This speech titled 2008.05.03 originally had 3491 tokens. You can view the original text here.
when i began thi campaign for the presid __PUNCT__ i said i wa run becaus i believ that the size of our challeng had outgrown the small of our polit in washington __PUNCT__ the petti and the game __PUNCT__ plai and the influenc __PUNCT__ peddl that alwai prevent us from solv the problem we face year after year after year __PUNCT__
i ran becaus i believ that thi year __PUNCT__ that thi moment __PUNCT__ wa too import to let that happen again __PUNCT__
and i had faith that you believ that too __PUNCT__ that you were readi for someth differ __PUNCT__ that you were hungri for someth new __PUNCT__
fifteen month later __PUNCT__ we alreadi do what none of the cynic in washington thought we could do __PUNCT__
in the face of a polit that tri to divid us and distract us and make thi campaign about who up and who down and who __PUNCT__ said __PUNCT__ what __PUNCT__ about __PUNCT__ who __PUNCT__ we built a movement of american from everi race and region and parti who desper want chang in washington __PUNCT__
i have no illus about how far we have to go __PUNCT__
our road is still long __PUNCT__
our climb is still steep __PUNCT__
but fifteen month later __PUNCT__ i also know that our mission is even more urgent becaus the challeng_face peopl across indiana and the countri ar grow by the dai __PUNCT__
i not tell you anyth you don't know __PUNCT__
you don't have to turn on the new or follow the stock ticker or wait for all the economist and politician to agre on what is or is not a recess to know that our economi is in seriou troubl __PUNCT__
you can feel it in your own live __PUNCT__
and i hear it everywher i go __PUNCT__
like the young_man i met in pennsylvania who lost hi job but can't afford the ga to drive around and look for a new on __PUNCT__
or the woman from anderson who just lost her job __PUNCT__ and her pension __PUNCT__ and her insur when the delphi plant_close down __PUNCT__ even while the top_execut walk awai with multi __PUNCT__ million __PUNCT__ dollar bonus __PUNCT__
or the famili across thi countri who will sit around the kitchen_tabl tonight and wonder whether next week paycheck will be enough to cover next month bill __PUNCT__ who will look at their children without know if thei be abl to give them the same chanc that thei had __PUNCT__
but here what washington and wall_street don't get __PUNCT__
thi economi doesn't just jeopard our financi well __PUNCT__ be __PUNCT__ it offend the most basic valu that have made thi countri what it is __PUNCT__ the idea that america is the place where you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
that no matter how much monei you start with or where you come from or who your parent ar __PUNCT__ opportun is your if you will to reach for it and work for it __PUNCT__
it the idea that while there ar no guarante in life __PUNCT__ you should abl to count on a job that pai the bill __PUNCT__ health_care for when you get sick __PUNCT__ a pension for when you retir __PUNCT__ an educ for your children that will allow them to fulfil their god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__
that who we ar as a countri __PUNCT__
that the america most of us here know __PUNCT__
it the america our parent and our grandpar grew up know __PUNCT__
thi is the countri that gave my grandfath a chanc to go to colleg on the gi_bill when he came home from world_war_ii __PUNCT__ a countri that gave him and my grandmoth __PUNCT__ a small __PUNCT__ town coupl from kansa __PUNCT__ the chanc to bui their first home with a loan from the govern __PUNCT__
thi is the countri that made it possibl for my mother __PUNCT__ a singl_parent who had to go on food_stamp at on point __PUNCT__ to send my sister and me to the best school in the countri with the help of scholarship __PUNCT__
thi is the countri that allow my father __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law __PUNCT__ a citi worker at a south_side water filtrat plant __PUNCT__ to provid for hi wife and two children on a singl salari __PUNCT__
thi is a man who wa diagnos at ag thirti with multipl sclerosi __PUNCT__ who reli on a walker to get himself to work __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ everi dai he went __PUNCT__ and he labor __PUNCT__ and he sent my wife and her brother to on of the best colleg in the nation __PUNCT__
that job didn't just give him a paycheck __PUNCT__ it gave him digniti and self __PUNCT__ worth __PUNCT__
it wa an america that didn't just reward and honor wealth __PUNCT__ but the work and the worker who help creat it __PUNCT__
and we ar here todai look for the answer to the same_question __PUNCT__
where is that america_todai __PUNCT__
how mani veteran come home from thi war without the care thei need __PUNCT__ how mani wander the street of the richest countri on earth without a roof over their head __PUNCT__ how mani singl_parent can't even afford to send their children to the doctor when thei get sick __PUNCT__ never mind to four year of colleg __PUNCT__ how mani worker have suffer the indign of have to compet with their own children for a minimum_wage wage_job at mcdonald after thei gave their live to a compani where the ceo just walk off with that multi __PUNCT__ million_dollar bonu __PUNCT__
and most of all __PUNCT__ how mani year __PUNCT__ how mani decad __PUNCT__ have we talk and talk and talk about these problem while washington ha done noth __PUNCT__ or tinker __PUNCT__ or made them wors __PUNCT__
there is no doubt that mani of these challeng have to do with fundament shift in our economi that began decad_ago __PUNCT__ chang that have torn down border and barrier and allow compani to send job wherev there a cheap sourc of labor __PUNCT__
and todai __PUNCT__ with countri like china and india educ their children longer and better __PUNCT__ and revolut in commun and technolog __PUNCT__ thei can send the job wherev there an internet connect __PUNCT__
i saw the begin of these chang up close when i move to the south_side of chicago more than two decad_ago to help neighborhood that were devast when the local steel plant_close __PUNCT__
i saw the indign of jobless and the hopeless of lost opportun __PUNCT__
but i also saw that we ar not powerless in the face of these challeng __PUNCT__
we don't have to sit here and watch our leader do noth __PUNCT__
i learn that we don't have to consign our children to a futur of diminish dream __PUNCT__ a futur of fewer opportun __PUNCT__
and that why i run for presid todai __PUNCT__
polit didn't lead me to work_peopl __PUNCT__ work peopl led me to polit __PUNCT__
i run becaus we can't afford to settl for a washington where john_mccain get the chanc to give us four more year of the same bush_polici that have fail us for the last eight __PUNCT__
more tax_break for ceo who make more in a dai than some worker make in a year __PUNCT__
more tax break for the same corpor that ship our job_oversea __PUNCT__
more of the trickl __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ on __PUNCT__ your __PUNCT__ own philosophi that sai there noth govern can do about the problem we face __PUNCT__ so we might as well just hand out a few tax_break and tell peopl to bui their own health_care __PUNCT__ their own educ __PUNCT__ their own road __PUNCT__ their own bridg __PUNCT__
that hasn't work in the past __PUNCT__ and it won't work for our futur __PUNCT__
we can't afford to settl for a washington where our energi_polici __PUNCT__ and our health_care_polici __PUNCT__ and our tax_polici is sold to the highest __PUNCT__ bid lobbyist __PUNCT__
we can't keep take thousand of dollar of their monei year after year __PUNCT__ elect after elect __PUNCT__
senat_clinton sai thei repres real_american __PUNCT__ but you and i know who thei realli repres __PUNCT__ the oil_compani and the drug_compani and the insur_compani who keep us from bring down the cost of our premium and our prescript and invest in renew fuel __PUNCT__
we can't afford to settl for a washington where politician onli focu on how to win instead of why we should __PUNCT__ where thei check the poll befor thei check their gut __PUNCT__ where thei onli tell us whatev we want to hear whenev we want to hear it __PUNCT__
that kind of polit mai get them where thei need to go __PUNCT__ but it doesn't get america where we need to go __PUNCT__
and it won't chang anyth __PUNCT__
some of you might have seen that senat_clinton spend a lot of monei on a televis ad that attack me for not support her and john_mccain idea of a ga tax holidai for the summer __PUNCT__
now __PUNCT__ thi is an idea that will save you __PUNCT__ altogeth __PUNCT__ half a tank of ga __PUNCT__
that thirti cent a dai __PUNCT__
for three month __PUNCT__
that if the oil_compani don't simpli jack up their price to fill the gap __PUNCT__ as thei done when thi wa tri befor __PUNCT__
doe anyon here realli trust the oil compani to give you the save when thei could just pocket the monei themselv __PUNCT__
it a shell game __PUNCT__
liter __PUNCT__
in a moment of candor __PUNCT__ her advisor actual admit that it wouldn't have much of an effect on ga_price __PUNCT__
but __PUNCT__ thei said __PUNCT__ it a great polit_issu for senat_clinton __PUNCT__
so thi is not about get you through the summer __PUNCT__ it about get elect __PUNCT__
and thi is what pass for leadership in washington __PUNCT__ phoni idea __PUNCT__ calcul to win_elect instead of actual solv_problem __PUNCT__
now senat_clinton been us thi issu to make the argument that i somehow __PUNCT__ out of touch __PUNCT__
well let me tell you __PUNCT__ onli in washington can you get awai with call someon out of touch when you the on who think that thirti cent a dai is enough to help peopl who ar struggl in thi economi __PUNCT__
i tell you what i think __PUNCT__ i think the american_peopl ar smarter than washington give us credit for __PUNCT__
i wish i could stand up here and tell you that we could fix our energi problem with a holidai __PUNCT__
i wish i could tell you that we can take a time __PUNCT__ out from trade and bring_back the job that have gone oversea __PUNCT__
i wish i could promis that on dai on of my presid __PUNCT__ i could pass everi plan and propos i outlin in thi campaign __PUNCT__
but my guess is that you heard those promis befor __PUNCT__
you hear them everi year __PUNCT__ in everi elect __PUNCT__
and afterward __PUNCT__ when everyon goe back to washington __PUNCT__ the game __PUNCT__ plai __PUNCT__ and the influenc __PUNCT__ peddl __PUNCT__ and the petti bicker continu __PUNCT__
noth get done __PUNCT__
and four year later __PUNCT__ we right back here make the veri same promis about the veri same_problem __PUNCT__
well thi year you have a choic __PUNCT__
if you want to take anoth chanc on the same_kind of polit we come to know in washington __PUNCT__ there ar other candid to choos from __PUNCT__
but i still believ we need to fundament chang washington if we want chang in america __PUNCT__
i still believ thi elect is bigger than me __PUNCT__ or senat_clinton __PUNCT__ or senat_mccain __PUNCT__
it bigger than democrat versu republican __PUNCT__
it about who we ar as american __PUNCT__
it about whether thi countri __PUNCT__ at thi moment __PUNCT__ will continu to stand by while the wealthi few prosper at the expens of the hardwork mani __PUNCT__ or whether we stand up and reclaim the american_dream for everi american __PUNCT__
it about whether we watch the china and the india of the world move past us __PUNCT__ or whether we decid that in the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__ the home of innov __PUNCT__ and discoveri __PUNCT__ and progress will still be the unit_state of america __PUNCT__
reclaim thi dream will take more than on elect __PUNCT__
it will take more than on person or on parti __PUNCT__
it will take the effort and sacrific of a nation unit __PUNCT__
and that the truth __PUNCT__
we can provid relief that more than a holidai to famili who ar struggl in thi economi __PUNCT__
i the onli candid who propos a genuin middl __PUNCT__ class tax_cut that paid for in part by close corpor loophol and shut down tax_haven __PUNCT__
it would save nearli everi work_famili __MONEY__ elimin incom_tax for senior make under __MONEY__ and provid a mortgag tax_credit to struggl homeown that would cover ten percent of their mortgag_interest interest_payment everi year __PUNCT__
i also have a health_care_plan that would save the averag_famili __MONEY__ on their premium and provid the uninsur with the same_kind of health_care member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
that real relief __PUNCT__ but we can onli pai for thi if we final rollback the bush_tax_cut for the wealthiest___NUM__ __PUNCT__ of american who don't need them and weren't even ask for them __PUNCT__
we mai not be abl to bring_back all the job that we lost to trade __PUNCT__ but we can creat tomorrow job in thi countri __PUNCT__
i happen to believ in free_trade __PUNCT__
but we do the caus of trade no favor when we pass agreement that ar fill with perk for everi special_interest under the sun and absolut no protect for american_worker __PUNCT__
there absolut no reason we should be give tax_break to corpor who ship job_oversea __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ i will elimin those tax_break and give them to compani who creat good_job right here in america __PUNCT__
we can also creat_job if we final get seriou about rebuild our crumbl and decai nation infrastructur __PUNCT__
a few year_ago __PUNCT__ on out of three urban bridg were classifi as structur defici __PUNCT__ and we all saw the tragic result of what that could mean in minnesota last year __PUNCT__
it unaccept __PUNCT__
that why i propos a nation infrastructur reinvest bank that will invest __MONEY___billion over ten_year and gener nearli two million new job __PUNCT__ mani of them in the construct industri that been hard hit by thi hous_crisi __PUNCT__
the repair will be determin not by polit __PUNCT__ but by what will maxim our safeti __PUNCT__
and we fund thi bank by end thi war in iraq __PUNCT__
it time to stop spend billion of dollar a week try to put iraq back togeth and start spend the monei on put america back togeth instead __PUNCT__
and if want to take a perman holidai from our oil addict __PUNCT__ we can final get seriou about energi_independ and creat five million new green_job in the process __PUNCT__ job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__
we do what i did when i went to detroit and tell the automak it time thei rais fuel mileag standard in thi countri __PUNCT__
we make compani pai for the pollut thei releas into the air __PUNCT__ we tax the record profit of the oil_compani __PUNCT__ and we us that monei to invest in clean __PUNCT__ afford __PUNCT__ renew_energi like solar_power __PUNCT__ and wind_power __PUNCT__ and biofuel __PUNCT__
i be honest __PUNCT__ thi transit to a green_economi won't come without cost that all of us will have to pai __PUNCT__ but it the onli wai we free ourselv from the whim of middl_east dictat __PUNCT__ the onli wai we make sure we not talk about high ga_price five year from now and ten_year from now __PUNCT__ the onli wai we can pass on a planet that still recogniz to our children and their children __PUNCT__
and if we want our children to succe in thi global_economi __PUNCT__ if we want them to be abl to compet with children in beij and bangalor __PUNCT__ then we need to make sure that everi child __PUNCT__ everywher get a world __PUNCT__ class educ __PUNCT__ from the dai thei born until the dai thei graduat colleg __PUNCT__
that mean invest in earli_childhood childhood_educ __PUNCT__
it mean that we need to recruit an armi of new teacher by not just talk about how great teacher ar __PUNCT__ but reward them for their great with better pai and more support __PUNCT__
and it mean that in thi countri __PUNCT__ in thi global_economi __PUNCT__ we will not creat a small class of the educ few by allow thousand and thousand of young_peopl to be price out of colleg year after year __PUNCT__
we ar better than that __PUNCT__
when i presid __PUNCT__ we creat a bargain with everi american who want to go to colleg __PUNCT__ we will pai for your tuition if you serv your countri in some wai for two year after you graduat __PUNCT__
real relief for middl __PUNCT__ class_famili __PUNCT__ senior __PUNCT__ and homeown __PUNCT__
lower premium for those who have health_care and coverag for everyon who want it __PUNCT__
five million green_job right here in america __PUNCT__
a world __PUNCT__ class educ that will allow everi american to reach their god __PUNCT__ given potenti and compet with ani worker in the world __PUNCT__
all of thi is possibl __PUNCT__ but it just a list of polici until you decid that it time to make the washington we have look like the america we know __PUNCT__ on where the futur is not determin by those with monei and influenc __PUNCT__ where common_sens and honesti ar cherish valu __PUNCT__ where we ar stronger than that which divid us becaus we realiz that in the end __PUNCT__ we rise or fall as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__
it wa forti_year year_ago thi mai that robert_kennedi took hi unlik campaign to creat a new kind of polit to indiana __PUNCT__
and as he campaign in fort wayn __PUNCT__ he laid out a vision that america we know __PUNCT__
he said __PUNCT__ incom and educ and home do not make a nation __PUNCT__
nor do land and border __PUNCT__
share ideal and principl __PUNCT__ join purpos and hope __PUNCT__ these make a nation __PUNCT__
and that is our great task __PUNCT__
it is still our task todai __PUNCT__
we alwai known thi wouldn't be easi __PUNCT__
the chang we look for never is __PUNCT__
gener befor us have fought war and revolut __PUNCT__ thei struggl and thei sacrif __PUNCT__ thei stood up and spoke out and march through the street for the opportun that we enjoi __PUNCT__
and that why the onli wai a black gui name barack_obama who wa born in hawaii __PUNCT__ and start hi career on the street of chicago __PUNCT__ can win thi race __PUNCT__ if you decid that you had enough of the wai thing ar __PUNCT__ if you decid that thi elect is bigger than flag pin and sniper fire and the comment of a former pastor __PUNCT__ bigger than the differ between what we look like or where we come from or what parti we belong to __PUNCT__
and if you do __PUNCT__ if you decid that thi moment is about what kind of countri we be in the next year and the next centuri __PUNCT__ about how we provid job to the jobless and opportun to those without it __PUNCT__ about health_care and good school and a green planet __PUNCT__ about give our children a better world and a brighter futur __PUNCT__ then i ask you to enlist your neighbor __PUNCT__ and knock on door __PUNCT__ and work your heart out from now until tuesdai __PUNCT__
in the face of all cynic __PUNCT__ and doubt __PUNCT__ and fear __PUNCT__ i ask you to rememb what make a nation __PUNCT__ and to believ that we can onc again make thi nation the land of limitless possibl and unyield hope __PUNCT__ the place where you can still make it if you try __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__