Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.05.14 originally had 1973 tokens. You can view the original text here.

earlier todai __PUNCT__ i went for a tour of the chrysler stamp plant in sterl height __PUNCT__ and i listen to folk tell me about how hard it is to get by in thi economi __PUNCT__

and the record oil_price mean that it even harder for automak and autowork __PUNCT__ especi at a time when thei struggl to meet the demand of a __NUM___centuri economi __PUNCT__

sinc the begin of thi year __PUNCT__ thousand of chrysler worker have lost their job __PUNCT__

the entir industri ha shed __NUM___job in the past eight year __PUNCT__ about a third of which were lost in michigan __PUNCT__

that hundr of thousand of worker who will no longer be abl to count on a paycheck to pai the rise_cost of health_care and colleg __PUNCT__ ga and groceri __PUNCT__

and those who ar lucki enough to avoid get laid off ar still feel the pressur of restructur __PUNCT__

not too far from here __PUNCT__ at american axl __PUNCT__ uaw member have gone on strike to fight for good wage __PUNCT__ and good benefit __PUNCT__ and a decent standard of live __PUNCT__

these ar thing that all hardwork famili should expect and that uaw member deserv __PUNCT__ and we stand in solidar with the folk on the picket_line __PUNCT__ and the famili impact by thi strike __PUNCT__

their struggl is part of a larger struggl that be wage not just in michigan __PUNCT__ but all across the countri __PUNCT__

it a struggl to ensur that we have good manufactur_job so american_worker can rais a famili __PUNCT__ have health_care when thei need it __PUNCT__ put their children through colleg __PUNCT__ and retir with digniti and secur __PUNCT__

thei common hope __PUNCT__ modest dream __PUNCT__ but thei slip out of reach for too mani famili __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ a big_part of the reason autowork ar struggl on the factori floor is becaus of decis that were made in the boardroom __PUNCT__

rather than invest in the fuel __PUNCT__ effici car of the futur __PUNCT__ auto execut invest in the suv and larg truck that mai have help meet a rise demand __PUNCT__ but that essenti guarante that thei would be outpac by foreign competitor and that the industri long __PUNCT__ term problem would be harder to solv __PUNCT__

but american automak have been show leadership in recent_year __PUNCT__

ford ha now ti toyota in the qualiti of the car thei make __PUNCT__ and thei spend more on r&d than nearli ani other compani in the world __PUNCT__

chrysler is work to develop a system that integr electr motor with a fix __PUNCT__ gear transmiss __PUNCT__

and gm is releas an averag of on new hybrid model everi three month for the next two year __PUNCT__

so we certainli take step in the right direct __PUNCT__

but we must do more __PUNCT__

and when i presid __PUNCT__ we will __PUNCT__

we won't just support the autowork in michigan who built the auto_industri __PUNCT__ and keep it strong in good_time and bad __PUNCT__

and we won't just reviv and strengthen our automak __PUNCT__

we reviv and strengthen all of american_manufactur __PUNCT__

these have been a disastr eight year for our manufactur __PUNCT__

we lost nearli __NUM___million good __PUNCT__ pai_job __PUNCT__ includ hundr of thousand in michigan __PUNCT__ and more than __NUM__ manufactur have close their door __PUNCT__

we can't afford to continu down thi path __PUNCT__

manufactur support on in six american_job __PUNCT__ job that pai more and offer better benefit than other job __PUNCT__ and we all have a stake in save them __PUNCT__

it time to recaptur the spirit of innov that ha alwai fuel america_econom econom_success __PUNCT__

it time we had an economi that wa driven not just by foreign debt __PUNCT__ but by the power of america imagin __PUNCT__

it time to tap the ingenu of engin and entrepreneur __PUNCT__ polici_expert and work folk to meet the challeng of our time __PUNCT__

that what thi elect is all about __PUNCT__

so while thi is a moment of challeng __PUNCT__ it also a moment of opportun __PUNCT__

and the question you face in __DATE__ is which candid can lead america to seiz it __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ when john_mccain came to michigan in __DATE__ and said that we couldn't bring all these job_back to america __PUNCT__ he wa right __PUNCT__

but where he wrong is in suggest that there noth we can do to replac those job or creat new on __PUNCT__

where he wrong is in not offer new solut or econom_polici that ar differ from what georg_bush ha given us for eight long year __PUNCT__

that wrong __PUNCT__

that give up __PUNCT__

and that not what thi countri is about __PUNCT__

i won't stand here and tell you that we be abl to stop everi job from go oversea or bring everi job_back __PUNCT__

but i will tell you that we can end the bush __PUNCT__ mccain polici of give tax_break to compani that ship our job_oversea __PUNCT__ and we can start give those tax_break to compani that creat good __PUNCT__ pai_job right here in america __PUNCT__

instead of oppos job_train similar to what be offer at m __PUNCT__ tech __PUNCT__ like john_mccain ha __PUNCT__ we can make sure everi american ha the skill to compet in the global_economi __PUNCT__

we don't have to stand idli by while foreign competitor outpac us in make the car of the futur __PUNCT__

i run for presid to make sure that the car of the futur ar made where thei alwai been made __PUNCT__ right here in michigan __PUNCT__

becaus the fight for american_manufactur is the fight for america_futur __PUNCT__ and i believ that a fight thi countri will win __PUNCT__

and so todai __PUNCT__ i announc a manufactur agenda that will lift up hardwork famili __PUNCT__ strengthen innov compani __PUNCT__ and foster our common prosper __PUNCT__

the first part of thi agenda is invest in clean_energi __PUNCT__ becaus that isn't just how we get ga_price under control __PUNCT__ combat climat chang __PUNCT__ and free ourselv from the tyranni of oil __PUNCT__ it also how we expand american_manufactur __PUNCT__ creat qualiti job __PUNCT__ and grow our economi __PUNCT__

that why i invest __MONEY___billion over the next ten_year in the green_energi sector __PUNCT__

thi will creat up to five million new green_job __PUNCT__ and those ar job that pai well and can't be outsourc __PUNCT__

and i be a presid who final keep the promis that made year after year after year by provid domest automak with the fund thei need to retool their factori and make fuel __PUNCT__ effici and altern fuel car __PUNCT__

my own state of illinoi is home to the oldest __PUNCT__ continu oper ford assembl_plant outsid michigan __PUNCT__ so i understand why it so import to bring our auto_industri into the __NUM___centuri __PUNCT__

and that what we do when i presid __PUNCT__

here what els we do __PUNCT__

we invest __MONEY___billion a year in creat a clean technolog deploy ventur_capit fund that will meet a critic need __PUNCT__

todai __PUNCT__ __NUM__ __PUNCT__ of north_america automot research is done right here in michigan __PUNCT__

but too often __PUNCT__ breakthrough technolog that ar invent in america end up get built oversea becaus of the cost of get these new technolog commerci __PUNCT__

thi govern __PUNCT__ back fund will help solv thi problem by creat an initi right here in michigan that will acceler the develop and deploy of cut __PUNCT__ edg vehicl technolog __PUNCT__

to take on exampl __PUNCT__ thi fund will help american_compani build batteri for plug __PUNCT__ in hybrid vehicl so we don't have to bui them from abroad __PUNCT__

that how we make sure american automak continu to lead the world __PUNCT__ and that how we make sure that american_manufactur don't just surviv __PUNCT__ but actual thrive in thi centuri __PUNCT__

the second part of my agenda is make sure that manufactur ar get the support thei need from washington __PUNCT__

here in michigan __PUNCT__ you got the michigan __NUM___centuri job fund __PUNCT__ a state initi to help busi with the most innov propos creat new product and job in thi state __PUNCT__

i believ that an approach we need to replic across the countri __PUNCT__

and that what i do as presid by creat an advanc manufactur fund that will invest in innov and job_creation in place that have been hard hit by the declin in manufactur __PUNCT__

we also make the research and develop tax_credit perman so we can encourag compani to do their research and creat_job right here in america __PUNCT__

and we stop slash fund for the manufactur extens partnership __PUNCT__ and start doubl it __PUNCT__

thi program help creat and protect over __NUM___job in __NUM__ alon __PUNCT__ and ha been proven to increas the product of small and midsiz manufactur by up to __NUM__ __PUNCT__

that the kind of smart invest that will help us rebuild american_manufactur and make_america more competit __PUNCT__

the third thing we do is invest in america_long __PUNCT__ term competit by put a colleg_degre within reach for all american and by help commun_colleg like macomb develop associ degre program in green_technolog to help make sure the next gener of worker have the skill thei need to build the car of the futur __PUNCT__

and we final solv our health_care crisi onc and for all __PUNCT__

thi is a crisi that not onli leav __NUM___million_american without health_insur and million more struggl to pai rise_cost __PUNCT__

it also hamper our econom competit __PUNCT__

we all heard how health_care account for about __MONEY__ of everi car that made in america __PUNCT__

we have to chang that __PUNCT__

that why unlik john_mccain __PUNCT__ i have a univers_health_care health_care_plan __PUNCT__

it a plan that will cut health_care_cost by up to __MONEY__ per famili per year and reduc cost for busi and their worker by pick up the tab for some of the most expens ill and condit __PUNCT__

and we not go to do it twenti_year from now __PUNCT__ or ten_year from now __PUNCT__ we go to do it by the end of my first term as presid of the unit_state __PUNCT__

final __PUNCT__ if we want to fight for manufactur here at home __PUNCT__ we have to fight for them around the world __PUNCT__

now __PUNCT__ i believ in trade __PUNCT__ but i also believ that for america to compet and win in the global_economi __PUNCT__ trade ha to work for all american __PUNCT__

that mean make sure that our worker ar compet on a level plai_field __PUNCT__ and that countri like china aren't break the rule and put american_worker at a disadvantag __PUNCT__

fight for our worker isn't bad for busi __PUNCT__ it good for our economi __PUNCT__

and it how we make sure that the cost and benefit of our global_economi ar be share more fairli __PUNCT__

so the american_peopl will have a clear choic in __DATE__ when i the nomine __PUNCT__ it a choic between more of the same fail bush_polici that have done noth but harm to american_manufactur over the last eight year __PUNCT__ and real chang that will help write a new chapter in the stori of american manufactur __PUNCT__

for the sake of our famili __PUNCT__ our economi __PUNCT__ and our leadership in the world __PUNCT__ we have to renew the promis of american manufactur __PUNCT__