Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.03.19 originally had 4984 tokens. You can view the original text here.

just befor america entri into world_war i __PUNCT__ presid woodrow_wilson address congress __PUNCT__ it is a fear thing to lead thi great peac peopl into war __PUNCT__ he said __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ __URL__ the right is more preciou than peac __PUNCT__

wilson word captur two awesom respons that test ani command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ to never hesit to defend_america __PUNCT__ but to never go to war unless you must __PUNCT__

war is sometim necessari __PUNCT__ but it ha grave consequ __PUNCT__ and the judgment to go to war can never be undon __PUNCT__

five year_ago todai __PUNCT__ presid_georg w __PUNCT__ bush address the nation __PUNCT__

bomb had start to rain down on baghdad __PUNCT__

war wa necessari __PUNCT__ the presid said __PUNCT__ becaus the unit_state could not __PUNCT__ live at the merci of an outlaw regim that threaten the peac with weapon of mass_murder __PUNCT__

recal the pain of 9/11 __PUNCT__ he said the price of inact in iraq wa to meet the threat with __PUNCT__ armi of fire fighter and polic and doctor on the street of our citi __PUNCT__

at the time the presid utter those word __PUNCT__ there wa no hard evid that iraq had those stockpil of weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__

there wa not ani evid that iraq wa respons for the attack of __DATE__ or that iraq had oper ti to the al_qaeda qaeda_terrorist who carri them out __PUNCT__

by launch a war base on faulti premis and bad intellig __PUNCT__ presid_bush fail wilson test __PUNCT__

so did congress when it vote to give him the author to wage_war __PUNCT__

five year have gone by sinc that fate decis __PUNCT__

thi war ha now last longer than world_war i __PUNCT__ world_war_ii __PUNCT__ or the civil_war __PUNCT__

nearli four thousand american have given their live __PUNCT__

thousand more have been wound __PUNCT__

even under the best case_scenario __PUNCT__ thi war will cost american_taxpay well over a trillion_dollar __PUNCT__

and where ar we for all of thi sacrific __PUNCT__ we ar less safe and less abl to shape event abroad __PUNCT__

we ar divid at home __PUNCT__ and our allianc around the world have been strain __PUNCT__

the threat of a new centuri have roil the water of peac and stabil __PUNCT__ and yet america remain anchor in iraq __PUNCT__

histori will catalog the reason why we wage a war that didn't need to be fought __PUNCT__ but two stand out __PUNCT__

in __NUM__ when the fate decis about iraq were made __PUNCT__ there wa a presid for whom ideolog overrod pragmat __PUNCT__ and there were too mani politician in washington who spent too littl time read the intellig_report __PUNCT__ and too much time read public_opinion __PUNCT__

the lesson of iraq is that when we ar make_decis about matter as grave as war __PUNCT__ we need a polici root in reason and fact __PUNCT__ not ideolog and polit __PUNCT__

now we ar debat who should be our next command in chief __PUNCT__

and i am run for presid becaus it time to turn the page on a fail ideolog and a fundament flaw polit_strategi __PUNCT__ so that we can make pragmat judgment to keep our countri safe __PUNCT__

that what i did when i stood up and oppos thi war from the start __PUNCT__ and said that we need to finish the fight against al_qaeda __PUNCT__

and that what i do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

senat_clinton sai that she and senat_mccain have pass a __PUNCT__ command in chief test __PUNCT__ not becaus of the judgment thei made __PUNCT__ but becaus of the year thei spent in washington __PUNCT__

she made a similar argument when she said her vote for war wa base on her experi at both end of pennsylvania_avenu __PUNCT__

but here is the stark realiti __PUNCT__ there is a secur gap in thi countri __PUNCT__ a gap between the rhetor of those who claim to be tough on nation_secur __PUNCT__ and the realiti of grow insecur caus by their decis __PUNCT__

a gap between washington experi __PUNCT__ and the wisdom of washington judgment __PUNCT__

a gap between the rhetor of those who tout their support for our troop __PUNCT__ and the overburden state of our militari __PUNCT__

it is time to have a debat with john_mccain about the futur of our nation_secur __PUNCT__

and the wai to win that debat is not to compet with john_mccain over who ha more experi in washington __PUNCT__ becaus that a contest that he win __PUNCT__

the wai to win a debat with john mccain is not to talk __PUNCT__ and act __PUNCT__ and vote like him on nation_secur __PUNCT__ becaus then we all lose __PUNCT__

the wai to win that debat and to keep america safe is to offer a clear contrast __PUNCT__ and that what i will do when i am the nomine of the democrat_parti __PUNCT__ becaus sinc befor thi war in iraq began __PUNCT__ i have made differ judgment __PUNCT__ i have a differ vision __PUNCT__ and i will offer a clean break from the fail polici and polit of the past __PUNCT__

nowher is that break more badli need than in iraq __PUNCT__

in the year sinc presid_bush announc the surg __PUNCT__ the bloodiest year of the war for america __PUNCT__ the level of violenc in iraq ha been reduc __PUNCT__

our troop __PUNCT__ includ so mani from fort bragg and pope air_forc base __PUNCT__ have done a brilliant job under difficult circumst __PUNCT__

yet while we have a gener who ha us improv tactic to reduc violenc __PUNCT__ we still have the wrong strategi __PUNCT__

as gener_petraeu ha himself acknowledg __PUNCT__ the iraqi ar not achiev the polit_progress need to end their civil_war __PUNCT__

beyond iraq __PUNCT__ our militari is badli overstretch __PUNCT__ and we have neither the strategi nor resourc to deal with nearli everi other nation_secur challeng we face __PUNCT__

thi is why the judgment that matter most on iraq __PUNCT__ and on ani decis to deploi militari_forc __PUNCT__ is the judgment made first __PUNCT__

if you believ we ar fight the right war __PUNCT__ then the problem we face ar pure tactic in natur __PUNCT__

that is what senat_mccain want to discuss __PUNCT__ tactic __PUNCT__

what he and the administr have fail to present is an overarch strategi __PUNCT__ how the war in iraq enhanc our long __PUNCT__ term secur __PUNCT__ or will in the futur __PUNCT__

that why thi administr cannot answer the simpl question pose by senat_john warner in hear last year __PUNCT__ ar we safer becaus of thi war __PUNCT__ and that is why senat_mccain can argu __PUNCT__ as he did last year __PUNCT__ that we couldn't leav_iraq becaus violenc wa up __PUNCT__ and then argu thi year that we can't leav iraq becaus violenc is down __PUNCT__

when you have no overarch strategi __PUNCT__ there is no clear definit of success __PUNCT__

success come to be defin as the abil to maintain a flaw polici indefinit __PUNCT__

here is the truth __PUNCT__ fight a war without end will not forc the iraqi to take respons for their own futur __PUNCT__

and fight in a war without end will not make the american_peopl safer __PUNCT__

so when i am command __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ chief __PUNCT__ i will set a new goal on dai on __PUNCT__ i will end thi war __PUNCT__

not becaus polit compel it __PUNCT__

not becaus our troop cannot bear the burden __PUNCT__ as heavi as it is __PUNCT__

but becaus it is the right thing to do for our nation_secur __PUNCT__ and it will ultim make us safer __PUNCT__

in order to end thi war respons __PUNCT__ i will immedi begin to remov our troop from iraq __PUNCT__

we can respons remov __NUM__ to __NUM__ combat brigad each month __PUNCT__

if we start with the number of brigad we have in iraq todai __PUNCT__ we can remov all of them __NUM___month __PUNCT__

after thi redeploy __PUNCT__ we will leav enough troop in iraq to guard our embassi and diplomat __PUNCT__ and a counter __PUNCT__ terror forc to strike al_qaeda if it form a base that the iraqi cannot destroi __PUNCT__

what i propos is not __PUNCT__ and never ha been __PUNCT__ a precipit drawdown __PUNCT__

it is instead a detail and prudent plan that will end a war nearli seven year after it start __PUNCT__

my plan to end thi war will final put_pressur on iraq leader to take respons for their futur __PUNCT__

becaus we learn that when we tell iraq leader that we stai as long as it take __PUNCT__ thei take as long as thei want __PUNCT__

we need to send a differ messag __PUNCT__

we will help iraq reach a meaning accord on nation reconcili __PUNCT__

we will engag with everi countri in the region __PUNCT__ and the un __PUNCT__ to support the stabil and territori integr of iraq __PUNCT__

and we will launch a major humanitarian initi to support iraq refuge and peopl __PUNCT__

but iraqi must take respons for their countri __PUNCT__

it is precis thi kind of approach __PUNCT__ an approach that put the onu on the iraqi __PUNCT__ and that reli on more than just militari_power __PUNCT__ that is need to stabil iraq __PUNCT__

let me be clear __PUNCT__ end thi war is not go to be easi __PUNCT__

there will be danger involv __PUNCT__

we will have to make tactic adjust __PUNCT__ listen to our command on the ground __PUNCT__ to ensur that our interest in a stabl iraq ar met __PUNCT__ and to make sure that our troop ar secur __PUNCT__

senat_clinton ha tri to us my posit to score polit point __PUNCT__ suggest that i am somehow less commit to end the war __PUNCT__

she make thi argument despit the fact that she ha taken the same_posit in the past __PUNCT__

so ask yourself __PUNCT__ who do you trust to end a war __PUNCT__ someon who oppos the war from the begin __PUNCT__ or someon who start oppos it when thei start prepar a run for presid __PUNCT__

now we know what we hear from those like john_mccain who support open __PUNCT__ end war __PUNCT__

thei will argu that leav_iraq is surrend __PUNCT__

that we ar embolden the enemi __PUNCT__

these ar the mistaken and mislead argument we hear from those who have fail to demonstr how the war in iraq ha made us safer __PUNCT__

just yesterdai __PUNCT__ we heard senat_mccain confus sunni and shiit __PUNCT__ iran and al_qaeda __PUNCT__

mayb that is why he vote to go to war with a countri that had no al qaeda ti __PUNCT__

mayb that is why he complet fail to understand that the war in iraq ha done more to embolden america enemi than ani strateg choic that we have made in decad __PUNCT__

the war in iraq ha embolden iran __PUNCT__ which pose the greatest_challeng to american_interest in the middl_east in a gener __PUNCT__ continu it nuclear_program and threaten our alli __PUNCT__ israel __PUNCT__

instead of the new middl_east we were promis __PUNCT__ hama run gaza __PUNCT__ hizbollah flag fly from the rooftop in sadr citi __PUNCT__ and iran is hand out monei_left and right in southern_lebanon __PUNCT__

the war in iraq ha embolden north_korea __PUNCT__ which built new nuclear_weapon and even test on befor the administr final went against it own rhetor __PUNCT__ and pursu diplomaci __PUNCT__

the war in iraq ha embolden the taliban __PUNCT__ which ha rebuilt it strength sinc we took our ey off of afghanistan __PUNCT__

abov all __PUNCT__ the war in iraq ha embolden al_qaeda __PUNCT__ whose recruit ha jump and whose leadership enjoi a safe __PUNCT__ haven in pakistan __PUNCT__ a thousand_mile from iraq __PUNCT__

the central front in the war against terror is not iraq __PUNCT__ and it never wa __PUNCT__

what more could america enemi ask for than an endless_war where thei recruit new follow and try out new tactic on a battlefield so far from their base of oper __PUNCT__ that is why my presid will shift our focu __PUNCT__

rather than fight a war that doe not need to be fought __PUNCT__ we need to start fight the battl that need to be won on the central front of the war against al_qaeda in afghanistan and pakistan __PUNCT__

thi is the area where the 9/11_attack were plan __PUNCT__

thi is where osama_bin_laden and hi top lieuten still hide __PUNCT__

thi is where extrem pose it greatest_threat __PUNCT__

yet in both afghanistan and pakistan __PUNCT__ we have pursu flaw strategi that ar too distant from the need of the peopl __PUNCT__ and too timid in pursuit of our common_enemi __PUNCT__

it mai not domin the even new __PUNCT__ but in afghanistan __PUNCT__ last year wa the most deadli sinc __NUM__ __PUNCT__

suicid attack ar up __PUNCT__

casualti ar up __PUNCT__

corrupt and drug_traffick ar rampant __PUNCT__

neither the govern nor the legal economi can meet the need of the afghan_peopl __PUNCT__

it is not too late to prevail in afghanistan __PUNCT__

but we cannot prevail until we reduc our commit in iraq __PUNCT__ which will allow us to do what i call for last __DATE__ __PUNCT__ provid at least two addit combat brigad to support our effort in afghanistan __PUNCT__

thi increas commit in turn can be us to leverag greater assist __PUNCT__ with fewer restrict __PUNCT__ from our nato alli __PUNCT__

it will also allow us to invest more in train afghan secur_forc __PUNCT__ includ more joint nato oper with the afghan armi __PUNCT__ and a nation_polic train plan that is effect coordin and resourc __PUNCT__

a step up militari commit must be back by a long __PUNCT__ term_invest in the afghan_peopl __PUNCT__

we will start with an addit___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion in non militari assist each year __PUNCT__ aid that is focus on reach ordinari afghan __PUNCT__

we need to improv daili_life by support educ __PUNCT__ basic infrastructur and human_servic __PUNCT__

we have to counter the opium_trade by support altern livelihood for afghan farmer __PUNCT__

and we must call on more support from friend and alli __PUNCT__ and better coordin under a strong intern coordin __PUNCT__

to succe in afghanistan __PUNCT__ we also need to fundament rethink our pakistan polici __PUNCT__

for year __PUNCT__ we have support stabil over democraci in pakistan __PUNCT__ and gotten neither __PUNCT__

the core leadership of al_qaeda ha a safe __PUNCT__ haven in pakistan __PUNCT__

the taliban ar abl to strike insid afghanistan and then return to the mountain of the pakistani border __PUNCT__

throughout pakistan __PUNCT__ domest unrest ha been rise __PUNCT__

the full democrat aspir of the pakistani peopl have been too long deni __PUNCT__

a child grow up in pakistan __PUNCT__ more often than not __PUNCT__ is taught to see america as a sourc of hate __PUNCT__ not hope __PUNCT__

thi is why i stood up last summer and said we cannot base our entir pakistan polici on presid musharraf __PUNCT__

pakistan is our alli __PUNCT__ but we do our own secur and our alli no favor by support it presid while we ar seen to be ignor the interest of the peopl __PUNCT__

our counter __PUNCT__ terror assist must be condit on pakistani action to root out the al qaeda sanctuari __PUNCT__

and ani u. __PUNCT__ aid not directli need for the fight against al qaeda or to invest in the pakistani peopl should be condit on the full restor of pakistan democraci and rule of law __PUNCT__

the choic is not between musharraf and islam extremist __PUNCT__

as the recent legisl elect show __PUNCT__ there is a moder major of pakistani __PUNCT__ and thei ar the peopl we need on our side to win the war against al qaeda __PUNCT__

that is why we should dramat_increas our support for the pakistani peopl __PUNCT__ for educ __PUNCT__ econom_develop __PUNCT__ and democrat_institut __PUNCT__

that child in pakistan must know that we want a better life for him __PUNCT__ that america is on hi side __PUNCT__ and that hi interest in opportun is our interest as well __PUNCT__

that the promis that america must stand for __PUNCT__

and for hi sake and our __PUNCT__ we cannot toler a sanctuari for terrorist who threaten america homeland and pakistan stabil __PUNCT__

if we have action intellig about high __PUNCT__ level al_qaeda target in pakistan border region __PUNCT__ we must act if pakistan will not or cannot __PUNCT__

senat_clinton __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ and presid_bush have all distort and derid thi posit __PUNCT__ suggest that i would invad or bomb pakistan __PUNCT__

thi is polit __PUNCT__ pure and simpl __PUNCT__

my posit __PUNCT__ in fact __PUNCT__ is the same pragmat polici that all three of them have belatedli __PUNCT__ if tacitli __PUNCT__ acknowledg is on we should pursu __PUNCT__

inde __PUNCT__ it wa month after i call for thi polici that a top al_qaeda leader wa taken out in pakistan by an american aircraft __PUNCT__

and rememb that the same three individu who now critic me for support a target strike on the terrorist who carri out the 9/11_attack __PUNCT__ ar the same three individu that support an invas of iraq __PUNCT__ a countri that had noth to do with 9/11 __PUNCT__

it is precis thi kind of polit point __PUNCT__ score that ha open up the secur gap in thi countri __PUNCT__

we have a secur gap when candid sai thei will follow osama_bin_laden to the gate of hell __PUNCT__ but refus to follow him where he actual goe __PUNCT__

what we need in our next command in chief is not a stubborn refus to acknowledg realiti or empti rhetor about __TIME__ phone_call __PUNCT__

what we need is a pragmat strategi that focus on fight our real enemi __PUNCT__ rebuild allianc __PUNCT__ and renew our engag with the world_peopl __PUNCT__

in addit to free up resourc to take the fight to al_qaeda __PUNCT__ end the war in iraq will allow us to more effect confront other threat in the world __PUNCT__ threat that cannot be conquer with an occupi armi or dispatch with a singl decis in the middl of the night __PUNCT__

what li in the heart of a child in pakistan matter as much as the airplan we sell her govern __PUNCT__

what in the head of a scientist from russia can be as lethal as a plutonium reactor in yongbyon __PUNCT__

what whisper in refuge_camp in chad can be as danger as a dictat bluster __PUNCT__

these ar the neglect landscap of the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ where technolog and extrem empow individu just as thei give govern the abil to repress them __PUNCT__ where the ancient divid of region and religion wash into the swift current of global __PUNCT__

without american leadership __PUNCT__ these threat will fester __PUNCT__

with strong american leadership __PUNCT__ we can shape them into opportun to protect our common secur and advanc our common human __PUNCT__ for it ha alwai been the geniu of american leadership to find opportun embed in advers __PUNCT__ to focu on a sourc of fear __PUNCT__ and confront it with hope __PUNCT__

here ar just five wai in which a shift in strategi awai from iraq will help us address the critic challeng of the __NUM__ centuri __PUNCT__

first __PUNCT__ in address global terror and violent extrem __PUNCT__ we need the kind of comprehens counter __PUNCT__ terror strategi i call for last __DATE__ __PUNCT__

we need to strengthen secur partnership to take out terrorist network __PUNCT__ while invest in educ and opportun __PUNCT__

we need to give our nation_secur agenc the tool thei need __PUNCT__ while restor the adher to rule of law that help us win the battl for heart and mind __PUNCT__

thi mean close guantanamo __PUNCT__ restor habea_corpu __PUNCT__ and respect civil_liberti __PUNCT__

and we need to support the forc of moder in the islam_world __PUNCT__ so that allianc of conveni matur into friendship of convict __PUNCT__

second __PUNCT__ the threat of nuclear prolifer must serv as a call to action __PUNCT__

i have work across the aisl with richard lugar and chuck hagel in the senat to secur danger weapon and loos nuclear materi __PUNCT__

and as presid __PUNCT__ i will secur all loos nuclear materi around the world in my first term __PUNCT__ seek deep cut in global nuclear_arsen __PUNCT__ strengthen the nuclear non __PUNCT__ prolifer_treati __PUNCT__ and onc more seek a world without nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__

third __PUNCT__ the danger of weak and fail_state risk spread poverti and refuge __PUNCT__ genocid and diseas __PUNCT__

now is the time to meet the goal of cut extrem_poverti in half __PUNCT__ in part by doubl our foreign assist while demand more from those who receiv it __PUNCT__

and now is the time to build the capac of region partner in conflict prevent __PUNCT__ peacekeep __PUNCT__ and the reconstruct of ravag societi __PUNCT__

fourth __PUNCT__ the catastroph consequ of the global_climat climat_crisi ar match by the promis of collect_action __PUNCT__

now is the time for america to lead __PUNCT__ becaus if we take action __PUNCT__ other will act as well __PUNCT__

through our own cap and trade_system and invest in new sourc of energi __PUNCT__ we can end our depend on foreign_oil and ga __PUNCT__ and free ourselv from the tyranni of oil __PUNCT__ rich state from saudi_arabia to russia to venezuela __PUNCT__

we can creat million of new job here in america __PUNCT__

and we can secur our planet for our children and grandchildren __PUNCT__

and fifth __PUNCT__ america sluggish economi risk cede our econom promin to a rise china __PUNCT__

competit ha alwai been a catalyst for american innov __PUNCT__ and now should be no differ __PUNCT__

we must invest in the educ of our children __PUNCT__ renew our leadership in scienc __PUNCT__ and advanc trade that is not just free __PUNCT__ but fair for our worker __PUNCT__

we must ensur that america is the econom engin in the __NUM___centuri just as we were in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i have no illus that ani of thi will be easi __PUNCT__

but i do know that we can onli begin to make these chang when we end the mindset that focus on iraq and ignor the rest of the world __PUNCT__

i also know that meet these new threat will requir a presid who deploi the power of tough __PUNCT__ principl diplomaci __PUNCT__

it is time to present a countri like iran with a clear choic __PUNCT__

if it abandon it nuclear_program __PUNCT__ support for terror __PUNCT__ and threat to israel __PUNCT__ then iran can rejoin the commun of nation __PUNCT__ with all the benefit that entail __PUNCT__

if not __PUNCT__ iran will face deeper isol and steeper sanction __PUNCT__

when we engag directli __PUNCT__ we will be in a stronger posit to ralli real intern support for increas pressur __PUNCT__

we will also engend more goodwil from the iranian peopl __PUNCT__

and make no mistak __PUNCT__ if and when we ever have to us militari_forc against ani countri __PUNCT__ we must exert the power of american diplomaci first __PUNCT__

onc again __PUNCT__ senat_clinton __PUNCT__ senat_mccain __PUNCT__ and presid_bush have made the same_argument against my posit on diplomaci __PUNCT__ as if read from the same polit playbook __PUNCT__

thei sai i be pencil the world dictat on to my social calendar __PUNCT__

but just as thei ar misrepres my posit __PUNCT__ thei ar mistaken in stand up for a polici of not talk that is not work __PUNCT__

what i said is that we cannot seiz opportun to resolv our problem unless we creat them __PUNCT__

that is what kennedi did with khrushchev __PUNCT__ what nixon did with mao __PUNCT__ what reagan did with gorbachev __PUNCT__

and that is what i will do as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

what i have talk about todai is a new strategi __PUNCT__ a new set of prioriti for pursu our interest in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

and as presid __PUNCT__ i will provid the tool requir to implement thi strategi __PUNCT__

when presid truman put the polici of contain in place __PUNCT__ he also invest in and organ our govern to carri it out __PUNCT__ creat the nation_secur secur_council and the cia __PUNCT__ and found nato __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ we must upgrad our tool of power to fit a new strategi __PUNCT__

that start with enhanc the finest militari in the histori of the world __PUNCT__

as command in chief __PUNCT__ i will begin by give a militari overstretch by iraq the support it need __PUNCT__

it is time to reduc the strain on our troop by complet the effort to increas our ground forc by __NUM___soldier and __NUM__ marin __PUNCT__ while ensur the qualiti of our troop __PUNCT__

in an ag mark by technolog __PUNCT__ it is the peopl of our militari __PUNCT__ our soldier __PUNCT__ sailor __PUNCT__ airmen __PUNCT__ marin __PUNCT__ and coast guardsmen __PUNCT__ who bear the respons for complex mission __PUNCT__

that is why we need to ensur adequ train and time home between deploy __PUNCT__

that is why we need to expand our special_forc __PUNCT__

and that is why we must increas invest in capabl like civil affair and train foreign militari __PUNCT__

but we cannot place the burden of a new nation_secur strategi on our militari alon __PUNCT__

we must integr our diplomat __PUNCT__ inform __PUNCT__ econom and militari_power __PUNCT__

that is why __PUNCT__ as soon as i take offic __PUNCT__ i will call for a nation_strategi and secur review __PUNCT__ to help determin a __NUM___centuri inter __PUNCT__ agenc structur to integr the element of our nation power __PUNCT__

in addit __PUNCT__ i will invest in our civilian capac to oper alongsid our troop in post __PUNCT__ conflict zone and on humanitarian and stabil mission __PUNCT__

instead of shutter consul in tough corner of the world __PUNCT__ it time to grow our foreign servic and to expand usaid __PUNCT__

instead of give up on the determin of young_peopl to serv __PUNCT__ it time to doubl the size of our peac corp __PUNCT__

instead of let peopl_learn about america from enemi propaganda __PUNCT__ it time to recruit __PUNCT__ train __PUNCT__ and send out into the world an america voic corp __PUNCT__

and while we strengthen our own capac __PUNCT__ we must strengthen the capabl of the intern_commun __PUNCT__

we honor nato sacrific in afghanistan __PUNCT__ but we must strive to make it a larger and more nimbl allianc __PUNCT__

we must work with power like russia and china __PUNCT__ but we must also speak up for human right and democraci __PUNCT__ and we can start now by speak out for the human right and religi_freedom of the peopl of tibet __PUNCT__

and while we ar frustrat by the un __PUNCT__ we must invest in it capabl to keep the peac __PUNCT__ resolv disput __PUNCT__ monitor disarma __PUNCT__ and support good_govern around the world __PUNCT__ and that depend on a more engag unit_state __PUNCT__

we ar at a defin moment in our histori __PUNCT__

we can choos the path of unend war and unilater action __PUNCT__ and sap our strength and stand __PUNCT__

we can choos the path of disengag __PUNCT__ and cede our leadership __PUNCT__

or __PUNCT__ we can meet fear and danger head __PUNCT__ on with hope and strength __PUNCT__ with common_purpos as a unit america __PUNCT__ and with common caus with old alli and new partner __PUNCT__

what we seen these last few year is what happen when the rigid ideolog and dysfunct_polit of washington is project abroad __PUNCT__

an ideolog that doe not fit the shape of the time cannot shape event in foreign_countri __PUNCT__

a polit that is base on fear and divis doe not allow us to call on the world to hope __PUNCT__ and keep us from come togeth as on peopl __PUNCT__ as on nation __PUNCT__ to write the next great chapter in the american stori __PUNCT__

we also know that there is anoth face of america that we have seen these last five year __PUNCT__

from down the road at fort bragg __PUNCT__ our soldier have gone abroad with a greater sens of common_purpos than their leader in washington __PUNCT__

thei have learn the lesson of the __NUM___centuri war __PUNCT__

and thei have shown a sens of servic and selfless that repres the veri best of the american_charact __PUNCT__

thi must be the elect when we stand up and sai that we will serv them as well as thei have serv us __PUNCT__

thi must be the elect when america come togeth behind a common_purpos on behalf of our secur and our valu __PUNCT__

that is what we do as american __PUNCT__

it how we found a republ base on freedom __PUNCT__ and face down fascism __PUNCT__

it how we defend democraci through a cold_war __PUNCT__ and shine a light of hope bright enough to be seen in the darkest corner of the world __PUNCT__

when america lead with principl and pragmat __PUNCT__ hope can triumph over fear __PUNCT__

it is time __PUNCT__ onc again __PUNCT__ for america to lead __PUNCT__