This speech titled 2008.05.26 originally had 1407 tokens. You can view the original text here.
on thi memori_dai __PUNCT__ as our nation honor it unbroken line of fallen hero __PUNCT__ our sens of patriot is particularli strong __PUNCT__
becaus while we gather here under open ski __PUNCT__ we know that far beyond the organ mountain __PUNCT__ in the street of baghdad __PUNCT__ and the outskirt of kabul __PUNCT__ america son and daughter ar sacrif on our behalf __PUNCT__
and our thought and prayer ar with them __PUNCT__
i speak to you todai with deep humil __PUNCT__
my grandfath march in patton armi __PUNCT__ but i cannot know what it is to walk into battl like so mani of you __PUNCT__
my grandmoth work on a bomber assembl_line __PUNCT__ but i cannot know what it is for a famili to sacrific like so mani of your have __PUNCT__
i am the father of two young_girl __PUNCT__ and i cannot imagin what it is to lose a child __PUNCT__
my heart break for the famili who lost a love on __PUNCT__
these ar thing i cannot know __PUNCT__
but there ar also some thing i do know __PUNCT__
i know that our sad todai is mix with pride __PUNCT__ that those we lost will be rememb by a grate nation __PUNCT__ and that our presenc here todai is onli possibl becaus your love on __PUNCT__ america patriot __PUNCT__ were will to give their live to defend our nation __PUNCT__
i know that while we mai come from differ place __PUNCT__ cherish differ tradit __PUNCT__ and have differ polit_belief __PUNCT__ we all __PUNCT__ everi on of us __PUNCT__ hold in rever those who given thi countri the full_measur of their devot __PUNCT__
and i know that children in new mexico and across thi countri look to your children __PUNCT__ to your brother and sister __PUNCT__ mother and father __PUNCT__ and friend __PUNCT__ to those we honor todai __PUNCT__ as a shine exampl of what best about america __PUNCT__
their live ar a model for us all __PUNCT__
what led these men and women to wear their countri uniform __PUNCT__ what is it that lead anyon to put asid their own pursuit of life comfort __PUNCT__ to subordin their own sens of surviv __PUNCT__ for someth bigger __PUNCT__ someth greater __PUNCT__
mani of those we honor todai were so young when thei were kill __PUNCT__
thei had a whole life ahead of them __PUNCT__ birthdai and wed __PUNCT__ holidai with children and grandchildren __PUNCT__ home and job and happi of their own __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ at on moment or anoth __PUNCT__ thei felt the tug __PUNCT__ just as gener of american did befor them __PUNCT__
mayb it wa a massacr in a boston squar __PUNCT__ or a presid_call to save the union and free the slave __PUNCT__
mayb it wa the dai of infami that awaken a nation to a storm in the pacif and a madman death march across europ __PUNCT__
or mayb it wa the morn thei woke up to see our wall of secur crumbl along with our two largest tower __PUNCT__
whatev the moment wa __PUNCT__ when it came and thei felt that tug __PUNCT__ perhap it wa simpli the thought of a mom or a dad __PUNCT__ a husband or a wife __PUNCT__ or a child not yet born that made thi young_american think that it wa time to go __PUNCT__ that made them think __PUNCT__ i must serv so that the peopl i love can live __PUNCT__ in happi __PUNCT__ and safeti __PUNCT__ and freedom __PUNCT__
thi sens of servic is what america is all about __PUNCT__
it is what lead american to enter the militari __PUNCT__
it is what sustain them in the most difficult hour __PUNCT__
and it is the safeguard of our secur __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ america ha the greatest militari in the histori of the world __PUNCT__
we have the best train __PUNCT__ the most advanc technolog __PUNCT__ the most sophist plan __PUNCT__ and the most power weapon __PUNCT__
and yet __PUNCT__ in the end __PUNCT__ though each of these thing is absolut critic __PUNCT__ the true strength of our militari li someplac els __PUNCT__
it li in the spirit of america servicemen and women __PUNCT__
no matter whether thei face down fascism or fought for freedom in korea and vietnam __PUNCT__ liber kuwait or stop ethnic_cleans in the balkan or serv brilliantli and brave under our flag todai __PUNCT__ no matter whether thei ar black __PUNCT__ white __PUNCT__ latino __PUNCT__ asian __PUNCT__ or nativ_american __PUNCT__ whether thei come from old militari famili __PUNCT__ or ar recent immigr __PUNCT__ their stori tell the same truth __PUNCT__
it is not simpli their braveri __PUNCT__ their insist on do their part __PUNCT__ whatev the cost __PUNCT__ to make_america more secur and our world more free __PUNCT__
it not simpli an unflinch belief in our highest ideal __PUNCT__
it that in the thick of battl __PUNCT__ when their veri surviv is threaten __PUNCT__ america son and daughter aren't think about themselv __PUNCT__ thei think about on anoth __PUNCT__ thei risk everyth to save not their own live __PUNCT__ but the live of their fellow soldier and sailor __PUNCT__ airmen and marin __PUNCT__
and when we lose them __PUNCT__ in a final act of selfless and servic __PUNCT__ we know that thei di so that their brother and sister __PUNCT__ so that our nation __PUNCT__ might live __PUNCT__
what make america servicemen and women hero is not just their sens of duti __PUNCT__ honor __PUNCT__ and countri __PUNCT__ it the big of their heart and the breadth of their compass __PUNCT__
that is what we honor todai __PUNCT__
oliv wendel holm onc remark that __PUNCT__ to fight out a war __PUNCT__ you must believ someth and want someth with all your might __PUNCT__
the american we honor todai believ __PUNCT__
sergeant ryan jopek believ __PUNCT__
ryan wa just week awai from come home when he volunt for a mission to mosul from which he would never return __PUNCT__
hi friend rememb hi easi smile __PUNCT__ i rememb ryan becaus of the bracelet hi mother gave me that i wear everi dai __PUNCT__
next to hi name __PUNCT__ it read __PUNCT__ all gave some __PUNCT__ he gave all __PUNCT__
it is a live remind of our oblig as american to serv ryan as well as he serv us __PUNCT__ as well as the wound warrior i had the honor of meet at walter reed have serv us __PUNCT__ as well as the soldier at fort bliss and the troop in iraq __PUNCT__ afghanistan __PUNCT__ and around the world ar serv us __PUNCT__
that mean give the same prioriti to build a __NUM___centuri va as to build a __NUM__ centuri militari __PUNCT__
it mean have zero toler for veteran sleep on our street __PUNCT__
it mean bring_home our pow and mia __PUNCT__
and it mean treat the grave of veteran like the hallow ground it is and ban protest near funer __PUNCT__
but it also mean someth more __PUNCT__
it mean understand that what ryan and so mani american fought and di for is not a place on a map or a certain kind of peopl __PUNCT__
what thei sacrif for __PUNCT__ what thei gave all for __PUNCT__ is a larger idea __PUNCT__ the idea that a nation can be govern by law __PUNCT__ not men __PUNCT__ that we can be equal in the ey of those law __PUNCT__ that we can be free to sai what we want __PUNCT__ write what we want __PUNCT__ and worship as we pleas __PUNCT__ that we can have the right to pursu our own dream __PUNCT__ but the oblig to help our fellow_american pursu their __PUNCT__
so on thi dai __PUNCT__ of all dai __PUNCT__ let memori our fallen hero by honor all who wear our countri uniform __PUNCT__ and by complet their work to make_america more secur and our world more free __PUNCT__
but let also do our part __PUNCT__ servic __PUNCT__ member and civilian alik __PUNCT__ to live up to the idea that so mani of our fellow_citizen have consecr __PUNCT__ the idea of america __PUNCT__
that is the essenc of patriot __PUNCT__
that is the lesson of thi solemn dai __PUNCT__
and that is the task that li ahead __PUNCT__
mai god_bless you __PUNCT__ and mai god bless the unit_state of america __PUNCT__