Barack Obama

This speech titled 2007.12.18 originally had 1869 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thi is a pivot moment in our histori __PUNCT__

our secur is threaten __PUNCT__

our nation is at war __PUNCT__

our planet is in peril __PUNCT__

the strength __PUNCT__ stand and leadership in the world that so mani gener of american have fought and work for is at stake __PUNCT__

iowan understand thi __PUNCT__

everywher i go __PUNCT__ from sioux citi to de_moin to davenport __PUNCT__ i ask about the chang we need to make in our foreign_polici __PUNCT__

you understand that in a world of stateless terrorist and spread technolog __PUNCT__ our own secur and prosper is ti to what happen around the world __PUNCT__

you want to be proud of what america stand for __PUNCT__ and you know that america is stronger __PUNCT__ and safer __PUNCT__ when our polici reflect our core valu __PUNCT__

thi came up in our recent debat here in de_moin __PUNCT__

i wa ask how i plan to chang our foreign_polici __PUNCT__ even as i advis by member of previou_administr __PUNCT__

i thank to be join on thi stage todai by two of those advisor __PUNCT__ toni lake and susan rice __PUNCT__ as well as gener scott gration and senat steve warnstadt __PUNCT__

and i look forward to draw on all of the talent that i can get when i am presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__ becaus unlik georg_bush __PUNCT__ i not go to demand an ideolog or loyalti test for my advisor __PUNCT__

but the answer to the question is simpl __PUNCT__

there ar moment in histori when it is not enough to fall_back on convent wai of do thing __PUNCT__ becaus the threat we face ar unconvent __PUNCT__

there ar moment when we call to stand up for what is right even if it not popular __PUNCT__ becaus that what make us stronger and safer __PUNCT__

there ar moment when new challeng demand new american leadership __PUNCT__

thi is on of those moment __PUNCT__ i am run for presid to offer that leadership __PUNCT__ and i welcom the support of all who will help me chart thi cours __PUNCT__

i am run to do more than end a war in iraq __PUNCT__ i am run to chang the mindset that got us into war __PUNCT__

it easi for us to lai all of the problem of the world at georg_bush doorstep __PUNCT__

hi judgment will be subject to the harsh light of histori __PUNCT__ and the verdict will not be kind __PUNCT__

but the question is what come next __PUNCT__

becaus we also have to chang a convent wai of think about foreign_polici that valu time_spent in washington over time judgment __PUNCT__ postur over pragmat __PUNCT__ and fear of look weak over the convict to get thing right __PUNCT__

here __PUNCT__ i ask you to look no further than my record __PUNCT__

georg_bush did not take us to war alon __PUNCT__

congress gave him that author when it vote for a resolut with the simpl titl __PUNCT__ a resolut to author the us of unit_state arm_forc against iraq __PUNCT__

i oppos the war __PUNCT__ and spoke out against it in __NUM__ when it wa not polit popular __PUNCT__

i said we need to finish the job in afghanistan __PUNCT__ and that invad and occupi a countri that had noth to do with 9/11 wa the wrong wai to respond to the unconvent challeng pose by al_qaeda and islam_extrem __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ we see the disastr result of the decis to go to war __PUNCT__

still __PUNCT__ we have not shown that we ar learn the right lesson __PUNCT__

on iraq __PUNCT__ we hear that the surg is succeed __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ the surg is not the solut to iraq problem becaus it is not achiev the polit benchmark that were the state purpos of our troop increas __PUNCT__

you cannot end a civil_war unless the war_parti resolv their differ __PUNCT__ and onli a remov of our combat brigad will put meaning pressur on the iraqi to do so __PUNCT__

and the surg continu to focu our resourc on the wrong war __PUNCT__

just yesterdai __PUNCT__ we learn on the front_page of the washington post that the u. __PUNCT__ militari is press for a quicker drawdown from iraq so we can salvag stabil in afghanistan __PUNCT__

six year after we took our ey off the ball in afghanistan __PUNCT__ the origin of the 9/11_attack __PUNCT__ we still don't have our prioriti straight __PUNCT__

that why it time to stop fund a fail polici __PUNCT__ to remov our combat brigad from iraq __PUNCT__ and to increas our militari __PUNCT__ polit __PUNCT__ and econom commit to afghanistan __PUNCT__

that what i spoke out for in __NUM__ that what i call for in thi campaign __PUNCT__ and that what i do as presid __PUNCT__

in iran __PUNCT__ there is a convent think that ha prize bluster over common_sens __PUNCT__

earlier thi year __PUNCT__ while i wa get attack for call for direct diplomaci with iran leader __PUNCT__ other were talk tough and vote for an amend that call for georg_bush to us our troop in iraq to counter iran __PUNCT__

then we learn in a nation_intellig estim that iran suspend it nuclear_weapon weapon_program in __NUM__ in respons to intern pressur __PUNCT__

now make no mistak __PUNCT__ iran continu to pose a threat through it support for terror __PUNCT__ nuclear know __PUNCT__ how __PUNCT__ and threat toward israel __PUNCT__

but the answer is not georg_bush saber __PUNCT__ rattl __PUNCT__ it the diplomat approach that i put_forward when it wa polit riski __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i will person present iran with a choic __PUNCT__ stop your danger behavior and there will be polit and econom_incent __PUNCT__ continu do what you do and you will face further isol __PUNCT__

we need a presid who is will to talk to all nation __PUNCT__ friend and foe __PUNCT__

not talk doesn't make us look tough __PUNCT__ it make us look arrog __PUNCT__

it also make it harder to get intern support when we do need to pressur countri like iran __PUNCT__ and open the door to china and russia to fill the vacuum left by the absenc of american leadership __PUNCT__

we have to stop give countri the excus that america will not come to the tabl __PUNCT__

we have to lead __PUNCT__ and that what i intend to do __PUNCT__

when you elect our next presid __PUNCT__ you will choos someon to make those tough judgment on iraq __PUNCT__ on iran __PUNCT__ on how to restor america stand __PUNCT__

we know what we go to get from the republican_nomine __PUNCT__

more bush __PUNCT__ chenei foreign_polici __PUNCT__

more support for open __PUNCT__ end war in iraq __PUNCT__

more saber __PUNCT__ rattl toward iran __PUNCT__

more refus to talk to countri we don't like __PUNCT__

more except and excus made for tortur __PUNCT__

thei even had a debat earlier thi year where thei argu about how much to expand guantanamo __PUNCT__

when i the democrat_nomine __PUNCT__ i will offer a clear choic __PUNCT__

my oppon won't be abl to sai that i ever support the war in iraq __PUNCT__ or that i don't support a clear timet to bring our troop_home __PUNCT__

he won't be abl to sai that i vote to us our troop in iraq to counter iran __PUNCT__ or that i support the bush __PUNCT__ chenei diplomaci of not talk to leader we don't like __PUNCT__

and he won't be abl to sai that i waver on someth as fundament as whether or not it is ok for america to tortur __PUNCT__ becaus it is never ok __PUNCT__

thi isn't about draw contrast __PUNCT__ it about a chang in our foreign_polici that you can believ in __PUNCT__

so when you consid who to caucu for __PUNCT__ i ask you to consid my judgment and vision for new american leadership __PUNCT__

leadership that bring our combat brigad out of iraq in __NUM___month __PUNCT__ renew american diplomaci __PUNCT__ finish the fight in afghanistan __PUNCT__ close guantanamo __PUNCT__ and lead the world against the common threat of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ nuclear_weapon and terror __PUNCT__ climat chang and poverti __PUNCT__ genocid and diseas __PUNCT__

leadership that send a messag to those yearn face beyond our shore that sai __PUNCT__ you matter to us __PUNCT__

your futur is our futur __PUNCT__

and our moment is now __PUNCT__

it a vision inform by three year serv on the senat foreign_relat committe __PUNCT__ where i have work across the aisl with dick lugar to keep the world most danger weapon awai from terrorist __PUNCT__ and introduc_legisl to stop the war in iraq and the genocid in darfur __PUNCT__

it a vision inform by three year serv on the senat veteran __PUNCT__ affair committe __PUNCT__ where i have seen firsthand the sacrific of those who bear the burden of war __PUNCT__ and fought to give them the care __PUNCT__ benefit __PUNCT__ and respect that thei have earn __PUNCT__

it a vision inform by offici travel oversea to africa __PUNCT__ throughout the middl_east __PUNCT__ and across the former soviet_union __PUNCT__ where i have seen firsthand the unconvent threat of a terror citi and the terribl danger of a loos anthrax vial __PUNCT__ but where i also saw the yearn in the ey of those face who need an america that speak to their hope __PUNCT__ not just their fear __PUNCT__

it a vision inform by my opposit to thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ and by the counsel i have receiv from lead expert like the peopl on thi stage todai __PUNCT__

and it a vision inform by know what it like to live in the wider_world __PUNCT__ beyond the hall of power __PUNCT__ of plai barefoot with children in indonesia who couldn't dream the same dream that i could becaus thei weren't american __PUNCT__ of have a grandmoth live in kenya without electr or plumb __PUNCT__ of be born to a father who set out from a distant land in search of the light of hope offer by a dream call america __PUNCT__

that is the experi that i will bring to the offic __PUNCT__

not the mindset of fear that we have been fed sinc 9/11 __PUNCT__ fear of look weak __PUNCT__ fear of new challeng __PUNCT__ fear of the unknown __PUNCT__

but rather hope that thi moment of challeng can becom a dawn of new opportun __PUNCT__ and the convict to seiz thi opportun __PUNCT__ to recaptur our strength __PUNCT__ to overcom new threat __PUNCT__ to reach for what possibl __PUNCT__

to do thi __PUNCT__ we have to invit the american_peopl into the discuss __PUNCT__ and onc more make our foreign_polici a caus to unit us __PUNCT__ not a wedg_issu to divid us __PUNCT__

that why i have been clear and detail in my propos dure thi campaign __PUNCT__

and that why i pleas to join some of my advisor in an open discuss with iowan todai __PUNCT__