This speech titled 2008.02.13 originally had 4682 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it wa nearli a centuri_ago that the first tractor roll off the assembl_line at thi plant __PUNCT__
the achiev didn't just creat a product to sell or profit for gener_motor __PUNCT__
it led to a share_prosper enjoi by all of janesvil __PUNCT__
home and busi began to sprout up along milwauke and main_street __PUNCT__
job were plenti __PUNCT__ with wage that could rais a famili and benefit you could count on __PUNCT__
prosper hasn't alwai come easili __PUNCT__
the plant shut down for a period dure the height of the depress __PUNCT__ and major shift in product have been requir to meet the chang time __PUNCT__
tractor becam automobil __PUNCT__
automobil becam artilleri shell __PUNCT__
suv ar becom hybrid as we speak __PUNCT__ and the cost of transit ha alwai been greatest for the worker and their famili __PUNCT__
but through hard_time and good __PUNCT__ great_challeng and great chang __PUNCT__ the promis of janesvil ha been the promis of america __PUNCT__ that our prosper can and must be the tide that lift everi boat __PUNCT__ that we rise or fall as on nation __PUNCT__ that our economi is strongest when our middl __PUNCT__ class grow and opportun is spread as wide as possibl __PUNCT__
and when it not __PUNCT__ when opportun is uneven or unequ __PUNCT__ it is our respons to restor balanc __PUNCT__ and fair __PUNCT__ and keep that promis aliv for the next gener __PUNCT__
that is the respons we face right now __PUNCT__ and that is the respons i intend to meet as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
we ar not stand on the brink of recess due to forc beyond our control __PUNCT__
the fallout from the hous_crisi that cost job and wipe out save wa not an inevit part of the busi_cycl __PUNCT__
it wa a failur of leadership and imagin in washington __PUNCT__ the culmin of decad of decis that were made or put off without regard to the realiti of a global_economi and the grow_inequ it produc __PUNCT__
it a washington where georg_bush hand out billion in tax_cut year after year to the biggest corpor and the wealthiest few who don't need them and don't ask for them __PUNCT__ tax_break that ar mortgag our children futur on a mountain of debt __PUNCT__ tax break that could gone into the pocket of the work_famili who need them most __PUNCT__
it a washington where decad of trade_deal like nafta and china have been sign with plenti of protect for corpor and their profit __PUNCT__ but none for our environ or our worker who seen factori shut their door and million of job disappear __PUNCT__ worker whose right to organ and union ha been under assault for the last eight year __PUNCT__
it a washington where politician like john_mccain and hillari_clinton vote for a war in iraq that should never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__ a war that is cost us thousand of preciou live and billion of dollar a week that could been us to rebuild crumbl school and bridg __PUNCT__ road and build __PUNCT__ that could been invest in job_train and child_care __PUNCT__ in make health_care afford or put colleg within reach __PUNCT__
and it a washington that ha thrown open it door to lobbyist and special_interest who riddl our tax_code with loophol that let corpor avoid pai their tax while you pai more __PUNCT__
thei been allow to write an energi_polici that keep us addict to oil when there ar famili choos between ga and groceri __PUNCT__
thei us monei and influenc to kill health_care_reform at a time when half of all bankruptci ar caus by medic_bill __PUNCT__ and then thei rig our bankruptci_law to make it harder to climb out of debt __PUNCT__
thei don't repres ordinari_american __PUNCT__ thei don't fund my campaign __PUNCT__ and thei won't drown out the voic of work_famili when i am presid __PUNCT__
thi is what been happen in washington at a time when we have greater incom_dispar in thi countri than we seen sinc the first year of the great_depress __PUNCT__
at a time when some ceo ar make more in a dai than the averag_worker make in a year __PUNCT__
when the typic famili_incom ha drop by __MONEY__ over the last seven year __PUNCT__
when wage ar flat __PUNCT__ job ar move oversea __PUNCT__ and we never paid more for health_care __PUNCT__ or energi __PUNCT__ or colleg __PUNCT__
it a time when we never save less __PUNCT__ bare __MONEY__ for the averag_famili last year __PUNCT__ and never ow more __PUNCT__ an averag of __MONEY__ per famili __PUNCT__
and it a time when on in eight american now live in abject_poverti right here in the richest nation on earth __PUNCT__
at a time like thi __PUNCT__ it no wonder that the mortgag_crisi wa the straw that broke the camel back __PUNCT__
the equiti that peopl own in their home is often their largest sourc of save __PUNCT__ and as million upon million have seen those save and their home_equiti declin or disappear altogeth __PUNCT__ so have their dream for a better futur __PUNCT__
i realiz that politician come befor you everi elect sai that thei chang all thi __PUNCT__
thei lai out big plan and hold event with worker just like thi on __PUNCT__ becaus it popular to do and it easi to make promis in the heat of a campaign __PUNCT__
but how mani time have you been disappoint when everyon goe back to washington and noth chang __PUNCT__ becaus the lobbyist just write anoth check __PUNCT__
or becaus politician start worri about how thei win the next elect instead of why thei should __PUNCT__
becaus thei focus on who up and who down instead of who matter __PUNCT__ the worker who just lost hi pension __PUNCT__ the famili that just put up the for sale sign __PUNCT__ the young_woman who get three hour of sleep a night becaus she work the late shift after a full dai of colleg and still can't afford her sister medicin __PUNCT__
these ar the american who need real chang __PUNCT__ the kind of chang that about more than switch the parti in the white_hous __PUNCT__
thei need a chang in our polit __PUNCT__ a leader who can end the divis in washington so we can stop_talk about our challeng and start solv them __PUNCT__ who doesn't defend lobbyist as part of the system __PUNCT__ but see them as part of the problem __PUNCT__ who will carri your voic and your hope into the white_hous everi singl_dai for the next four year __PUNCT__
and that is the kind of presid i want to be __PUNCT__
i didn't spend my career in the hall of washington __PUNCT__ i began it in the shadow of a close steel_mill on the south_side of chicago __PUNCT__
we organ church and commun_leader __PUNCT__ african __PUNCT__ american __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ and hispan to lift neighborhood out of poverti __PUNCT__ provid job_train to the jobless __PUNCT__ and set up after school program so that kid had a safe place to go while their parent work __PUNCT__
those ar the voic i carri with me to the illinoi state_senat __PUNCT__ where i brought democrat and republican togeth to expand health_insur to __NUM___children and parent __PUNCT__ where i led the fight to provid __MONEY___million in tax_relief for work_famili and the work_poor __PUNCT__
thei the voic i carri with me to washington __PUNCT__ where the first bill i introduc wa to make colleg more afford __PUNCT__ where i fought against a bankruptci bill that made it harder for famili to climb out of debt __PUNCT__ and where i pass the most sweep lobbi reform in a gener __PUNCT__ reform that forc lobbyist to tell the american_peopl who thei rais_monei from and who in congress thei funnel it to __PUNCT__
so when i talk about real chang that will make a real differ in the live of work_famili __PUNCT__ chang that will restor balanc in our economi and put us on a path to prosper __PUNCT__ it not just the poll __PUNCT__ test rhetor of a polit_campaign __PUNCT__
it the caus of my life __PUNCT__
and you can be sure that it will be the caus of my presid from the veri first dai i take offic __PUNCT__
now we know that we cannot put up wall around our economi __PUNCT__
we know that we cannot revers the tide of technolog that allow busi to send job wherev there an internet connect __PUNCT__
we know that govern cannot solv all our problem __PUNCT__ and we don't expect it to __PUNCT__
but that doesn't mean we have to accept an america of lost opportun and diminish dream __PUNCT__
not when we still have the most product __PUNCT__ highli __PUNCT__ educ __PUNCT__ best __PUNCT__ skill_worker in the world __PUNCT__
not when we still stand on the cut edg of innov __PUNCT__ and scienc __PUNCT__ and discoveri __PUNCT__
not when we have the resourc and the will of a decent __PUNCT__ gener peopl who ar readi to share in the burden and benefit of a global_economi __PUNCT__
i am certain that we can keep america promis __PUNCT__ for thi gener and the next __PUNCT__
so todai __PUNCT__ i lai out a comprehens agenda to reclaim our dream and restor our prosper __PUNCT__
it an agenda that focus on three broad econom challeng that the next presid must address __PUNCT__ the current hous_crisi __PUNCT__ the cost crisi face the middl __PUNCT__ class and those struggl to join it __PUNCT__ and the need to creat million of good_job right here in america __PUNCT__ job that can't be outsourc and won't disappear __PUNCT__
the first challeng is to stem the fallout from the hous_crisi and put in place rule of the road to prevent it from happen again __PUNCT__
a few week_ago i offer an econom_stimulu stimulu_packag base on a simpl principl __PUNCT__ we should get immedi relief into the hand of peopl who need it the most and will spend it the quickest __PUNCT__
i propos send each work_famili a __MONEY__ tax_cut and each senior a __MONEY__ supplement to their social_secur check __PUNCT__
and if the economi get wors __PUNCT__ we should doubl those amount __PUNCT__
neither georg_bush nor hillari_clinton had that kind of immedi __PUNCT__ broad __PUNCT__ base relief in their origin stimulu propos __PUNCT__ but i glad that the stimulu_packag that wa recent pass by congress doe __PUNCT__
we still need to go further __PUNCT__ though __PUNCT__ and make unemploy_insur avail for a longer period of time and for more american who find themselv out of work __PUNCT__
we should also provid assist to state and local_govern so that thei don't slash critic servic like health_care or educ __PUNCT__
for those american who ar face the brunt of the hous_crisi __PUNCT__ i propos a fund that would provid direct relief to victim of mortgag fraud __PUNCT__
we also help those who ar face closur refin their mortgag so thei can stai in their home __PUNCT__
and i provid struggl homeown relief by offer a tax_credit to low __PUNCT__ and middl __PUNCT__ incom_american that would cover ten percent of their mortgag_interest interest_payment everi year __PUNCT__
to make sure that folk aren't trick into purchas loan thei can't afford __PUNCT__ i propos tough new penalti for those who commit mortgag fraud __PUNCT__ and a home score system that would allow consum to compar variou mortgag product so that thei can find out whether or not thei be abl to afford the payment ahead of time __PUNCT__
the second major econom challeng we have to address is the cost crisi face the middl __PUNCT__ class and the work_poor __PUNCT__
as the hous_crisi spill over into other part of the economi __PUNCT__ we seen peopl entir life_save wipe out in an instant __PUNCT__
it the result of skyrocket cost __PUNCT__ stagnant wage __PUNCT__ and disappear benefit that ar push more and more american toward a debt spiral from which thei can't escap __PUNCT__
we have to give them a wai out by cut_cost __PUNCT__ put more monei in their pocket __PUNCT__ and rebuild a safeti_net that becom badli frai over the last decad __PUNCT__
on of the principl that john_edward ha passion advanc is that thi countri should be reward work __PUNCT__ not wealth __PUNCT__
that start with our tax_code __PUNCT__ which ha been rig by lobbyist with page after page of loophol that benefit big_corpor and the wealthiest few __PUNCT__
for exampl __PUNCT__ we should not be give tax_break to corpor that make their profit in some other countri with some other worker __PUNCT__
befor she start run for presid __PUNCT__ senat_clinton actual vote for thi loophol __PUNCT__
i chang our tax_code so that it simpl __PUNCT__ fair __PUNCT__ and advanc opportun __PUNCT__ not the agenda of some lobbyist __PUNCT__
i am the onli candid in thi race who propos a genuin middl __PUNCT__ class tax_cut that will provid relief to __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of work_american __PUNCT__
thi is a tax_cut __PUNCT__ paid for in part by close corpor loophol and shut down tax_haven __PUNCT__ that will offset the payrol_tax that work_american ar alreadi pai __PUNCT__ and it be worth up to __MONEY__ for a work_famili __PUNCT__
we also elimin incom_tax for ani retire make less than __MONEY__ per year __PUNCT__ becaus our senior ar struggl enough with rise_cost __PUNCT__ and should be abl to retir in digniti and respect __PUNCT__
sinc the earn_incom incom_tax_credit lift nearli __NUM___million_american out of poverti each year __PUNCT__ i doubl the number of worker who receiv it and tripl the benefit for minimum_wage wage_worker __PUNCT__
and i won't wait anoth ten_year to rais the minimum_wage __PUNCT__ i guarante that it keep pace with inflat everi singl year so that it not just a minimum wage __PUNCT__ but a live_wage __PUNCT__
becaus that the chang that work_american need __PUNCT__
my univers_health_care health_care_plan bring down the cost of health care more than ani other candid in thi race __PUNCT__ and will save the typic famili up to __MONEY__ a year on their premium __PUNCT__
everi american would be abl to get the same_kind of health_care that member of congress get for themselv __PUNCT__ and we ban insur_compani from deni you coverag becaus of a pre __PUNCT__ exist condit __PUNCT__
and the main differ between my plan and senat_clinton clinton_plan is that she requir the govern to forc you to bui_health health_insur and she said she __PUNCT__ go after __PUNCT__ your wage if you don't __PUNCT__
well i believ the reason peopl don't have health_care isn't becaus no on forc them to bui it __PUNCT__ it becaus no on made it afford __PUNCT__ and that what we do when i am presid __PUNCT__
if we want to train our workforc for a knowledg_economi __PUNCT__ it also time that we brought down the cost of a colleg_educ and put it within reach of everi american __PUNCT__
i know how expens thi is __PUNCT__
at the begin of our marriag __PUNCT__ michel and i were spend more to payoff our colleg loan than we were on our mortgag __PUNCT__
so i creat a new and fulli refund tax_credit worth___MONEY__ for tuition and fee everi year __PUNCT__ a benefit that student will get in exchang for commun or nation_servic __PUNCT__ which will cover two __PUNCT__ third of the tuition at the averag public colleg or univers __PUNCT__
and i also simplifi the financi_aid applic process so that we don't have a million student who aren't appli for aid becaus it too difficult __PUNCT__
with so mani mother and father juggl work and parent __PUNCT__ the next cost we have to bring down is the cost of live in a two __PUNCT__ incom_famili __PUNCT__
i expand the child_care tax_credit for peopl earn less than __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ and i doubl spend on qualiti afterschool program __PUNCT__
we also expand the famili medic leav act to includ more busi and million more worker __PUNCT__ and we chang a system that stack against work women by requir everi employ to provid seven paid sick dai a year __PUNCT__ so that you can be home with your child if thei sick __PUNCT__
in addit to cut_cost for work_famili __PUNCT__ we also need to help them save more __PUNCT__ especi for retir __PUNCT__
that why we requir employ to enrol everi worker in a direct deposit retir_account that place a small_percentag of each paycheck into save __PUNCT__
you can keep thi account even if you chang job __PUNCT__ and the feder_govern will match the save for lower __PUNCT__ incom __PUNCT__ work_famili __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ we need to help famili who find themselv in a debt spiral climb out __PUNCT__
sinc so mani who ar struggl to keep up with their mortgag ar now shift their debt to credit_card __PUNCT__ we have to make sure that credit card don't becom the next stage in the hous_crisi __PUNCT__
to make sure that american know what thei sign up for __PUNCT__ i institut a five __PUNCT__ star rate_system to inform consum about the level of risk involv in everi credit_card __PUNCT__
and we establish a credit card bill of right that will ban unilater chang to a credit card agreement __PUNCT__ ban rate chang to debt that alreadi incur __PUNCT__ and ban interest on late fee __PUNCT__
american need to pai what thei ow __PUNCT__ but thei should pai what fair __PUNCT__ not what fatten profit for some credit_card_compani __PUNCT__
the same_principl should appli to our bankruptci_law __PUNCT__
when i first arriv in the senat __PUNCT__ i oppos the credit_card industri bankruptci bill that made it harder for work_famili to climb out of debt __PUNCT__
five year_earlier __PUNCT__ senat_clinton had support a nearli ident bill __PUNCT__
and dure a debat a few week back __PUNCT__ she said that even though she vote for it __PUNCT__ she wa glad it didn't pass __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know those kind of antic might make_sens in washington __PUNCT__ but thei don't make much sens anywher els __PUNCT__ and thei certainli don't make sens for work_famili who ar struggl under the weight of their debt __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ we reform our bankruptci_law so that we give american who find themselv in debt a second chanc __PUNCT__
i close the loophol that allow investor with multipl home to renegoti their mortgag in bankruptci court __PUNCT__ but not victim of predatori_lend __PUNCT__
we make sure that if you can demonstr that you went bankrupt becaus of medic expens __PUNCT__ then you can reliev that debt and get back on your feet __PUNCT__
and i make sure that ceo can't dump your pension with on hand while thei collect a bonu with the other __PUNCT__
that an outrag __PUNCT__ and it time we had a presid who know it an outrag __PUNCT__
those ar the step we can take to eas the cost crisi face work_famili __PUNCT__
but we still need to make sure that famili ar work __PUNCT__
we need to maintain our competit edg in a global by ensur that plant like thi on stai open for anoth hundr_year __PUNCT__ and shutter factori re __PUNCT__ open as new industri that promis new job __PUNCT__
and we need to put more american to work do job that need to be done right here in america __PUNCT__
for year __PUNCT__ we have stood by while our nation infrastructur ha crumbl and decai __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ the american_societi of civil engin gave it a d __PUNCT__ cite problem with our airport __PUNCT__ dam __PUNCT__ school __PUNCT__ highwai __PUNCT__ and waterwai __PUNCT__
on out of three urban bridg were classifi as structur defici __PUNCT__ and we all saw the tragic result of what that could mean in minnesota last year __PUNCT__
right here in wisconsin __PUNCT__ we know that __MONEY___million of freight will come through thi state by __NUM__ and if we do not have the infrastructur to handl it __PUNCT__ we will not get the busi __PUNCT__
for our economi __PUNCT__ our safeti __PUNCT__ and our worker __PUNCT__ we have to rebuild america __PUNCT__
i propos a nation infrastructur reinvest bank that will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year __PUNCT__
thi invest will multipli into almost half a trillion_dollar of addit infrastructur_spend and gener nearli two million new job __PUNCT__ mani of them in the construct industri that been hard hit by thi hous_crisi __PUNCT__
the repair will be determin not by polit __PUNCT__ but by what will maxim our safeti and homeland_secur __PUNCT__ what will keep our environ clean and our economi strong __PUNCT__
and we fund thi bank by end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__
it time to stop spend billion of dollar a week try to put iraq back togeth and start spend the monei on put america back togeth instead __PUNCT__
it also time to look to the futur and figur out how to make trade work for american_worker __PUNCT__
i won't stand here and tell you that we can __PUNCT__ or should __PUNCT__ stop free_trade __PUNCT__
we can't stop everi job from go oversea __PUNCT__
but i also won't stand here and accept an america where we do noth to help american_worker who have lost job and opportun becaus of these trade_agreement __PUNCT__
and that a posit of mine that doesn't chang base on who i talk to or the elect i run in __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ in the year after her husband sign nafta __PUNCT__ senat_clinton would go around talk about how great it wa and how mani benefit it would bring __PUNCT__
now that she run for presid __PUNCT__ she sai we need a time __PUNCT__ out on trade __PUNCT__
no on know when thi time __PUNCT__ out will end __PUNCT__
mayb after the elect __PUNCT__
i don't know about a time __PUNCT__ out __PUNCT__ but i do know thi __PUNCT__ when i am presid __PUNCT__ i will not sign anoth trade_agreement unless it ha protect for our environ and protect for american_worker __PUNCT__
and i pass the patriot employ act that i been fight for ever sinc i ran for the senat __PUNCT__ we will end the tax_break for compani who ship our job_oversea __PUNCT__ and we will give those break to compani who creat good_job with decent_wage right here in america __PUNCT__
i believ that we can creat million of those job around a clean __PUNCT__ renew_energi futur __PUNCT__
a few hour northeast of here is the citi of manitowoc __PUNCT__
for over a centuri __PUNCT__ it wa the home of mirro manufactur __PUNCT__ a compani that provid thousand of job and plenti of busi __PUNCT__
in __NUM__ mirro close it door for good after lose thousand of job to mexico __PUNCT__
but in the last few year __PUNCT__ someth extraordinari ha happen __PUNCT__
thank to the leadership of governor doyl and mayor kevin crawford __PUNCT__ manitowoc ha re __PUNCT__ train it worker and attract new busi and new job __PUNCT__
orion energi system_work with compani to reduc their electr us and carbon_emiss __PUNCT__
and tower tech is now make wind_turbin that ar be sold all over the world __PUNCT__
hundr of peopl have found new work __PUNCT__ and unemploy ha been cut in half __PUNCT__
thi can be america_futur __PUNCT__
i know that gener_motor receiv some bad new yesterdai __PUNCT__ and i know how hard your governor ha fought to keep job in thi plant __PUNCT__
but i also know how much progress you made __PUNCT__ how mani hybrid and fuel __PUNCT__ effici vehicl you churn out __PUNCT__
and i believ that if our govern is there to support you __PUNCT__ and give you the assist you need to re __PUNCT__ tool and make thi transit __PUNCT__ that thi plant will be here for anoth hundr_year __PUNCT__
the question is not whether a clean_energi energi_economi is in our futur __PUNCT__ it where it will thrive __PUNCT__
i want it to thrive right here in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ right here in wisconsin __PUNCT__ and that the futur i fight for as your presid __PUNCT__
my energi plan will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year to establish a green_energi sector that will creat up to __NUM___million new job over the next two decad __PUNCT__ job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__
we also provid fund to help manufactur convert to green_technolog and help worker learn the skill thei need for these job __PUNCT__
we know that all of thi must be done in a respons wai __PUNCT__ without ad to the alreadi obscen debt that ha grown by four trillion_dollar under georg_bush __PUNCT__
we know that we cannot build our futur on a credit_card issu by the bank of china __PUNCT__
and that is why i paid for everi element of thi econom_agenda __PUNCT__ by end a war that cost us billion __PUNCT__ close tax loophol for corpor __PUNCT__ put a price on carbon pollut __PUNCT__ and end georg_bush bush_tax_cut for the wealthiest___NUM__ __PUNCT__ of american __PUNCT__
in the end __PUNCT__ thi econom_agenda won't just requir new monei __PUNCT__
it will requir a new spirit of cooper and innov on behalf of the american_peopl __PUNCT__
we will have to learn more __PUNCT__ and studi more __PUNCT__ and work_harder __PUNCT__
we be call upon to take part in share sacrific and share_prosper __PUNCT__
and we have to remind ourselv that we rise and fall as on nation __PUNCT__ that a countri in which onli a few prosper is antithet to our ideal and our democraci __PUNCT__ and that those of us who have benefit greatli from the bless of thi countri have a solemn oblig to open the door of opportun __PUNCT__ not just for our children __PUNCT__ but to all of america children __PUNCT__
that is the spirit that thrive in janesvil from the moment that first tractor came off the assembl_line so mani year_ago __PUNCT__
it the spirit that led my grandmoth to her own assembl_line dure world_war_ii __PUNCT__ and my grandfath to march in patton armi __PUNCT__
when that war_end __PUNCT__ thei were given the chanc to go to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__ to bui a hous from the feder_hous author __PUNCT__ and to give my mother the chanc to go to the best school and dream as big as the kansa sky __PUNCT__
even though she wa a singl_mom who didn't have much __PUNCT__ it the same chanc she gave me __PUNCT__ and why i stand here todai __PUNCT__
it a promis that been pass down through the ag __PUNCT__ on that each gener of american is call to keep __PUNCT__ that we can rais our children in a land of boundless opportun __PUNCT__ broad prosper __PUNCT__ and unyield possibl __PUNCT__
that is the promis we must keep in our time __PUNCT__ and i look forward to work and fight to make it real as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__