Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.05.12 originally had 2906 tokens. You can view the original text here.

i want to thank senat rockefel __PUNCT__ not onli for that gener introduct __PUNCT__ but for hi friendship and support in thi campaign __PUNCT__

i want to thank secretari richard danzig __PUNCT__ admir john natham __PUNCT__ and gener jim smith for be here with us todai and for their distinguish record of servic to our countri __PUNCT__

and i want to thank the peopl of west_virginia __PUNCT__ particularli those who have worn the uniform of our countri __PUNCT__

more of you ar veteran here than in almost ani other state in the nation __PUNCT__

so mani guard member from thi veri armori have been deploi to iraq and afghanistan on tour after tour __PUNCT__ year after year __PUNCT__

and that mean there ar more west virginian who had to sai goodby to these hero __PUNCT__ who born the burden of their absenc in wai that ar often immeasur __PUNCT__ an empti chair at the dinner_tabl or anoth mother dai where mom is some place far awai __PUNCT__

your sacrific and the sacrific of your love on is immens __PUNCT__ and it must never be forgotten __PUNCT__

there is an elect here tomorrow __PUNCT__

i honor that some of you will support me __PUNCT__ and i understand that mani more here in west_virginia will probabl support senat_clinton __PUNCT__

but when it over __PUNCT__ what will unifi as democrat __PUNCT__ what must unifi us as american __PUNCT__ is an unyield commit to the men and women who serv thi nation and an unshak fidel to the ideal for which thei risk their live __PUNCT__

without that commit __PUNCT__ mani of us wouldn't be here todai __PUNCT__

i am on of those peopl __PUNCT__

my grandfath __PUNCT__ stanlei dunham __PUNCT__ enlist after pearl_harbor and went on to march in patton armi __PUNCT__

my grandmoth work on a bomber assembl_line while he wa gone __PUNCT__ and my mother wa born at fort leavenworth __PUNCT__

when he return __PUNCT__ it wa to a countri that gave him the chanc to colleg on the gi_bill __PUNCT__ to bui hi first home with a loan from the fha __PUNCT__ to move hi famili west __PUNCT__ all the wai to hawaii __PUNCT__ where he and my grandmoth help rais me __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ my grandfath is buri in the punchbowl __PUNCT__ the nation memori cemeteri of the pacif __PUNCT__ where __NUM__ victim of pearl_harbor ar laid to rest __PUNCT__

i knew him when he wa older __PUNCT__

but whenev i meet young_men and women along the campaign_trail who ar serv in the militari todai __PUNCT__ i think about what my grandfath wa like when he enlist __PUNCT__ a fresh __PUNCT__ face man of twenti __PUNCT__ three __PUNCT__ with a heart laugh and an easi smile __PUNCT__

these son and daughter of america ar the best and the bravest among us __PUNCT__

thei ar a part of an unbroken line of hero who overthrew a king for the sake of an ideal __PUNCT__ who freed the slave and face down fascism __PUNCT__ who fought for freedom in korea and vietnam __PUNCT__ from kuwait to the balkan __PUNCT__ who still wake up everi dai to face down the gravest danger in iraq __PUNCT__ afghanistan __PUNCT__ and all over the world __PUNCT__

when our troop go into battl __PUNCT__ thei serv no faction or parti __PUNCT__ thei repres no race or region __PUNCT__

thei ar simpli american __PUNCT__

thei serv and fight and bleed togeth out of loyalti not just to a place on a map or a certain kind of peopl __PUNCT__ but to a set of ideal that we have been strive for sinc the first shot rang out at lexington and concord __PUNCT__ the idea that america could be govern not by men __PUNCT__ but by law __PUNCT__ that we could be equal in the ey of those law __PUNCT__ that we could be free to sai what we want and write what want and worship as we pleas __PUNCT__ that we could have the right to pursu our individu dream but the oblig to help our fellow_citizen pursu their __PUNCT__

allegi to these ideal ha alwai been at the core of american_patriot __PUNCT__ it what unit a countri of so mani differ opinion and belief __PUNCT__

it why some of us mai disagre on our decis to start thi war in iraq __PUNCT__ but all of us stand unit in our support for the brave men and women who wage it __PUNCT__

that how it should be __PUNCT__

but it not how it alwai been __PUNCT__

on of the saddest episod in our histori wa the degre to which return vet from vietnam were shun __PUNCT__ demon and neglect by some becaus thei serv in an unpopular war __PUNCT__

too mani of those who oppos the war in vietnam chose to blame not onli the leader who order the mission __PUNCT__ but the young_men who simpli answer their countri call __PUNCT__

four decad later __PUNCT__ the sting of that injustic is a wound that ha never fulli heal __PUNCT__ and on that should never be repeat __PUNCT__

the young men and women who choos to serv ar defend the veri right and freedom that allow american to speak out against govern_action we oppos __PUNCT__

thei deserv our admir __PUNCT__ respect and endur gratitud __PUNCT__

at the same_time __PUNCT__ we must never forget that honor thi servic and uphold these ideal requir more than salut our veteran as thei march by on veteran dai or memori_dai __PUNCT__

it requir march with them for the care and benefit thei have earn it requir stand shoulder __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ shoulder with our veteran and their famili after the gun fall silent and the camera ar turn off __PUNCT__

at a time when we face the largest homecom sinc the second world_war __PUNCT__ the true test of our patriot is whether we will serv our return hero as well as thei serv us __PUNCT__

we know that over the last eight year __PUNCT__ we alreadi fallen_short of meet thi test __PUNCT__

we all learn about the deplor condit that were discov at place like fort bragg and walter reed __PUNCT__

we all walk by a veteran whose home is now a cardboard_box on a street_corner in the richest nation on earth __PUNCT__

we all heard about what it like to navig the broken bureaucraci of the va __PUNCT__ the imposs long_line __PUNCT__ or the repeat call for help that get you noth more than an answer machin __PUNCT__

just a few week_ago __PUNCT__ an __NUM__ __PUNCT__ year __PUNCT__ old world_war_ii veteran from south_carolina told hi famili __PUNCT__ no matter what i appli for at the va __PUNCT__ thei turn me down __PUNCT__

the next dai __PUNCT__ he walk outsid of an outpati clinic in greenvil and took hi own life __PUNCT__

how can we let thi happen __PUNCT__ how is that accept in the unit_state of america __PUNCT__ the answer is __PUNCT__ it not __PUNCT__

it an outrag __PUNCT__

and it a betray __PUNCT__ a betray __PUNCT__ of the ideal that we ask our troop to risk their live for __PUNCT__

but it doesn't have to be thi wai __PUNCT__

not in thi countri __PUNCT__

not if we decid that thi time will be differ __PUNCT__

there ar mani aspect of thi war that have gone inalter wrong __PUNCT__ but care for our veteran is on thing we can still get right __PUNCT__

when i arriv in the senat __PUNCT__ i sought out a seat on the veteran affair committe so i could fight to give our veteran the care thei need and the benefit thei deserv __PUNCT__

we fought to make sure that the claim of disabl veteran in illinoi and other state were be heard fairli __PUNCT__ and we forc the va to conduct an unpreced outreach campaign to disabl veteran who receiv lower __PUNCT__ than __PUNCT__ averag benefit __PUNCT__

i pass_law to get homeless veteran off the street and prevent at __PUNCT__ risk veteran from get there in the first place __PUNCT__

i led a bipartisan effort to improv outpati facil at place like walter reed __PUNCT__ and slash red_tape __PUNCT__ and reform the disabl process __PUNCT__ becaus recov troop should go to the front of the line __PUNCT__ and thei shouldn't have to fight to get there __PUNCT__

i pass_law to give famili_member health_care while thei care for injur troop __PUNCT__ and to provid famili_member with a year of job protect __PUNCT__ so thei never have to face a choic between care for a love on and keep a job __PUNCT__

but there is so much more work that we need to do in thi countri __PUNCT__

it start with be honest about the sacrific that our brave men and women ar make __PUNCT__

for year __PUNCT__ thi administr ha refus to count all of our casualti in uniform __PUNCT__

in iraq alon __PUNCT__ ten of thousand of troop who were injur or fell ill have not been count in our casualti number __PUNCT__ go against the militari own standard from past war __PUNCT__

it time to stop hide the full_cost of thi war __PUNCT__

it time to honor the full_measur of sacrific of our troop __PUNCT__ and to prepar for the cost of their care __PUNCT__

that why i pledg to build a __NUM___centuri va as presid __PUNCT__

it mean no more red_tape __PUNCT__ it time to give everi servic __PUNCT__ member electron copi of medic and servic record upon discharg __PUNCT__

it mean no more shortfal __PUNCT__ we fulli fund va health_care __PUNCT__ and add more vet center __PUNCT__ particularli in rural_area __PUNCT__

it mean no more delai __PUNCT__ we pass on __PUNCT__ time budget __PUNCT__

it mean no more mean __PUNCT__ test __PUNCT__ it time to allow everi veteran into the va system __PUNCT__

and it mean we have a simpl principl for veteran sleep on our street __PUNCT__ zero toler __PUNCT__

as presid __PUNCT__ i build on the work i start in the senat and expand hous voucher __PUNCT__ and launch a new support_servic hous program to prevent at __PUNCT__ risk veteran and their famili from slide into homeless __PUNCT__

i also build on the work i did in the senat to confront on of the signatur injuri of the war in iraq and afghanistan __PUNCT__ ptsd __PUNCT__

we have to understand that for far too mani troop and their famili __PUNCT__ the war doesn't end when thei come home __PUNCT__

just the other dai our own govern top psychiatr research said that becaus of inadequ mental_health health_care __PUNCT__ the number of suicid among veteran of iraq and afghanistan mai actual exce the number of combat death __PUNCT__

think about that __PUNCT__

think about how onli half of the return soldier with ptsd receiv the treatment thei need __PUNCT__

think of how mani we turn awai __PUNCT__ of how mani we let fall through the crack __PUNCT__

we have to do better than thi __PUNCT__

in the senat __PUNCT__ i help lead a bipartisan effort to stop the unfair practic of kick out troop who suffer from them __PUNCT__

and when i presid __PUNCT__ we enhanc mental_health screen and treatment at all level __PUNCT__ from enlist __PUNCT__ to deploy __PUNCT__ to reentri into civilian life __PUNCT__

we also need more mental_health_profession __PUNCT__ more train to recogn sign and to reject the stigma of seek care __PUNCT__

and we need to dramat improv screen and treatment for the other signatur injuri of the war __PUNCT__ traumat brain injuri __PUNCT__

that why i pass measur in the senat to increas screen for these injuri __PUNCT__ and that why i establish clearer standard of care as presid __PUNCT__

we have call on our troop and their famili for so much dure these last year __PUNCT__ but we haven't alwai issu that call respons __PUNCT__

ye __PUNCT__ we need to restor twelv month armi deploy __PUNCT__ but we also need to restor adequ train and time at home between those deploy __PUNCT__

my wife __PUNCT__ michel __PUNCT__ met with armi spous the other dai in north_carolina who told her about the toll it take to watch your love on serv tour after tour of duti with littl to no time off in between __PUNCT__

and thei told her someth we all need to rememb __PUNCT__ we don't just deploi our troop oversea __PUNCT__ we deploi famili __PUNCT__

that why we also need to provid more counsel and resourc to help famili cope with multipl tour __PUNCT__

and when our love on do come home __PUNCT__ it is time for the unit_state of america to offer thi gener of return hero the same thank we offer that earlier __PUNCT__ greatest_gener __PUNCT__ by give everi veteran the same opportun that my grandfath had under the gi_bill __PUNCT__

there is no reason we shouldn't pass the __NUM___centuri gi_bill that is be debat in congress right now __PUNCT__

it wa introduc by my friend senat jim_webb __PUNCT__ a marin who serv as navi secretari under presid_ronald ronald_reagan __PUNCT__

hi plan ha widespread_support from republican and democrat __PUNCT__

it would provid everi return veteran with a real chanc to afford a colleg_educ __PUNCT__ and it would not harm retent __PUNCT__

i have great respect for john_mccain servic to thi countri and i know he love it dearli and honor those who serv __PUNCT__

but he is on of the few senat of either parti who oppos thi bill becaus he think it too gener __PUNCT__

i couldn't disagre more __PUNCT__

at a time when the skyrocket cost of tuition is price thousand of american out of a colleg_educ __PUNCT__ we should be do everyth we can to give the men and women who have risk their live for thi countri the chanc to pursu the american_dream __PUNCT__

the brave american who fight todai believ deepli in thi countri __PUNCT__

and no matter how mani you meet __PUNCT__ or how mani stori of heroism you hear __PUNCT__ everi encount remind that thei ar truli special __PUNCT__

that through their servic __PUNCT__ thei ar live out the ideal that stir so mani of us as america __PUNCT__ pride __PUNCT__ duti __PUNCT__ and sacrific __PUNCT__

some of the most inspir ar those you meet at place like walter reed armi medic_center __PUNCT__

thei ar young_men and women who mai have lost a limb or even their abil to take care of themselv __PUNCT__ but thei will never lose the pride thei feel for their countri __PUNCT__

thei not interest in self __PUNCT__ piti __PUNCT__ but yearn to move_forward with their live __PUNCT__

and it thi classic american optim that make you realiz the qualiti of person we have serv in the unit_state arm_forc __PUNCT__

thi __PUNCT__ after all __PUNCT__ is what led them to wear the uniform in the first place __PUNCT__ their unwav belief in the idea of america __PUNCT__

the idea that no matter where you come from __PUNCT__ or what you look like __PUNCT__ or who your parent ar __PUNCT__ thi is a place where anyth is possibl __PUNCT__ where anyon can make it __PUNCT__ where we look out for each other __PUNCT__ and take care of each other __PUNCT__ where we rise and fall as on nation __PUNCT__ as on peopl __PUNCT__

it an idea that worth fight for __PUNCT__ an idea for which so mani american have given that last full_measur of devot __PUNCT__

i can still rememb the dai that we laid my grandfath to rest __PUNCT__

in a cemeteri line with the grave of american who have sacrif for our countri __PUNCT__ we heard the solemn note of tap and the crack of gun fire in salut __PUNCT__ we watch as a fold flag wa hand to my grandmoth and my grandfath wa laid to rest __PUNCT__

it wa a nation final act of servic and gratitud to stanlei dunham __PUNCT__ an america that stood by my grandfath when he took off the uniform __PUNCT__ and never left hi side __PUNCT__

abraham_lincoln onc said __PUNCT__ i like to see a man proud of the place in which he live __PUNCT__

but i also like to see a man live so that hi place will be proud of him __PUNCT__

there is no doubt that we ar a nation that is deepli proud of where we live __PUNCT__

but it is now our gener task to live in a wai that stanlei dunham live __PUNCT__ to live the wai that those hero at walter reed have live __PUNCT__ the wai that all those men and women who put on thi nation uniform live each and everi dai __PUNCT__

it is now our task to live so that america will be proud of us __PUNCT__

that is true test of patriot __PUNCT__ the test that all of us must meet in the dai and year to come __PUNCT__

i have no doubt that thi nation is up to the challeng __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ and mai god_bless the unit_state of america