This speech titled 2008.02.12 originally had 2068 tokens. You can view the original text here.
todai __PUNCT__ the chang we seek swept through the chesapeak and over the potomac __PUNCT__
we won the state of maryland __PUNCT__
we won the commonwealth of virginia __PUNCT__
and though we won in washington d.c __PUNCT__ thi movement won't stop until there chang in washington __PUNCT__
and tonight __PUNCT__ we on our wai __PUNCT__
but we know how much farther we have to go __PUNCT__
we know it take more than on night __PUNCT__ or even on elect __PUNCT__ to overcom decad of monei and the influenc __PUNCT__ bitter partisanship and petti bicker that shut you out __PUNCT__ let you down and told you to settl __PUNCT__
we know our road will not be easi __PUNCT__
but we also know that at thi moment the cynic can no longer sai our hope is fals __PUNCT__
we have now won east and west __PUNCT__ north and south __PUNCT__ and across the heartland of thi countri we love __PUNCT__
we have given young_peopl a reason to believ __PUNCT__ and brought folk back to the poll who want to believ again __PUNCT__
and we ar bring togeth democrat and independ and republican __PUNCT__ black and white __PUNCT__ latino and asian __PUNCT__ small state and big state __PUNCT__ red_state and blue_state into a unit_state of america __PUNCT__
thi is the new american major __PUNCT__
thi is what chang look like when it happen from the bottom up __PUNCT__
and in thi elect __PUNCT__ your voic will be heard __PUNCT__
becaus at a time when so mani peopl ar struggl to keep up with soar cost in a sluggish economi __PUNCT__ we know that the statu_quo in washington just won't do __PUNCT__
not thi time __PUNCT__
not thi year __PUNCT__
we can't keep plai the same washington game with the same washington player and expect a differ result __PUNCT__ becaus it a game that ordinari_american ar lose __PUNCT__
it a game where lobbyist write check after check and exxon turn record profit __PUNCT__ while you pai the price at the pump __PUNCT__ and our planet is put at risk __PUNCT__
that what happen when lobbyist set the agenda __PUNCT__ and that why thei won't drown out your voic anymor when i am presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
it a game where trade_deal like nafta ship job_oversea and forc parent to compet with their teenag to work for minimum_wage at wal __PUNCT__ mart __PUNCT__
that what happen when the american_worker doesn't have a voic at the negoti tabl __PUNCT__ when leader chang their posit on trade with the polit of the moment __PUNCT__ and that why we need a presid who will listen to main_street __PUNCT__ not just wall_street __PUNCT__ a presid who will stand with worker not just when it easi __PUNCT__ but when it hard __PUNCT__
it a game where democrat and republican fail to come togeth year after year after year __PUNCT__ while anoth mother goe without health_care for her sick child __PUNCT__
that why we have to put an end to the divis and distract in washington __PUNCT__ so that we can unit thi nation around a common_purpos __PUNCT__ a higher purpos __PUNCT__
it a game where the onli wai for democrat to look tough on nation_secur is by talk __PUNCT__ and act and vote like bush __PUNCT__ mccain republican __PUNCT__ while our troop ar sent to fight tour after tour of duti in a war that should never been author and should never been wage __PUNCT__
that what happen when we us 9/11 to scare up vote __PUNCT__ and that why we need to do more than end a war __PUNCT__ we need to end the mindset that got us into war __PUNCT__
that the choic in thi primari __PUNCT__
it about whether we choos to plai the game __PUNCT__ or whether we choos to end it __PUNCT__ it chang that poll well __PUNCT__ or chang we can believ in __PUNCT__ it the past versu the futur __PUNCT__
and when i the democrat_nomine for presid __PUNCT__ that will be the choic in __DATE__ __PUNCT__
john_mccain is an american hero __PUNCT__
we honor hi servic to our nation __PUNCT__
but hi prioriti don't address the real_problem of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ becaus thei ar bound to the fail polici of the past __PUNCT__
georg_bush won't be on the ballot thi __DATE__ __PUNCT__ but hi war and hi tax_cut for the wealthi will __PUNCT__
when i am the nomine __PUNCT__ i will offer a clear choic __PUNCT__
john_mccain won't be abl to sai that i ever support thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ becaus i oppos it from the begin __PUNCT__
senat_mccain said the other dai that we might be mire for a hundr_year in iraq __PUNCT__ which is reason enough to not give him four year in the white_hous __PUNCT__
if we had chosen a differ path __PUNCT__ the right path __PUNCT__ we could have finish the job in afghanistan __PUNCT__ and put more resourc into the fight against bin_laden __PUNCT__ and instead of spend hundr of billion of dollar in baghdad __PUNCT__ we could have put that monei into our school and hospit __PUNCT__ our road and bridg __PUNCT__ and that what the american_peopl need us to do right now __PUNCT__
and i admir senat_mccain when he stood up and said that it offend hi __PUNCT__ conscienc __PUNCT__ to support the bush_tax_cut for the wealthi in a time of war __PUNCT__ that he couldn't support a tax cut where __PUNCT__ so mani of the benefit go to the most fortun __PUNCT__
but somewher along the road to the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ the straight talk express lost it wheel __PUNCT__ becaus now he all for them __PUNCT__
well i not __PUNCT__
we can't keep spend_monei that we don't have in a war that we shouldn't have fought __PUNCT__
we can't keep mortgag our children futur on a mountain of debt __PUNCT__
we can't keep drive a wider and wider gap between the few who ar rich and the rest who struggl to keep pace __PUNCT__
it time to turn the page __PUNCT__
we need a new direct in thi countri __PUNCT__
everywher i go __PUNCT__ i meet american who can't wait anoth dai for chang __PUNCT__
thei not just show up to hear a speech __PUNCT__ thei need to know that polit can make a differ in their live __PUNCT__ that it not too late to reclaim the american_dream __PUNCT__
it a dream share in big_citi and small_town __PUNCT__ across race __PUNCT__ region and religion __PUNCT__ that if you work_hard __PUNCT__ you can support a famili __PUNCT__ that if you get sick __PUNCT__ there will be health_care you can afford __PUNCT__ that you can retir with the digniti and secur and respect that you have earn __PUNCT__ that your kid can get a good educ __PUNCT__ and young_peopl can go to colleg even if thei not rich __PUNCT__
that is our common hope __PUNCT__
that is the american_dream __PUNCT__
it the dream of the father who goe to work befor dawn and li awak at night wonder how he go to pai the bill __PUNCT__
he need us to restor fair to our economi by put a tax_cut into the pocket of work_peopl __PUNCT__ and senior __PUNCT__ and struggl homeown __PUNCT__
it the dream of the woman who told me she work the night shift after a full dai of colleg and still can't afford health_care for a sister who ill __PUNCT__
she need us to final come togeth to make health care afford and avail for everi american __PUNCT__
it the dream of the senior i met who lost hi pension when the compani he gave hi life to went bankrupt __PUNCT__
he doesn't need bankruptci_law that protect bank and big lender __PUNCT__
he need us to protect pension __PUNCT__ not ceo bonus __PUNCT__ and to do what it take to make sure that the american_peopl can count on social_secur todai __PUNCT__ tomorrow and forev __PUNCT__
it the dream of the teacher who work at dunkin donut after school just to make end meet __PUNCT__
she need better pai __PUNCT__ and more support __PUNCT__ and the freedom to do more than just teach to the test __PUNCT__
and if her student want to go on to colleg __PUNCT__ thei shouldn't fear decad of debt __PUNCT__
that why i make colleg afford with an annual __MONEY__ tax_credit if you will to do commun_servic __PUNCT__ or nation_servic __PUNCT__
we will invest in you __PUNCT__ but we ask you to invest in your countri __PUNCT__
that is our call in thi campaign __PUNCT__
to reaffirm that fundament belief __PUNCT__ i am my brother keeper __PUNCT__ i am my sister keeper __PUNCT__ that make us on peopl __PUNCT__ and on nation __PUNCT__
it time to stand up and reach for what possibl __PUNCT__ becaus togeth __PUNCT__ peopl who love their countri can chang it __PUNCT__
now when i start_talk like thi __PUNCT__ some folk tell me that i got my head in the cloud __PUNCT__
that i need a realiti_check __PUNCT__
that we still offer fals hope __PUNCT__
but my own stori tell me that in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ there ha never been anyth fals about hope __PUNCT__
i should not be here todai __PUNCT__
i wa not born into monei or statu __PUNCT__
i wa born to a teenag mom in hawaii __PUNCT__ and my dad left us when i wa two __PUNCT__
but my famili gave me love __PUNCT__ thei gave me educ __PUNCT__ and most of all thei gave me hope __PUNCT__ hope that in america __PUNCT__ no dream is beyond our grasp if we reach for it __PUNCT__ and fight for it __PUNCT__ and work for it __PUNCT__
becaus hope is not blind optim __PUNCT__
i know how hard it will be to make these chang __PUNCT__
i know thi becaus i fought on the street of chicago as a commun_organ to bring job to the jobless in the shadow of a shutter steel plant __PUNCT__
i fought in the court as a civil right lawyer to make sure peopl weren't deni their right becaus of what thei look like or where thei came from __PUNCT__
i fought in the legislatur to take power awai from lobbyist __PUNCT__
i won some of those fight __PUNCT__ but i lost some of them too __PUNCT__
i seen good legisl die becaus good_intent weren't back by a mandat for chang __PUNCT__
the polit of hope doe not mean hope thing come easi __PUNCT__
becaus noth worthwhil in thi countri ha ever happen unless somebodi __PUNCT__ somewher stood up when it wa hard __PUNCT__ stood up when thei were told __PUNCT__ no you can't __PUNCT__ and said ye we can __PUNCT__
and where better to affirm our ideal than here in wisconsin __PUNCT__ where a centuri_ago the progress_movement wa born __PUNCT__
it wa root in the principl that the voic of the peopl can speak louder than special_interest __PUNCT__ that citizen can be connect to their govern and to on anoth __PUNCT__ and that all of us share a common destini __PUNCT__ an american_dream __PUNCT__
ye we can reclaim that dream __PUNCT__
ye we can heal thi nation __PUNCT__
the voic of the american_peopl have carri us a great distanc on thi improb journei __PUNCT__ but we have much further to go __PUNCT__
now we carri our messag to farm and factori across thi state __PUNCT__ and to the citi and small_town of ohio __PUNCT__ to the open plain deep in the heart of texa __PUNCT__ and all the wai to democrat_nation nation_convent in denver __PUNCT__ it the same messag we had when we were up __PUNCT__ and when were down __PUNCT__ that out of mani __PUNCT__ we ar on __PUNCT__ that our destini will not be written for us __PUNCT__ but by us __PUNCT__ and that we can cast off our doubt and fear and cynic becaus our dream will not be defer __PUNCT__ our futur will not be deni __PUNCT__ and our time for chang ha come __PUNCT__