This speech titled 2008.02.09 originally had 2437 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it ha now been on year sinc we began thi campaign for the presid on the step of the old state_capitol in springfield __PUNCT__ illinoi __PUNCT__ just me and __NUM__ of my closest_friend __PUNCT__
at the time __PUNCT__ there weren't too mani who imagin we be stand where we ar todai __PUNCT__
i knew i wouldn't be washington favorit candid __PUNCT__
i knew we wouldn't get all the big donor or endors right off the bat __PUNCT__
i knew i be the underdog in everi contest from __DATE__ to __DATE__ __PUNCT__
i knew it wouldn't be easi __PUNCT__
but then someth start happen __PUNCT__
as we met peopl in their live_room and on their farm __PUNCT__ in church and town_hall_meet __PUNCT__ thei all start tell a similar stori about the state of our polit todai __PUNCT__
whether thei young or old __PUNCT__ black or white __PUNCT__ latino or asian __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ independ or even republican __PUNCT__ the messag is the same __PUNCT__
we ar tire of be disappoint by our polit __PUNCT__
we ar tire of be let down __PUNCT__
we tire of hear promis made and ten __PUNCT__ point_plan propos in the heat of a campaign onli to have noth chang when everyon goe back to washington __PUNCT__
becaus the lobbyist just write anoth check __PUNCT__
or becaus politician start worri about how thei win the next elect instead of why thei should __PUNCT__
or becaus thei focu on who up and who down instead of who matter __PUNCT__
and while washington is consum with the same drama and divis and distract __PUNCT__ anoth famili put up a for sale sign in the front_yard __PUNCT__
anoth factori shut it door forev __PUNCT__
anoth mother declar bankruptci becaus she cannot pai her child medic_bill __PUNCT__
and anoth soldier wave goodby as he leav on anoth tour of duti in a war that should never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__
it goe on and on and on __PUNCT__ year after year after year __PUNCT__
but in thi elect __PUNCT__ at thi moment __PUNCT__ american ar stand up all across the countri to sai __PUNCT__ not thi time __PUNCT__
not thi year __PUNCT__
the stake ar too high and the challeng too great to plai the same washington game with the same washington player and expect a differ result __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ voter from the west_coast to the gulf_coast to the heart of america stood up to sai that it is time to turn the page __PUNCT__
we won louisiana __PUNCT__ and nebraska __PUNCT__ and the state of washington __PUNCT__ and i believ that we can win in virginia on tuesdai if you readi to stand for chang __PUNCT__
each of us run for the democrat_nomin agre on on thing that the other parti doe not __PUNCT__ the next presid must end the disastr polici of georg w __PUNCT__ bush __PUNCT__
and both senat_clinton and i have put forth detail plan and good_idea that would do just that __PUNCT__
but i am run for presid becaus i believ that to actual make chang happen __PUNCT__ to make thi time differ than all the rest __PUNCT__ we need a leader who can final move beyond the divis polit of washington and bring democrat __PUNCT__ independ __PUNCT__ and republican togeth to get thing done __PUNCT__
that how we win thi elect __PUNCT__ and that how we chang thi countri when i am presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
thi week we found out that the presumpt nomine of the republican_parti is senat_john john_mccain __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ john mccain is a good_man __PUNCT__ an american hero __PUNCT__ and we honor hi half_centuri of servic to thi nation __PUNCT__
but in thi campaign __PUNCT__ he ha made the decis to embrac the fail polici georg_bush washington __PUNCT__
he speak of a hundr_year war in iraq and see anoth on the horizon with iran __PUNCT__
he onc oppos georg_bush bush_tax_cut for the wealthiest few who don't need them and didn't ask for them __PUNCT__
he said thei were too expens and unwis __PUNCT__
and he wa absolut right __PUNCT__
but somewher along the line __PUNCT__ the wheel came off the straight talk express becaus he now he support the veri same tax cut he vote against __PUNCT__
thi is what happen when you spend too long in washington __PUNCT__
politician don't sai what thei mean and thei don't mean what thei sai __PUNCT__
and that is why in thi elect __PUNCT__ our parti cannot stand for busi __PUNCT__ as __PUNCT__ usual in washington __PUNCT__
the democrat_parti must stand for chang __PUNCT__
thi fall __PUNCT__ we ow the american_peopl a real choic __PUNCT__
it a choic between debat john_mccain about who ha the most experi in washington __PUNCT__ or debat him about who most like to chang washington __PUNCT__
becaus that a debat we can win __PUNCT__
it a choic between debat john mccain about lobbi reform with a nomine who taken more monei from lobbyist than he ha __PUNCT__ or do it with a campaign that hasn't taken a dime of their monei becaus we been fund by you __PUNCT__ the american_peopl __PUNCT__
and it a choic between take on john_mccain with republican and independ alreadi unit against us __PUNCT__ or run against him with a campaign that unit american of all parti around a common_purpos __PUNCT__
there is a reason why the last six poll in a row have shown that i the strongest candid against john_mccain __PUNCT__
it becaus we done better with independ in almost everi singl contest we had __PUNCT__
it becaus we won in more red_state and swing_state that the next democrat_nomine need to win in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
virginia democrat know how import thi is __PUNCT__
that how mark warner won in thi state __PUNCT__
that how tim kain won in thi state __PUNCT__
that how jim_webb won in thi state __PUNCT__
and if i am your nomine __PUNCT__ thi is on democrat who plan to campaign in virginia and win in virginia thi fall __PUNCT__
we ar here to make_clear that thi elect is not between region or religion or gender __PUNCT__
it not about rich versu poor __PUNCT__ young versu old __PUNCT__ and it is not about black versu white __PUNCT__
it is about the past versu the futur __PUNCT__
the republican in washington ar alreadi run on the polit of yesterdai __PUNCT__ which is why our parti must be the parti of tomorrow __PUNCT__
and that is the parti i will lead as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
i know what it take to pass health_care_reform becaus i done it __PUNCT__ not by demon anyon who disagre with me __PUNCT__ but by bring democrat and republican togeth to provid health_insur to __NUM___children and parent in illinoi __PUNCT__
and when i am presid __PUNCT__ we pass univers_health_care not in twenti_year __PUNCT__ not in ten_year __PUNCT__ but by the end of my first term in offic __PUNCT__
but you don't have to take my word for it __PUNCT__
senat ted_kennedi recent said that he wouldn't have endors me if he didn't believ passion that i will fight for univers_health_care as presid __PUNCT__
and if there someon who know someth about health care __PUNCT__ it ted_kennedi __PUNCT__
my plan would bring down premium for the typic famili by __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__
we ban insur_compani from deni you coverag becaus of a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__
we allow everi american to get the same_kind of health_care that member of congress get for themselv __PUNCT__
and the on differ between my plan and senat_clinton clinton_plan is that she said she __PUNCT__ go after __PUNCT__ your wage if you don't bui_health health_care __PUNCT__
well i believ the reason peopl don't have health care isn't becaus no on forc them to bui it __PUNCT__ it becaus no on made it afford __PUNCT__ and that why we bring down the cost of health care more than ani other plan in thi race __PUNCT__
it also time to bring the cost of live down for work_famili who ar struggl in thi economi like never befor __PUNCT__
thei face rise_cost and fall wage __PUNCT__ and we ow it to them to end the bush __PUNCT__ mccain tax_cut for the wealthiest___NUM__ __PUNCT__ and put a tax_cut into the pocket of the famili who need it __PUNCT__
that what i did in illinoi when i brought democrat and republican togeth to provid __MONEY___million in tax_relief to work_famili and the work_poor __PUNCT__ and that the kind of tax_relief i provid as presid __PUNCT__
i will end the tax_break for compani who ship our job_oversea and give a middl __PUNCT__ class tax_break to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of work_american __PUNCT__
and homeown who ar struggl __PUNCT__
and senior who deserv to retir with digniti and respect __PUNCT__
and i won't wait anoth ten_year to rais the minimum_wage in thi countri __PUNCT__ i will rais it to keep pace with inflat everi singl year __PUNCT__
it also time to give everi child __PUNCT__ everywher __PUNCT__ a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ from the dai thei born to the dai thei graduat colleg __PUNCT__
i am onli here todai becaus somebodi __PUNCT__ somewher __PUNCT__ gave my father a ticket to come studi in america __PUNCT__
becaus my mother got the opportun to put herself through graduat_school __PUNCT__
becaus even though we didn't have much grow up __PUNCT__ i got scholarship to go to some of the best school in the countri __PUNCT__
that the chanc i believ everi child should have __PUNCT__
when i am presid __PUNCT__ we will give our children the best possibl start by invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__
we stop_talk about how great our teacher ar __PUNCT__ and start reward them for their great __PUNCT__ with better pai and more support __PUNCT__
and we will provid everi american with a __MONEY__ a year tax_credit that will final help make a colleg_educ afford and avail for all __PUNCT__
and when i am presid __PUNCT__ thi parti will be the parti that final_make sure our son and daughter don't grow up in a centuri where our economi is weigh down by our addict to oil __PUNCT__ our foreign_polici is held hostag to the whim of dictat __PUNCT__ and our planet pass a moment of no return __PUNCT__
when i call for higher fuel_effici standard __PUNCT__ i didn't do it in front of an environment_group in california __PUNCT__ i did it in front of the automak in detroit __PUNCT__
now it wa pretti quiet __PUNCT__ i didn't get a lot of applaus __PUNCT__
but we need leadership that tell the american_peopl not just what thei want to hear __PUNCT__ but what we need to know __PUNCT__
that why i will set the goal of an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ reduct in carbon_emiss by __NUM__ and we will meet it __PUNCT__ with higher fuel standard and new invest in renew fuel that will creat million of new job and entir new industri right here in america __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ it is time to turn the page on eight year of a foreign_polici that ha made us less safe and less respect in the world __PUNCT__
if i am the nomine of thi parti __PUNCT__ john_mccain will not be abl to sai that i agre with him on vote for the war in iraq __PUNCT__ agre with him on give georg_bush the benefit of the doubt on iran __PUNCT__ and agre with him in embrac the bush __PUNCT__ chenei polici of not talk to leader we don't like __PUNCT__
becaus that doesn't make us look strong __PUNCT__ it make us look arrog __PUNCT__
john f __PUNCT__ kennedi said that you should never negoti out of fear __PUNCT__ but you should never fear to negoti __PUNCT__
and that what i will do as presid __PUNCT__
i don't just want to end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ i want to end the mindset that got us into war __PUNCT__
it is time to turn the page __PUNCT__
thi is our moment __PUNCT__
thi is our time for chang __PUNCT__
our parti __PUNCT__ the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ ha alwai been at it best when we led not by poll __PUNCT__ but by principl __PUNCT__ not by calcul __PUNCT__ but by convict __PUNCT__ when we call all american to a common_purpos __PUNCT__ a higher purpos __PUNCT__
we ar the parti of jefferson __PUNCT__ who wrote the word that we ar still try to heed __PUNCT__ that all of us ar creat_equal __PUNCT__ that all of us deserv the chanc to pursu our happi __PUNCT__
we the parti of jackson __PUNCT__ who took back the white_hous for the peopl of thi countri __PUNCT__
we the parti of a man who overcam hi own disabl to tell us that the onli thing we had to fear wa fear itself __PUNCT__ who face down fascism and liber a contin from tyranni __PUNCT__
and we the parti of a young presid who ask what we could do for our countri __PUNCT__ and the challeng us to do it __PUNCT__
that is who we ar __PUNCT__
that is the parti that we need to be __PUNCT__ and can be __PUNCT__ if we cast off our doubt __PUNCT__ and leav behind our fear __PUNCT__ and choos the america that we know is possibl __PUNCT__
becaus there is a moment in the life of everi gener __PUNCT__ if it is to make it mark on histori __PUNCT__ when it spirit ha to come through __PUNCT__ when it must choos the futur over the past __PUNCT__ when it must make it own chang from the bottom up __PUNCT__
thi is our moment __PUNCT__
thi is our messag __PUNCT__ the same messag we had when we were up __PUNCT__ and when we were down __PUNCT__
the same messag that we will carri all the wai to the convent __PUNCT__
and in seven month time we can realiz thi promis __PUNCT__ we can claim thi legaci __PUNCT__ we can choos new leadership for america __PUNCT__
becaus there is noth we cannot do if the american_peopl decid it is time __PUNCT__