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ these kid don't want to learn __PUNCT__ or __PUNCT__ these kid ar just too far behind __PUNCT__

and after awhil __PUNCT__ these kid __PUNCT__ becom somebodi els problem __PUNCT__

and thi teacher look at me and said __PUNCT__ when i hear that term it drive me nut __PUNCT__

thei not __PUNCT__ these kid __PUNCT__

thei our kid __PUNCT__

all of them __PUNCT__

she absolut right __PUNCT__

the small_child in manchest or nashua whose parent can't find or afford a qualiti pre __PUNCT__ school that we know would make him more like to stai in school __PUNCT__ and read better __PUNCT__ and succe later in life __PUNCT__ he is our child __PUNCT__

the littl girl in rural south_carolina or the south_side of chicago whose school is liter fall down around her __PUNCT__ and can't afford new textbook __PUNCT__ and can't attract new teacher becaus it can't afford to pai them a decent salari __PUNCT__ she is our child __PUNCT__

the teenag in suburban boston who need more skill and better school to compet for the same_job as the teenag in bangalor or beij __PUNCT__ he is our child __PUNCT__

these children ar our children __PUNCT__

their futur is our futur __PUNCT__

and it time we understood that their educ is our respons __PUNCT__

all of us __PUNCT__

thi is a defin moment for our gener __PUNCT__

revolut in commun and technolog have creat a global_economi of high __PUNCT__ tech __PUNCT__ high __PUNCT__ wage_job that can be locat anywher there an internet connect __PUNCT__ an economi where the most valuabl skill you can sell is your knowledg __PUNCT__

educ is now the currenc of the inform ag __PUNCT__

it no longer just a pathwai to opportun and success __PUNCT__ it a pre __PUNCT__ requisit __PUNCT__

there simpli aren't as mani job todai that can support a famili where onli a high_school degre is requir __PUNCT__

and if you don't have that degre __PUNCT__ there ar even fewer job avail that can keep you out of poverti __PUNCT__

in thi kind of economi __PUNCT__ countri who out __PUNCT__ educ us todai will out __PUNCT__ compet us tomorrow __PUNCT__

alreadi __PUNCT__ china is graduat eight time as mani engin as we ar __PUNCT__

by twelfth grade __PUNCT__ our children score lower on math and scienc test than most other kid in the world __PUNCT__

and we now have on of the highest high school dropout_rate of ani industri_nation in the world __PUNCT__

well i do not accept thi futur for america __PUNCT__

i do not accept an america where we do noth about six million student who ar read below their grade_level __PUNCT__ an america where sixti percent of african __PUNCT__ american fourth grader aren't even read at the basic level __PUNCT__

i do not accept an america where onli twenti_percent of our student ar prepar to take colleg __PUNCT__ level class in english __PUNCT__ math __PUNCT__ and scienc __PUNCT__ where bare on in ten low __PUNCT__ incom_student will ever graduat from colleg __PUNCT__

i do not accept an america where we do noth about the fact that half of all teenag ar unabl to understand basic fraction __PUNCT__ where nearli nine in ten african __PUNCT__ american and latino eighth grader ar not profici in math __PUNCT__

i do not accept an america where elementari_school kid ar onli get an averag of twenti __PUNCT__ five minut of scienc each dai when we know that over __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the fastest __PUNCT__ grow job requir a knowledg base in math and scienc __PUNCT__

thi kind of america is moral unaccept for our children __PUNCT__

it econom unten for our futur __PUNCT__

and it not who we ar as a countri __PUNCT__

we ar not a __PUNCT__ these kid __PUNCT__ nation __PUNCT__

we ar the nation that ha alwai understood that our futur is inextric link to the educ of our children __PUNCT__ all of them __PUNCT__

we ar the countri that ha alwai believ in thoma_jefferson declar that __PUNCT__ __URL__ and virtu __PUNCT__ need in a free_societi __PUNCT__ should be educ regardless of wealth or birth __PUNCT__

it thi belief that led america to set up the first free public_school in small new england town __PUNCT__

it a promis we kept as we move from a nation of farm to factori and creat a system of public high_school so that everyon had the chanc to succe in a new economi __PUNCT__

it a promis we expand after world_war_ii __PUNCT__ when america gave my grandfath and over two million return hero the chanc to go to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__

and when america ha fallen_short of thi promis __PUNCT__ when we forc linda brown to walk mile to a dilapid topeka school becaus of the color of her skin __PUNCT__ it wa ordinari_american who march and bled __PUNCT__ who took to the street and fought in the court until the arriv of nine littl children at a littl rock school made real the decis that in america __PUNCT__ separ can never be equal __PUNCT__

that who we ar __PUNCT__

that why i can stand here todai __PUNCT__

becaus somebodi stood up when it wa hard __PUNCT__ stood up when it wa riski __PUNCT__

becaus even though my mother didn't have a lot of monei __PUNCT__ scholarship gave me the chanc to go to some of the best school in the countri __PUNCT__

and i am run for presid of the unit_state becaus i want to give everi american child the same chanc that i had __PUNCT__

in thi elect __PUNCT__ at thi defin moment __PUNCT__ we can decid that thi centuri will be anoth american_centuri by make an histor commit to educ __PUNCT__

we can make a commit that more than just the rhetor of a campaign __PUNCT__ on that more than anoth empti promis made by a politician look for your vote __PUNCT__

i often sai that the problem with no child_left behind is that georg_bush left the monei behind __PUNCT__

and it wasn't just him __PUNCT__ either __PUNCT__

it pretti popular to bash no child_left behind out on the campaign_trail __PUNCT__ but when it wa be debat in congress four year_ago __PUNCT__ my colleagu dick durbin offer everyon a chanc to vote so that the law couldn't be enforc unless it wa fulli fund __PUNCT__

senat edward and senat_clinton pass on that chanc __PUNCT__ and i believ that wa a seriou mistak __PUNCT__

becaus i think we all agre that the goal of thi law were the right on __PUNCT__

make a promis to educ everi child with an excel teacher is right __PUNCT__

close the achiev_gap that exist in too mani citi and rural_area is right __PUNCT__

make sure that necessari resourc and qualifi teacher ar distribut equit among everi citi and small_town is right __PUNCT__

more account is right __PUNCT__

higher_standard ar right __PUNCT__

but i tell you what wrong with no child_left behind __PUNCT__

forc our teacher __PUNCT__ our princip __PUNCT__ and our school to accomplish all of thi without the resourc thei need is wrong __PUNCT__

promis high __PUNCT__ qualiti teacher in everi classroom and then leav the support and the pai for those teacher behind is wrong __PUNCT__

label a school and it student as failur on dai and then throw your hand up and walk awai from them the next is wrong __PUNCT__

and by the wai __PUNCT__ don't tell us that the onli wai to teach a child is to spend most of the year prepar him to fill in a few bubbl on a standard_test __PUNCT__

don't tell us that these test have to come at the expens of music __PUNCT__ or art __PUNCT__ or phy __PUNCT__

ed __PUNCT__ or scienc __PUNCT__

these test shouldn't come at the expens of a well __PUNCT__ round educ __PUNCT__ thei should help complet that well __PUNCT__ round educ __PUNCT__

the teacher i met didn't devot their live to test __PUNCT__ thei devot them to teach __PUNCT__ and teach our children is what thei should be allow to do __PUNCT__

the fact is __PUNCT__ no child_left behind ha done more to stigmat and demor our student and teacher in struggl school than it ha to marshal the talent and the determin and the resourc to turn them around __PUNCT__

that what wrong with no child left behind __PUNCT__ and that what we must chang in a fundament wai __PUNCT__

i want to lead a new era of mutual respons in educ __PUNCT__ on where we all come togeth for the sake of our children success __PUNCT__ an era where each of us doe our part to make that success a realiti __PUNCT__ parent and teacher __PUNCT__ leader in washington and citizen all across america __PUNCT__

i won't pretend that thi will be easi __PUNCT__

we must fix the failur of no child left behind __PUNCT__

we must provid the fund we were promis __PUNCT__ and give our state the resourc thei need __PUNCT__ and final meet our commit to special_educ __PUNCT__

but that alon is not an educ_polici __PUNCT__

it just a start_point __PUNCT__

a truli histor commit to educ __PUNCT__ a real commit __PUNCT__ will requir new resourc and new reform __PUNCT__

it will requir a willing to break_free from the same debat that washington ha been engag in for decad __PUNCT__ democrat versu republican __PUNCT__ voucher versu the statu_quo __PUNCT__ more monei versu more account __PUNCT__

and most of all __PUNCT__ it will take a presid who is honest about the challeng we face __PUNCT__ who doesn't just tell everyon what thei want to hear __PUNCT__ but what thei need to hear __PUNCT__

i am run to be that presid __PUNCT__

and that why i propos a comprehens plan to give everi american child the chanc to receiv the best educ america ha to offer __PUNCT__ from the moment thei born to the dai thei graduat colleg __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will put the full resourc of the feder_govern behind thi plan __PUNCT__

but to make it a realiti __PUNCT__ i will also ask more of teacher and princip __PUNCT__ parent and student __PUNCT__ school and commun __PUNCT__

a few week_ago __PUNCT__ i introduc my plan to make colleg afford by creat a __MONEY__ per year refund tax_credit that will cover two __PUNCT__ third of the tuition at the averag public colleg or univers __PUNCT__

and yesterdai __PUNCT__ i unveil my propos to strengthen our commun_colleg by offer new degre for emerg field and reward school that graduat more student __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ i want to talk about what we can do to prepar everi student to succe in colleg __PUNCT__ prepar that begin at birth and continu with world __PUNCT__ class school __PUNCT__ outstand teacher __PUNCT__ and transform princip __PUNCT__

the first part of my plan focus on provid qualiti __PUNCT__ afford earli_childhood childhood_educ to everi american child __PUNCT__

we know what a differ earli_childhood program make in the live of our kid __PUNCT__

studi after studi prove that children in these program __PUNCT__ especi low __PUNCT__ incom children __PUNCT__ ar more like to score higher in read and math __PUNCT__ more like to graduat high_school and attend_colleg __PUNCT__ more like to hold a job and more like to earn more on that job __PUNCT__

and for everi __MONEY__ we invest in these program __PUNCT__ we get __MONEY__ back in reduc welfar_roll __PUNCT__ fewer health_care_cost __PUNCT__ and less crime __PUNCT__

in recent_year __PUNCT__ state have been abl to enrol nearli on million four year old in pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten program __PUNCT__

that a great_success __PUNCT__ but i believ we can do better __PUNCT__

we need to enrol more children and we need to start at an even earlier ag __PUNCT__

becaus the fact is __PUNCT__ studi_show that from the time of concept to the first dai of kindergarten __PUNCT__ children develop progress faster than at ani other stage of life __PUNCT__

by the ag of three __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of the brain core structur is alreadi form __PUNCT__

eighti __PUNCT__ five percent __PUNCT__

so here what we did in illinoi __PUNCT__

as a state_senat __PUNCT__ i help creat the illinoi earli learn council __PUNCT__ which launch a program call preschool for all __PUNCT__

thi ha made us on of the first state to commit to a high qualiti earli learn program that start help children from the dai thei born __PUNCT__

it provid earli care and educ for new famili as well as at __PUNCT__ risk infant and toddler __PUNCT__ and offer at __PUNCT__ risk three __PUNCT__ year old and all four __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old the chanc to enrol in pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten program __PUNCT__

there is no reason we can't and shouldn't replic thi all across america __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will launch a children first agenda that provid care __PUNCT__ learn and support to famili with children ag zero to five __PUNCT__

we creat earli learn grant to help state creat a system of high __PUNCT__ qualiti earli care and educ for all young_children and their famili __PUNCT__

we increas head_start fund and quadrupl earli start to includ a quarter of a million at __PUNCT__ risk children __PUNCT__

i will creat a presidenti earli learn council to coordin thi effort across all level of govern and ensur that we provid these children and famili with the highest qualiti program __PUNCT__

and we help more work_parent find a safe __PUNCT__ afford place to leav their children dure the dai by improv the educ qualiti of our child_care program and increas the child care tax_credit __PUNCT__

that how we give our kid the best possibl start in life __PUNCT__ and that the commit america will make when i am presid __PUNCT__

the second part of my educ plan is to recruit __PUNCT__ support __PUNCT__ and reward teacher and princip to ensur that everi school in america is fill with outstand educ __PUNCT__

we know that from the moment our children step into a classroom __PUNCT__ the singl most import_factor in determin their achiev is not the color of their skin or where thei come from __PUNCT__ it not who their parent ar or how much monei thei have __PUNCT__

it who their teacher is __PUNCT__

it the man or woman who stai past the last bell and spend their own monei on book and suppli __PUNCT__

it peopl like my sister who go beyond the call of duti becaus she believ that what make the extra differ __PUNCT__

and it doe __PUNCT__

well if we know how much teach matter __PUNCT__ it time america start act like it __PUNCT__

it time we treat teach like the profess it is __PUNCT__

i don't want to just talk about how great teacher ar __PUNCT__ i want to be a presid who reward them for their great __PUNCT__

that start with recruit a new gener of teacher and princip to replac the gener that retir and to keep up with the record number of student enter our school __PUNCT__

we creat a new servic scholarship program to recruit top talent into the profess __PUNCT__ and begin by place these new teacher in area like the overcrowd district of nevada __PUNCT__ or struggl rural town here in new hampshir __PUNCT__ or hard __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ staff subject like math and scienc in school all across the nation __PUNCT__

and i will make thi pledg as presid __PUNCT__ if you commit your life to teach __PUNCT__ america will commit to pai for your colleg_educ __PUNCT__

to prepar our new teacher __PUNCT__ we requir that all school of educ ar accredit __PUNCT__ and we evalu their outcom so that we know which on ar do the best job at prepar the best teacher __PUNCT__

we also creat a voluntari nation perform assess that actual look at how prospect teacher can plan __PUNCT__ teach __PUNCT__ and support student learn __PUNCT__ so we can be sure that everi new educ is train and readi to walk into the classroom and start teach effect __PUNCT__

new hampshir is alreadi lead the wai here by have design a perform __PUNCT__ base educ prepar system __PUNCT__ and the nation assess i propos would help state like thi on achiev their goal for state __PUNCT__ of __PUNCT__ the __PUNCT__ art prepar of all teacher __PUNCT__

to support our teacher __PUNCT__ we will expand mentor program that pair experienc __PUNCT__ success teacher with new recruit __PUNCT__

we know that mentor is on of the most effect wai to retain the on __PUNCT__ third of new teacher who leav the profess in the first five year __PUNCT__

in state that have tri thi __PUNCT__ like california __PUNCT__ onli five percent of new teacher have quit __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will expand these mentor program nationwid to give all our teacher the chanc to succe __PUNCT__

and i will also make sure that teacher have the condit in which thei can succe __PUNCT__ includ excel princip who support their work __PUNCT__ the materi thei need to teach effect __PUNCT__ and time to plan and collabor with on anoth on improv instruct __PUNCT__

and where thei do succe __PUNCT__ where our teacher and princip go abov and beyond the call to make a real differ in our children_live __PUNCT__ i think it time we reward them for it __PUNCT__

citi like denver have alreadi proven that by work with teacher __PUNCT__ thi can work __PUNCT__ that we can find new wai to increas pai that ar develop with teacher __PUNCT__ not impos on them and not just base on an arbitrari test_score __PUNCT__

my plan would provid resourc to try these innov program in school_district all across america __PUNCT__

under my career_ladder initi __PUNCT__ these district will be abl to design program that reward accomplish educ who serv as mentor to new teacher with the salari increas thei deserv __PUNCT__

thei can reward those who teach in underserv place like rural new hampshir and across urban america __PUNCT__

and if teacher acquir addit knowledg and skill to serv student better __PUNCT__ if thei consist excel in the classroom __PUNCT__ that work can be valu and reward as well __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ if we do all thi and find that there ar teacher who ar still struggl and underperform __PUNCT__ we should provid them with individu help and support __PUNCT__

and if thei still underperform after that __PUNCT__ we should find a quick and fair wai to put anoth teacher in that classroom __PUNCT__

teacher associ and school_board in a number of citi have led the wai by develop peer assist and review plan that do exactli thi __PUNCT__ set profession standard that put children first __PUNCT__

we ow our teacher that __PUNCT__ and we ow our children that __PUNCT__

and while we at it __PUNCT__ let final help our teacher and princip develop assess that teach our kid to becom more than just good test __PUNCT__ taker __PUNCT__

that why the third part of my plan is to work with our nation_governor and educ to creat and us assess that can improv achiev all across america by includ the kind of research __PUNCT__ scientif investig __PUNCT__ and problem __PUNCT__ solv that our children will need to compet in a __NUM___centuri knowledg_economi __PUNCT__

new hampshir ha been a leader on thi __PUNCT__

you develop innov assess __PUNCT__ includ digit portfolio __PUNCT__ to develop and demonstr student profici in technolog __PUNCT__ scienc __PUNCT__ and other core content area __PUNCT__ and there no reason we can't start replic thi all across the countri __PUNCT__

the goal of educ test should be the same as medic test __PUNCT__ to diagnos a student need so you can help address them __PUNCT__

test should not be design as punish for teacher and student __PUNCT__ thei should be us as tool to help our children grow and compet __PUNCT__

test should support learn __PUNCT__ not just account __PUNCT__

becaus if we realli want our children to becom the great inventor and problem __PUNCT__ solver of tomorrow __PUNCT__ our school shouldn't stifl_innov __PUNCT__ thei should let it thrive __PUNCT__

on of the subject area where thi is especi import is scienc __PUNCT__

no child_left behind intens emphasi on teach to the test ha been shown to reduc the amount of time_spent on teach and assess scienc __PUNCT__ a subject area that is absolut critic to our competit as a nation __PUNCT__

when i presid __PUNCT__ we will make scienc instruct a nation_prioriti __PUNCT__ and we develop assess that don't just test isol bit of inform __PUNCT__ but advanc skill like logic __PUNCT__ data analysi __PUNCT__ and interpret __PUNCT__

new hampshir ha alreadi begun to do thi __PUNCT__ and there no reason the rest of the countri can't do the same_thing __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ as you and i stand here todai __PUNCT__ know that there is a gener of children grow up on the mean street and forgotten corner of thi countri who ar slip awai from us as we speak __PUNCT__

thei walk down corridor of shame in rural south_carolina and sit in batter classroom somewher in east l.a __PUNCT__

thei ar overwhelmingli black and latino and poor __PUNCT__

and when thei look around and see that no on ha lift a finger to fix their school sinc the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ when thei ar push out the door at the sound of the last bell __PUNCT__ some into a virtual war_zone __PUNCT__ is it ani wonder thei don't think their educ is import __PUNCT__ is it ani wonder that thei ar drop out in rate we never seen befor __PUNCT__

i know these children __PUNCT__

i know their sens of hopeless __PUNCT__

i began my career over two decad_ago as a commun_organ on the street of chicago south_side __PUNCT__

and i work with parent and teacher and local leader to fight for their futur __PUNCT__

we set up after school program and we even protest outsid govern offic so that we could get those who had drop out into altern school __PUNCT__

and in time __PUNCT__ we chang futur __PUNCT__

and so while i know hopeless __PUNCT__ i also know hope __PUNCT__

i know that if we bring earli_educ educ_program to these commun __PUNCT__ if we stop wait until high __PUNCT__ school to address the drop __PUNCT__ out rate and start in earlier grade __PUNCT__ if we bring in new __PUNCT__ qualifi teacher __PUNCT__ if we expand colleg outreach program like gear up and trio and fight to expand summer learn opportun like i done in the senat __PUNCT__ if we do all thi __PUNCT__ we can make a differ in the live of our children and the life of thi countri __PUNCT__ not just in east l.a __PUNCT__ or the south_side of chicago __PUNCT__ but here in manchest __PUNCT__ and suburban boston __PUNCT__ and rural mississippi __PUNCT__

i know we can __PUNCT__

i seen it happen __PUNCT__

and i will work everi dai to do it again as your presid __PUNCT__

but i cannot do it alon __PUNCT__

govern cannot do it alon __PUNCT__

we can spend billion after billion on educ in thi countri __PUNCT__

we can develop a program for everi problem imagin __PUNCT__ and we can fund those program with everi last dime we have __PUNCT__

but there is no program and no polici that can substitut for a parent who is involv in their child educ from dai on __PUNCT__

there is no substitut for a parent who will attend those parent/teach confer __PUNCT__ make sure their children ar in school on time __PUNCT__ and help them with their homework after dinner __PUNCT__

and i have no doubt that we will still be talk about these problem in the next centuri if we do not have parent who ar will to turn off the tv onc in awhil __PUNCT__ and put awai the video_game __PUNCT__ and read to their child __PUNCT__

respons for our children_educ ha to start at home __PUNCT__

we have to set high_standard for them __PUNCT__ and spend_time with them __PUNCT__ and love them __PUNCT__

we have to hold ourselv account __PUNCT__

you know a few year_ago __PUNCT__ a littl girl at earhart elementari in chicago wa ask the secret to her academ success __PUNCT__

she said __PUNCT__ i just studi hard everi night becaus i like learn __PUNCT__

my teacher want me to be a good student __PUNCT__ and so doe my mother __PUNCT__

i don't want to let them down __PUNCT__

the challeng we face at thi moment is great __PUNCT__ but we have met great_challeng befor __PUNCT__

over the cours of two centuri __PUNCT__ we have fought and struggl and overcom to expand the promis of a good educ ever further __PUNCT__ a promis that ha allow million to transcend the barrier of race and class and background to achiev their god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__

it is now our moment to keep that promis __PUNCT__ the promis of america __PUNCT__ aliv in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

it our gener turn to stand up and sai to the littl girl in chicago __PUNCT__ or the littl boi in manchest __PUNCT__ or the million like them all across the countri that thei ar not __PUNCT__ these kid __PUNCT__ thei ar our kid __PUNCT__

thei do not want to let us down __PUNCT__ and we cannot let them down either __PUNCT__

that what i be fight for in thi elect __PUNCT__ and that what i do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

i hope you join me in that journei __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__