Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.01.28 originally had 881 tokens. You can view the original text here.

tonight __PUNCT__ for the seventh long year __PUNCT__ the american_peopl heard a state of the union that didn't reflect the america we see __PUNCT__ and didn't address the challeng we face __PUNCT__

but what it did do wa give us an urgent remind of why it so import to turn the page on the fail polit and polici of the past __PUNCT__ and chang the statu_quo in washington so we can final start make_progress for ordinari_american __PUNCT__

tonight state of the union wa full of the same empti rhetor the american_peopl have come to expect from thi presid __PUNCT__

we heard presid_bush sai he do someth to cut down on special_interest earmark __PUNCT__ but we know these earmark have skyrocket under hi administr __PUNCT__

we heard the presid sai he want to make tax_cut for the wealthiest american perman __PUNCT__ when we know that at a time of war and econom_hardship __PUNCT__ the last thing we need is a perman tax_cut for american who don't need them and weren't even ask for them __PUNCT__

what we need is a middl_class tax_cut __PUNCT__ and that exactli what i will provid as presid __PUNCT__

we heard the presid sai he ha a stimulu_plan to boost our economi __PUNCT__ but we know hi plan leav out senior and fail to expand unemploy_insur __PUNCT__ and we know it wa georg_bush washington that let the bank and financi_institut run_amok __PUNCT__ and take our economi down thi danger road __PUNCT__

what we need to do now is put more monei in the pocket of worker and senior __PUNCT__ and expand unemploy_insur for more peopl and more time __PUNCT__

and i have a plan that to do just that __PUNCT__

and final __PUNCT__ tonight we heard presid_bush sai that the surg in iraq is work __PUNCT__ when we know that just not true __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ our valiant soldier have help reduc the violenc __PUNCT__

five soldier gave their live todai in thi caus __PUNCT__ and we mourn their loss and prai for their famili __PUNCT__

but let there be no doubt __PUNCT__ the iraqi_govern ha fail to seiz the moment to reach the compromis necessari for an endur peac __PUNCT__

that wa what we were told the surg wa all about __PUNCT__

so the onli wai we final go to pressur the iraqi to reconcil and take respons for their futur is to immedi begin the respons withdraw of our combat brigad so that we can bring all of our combat troop_home __PUNCT__

but anoth reason we need to begin thi withdraw immedi is becaus thi war ha not made us safer __PUNCT__

i oppos thi war from the start in part becaus i wa concern that it would take our ey off al_qaeda and distract us from finish the job in afghanistan __PUNCT__

sadli __PUNCT__ that what happen __PUNCT__

it time to heed our militari_command by increas our commit to afghanistan __PUNCT__ and it time to protect the american_peopl by take the fight to al_qaeda __PUNCT__

tonight wa presid_bush last state of the union __PUNCT__ and i do not believ histori will judg hi administr kindli __PUNCT__

but i also believ the failur of the last seven year stem not just from ani singl polici __PUNCT__ but from a broken polit in washington __PUNCT__

a polit that sai it ok to demon your polit_oppon when we should be come togeth to solv_problem __PUNCT__

a polit that put wall_street ahead of main_street __PUNCT__ ignor the realiti that our fate ar intertwin __PUNCT__ a polit that accept lobbyist as part of the system in washington __PUNCT__ instead of recogn how much thei a part of the problem __PUNCT__

and a polit of fear and ideolog instead of hope and common_sens __PUNCT__

i believ a new kind of polit is possibl __PUNCT__ and i believ it is necessari __PUNCT__

becaus the american_peopl can't afford anoth four year without health_care __PUNCT__ decent_wage __PUNCT__ or an end to thi war __PUNCT__

the woman who go to colleg and work the night shift to pai her sister medic_bill can't afford to wait __PUNCT__

the maytag worker who ar now compet with their teenag for __MONEY__ an hour job at wall mart can't afford to wait __PUNCT__

and the woman who told me she hasn't been abl to breath sinc her nephew left for iraq can't afford to wait __PUNCT__

each year __PUNCT__ as we watch the state of the union __PUNCT__ we see half the chamber rise to applaud the presid and half the chamber stai in their seat __PUNCT__

we see half the countri tune in to watch __PUNCT__ but know that much of the countri ha stop even listen __PUNCT__

imagin if next year wa differ __PUNCT__

imagin if next year __PUNCT__ the entir nation had a presid thei could believ in __PUNCT__

a presid who ralli all american around a common_purpos __PUNCT__

that the kind of presid we need in thi countri __PUNCT__

and with your help in the come dai and week __PUNCT__ that the kind of presid i will be __PUNCT__