Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.02.05 originally had 1852 tokens. You can view the original text here.

befor i begin __PUNCT__ i just want to send my condol to the victim of the storm that hit tennesse and arkansa __PUNCT__

thei ar in our thought and in our prayer __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ the poll ar just close in california and the vote ar still be count in citi and town across the countri __PUNCT__

but there is on thing on thi __DATE__ night that we do not need the final result to know __PUNCT__ our time ha come __PUNCT__ our movement is real __PUNCT__ and chang is come to america __PUNCT__

onli a few hundr_mile from here __PUNCT__ almost on year_ago to the dai __PUNCT__ we stood on the step of the old state_capitol to reaffirm a truth that wa spoken there so mani gener_ago __PUNCT__ that a hous_divid cannot stand __PUNCT__ that we ar more than a collect of red_state and blue_state __PUNCT__ we ar __PUNCT__ and alwai will be __PUNCT__ the unit_state of america __PUNCT__

what began as a whisper in springfield soon carri across the corn field of iowa __PUNCT__ where farmer and factori_worker __PUNCT__ student and senior stood up in number we never seen __PUNCT__

thei stood up to sai that mayb thi year __PUNCT__ we don't have to settl for a polit where score point is more import than solv_problem __PUNCT__

thi time we can final do someth about health_care we can't afford or mortgag we can't pai __PUNCT__

thi time can be differ __PUNCT__

their voic echo from the hill of new hampshir to the desert of nevada __PUNCT__ where teacher and cook and kitchen worker stood up to sai that mayb washington doesn't have to be run by lobbyist anymor __PUNCT__

thei reach the coast of south_carolina when peopl said that mayb we don't have to be divid by race and region and gender __PUNCT__ that crumbl school ar steal the futur of black_children and white children __PUNCT__ that we can come togeth and build an america that give everi child __PUNCT__ everywher the opportun to live their dream __PUNCT__

thi time can be differ __PUNCT__

and todai __PUNCT__ on thi tuesdai in __DATE__ __PUNCT__ in state north and south __PUNCT__ east and west __PUNCT__ what began as a whisper in springfield ha swell to a choru of million call for chang __PUNCT__

a choru that cannot be ignor __PUNCT__

that cannot be deter __PUNCT__

thi time can be differ becaus thi campaign for the presid is differ __PUNCT__

it differ not becaus of me __PUNCT__ but becaus of you __PUNCT__

becaus you ar tire of be disappoint and tire of be let down __PUNCT__

you tire of hear promis made and plan propos in the heat of a campaign onli to have noth chang when everyon goe back to washington __PUNCT__

becaus the lobbyist just write anoth check __PUNCT__

or becaus politician start worri about how thei win the next elect instead of why thei should __PUNCT__

or becaus thei focu on who up and who down instead of who matter __PUNCT__

and while washington is consum with the same drama and divis and distract __PUNCT__ anoth famili put up a for sale sign in the front_yard __PUNCT__

anoth factori shut it door __PUNCT__

anoth soldier wave goodby as he leav on anoth tour of duti in a war that should never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__

it goe on and on and on __PUNCT__

but in thi elect __PUNCT__ at thi moment __PUNCT__ you ar stand up all across thi countri to sai __PUNCT__ not thi time __PUNCT__

not thi year __PUNCT__

the stake ar too high and the challeng too great to plai the same washington game with the same washington player and expect a differ result __PUNCT__

thi time must be differ __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ thi isn't about me and it not about senat_clinton __PUNCT__

as i said befor __PUNCT__ she wa a friend befor thi campaign and she be a friend after it over __PUNCT__

i respect her as a colleagu __PUNCT__ and i congratul her on her victori tonight __PUNCT__

but thi fall we ow the american_peopl a real choic __PUNCT__

it chang versu more of the same __PUNCT__

it the futur versu the past __PUNCT__

it a choic between go into thi elect with republican and independ alreadi unit against us __PUNCT__ or go against their nomine with a campaign that ha unit american of all parti around a common_purpos __PUNCT__

it a choic between have a debat with the other parti about who ha the most experi in washington __PUNCT__ or have on about who most like to chang washington __PUNCT__

becaus that a debat we can win __PUNCT__

it a choic between a candid who taken more monei from washington_lobbyist than either republican in thi race __PUNCT__ and a campaign that hasn't taken a dime of their monei becaus we been fund by you __PUNCT__

and if i am your nomine __PUNCT__ my oppon will not be abl to sai that i vote for the war in iraq __PUNCT__ or that i gave georg_bush the benefit of the doubt on iran __PUNCT__ or that i support the bush __PUNCT__ chenei polici of not talk to leader we don't like __PUNCT__

and he will not be abl to sai that i waver on someth as fundament as whether or not it ok for america to us tortur __PUNCT__ becaus it is never ok __PUNCT__

that is the choic in thi elect __PUNCT__

the republican run for presid have alreadi ti themselv to the past __PUNCT__

thei speak of a hundr_year war in iraq and billion more on tax_break for the wealthiest few who don't need them and didn't ask for them __PUNCT__ tax break that mortgag our children futur on a mountain of debt at a time when there ar famili who can't pai their medic_bill and student who can't pai their tuition __PUNCT__

thei ar run on the polit of yesterdai __PUNCT__ and that is why our parti must be the parti of tomorrow __PUNCT__

and that is the parti i will lead as presid __PUNCT__

i be the presid who end the tax_break to compani that ship our job_oversea and start put them in the pocket of work_american who deserv it __PUNCT__

and struggl homeown __PUNCT__

and senior who should retir with digniti and respect __PUNCT__

i be the presid who final bring democrat and republican togeth to make health_care afford and avail for everi singl american __PUNCT__

we will put a colleg_educ within reach of anyon who want to go __PUNCT__ and instead of just talk about how great our teacher ar __PUNCT__ we will reward them for their great __PUNCT__ with more pai and better support __PUNCT__

and we will har the ingenu of farmer and scientist and entrepreneur to free thi nation from the tyranni of oil onc and for all __PUNCT__

and when i am presid __PUNCT__ we will put an end to a polit that us 9/11 as a wai to scare up vote __PUNCT__ and start see it as a challeng that should unit america and the world against the common threat of the twenti __PUNCT__ first centuri __PUNCT__ terror and nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__ climat chang and poverti __PUNCT__ genocid and diseas __PUNCT__

we can do thi __PUNCT__

it will not be easi __PUNCT__

it will requir struggl and sacrific __PUNCT__

there will setback and we will make_mistak __PUNCT__

and that is why we need all the help we can get __PUNCT__

so tonight i want to speak directli to all those american who have yet to join thi movement but still hunger for chang __PUNCT__ we need you __PUNCT__

we need you to stand with us __PUNCT__ and work with us __PUNCT__ and help us prove that togeth __PUNCT__ ordinari_peopl can still do extraordinari thing __PUNCT__

i am bless to be stand in the citi where my own extraordinari journei began __PUNCT__

a few mile from here __PUNCT__ in the shadow of a shutter steel plant __PUNCT__ is where i learn what it take to make chang happen __PUNCT__

i wa a young organ then __PUNCT__ intent on fight jobless and poverti on the south_side __PUNCT__ and i still rememb on of the veri first meet i put togeth __PUNCT__

we had work on it for dai __PUNCT__ but no on show up __PUNCT__

our volunt felt so defeat __PUNCT__ thei want to quit __PUNCT__

and to be honest __PUNCT__ so did i __PUNCT__

but at that moment __PUNCT__ i look outsid and saw some young_boi toss stone at a board __PUNCT__ up apart build across the street __PUNCT__

thei were like boi in so mani citi across the countri __PUNCT__ boi without prospect __PUNCT__ without guidanc __PUNCT__ without hope __PUNCT__

and i turn to the volunt __PUNCT__ and i ask them __PUNCT__ befor you quit __PUNCT__ i want you to answer on question __PUNCT__

what will happen to those boi __PUNCT__ and the volunt look out that window __PUNCT__ and thei decid that night to keep go __PUNCT__ to keep organ __PUNCT__ keep fight for better school __PUNCT__ and better job __PUNCT__ and better health_care __PUNCT__

and so did i __PUNCT__

and slowli __PUNCT__ but sure __PUNCT__ in the week and month to come __PUNCT__ the commun began to chang __PUNCT__

you see __PUNCT__ the challeng we face will not be solv with on meet in on night __PUNCT__

chang will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time __PUNCT__

we ar the on we been wait for __PUNCT__

we ar the chang that we seek __PUNCT__

we ar the hope of those boi who have littl __PUNCT__ who been told that thei cannot have what thei dream __PUNCT__ that thei cannot be what thei imagin __PUNCT__

ye thei can __PUNCT__

we ar the hope of the father who goe to work befor dawn and li awak with doubt that tell him he cannot give hi children the same opportun that someon gave him __PUNCT__

ye he can __PUNCT__

we ar the hope of the woman who hear that her citi will not be rebuilt __PUNCT__ that she cannot reclaim the life that wa swept awai in a terribl storm __PUNCT__

ye she can __PUNCT__

we ar the hope of the futur __PUNCT__ the answer to the cynic who tell us our hous must stand divid __PUNCT__ that we cannot come togeth __PUNCT__ that we cannot remak thi world as it should be __PUNCT__

becaus we know what we have seen and what we believ __PUNCT__ that what began as a whisper ha now swell to a choru that cannot be ignor __PUNCT__ that will not be deter __PUNCT__ that will ring out across thi land as a hymn that will heal thi nation __PUNCT__ repair thi world __PUNCT__ and make thi time differ than all the rest __PUNCT__ ye __PUNCT__

we __PUNCT__

can __PUNCT__