This speech titled 2008.04.14 originally had 3087 tokens. You can view the original text here.
be here in pennsylvania with the primari come up __PUNCT__ i know that polit is what on a lot of peopl_mind __PUNCT__
but as i look out at thi crowd __PUNCT__ i also know that be here isn't just about polit for me __PUNCT__
it person __PUNCT__
becaus it remind me why i enter public_servic in the first place __PUNCT__
as some of you might know __PUNCT__ after colleg __PUNCT__ i went to work as a commun_organ for a group of church on the south_side of chicago __PUNCT__
the job wa to help lift commun that had been devast when the local steel plant fell on hard_time __PUNCT__
thousand of folk had been laid off and some plant were close down __PUNCT__
and i can still rememb the first time i saw a shutter steel_mill __PUNCT__
it wa late in the afternoon and i took a drive with anoth organ over to the old wisconsin steel plant on the southeast side of chicago __PUNCT__
some of you mai know it __PUNCT__
and as we drove up __PUNCT__ i saw a sight that probabl familiar to some of you __PUNCT__
i saw a plant that wa empti and rusti __PUNCT__
and behind a chain __PUNCT__ link fenc __PUNCT__ i saw weed sprout up through the concret __PUNCT__ and an old mangi cat run around __PUNCT__
and i thought about all the good_job it us to provid __PUNCT__ and all the kid who us to work there in the summer to make some extra_monei for colleg __PUNCT__
what i came to understand wa that when a plant shut down __PUNCT__ it not just the worker who pai a price __PUNCT__ it the whole commun __PUNCT__
i saw folk who felt like their govern wasn't look out for them and who had given up hope __PUNCT__
so i work with union and the citi_govern __PUNCT__ and we brought the commun togeth to fight for it common futur __PUNCT__
we gave job __PUNCT__ train to the jobless and hope to the hopeless __PUNCT__ and block by block __PUNCT__ we help turn those neighborhood around __PUNCT__
more than twenti_year later __PUNCT__ as i travel across pennsylvania __PUNCT__ and west_virginia __PUNCT__ and ohio __PUNCT__ and all across thi countri __PUNCT__ i still see too mani place where plant have close down and where folk ar feel like thei not get a fair shot at life __PUNCT__ like their dream ar slip further out of reach __PUNCT__
and that partli becaus of the same_kind of global_econom econom_pressur that led steel plant in chicago to close down in the 1980 __PUNCT__
but it also becaus georg_bush ha pursu polici that don't work for work_american __PUNCT__
in recent_year __PUNCT__ we seen more than __NUM___million high __PUNCT__ qualiti manufactur_job disappear __PUNCT__ and more than __NUM__ factori close down __PUNCT__
and more often than not __PUNCT__ the few job that ar be creat pai less than the on we lose and come without health_insur or a pension __PUNCT__ which make it even harder for famili to feel_secur about their futur __PUNCT__
but we also know thi is a problem that goe beyond the failur of georg_bush __PUNCT__ becaus for decad __PUNCT__ through both democrat and republican_administr __PUNCT__ we seen the number of american __PUNCT__ own steel compani dwindl down __PUNCT__
for decad __PUNCT__ our econom_polici have been written to pump up a corpor bottom_line __PUNCT__ rather than promot what right __PUNCT__ without ani consider for the burden we all bear when worker ar abus or the environ is destroi __PUNCT__
it an outrag __PUNCT__ but it not an accid __PUNCT__ becaus corpor_lobbyist in washington ar write our law and put their client __PUNCT__ interest ahead of what fair for the american_peopl __PUNCT__
the men and women you repres haven't been get a seat at the tabl when trade_agreement ar be negoti __PUNCT__ or tax_polici ar be written __PUNCT__ or health_care and pension law ar be design becaus the special_interest have bought everi chair __PUNCT__
that not the america i believ in __PUNCT__
that not the america you believ in __PUNCT__
and that why when i presid __PUNCT__ we make sure washington serv nobodi interest but the peopl __PUNCT__
you know __PUNCT__ there been a lot of talk in thi campaign late about who __PUNCT__ in touch __PUNCT__ with the worker of pennsylvania __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_mccain ar sing from the same hymn book __PUNCT__ sai that i __PUNCT__ out of touch __PUNCT__ an __PUNCT__ elitist __PUNCT__ becaus i said a lot of folk ar bitter about their econom circumst __PUNCT__
now it mai be that i chose my word badli __PUNCT__
it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last __PUNCT__
but when i hear my oppon __PUNCT__ both of whom have spent decad in washington __PUNCT__ sai i out of touch __PUNCT__ it time to cut through their rhetor and look at the realiti __PUNCT__
after all __PUNCT__ you heard thi kind of rhetor befor __PUNCT__
around elect time __PUNCT__ the candid can't do enough for you __PUNCT__
thei __PUNCT__ promis you anyth __PUNCT__ give you a long_list of propos and even come around __PUNCT__ with tv crew in tow __PUNCT__ to throw back a shot and a beer __PUNCT__
but if those same candid ar take million of dollar in contribut from the pac and lobbyist __PUNCT__ ask yourself __PUNCT__ who ar thei go to be toast onc the elect is over __PUNCT__
i the onli candid who doesn't take monei from corpor pac and lobbyist __PUNCT__ and i here to tell you that you can count on me to stand up for you after thi elect __PUNCT__ just as i been stand up for worker all my life __PUNCT__
that why i run for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
senat_clinton and senat_mccain question my respect for the worker of pennsylvania __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ let me tell you how i believ you demonstr your respect __PUNCT__
you do it by tell the truth and keep your word __PUNCT__ so folk can know that where you stand todai is where you stand tomorrow __PUNCT__
the truth is __PUNCT__ trade is here to stai __PUNCT__
we live in a global_economi __PUNCT__
for america_futur to be as bright as our past __PUNCT__ we have to compet __PUNCT__
we have to win __PUNCT__
not everi job that ha left is come back __PUNCT__
and not everi job_lost is due to trade __PUNCT__ autom ha made plant more effici so thei can make the same_amount of steel with few worker __PUNCT__
these ar the realiti __PUNCT__
i also don't oppos all trade_deal __PUNCT__
i vote for two of them becaus thei have the worker and environment agreement i believ in __PUNCT__
some of you disagre with me on thi but i did what i thought wa right __PUNCT__
that the truth __PUNCT__
but let me tell you what els i believ in __PUNCT__
for america to win __PUNCT__ american_worker have to win __PUNCT__ too __PUNCT__
if ceo_pai keep rise __PUNCT__ while the standard of live for their worker continu to declin __PUNCT__ that not a win for america __PUNCT__
that why i oppos nafta __PUNCT__ it why i oppos cafta __PUNCT__ and it why i said ani trade_agreement i would support had to contain real __PUNCT__ enforc standard for worker __PUNCT__
that why i believ the perman normal trade agreement with china didn't do enough to ensur fair and complianc __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ you can have a debat about whether my posit is right or wrong __PUNCT__
but here what you can't do __PUNCT__
you can't spend the better part of two decad campaign for nafta and pntr for china __PUNCT__ and then come here to pennsylvania __PUNCT__ and tell the steelwork you been with them all along __PUNCT__
you can't sai you ar oppos to the colombia trade_deal __PUNCT__ while your kei strategist is work for the colombian govern to get the deal pass __PUNCT__
that not respect __PUNCT__
that just more of the same old washington polit __PUNCT__
and we can't afford more of the same __PUNCT__
we need real chang __PUNCT__ and that what i offer __PUNCT__
i offer a new __PUNCT__ more transpar and more inclus path on trade so we can help promot an integr global_economi where the cost and benefit ar distribut more equit __PUNCT__
and it start with a principl i alwai believ in __PUNCT__ that trade should work for all american __PUNCT__
that why we need to final confront the issu of trade with china __PUNCT__
as i said befor __PUNCT__ america and the world can benefit from trade with china __PUNCT__
but trade with china will onli be good for you if china itself plai by the rule and act as a posit forc for balanc world growth __PUNCT__
see the live_standard of the chines_peopl improv is a good_thing __PUNCT__ good becaus we want a stabl china __PUNCT__ and good becaus china can be a power market for american export __PUNCT__
but too often __PUNCT__ china ha been compet in wai that ar tilt the plai_field __PUNCT__
it not just that china is follow the path taken by so mani other countri befor it __PUNCT__ and dump good into our market while not open their own market __PUNCT__ someth i spoken out against __PUNCT__
it not just that thei violat intellectu_properti right __PUNCT__
thei also grossli undervalu their currenc __PUNCT__ and give their good yet anoth unfair advantag __PUNCT__
each year thei had the chanc __PUNCT__ the bush_administr ha fail to do anyth about thi __PUNCT__
that unaccept __PUNCT__
that why i co __PUNCT__ sponsor the currenc exchang_rate oversight reform act __PUNCT__
and that why as presid __PUNCT__ i us all the diplomat avenu open to me to insist that china stop manipul it currenc __PUNCT__
we also have to make sure that whatev good we import ar safe for our famili __PUNCT__
we all saw the harm that wa caus by lead toi from china that were reach our store shelv __PUNCT__
a few month_ago __PUNCT__ when i call for a ban on ani toi that have more than a trace amount of lead __PUNCT__ an offici at china foreign_ministri said i wa be __PUNCT__ unobject __PUNCT__ unreason __PUNCT__ and unfair __PUNCT__
but i don't think protect our children is __PUNCT__ unreason __PUNCT__ i think it our oblig as parent and as american __PUNCT__
when it come to trade __PUNCT__ there no on __PUNCT__ size __PUNCT__ fit __PUNCT__ all approach __PUNCT__
if countri ar commit to reciproc __PUNCT__ if thei ar abid by basic rule of the road __PUNCT__ then we should welcom trade __PUNCT__
mani poor_countri need access to our market and pose no threat to our worker __PUNCT__
but what all trade_agreement i negoti as presid will have in common is that thei all put american_worker first __PUNCT__
we won't ignor violenc against union_organ in colombia __PUNCT__ or the non __PUNCT__ tariff barrier that keep u. __PUNCT__ car out of south_korea __PUNCT__
and we won't just negoti fair_trade trade_agreement __PUNCT__ we make sure thei be fulli enforc __PUNCT__
georg_bush ha been far too slow to press american right __PUNCT__
that an outrag __PUNCT__
when our trade_partner sign an agreement with the obama_administr __PUNCT__ you can trust that we hold them to it __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ if we seriou about stand up for american_worker around the world __PUNCT__ we also have to fight for you here at home __PUNCT__
that mean pass univers_health_care and make sure everi american ha insur you can take with you even if you lose your job __PUNCT__ and that a colleg_degre is within reach __PUNCT__ even if you not rich __PUNCT__ becaus all our children should have the skill to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__
and it also mean protect the right of our worker __PUNCT__
it time we had a presid who didn't choke sai the word __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__
we need to strengthen our union by let them do what thei do best __PUNCT__ organ our worker __PUNCT__
if a major of worker want a union __PUNCT__ thei should get a union __PUNCT__ no matter whether thei full __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__ or part __PUNCT__ time __PUNCT__ or contract_worker __PUNCT__
and that is why i will fight for and why i intend to sign the employe free choic act when it land on my desk in the white_hous __PUNCT__
here what els i do __PUNCT__ we pass the patriot employ act that i been work on sinc i got to the senat __PUNCT__ so we can stop give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ and start give them to compani that creat good_job with decent_wage here in america __PUNCT__
and to those who think that the declin in american_manufactur is inevit __PUNCT__ or that manufactur ha no place in a __NUM___centuri economi __PUNCT__ we sai right here and right now that the fight for manufactur futur is the fight for america_futur __PUNCT__
and that why we modern our steel_industri __PUNCT__ strengthen our entir domest manufactur_base __PUNCT__ and open as mani market as we can to american_manufactur good when i presid __PUNCT__
we also make necessari long __PUNCT__ term_invest in job __PUNCT__ growth __PUNCT__
back in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ american were put to work build the interst highwai_system and that help expand the middl_class in thi countri __PUNCT__
we need to show the same_kind of leadership todai __PUNCT__
that why i call for a nation infrastructur reinvest bank that will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year and gener million of new job __PUNCT__
we can't keep stand by while our road and bridg and airport crumbl and decai __PUNCT__
we can't keep run our economi on debt __PUNCT__
for our economi __PUNCT__ our safeti __PUNCT__ and our worker __PUNCT__ we have to rebuild america __PUNCT__
and we need to invest in green_technolog __PUNCT__
we can't keep send billion of dollar to foreign_nation becaus of our addict to oil __PUNCT__
we should be invest in american_compani that invest in american __PUNCT__ manufactur solar_panel and windmil __PUNCT__ and in clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__
that why i propos invest __MONEY___billion over the next ten_year in the green_energi sector __PUNCT__
thi will creat up to five million new american_job __PUNCT__ and those ar job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__
that a promis that we ar make not just to thi gener of american __PUNCT__ but to the next gener of american __PUNCT__
and that why thi will be a prioriti in my administr __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know some will sai we can't afford all thi __PUNCT__
but let me just sai thi __PUNCT__ if we can spend___MONEY___billion a month rebuild iraq __PUNCT__ we can spend___MONEY___billion a year in our own countri to put american back to work and strengthen the long __PUNCT__ term competit of our economi __PUNCT__
so make no mistak __PUNCT__ the american_peopl have a choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
we can talk about our econom_problem with trade all we want __PUNCT__ but unless we chang the broken system in washington __PUNCT__ noth els is go to chang __PUNCT__
we can talk all we want about respect worker and their wai of life __PUNCT__ but unless we have a presid you can trust to listen and put work_american first __PUNCT__ noth is realli go to chang __PUNCT__
and you can trust me __PUNCT__
becaus polit didn't lead me to work folk __PUNCT__ work folk led me to polit __PUNCT__
i wa stand with american_worker on the street of chicago twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__ and the reason i here todai is becaus i don't want to wake up on dai mani year from now and see that our compani ar still get hurt becaus foreign_govern ar still bend or break the rule __PUNCT__ or that we still stand idli by while american_job get ship oversea __PUNCT__ or that we still haven't made the invest in infrastructur and in train our worker that we desper need __PUNCT__
the reason i here todai is becaus i know what it like to go to colleg on student_loan __PUNCT__ and see a mother get sick and worri that mayb she can't pai the bill __PUNCT__
i know what it like to have to scratch and work and claw to build a better life for your famili __PUNCT__
and i don't want to wake up mani year from now and find that the american_dream is still out of reach for too mani american __PUNCT__
the reason i here todai is becaus i believ that if we can just put an end to the polit of divis and distract __PUNCT__ and reclaim that sens that we all have a stake in each other __PUNCT__ that we rise and fall as on nation __PUNCT__ if we can just unit thi countri around a common_purpos __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ hispan __PUNCT__ asian __PUNCT__ and nativ_american __PUNCT__ labor and manag __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ and independ __PUNCT__ there no obstacl we cannot overcom __PUNCT__ no destini we cannot fulfil __PUNCT__
that the fundament truth i learn on the street of chicago __PUNCT__
that the idea at the heart of your allianc for manufactur __PUNCT__
and that the opportun we have in thi elect __PUNCT__
there is a moment in the life of everi gener where that spirit of uniti and hope ha to come through if we go to make our mark on histori __PUNCT__
thi is our moment __PUNCT__
thi is our time __PUNCT__
and if you will march with me __PUNCT__ and organ with me __PUNCT__ if you vote for me __PUNCT__ then i promis you thi __PUNCT__ we will not just win thi democrat_nomin __PUNCT__ we will win the gener_elect and then togeth __PUNCT__ you and i __PUNCT__ we go to chang thi countri __PUNCT__ and we go to chang thi world __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__