This speech titled 2008.05.06 originally had 2596 tokens. You can view the original text here.
you know __PUNCT__ some were sai that north_carolina would be a game __PUNCT__ changer in thi elect __PUNCT__
but todai __PUNCT__ what north carolina decid is that the onli game that need chang is the on in washington __PUNCT__ dc __PUNCT__
i want to start by congratul senat_clinton on her victori in the state of indiana __PUNCT__
and i want to thank the peopl of north_carolina for give us a victori in a big state __PUNCT__ a swing_state __PUNCT__ and a state where we will compet to win if i am the democrat_nomine for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
when thi campaign_began __PUNCT__ washington didn't give us much of a chanc __PUNCT__
but becaus you came out in the bitter cold __PUNCT__ and knock on door __PUNCT__ and enlist your friend and neighbor in thi caus __PUNCT__ becaus you stood up to the cynic __PUNCT__ and the doubter __PUNCT__ and the nai __PUNCT__ sayer when we were up and when we were down __PUNCT__ becaus you still believ that thi is our moment __PUNCT__ and our time __PUNCT__ for chang __PUNCT__ tonight we stand less than two hundr deleg awai from secur the democrat_nomin for presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__
more importantli __PUNCT__ becaus of you __PUNCT__ we have seen that it possibl to overcom the polit of divis and distract __PUNCT__ that it possibl to overcom the same old neg attack that ar alwai about score point and never about solv our problem __PUNCT__
we seen that the american_peopl aren't look for more spin or more gimmick __PUNCT__ but honest answer about the challeng we face __PUNCT__
that what you accomplish in thi campaign __PUNCT__ and that how we chang thi countri togeth __PUNCT__
thi ha been on of the longest __PUNCT__ most close fought contest in histori __PUNCT__
and that partli becaus we have such a formid oppon in senat hillari_clinton __PUNCT__
tonight __PUNCT__ mani of the pundit have suggest that thi parti is inalter divid __PUNCT__ that senat_clinton clinton_support will not support me __PUNCT__ and that my support will not support her __PUNCT__
well i here tonight to tell you that i don't believ it __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ there have been bruis feel on both side __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ each side desper want their candid to win __PUNCT__
but ultim __PUNCT__ thi race is not about hillari_clinton or barack_obama or john_mccain __PUNCT__
thi elect is about you __PUNCT__ the american_peopl __PUNCT__ and whether we will have a presid and a parti that can lead us toward a brighter futur __PUNCT__
thi primari_season mai not be over __PUNCT__ but when it is __PUNCT__ we will have to rememb who we ar as democrat __PUNCT__ that we ar the parti of jefferson and jackson __PUNCT__ of roosevelt and kennedi __PUNCT__ and that we ar at our best when we lead with principl __PUNCT__ when we lead with convict __PUNCT__ when we summon an entir nation around a common_purpos __PUNCT__ a higher purpos __PUNCT__
thi fall __PUNCT__ we intend to march forward as on democrat_parti __PUNCT__ unit by a common vision for thi countri __PUNCT__
becaus we all agre that at thi defin moment in histori __PUNCT__ a moment when we face two war __PUNCT__ an economi in turmoil __PUNCT__ a planet in peril __PUNCT__ we can't afford to give john_mccain the chanc to serv out georg_bush third term __PUNCT__
we need chang in america __PUNCT__
the woman i met in indiana who just lost her job __PUNCT__ and her pension __PUNCT__ and her insur when the plant where she work at her entir life close down __PUNCT__ she can't afford four more year of tax_break for corpor like the on that ship her job_oversea __PUNCT__
she need us to give tax_break to compani that creat good_job here in america __PUNCT__
she can't afford four more year of tax_break for ceo like the on who walk awai from her compani with a multi __PUNCT__ million_dollar bonu __PUNCT__
she need middl __PUNCT__ class tax_relief that will help her pai the skyrocket price of groceri __PUNCT__ and ga __PUNCT__ and colleg_tuition __PUNCT__
that why i run for presid __PUNCT__
the colleg_student i met in iowa who work the night shift after a full dai of class and still can't pai the medic_bill for a sister who ill __PUNCT__ she can't afford four more year of a health_care_plan that onli take care of the healthi and the wealthi __PUNCT__ that allow insur_compani to discrimin and deni coverag to those american who need it most __PUNCT__
she need us to stand up to those insur compani and pass a plan that lower everi famili premium and give everi uninsur american the same_kind of coverag that member of congress give themselv __PUNCT__
that why i run for presid __PUNCT__
the mother in wisconsin who gave me a bracelet inscrib with the name of the son she lost in iraq __PUNCT__ the famili who prai for their love on to come home __PUNCT__ the hero on their third and fourth and fifth tour of duti __PUNCT__ thei can't afford four more year of a war that should never been author and never been wage __PUNCT__
thei can't afford four more year of our veteran return to broken __PUNCT__ down barrack and substandard care __PUNCT__
thei need us to end a war that isn't make us safer __PUNCT__
thei need us to treat them with the care and respect thei deserv __PUNCT__
that why i run for presid __PUNCT__
the man i met in pennsylvania who lost hi job but can't even afford the ga to drive around and look for a new on __PUNCT__ he can't afford four more year of an energi_polici written by the oil_compani and for the oil compani __PUNCT__ a polici that not onli keep ga at record price __PUNCT__ but fund both side of the war on terror and destroi our planet in the process __PUNCT__
he doesn't need four more year of washington polici that sound_good __PUNCT__ but don't solv the problem __PUNCT__
he need us to take a perman holidai from our oil addict by make the automak rais their fuel standard __PUNCT__ corpor pai for their pollut __PUNCT__ and oil_compani invest their record profit in a clean_energi futur __PUNCT__
that the chang we need __PUNCT__
and that why i run for presid __PUNCT__
the peopl i met in small_town and big_citi across thi countri understand that govern can't solv all our problem __PUNCT__ and we don't expect it to __PUNCT__
we believ in hard_work __PUNCT__
we believ in person_respons and self __PUNCT__ relianc __PUNCT__
but we also believ that we have a larger respons to on anoth as american __PUNCT__ that america is a place __PUNCT__ that america is the place __PUNCT__ where you can make it if you try __PUNCT__
that no matter how much monei you start with or where you come from or who your parent ar __PUNCT__ opportun is your if you will to reach for it and work for it __PUNCT__
it the idea that while there ar few guarante in life __PUNCT__ you should be abl to count on a job that pai the bill __PUNCT__ health_care for when you need it __PUNCT__ a pension for when you retir __PUNCT__ an educ for your children that will allow them to fulfil their god __PUNCT__ given potenti __PUNCT__
that the america we believ in __PUNCT__
that the america i know __PUNCT__
thi is the countri that gave my grandfath a chanc to go to colleg on the gi_bill when he came home from world_war_ii __PUNCT__ a countri that gave him and my grandmoth the chanc to bui their first home with a loan from the govern __PUNCT__
thi is the countri that made it possibl for my mother __PUNCT__ a singl_parent who had to go on food_stamp at on point __PUNCT__ to send my sister and me to the best school in the countri on scholarship __PUNCT__
thi is the countri that allow my father __PUNCT__ in __PUNCT__ law __PUNCT__ a citi worker at a south_side water filtrat plant __PUNCT__ to provid for hi wife and two children on a singl salari __PUNCT__
thi is a man who wa diagnos at ag thirti with multipl sclerosi __PUNCT__ who reli on a walker to get himself to work __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ everi dai he went __PUNCT__ and he labor __PUNCT__ and he sent my wife and her brother to on of the best colleg in the nation __PUNCT__
it wa a job that didn't just give him a paycheck __PUNCT__ but a sens of digniti and self __PUNCT__ worth __PUNCT__
it wa an america that didn't just reward wealth __PUNCT__ but the work and the worker who creat it __PUNCT__
somewher along the wai __PUNCT__ between all the bicker and the influenc __PUNCT__ peddl and the game __PUNCT__ plai of the last few decad __PUNCT__ washington and wall_street have lost touch with these valu __PUNCT__
and while i honor john_mccain servic to hi countri __PUNCT__ hi idea for america ar out of touch with these valu __PUNCT__
hi plan for the futur ar noth more than the fail polici of the past __PUNCT__
and hi plan to win in __DATE__ appear to come from the veri same playbook that hi side ha us time after time in elect after elect __PUNCT__
ye __PUNCT__ we know what come __PUNCT__
we seen it alreadi __PUNCT__
the same name and label thei alwai pin on everyon who doesn't agre with all their idea __PUNCT__
the same effort to distract us from the issu that affect our live by pounc on everi gaff and associ and fake controversi in the hope that the media will plai along __PUNCT__
the attempt to plai on our fear and exploit our differ to turn us against each other for pure polit_gain __PUNCT__ to slice and dice thi countri into red_state and blue_state __PUNCT__ blue __PUNCT__ collar and white __PUNCT__ collar __PUNCT__ white and black __PUNCT__ and brown __PUNCT__
thi is what thei will do __PUNCT__ no matter which on of us is the nomine __PUNCT__
the question __PUNCT__ then __PUNCT__ is not what kind of campaign thei run __PUNCT__ it what kind of campaign we will run __PUNCT__
it what we will do to make thi year differ __PUNCT__
i didn't get into race think that i could avoid thi kind of polit __PUNCT__ but i am run for presid becaus thi is the time to end it __PUNCT__
we will end it thi time not becaus i perfect __PUNCT__ i think by now thi campaign ha remind all of us of that __PUNCT__
we will end it not by duplic the same tactic and the same strategi as the other side __PUNCT__ becaus that will just lead us down the same path of polar and gridlock __PUNCT__
we will end it by tell the truth __PUNCT__ forcefulli __PUNCT__ repeatedli __PUNCT__ confid __PUNCT__ and by trust that the american_peopl will embrac the need for chang __PUNCT__
becaus that how we alwai chang thi countri __PUNCT__ not from the top __PUNCT__ down __PUNCT__ but from the bottom __PUNCT__ up __PUNCT__ when you __PUNCT__ the american peopl __PUNCT__ decid that the stake ar too high and the challeng ar too great __PUNCT__
the other side can label and name __PUNCT__ call all thei want __PUNCT__ but i trust the american peopl to recogn that it not surrend to end the war in iraq so that we can rebuild our militari and go after al_qaeda leader __PUNCT__
i trust the american_peopl to understand that it not weak __PUNCT__ but wisdom to talk not just to our friend __PUNCT__ but our enemi __PUNCT__ like roosevelt did __PUNCT__ and kennedi did __PUNCT__ and truman did __PUNCT__
i trust the american peopl to realiz that while we don't need big_govern __PUNCT__ we do need a govern that stand up for famili who ar be trick out of their home by wall_street predat __PUNCT__ a govern that stand up for the middl __PUNCT__ class by give them a tax_break __PUNCT__ a govern that ensur that no american will ever lose their life_save just becaus their child get sick __PUNCT__
secur and opportun __PUNCT__ compass and prosper aren't liber valu or conserv valu __PUNCT__ thei american valu __PUNCT__
most of all __PUNCT__ i trust the american_peopl desir to no longer be defin by our differ __PUNCT__
becaus no matter where i been in thi countri __PUNCT__ whether it wa the corn field of iowa or the textil mill of the carolina __PUNCT__ the street of san_antonio or the foothil of georgia __PUNCT__ i found that while we mai have differ stori __PUNCT__ we hold common hope __PUNCT__
we mai not look the same or come from the same place __PUNCT__ but we want to move in the same direct __PUNCT__ toward a better futur for our children and our grandchildren __PUNCT__
that why i in thi race __PUNCT__
i love thi countri too much to see it divid and distract at thi moment in histori __PUNCT__
i believ in our abil to perfect thi union becaus it the onli reason i stand here todai __PUNCT__
and i know the promis of america becaus i have live it __PUNCT__
it is the light of opportun that led my father across an ocean __PUNCT__
it is the found ideal that the flag drape over my grandfath coffin stand for __PUNCT__ it is life __PUNCT__ and liberti __PUNCT__ and the pursuit of happi __PUNCT__
it the simpl_truth i learn all those year_ago when i work in the shadow of a shutter steel_mill on the south_side of chicago __PUNCT__ that in thi countri __PUNCT__ justic can be won against the greatest of odd __PUNCT__ hope can find it wai back to the darkest of corner __PUNCT__ and when we ar told that we cannot bring about the chang that we seek __PUNCT__ we answer with on voic __PUNCT__ ye we can __PUNCT__
so don't ever forget that thi elect is not about me __PUNCT__ or ani candid __PUNCT__
don't ever forget that thi campaign is about you __PUNCT__ about your hope __PUNCT__ about your dream __PUNCT__ about your struggl __PUNCT__ about secur your portion of the american_dream __PUNCT__
don't ever forget that we have a choic in thi countri __PUNCT__ that we can choos not to be divid __PUNCT__ that we can choos not to be afraid __PUNCT__ that we can still choos thi moment to final come togeth and solv the problem we talk about all those other year in all those other elect __PUNCT__
thi time can be differ than all the rest __PUNCT__
thi time we can face down those who sai our road is too long __PUNCT__ that our climb is too steep __PUNCT__ that we can no longer achiev the chang that we seek __PUNCT__
thi is our time to answer the call that so mani gener of american have answer befor __PUNCT__ by insist that by hard_work __PUNCT__ and by sacrific __PUNCT__ the american_dream will endur __PUNCT__
thank you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__