This speech titled 2008.04.15.PA originally had 3046 tokens. You can view the original text here.
we meet here at a challeng time for our famili and a challeng time for america __PUNCT__
all across the countri __PUNCT__ american ar anxiou about their futur __PUNCT__
in a global_economi with new rule and new risk __PUNCT__ thei watch their govern do it best to try and shift those risk onto the back of the american_worker __PUNCT__
and thei wonder how thei will ever keep up __PUNCT__
in coffe_shop and town_meet __PUNCT__ in vfw hall and right here in thi room __PUNCT__ the question ar all the same __PUNCT__ will i be abl to leav my children a better world than i wa given __PUNCT__ will i be abl to save enough to send them to colleg or plan for a secur retir __PUNCT__ will my job even be there tomorrow __PUNCT__ who will stand up for me in thi new world __PUNCT__
in thi time of chang and uncertainti __PUNCT__ these question ar expect __PUNCT__ but thi isn't the first time we heard them __PUNCT__
these ar the same_kind of question i heard over two decad_ago after i turn down a job on wall_street and went to work as a commun_organ on the south_side of chicago __PUNCT__
the job wa to help lift up neighborhood that had been devast by the close of local steel plant __PUNCT__
so i work with union and the citi_govern to organ job __PUNCT__ train for the jobless and hope for the hopeless __PUNCT__ and block by block __PUNCT__ we turn those neighborhood around __PUNCT__
it show me the fundament truth that been at the heart of america success __PUNCT__ and at the heart of the labor_movement in thi countri __PUNCT__ the idea that we all have mutual oblig to on anoth __PUNCT__ that i am my brother keeper __PUNCT__ i am my sister keeper __PUNCT__ and that in thi countri __PUNCT__ we rise and fall togeth __PUNCT__
but we know that for the past seven and a half_year __PUNCT__ we had a whole differ philosophi in the white_hous __PUNCT__
thei call it the ownership_societi __PUNCT__ but what it mean is you on your own __PUNCT__
you a worker who been laid off from a job __PUNCT__ tough luck __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__
you a singl_mom try to find health_care for your kid __PUNCT__ tough luck __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__
you a senior whose pension got dump after a lifetim of hard_work __PUNCT__ tough luck __PUNCT__ you on your own __PUNCT__
it not just that thi administr hasn't been fight for you __PUNCT__ thei actual tri to stop you from fight for yourselv __PUNCT__
thi is the most anti __PUNCT__ labor administr in our memori __PUNCT__
thei don't believ in union __PUNCT__
thei don't believ in organ __PUNCT__
thei pack the labor_relat board with their corpor buddi __PUNCT__
well __PUNCT__ we got new for them __PUNCT__ it not the depart of manag __PUNCT__ it the depart of labor __PUNCT__ and we here to take it back __PUNCT__
that why i run for presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ john_mccain seem to think the bush_year have been pretti_good becaus he offer more of the same __PUNCT__
and todai a good remind of that becaus it tax dai __PUNCT__
thi is suppos to be a dai when we pai what we ow to the govern __PUNCT__
but it becom a dai when georg_bush washington reward it friend on wall_street __PUNCT__
john_mccain us to oppos the bush_tax_cut __PUNCT__
he us to sai that he couldn't support a tax cut where __PUNCT__ so mani of the benefit go to the most fortun __PUNCT__ he us to sai that tax cut in a time of war were a bad_idea __PUNCT__ and that thei violat hi __PUNCT__ conscienc __PUNCT__ but somewher along the wai to the republican_nomin __PUNCT__ i guess he figur that he had to stop speak hi mind and start tow the line __PUNCT__ becaus now he want to make those tax_cut perman __PUNCT__
so i respect senat_mccain __PUNCT__
and i honor hi servic to thi nation __PUNCT__
but i don't think america can afford four more year of the fail bush_polici __PUNCT__ and that what he offer __PUNCT__
we need to roll_back the bush __PUNCT__ mccain tax_cut and invest in thing like health_care that ar realli import __PUNCT__
instead of give tax_break to the wealthi who don't need them and weren't even ask for them __PUNCT__ we should be put a middl_class tax_cut into the pocket of work_famili __PUNCT__
that why i the onli candid in thi race who propos a tax_cut that would save our famili __MONEY__ a year __PUNCT__ and elimin incom_tax entir for senior make less than __MONEY__
but let me be clear __PUNCT__ thi isn't just about end the fail polici of the bush_year __PUNCT__ it about end the fail system in washington that produc those polici __PUNCT__
for far too long __PUNCT__ through both democrat and republican_administr __PUNCT__ washington ha allow wall_street to us lobbyist and campaign_contribut to rig the system and get it wai __PUNCT__ no matter what it cost ordinari_american __PUNCT__
think about it __PUNCT__
the top mortgag lender spend___MONEY__ __MONEY___million lobbi_congress __PUNCT__ and we wonder why washington look the other wai when thei were trick famili into bui home thei couldn't afford __PUNCT__
drug and insur_compani spend___MONEY___billion on lobbi __PUNCT__ and we wonder why the cost of health_care continu to shoot up __PUNCT__
when georg_bush put dick_chenei in charg of energi_polici __PUNCT__ chenei met with the environmentalist group onc __PUNCT__ he met with the renew_energi group onc __PUNCT__ and he met with the oil and ga compani forti time __PUNCT__
so it no wonder exxon mobil is make___MONEY__ __MONEY___billion a quarter when you pai close to __MONEY__ a gallon for ga __PUNCT__
we need a presid who think about not just wall_street __PUNCT__ but main_street __PUNCT__ who not just look to bump up a corpor bottom_line __PUNCT__ but to do what right for the american_peopl __PUNCT__
becaus that the onli wai we go to bring about real chang __PUNCT__ chang that will make a last differ in the live of ordinari_american __PUNCT__
i believ i can bring about that chang __PUNCT__ becaus i the onli candid in thi race who actual work to rein in the power of lobbyist by pass histor ethic reform in illinoi and in the u. __PUNCT__ senat __PUNCT__
and i the onli candid who isn't take a dime from washington_lobbyist and pac __PUNCT__
thei have not fund my campaign __PUNCT__ thei will not run my administr __PUNCT__ and thei will not drown out the voic of the american_peopl __PUNCT__ of work_peopl __PUNCT__ of union when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
your voic will be heard __PUNCT__
if you have ani doubt __PUNCT__ you can ask the union_leader in illinoi __PUNCT__
when i wa home talk to some of the local leader there a coupl of year_ago __PUNCT__ thei told me thei were be underbid on project becaus unscrupul builder were game the system __PUNCT__
and i listen __PUNCT__
thei said that on some construct job __PUNCT__ those builder were call their employe __PUNCT__ independ_contractor __PUNCT__ to get out of have to pai employ tax and worker comp or overtim __PUNCT__
that didn't sound right to me __PUNCT__
so i set about lead an effort with senat durbin __PUNCT__ senat kennedi and other in the senat to end thi practic __PUNCT__
becaus if you do the same work as other employe __PUNCT__ you should have worker protect __PUNCT__ the same abil to organ __PUNCT__ and the same wage and benefit __PUNCT__
and i fight to make that the law of the land when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
we make sure washington serv nobodi interest but the peopl __PUNCT__
becaus i don't know about you __PUNCT__ but i tire of plai defens __PUNCT__
i readi to plai some offens __PUNCT__
i know the build and construct trade ar readi to plai offens __PUNCT__
we readi to plai offens for the minimum_wage __PUNCT__
we readi to plai offens for retir secur __PUNCT__
we readi to plai offens for univers_health_care __PUNCT__
it time we stood up to the drug and insur_compani who been block reform for too long and tell them enough is enough __PUNCT__
i refus to accept that in the richest nation on earth __PUNCT__ we have to stand by while __NUM___million_american go without health_insur __PUNCT__ and million more ar be driven to financi ruin try to pai their medic_bill __PUNCT__
i tire of see union_member have to spend all their time negoti about the health_care thei alreadi have when thei should be negoti for better wage that can support their famili __PUNCT__
we go to chang that __PUNCT__
we go to work with employ who ar provid health care for their employe and lower premium by up to __MONEY__ per famili per year __PUNCT__
and for those who don't have health care __PUNCT__ we go to set up a plan that as good as the on i have as a member of congress __PUNCT__
and we not go to do it twenti_year from now __PUNCT__ or ten_year from now __PUNCT__
we go to do it by the end of my first term as presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
we readi to plai offens for work_american __PUNCT__
we need to make sure worker build america infrastructur ar make the prevail wage and get the benefit thei deserv __PUNCT__
after katrina __PUNCT__ georg_bush suspend davi __PUNCT__ bacon __PUNCT__
famili had noth left __PUNCT__
whole commun had been destroi __PUNCT__
but georg bush thought peopl didn't deserv to make __NUM__ or __NUM__ buck an hour to rebuild that citi __PUNCT__
and john_mccain isn't much differ __PUNCT__
he seem to think davi __PUNCT__ bacon is someth that come from a pig farm __PUNCT__
he oppos it time and time again __PUNCT__
that wrong __PUNCT__
we need to strengthen davi __PUNCT__ bacon __PUNCT__ and make sure ani new infrastructur project we propos adher to davi __PUNCT__ bacon standard __PUNCT__
and that what i do when i presid of the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
but it not enough to make sure we pai worker fair_wage and benefit __PUNCT__
we need to make sure the govern us project labor agreement to encourag complet of project on time and on budget __PUNCT__
on of the first thing georg_bush did when he got into offic wa to ban pla __PUNCT__
that bad for worker and bad for america __PUNCT__ and that why on of the first thing i do as presid will be to repeal that ban and put pla back into place __PUNCT__
it time we had a presid who didn't choke sai the word __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__ it time we had a democrat_nomine who didn't choke sai the word __PUNCT__ union __PUNCT__ we need to strengthen our union by let them do what thei do best __PUNCT__ organ our worker __PUNCT__
if a major of worker want a union __PUNCT__ thei should get a union __PUNCT__
and that is why i fight for and why i intend to sign the employe free choic act when it land on my desk in the white_hous __PUNCT__
here what els we do __PUNCT__ we put american back to work __PUNCT__
i applaud your partnership with helmet __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ hardhat __PUNCT__
i believ we have a respons to serv our soldier as well as thei serv us __PUNCT__ and by help make sure thei have the skill to work in the trade when thei come home __PUNCT__ you live up to that respons __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i support fund for thi critic program __PUNCT__
and we won't just promot job __PUNCT__ train __PUNCT__ we promot job __PUNCT__ creation __PUNCT__
that why we pass what i call the patriot employ act that i been work on sinc i got to the senat __PUNCT__ becaus in my administr __PUNCT__ we not go to give tax_break to compani that ship job_oversea __PUNCT__ we give them to compani that creat good_job with decent_wage here in america __PUNCT__
we go to invest in thi countri __PUNCT__
back in the __NUM__ __PUNCT__ american were put to work build the interst highwai_system and that help expand our middl_class __PUNCT__
we need to show the same_kind of leadership todai __PUNCT__
that why i call for a nation infrastructur reinvest bank that will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year and gener million of new job __PUNCT__
we can't keep stand by while our road and bridg and airport crumbl and decai __PUNCT__
for our economi __PUNCT__ our safeti __PUNCT__ and our worker __PUNCT__ we have to rebuild america __PUNCT__
invest in america mean invest in the job of the futur __PUNCT__
we shouldn't be send billion of dollar to foreign_nation becaus of our addict to oil __PUNCT__
we should be invest in american __PUNCT__ made solar_panel __PUNCT__ windmil __PUNCT__ and clean_coal technolog __PUNCT__
that why i propos invest __MONEY___billion over the next ten_year in the green_energi sector __PUNCT__
thi will creat up to five million new american_job __PUNCT__ and those ar job that pai well __PUNCT__ and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__
that why thi will be a prioriti in my administr __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ i know some will sai we can't afford all thi __PUNCT__
but it seem to me __PUNCT__ if we can spend___MONEY___billion a month rebuild iraq __PUNCT__ we can spend___MONEY___billion a year in our own countri to creat_job and strengthen the long __PUNCT__ term competit of our economi __PUNCT__
but if we seriou about fight for our worker here at home __PUNCT__ we got to fight for them around the world __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ the truth is trade is here to stai __PUNCT__ and that if we have strong labor and environment_protect in our agreement __PUNCT__ and if our trade_partner ar plai by the rule __PUNCT__ trade can be a good_thing for our worker and our economi __PUNCT__
but what we can't do is ignor violenc against union_organ in colombia __PUNCT__
what we can't do is sign trade_deal that put the interest of multin_corpor ahead of the interest of our worker or our environ __PUNCT__
that why i oppos nafta __PUNCT__ and cafta __PUNCT__ and that why i make sure our trade_agreement work for all american when i presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
so make no mistak __PUNCT__ the american_peopl have a choic in thi elect __PUNCT__
we can talk about our econom_problem all we want __PUNCT__ but unless we chang the broken system in washington __PUNCT__ noth els is go to chang __PUNCT__
we can talk all we want about stand up for our worker __PUNCT__ but unless we have a presid you can trust to listen and put work_american first __PUNCT__ noth is realli go to chang __PUNCT__
and you can trust me __PUNCT__
becaus polit didn't lead me to work folk __PUNCT__ work folk led me to polit __PUNCT__
i wa stand with american_worker on the street of chicago twenti_year year_ago __PUNCT__ and the reason i here todai is becaus i don't want to wake up on dai mani year from now and see that our worker ar still be deni the wage and benefit and right that thei deserv __PUNCT__ or that we still haven't made the invest in infrastructur and in train our worker that we desper need __PUNCT__
the reason i here todai is becaus i know what it like to go to colleg on student_loan __PUNCT__ and see a mother get sick and worri that mayb she can't pai the bill __PUNCT__
i know what it like to have to scratch and work and claw to build a better life for your famili __PUNCT__
and i don't want to wake up mani year from now and find that the american_dream is still out of reach for too mani american __PUNCT__
the reason i here todai is becaus i believ that if we can just put an end to the polit of divis and distract __PUNCT__ and reclaim that sens that we all have a stake in each other __PUNCT__ that we rise and fall as on nation __PUNCT__ if we can just unit thi countri around a common_purpos __PUNCT__ black __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ hispan __PUNCT__ asian __PUNCT__ and nativ_american __PUNCT__ labor and manag __PUNCT__ democrat __PUNCT__ republican __PUNCT__ and independ __PUNCT__ there no obstacl we cannot overcom __PUNCT__ no destini we cannot fulfil __PUNCT__
that the fundament truth i learn on the street of chicago __PUNCT__
that the idea at the heart of the build and construct trade __PUNCT__
and that the opportun we have in thi elect __PUNCT__
there is a moment in the life of everi gener where that spirit of uniti and hope ha to come through if we go to make our mark on histori __PUNCT__
thi is our moment __PUNCT__
thi is our time __PUNCT__
i proud and honor that the first union endors i receiv in thi campaign wa from a build and construct trade_union __PUNCT__ the plumber and pipefitt __PUNCT__
and i be proud and honor to have all of your support __PUNCT__
and if you will march with me __PUNCT__ and organ with me __PUNCT__ and if you vote for me __PUNCT__ then i promis you thi __PUNCT__ we will not just win thi democrat_nomin __PUNCT__ we will win the gener_elect and then togeth __PUNCT__ you and i __PUNCT__ we go to chang thi countri __PUNCT__ and we go to chang thi world __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__