This speech titled 2008.06.04 originally had 4389 tokens. You can view the original text here.
it great to see so mani friend from across the countri __PUNCT__
i want to congratul howard friedman __PUNCT__ david victor and howard kohr on a success confer __PUNCT__ and on the complet of a new headquart just a few block awai __PUNCT__
befor i begin __PUNCT__ i want to sai that i know some provoc email have been circul throughout jewish_commun across the countri __PUNCT__
a few of you mai have gotten them __PUNCT__
thei fill with tall tale and dire warn about a certain candid for presid __PUNCT__
and all i want to sai is __PUNCT__ let me know if you see thi gui name barack_obama __PUNCT__ becaus he sound pretti frighten __PUNCT__
but if anyon ha been confus by these email __PUNCT__ i want you to know that todai i be speak from my heart __PUNCT__ and as a true friend of israel __PUNCT__
and i know that when i visit with aipac __PUNCT__ i am among friend __PUNCT__
good_friend __PUNCT__
friend who share my strong commit to make sure that the bond between the unit_state and israel is unbreak todai __PUNCT__ tomorrow __PUNCT__ and forev __PUNCT__
on of the mani thing that i admir about aipac is that you fight for thi common caus from the bottom up __PUNCT__
the lifeblood of aipac is here in thi room __PUNCT__ grassroot activist of all ag __PUNCT__ from all part of the countri __PUNCT__ who come to washington year after year to make your voic_heard __PUNCT__
noth reflect the face of aipac more than the __NUM___student who have travel here to make it clear to the world that the bond between israel and the unit_state is root in more than our share nation_interest __PUNCT__ it root in the share valu and share stori of our peopl __PUNCT__
and as presid __PUNCT__ i will work with you to ensur that it thi bond strengthen __PUNCT__
i first becam familiar with the stori of israel when i wa eleven_year old __PUNCT__
i learn of the long journei and steadi determin of the jewish_peopl to preserv their ident through faith __PUNCT__ famili and cultur __PUNCT__
year after year __PUNCT__ centuri after centuri __PUNCT__ jew carri on their tradit __PUNCT__ and their dream of a homeland __PUNCT__ in the face of imposs odd __PUNCT__
the stori made a power impress on me __PUNCT__
i had grown up without a sens of root __PUNCT__
my father wa black __PUNCT__ he wa from kenya __PUNCT__ and he left us when i wa two __PUNCT__
my mother wa white __PUNCT__ she wa from kansa __PUNCT__ and i move with her to indonesia and then back to hawaii __PUNCT__
in mani wai __PUNCT__ i didn't know where i came from __PUNCT__
so i wa drawn to the belief that you could sustain a spiritu __PUNCT__ emot and cultur ident __PUNCT__
and i deepli understood the zionist idea __PUNCT__ that there is alwai a homeland at the center of our stori __PUNCT__
i also learn about the horror of the holocaust __PUNCT__ and the terribl urgenc it brought to the journei home to israel __PUNCT__
for much of my childhood __PUNCT__ i live with my grandpar __PUNCT__
my grandfath had serv in world_war_ii __PUNCT__ and so had my great uncl __PUNCT__
he wa a kansa boi __PUNCT__ who probabl never expect to see europ __PUNCT__ let alon the horror that await him there __PUNCT__
and for month after he came home from germani __PUNCT__ he remain in a state of shock __PUNCT__ alon with the pain memori that wouldn't leav hi head __PUNCT__
you see __PUNCT__ my great uncl had been a part of the __NUM__ infantri divis __PUNCT__ the first american to reach a nazi concentr_camp __PUNCT__
thei liber ohrdruf __PUNCT__ part of buchenwald __PUNCT__ on an __DATE___dai in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
the horror of that camp go beyond our capac to imagin __PUNCT__
ten of thousand di of hunger __PUNCT__ tortur __PUNCT__ diseas __PUNCT__ or plain murder __PUNCT__ part of the nazi kill machin that kill___NUM__ __NUM___million_peopl __PUNCT__
when the american march in __PUNCT__ thei discov huge pile of dead_bodi and starv survivor __PUNCT__
gener eisenhow order german from the nearbi town to tour the camp __PUNCT__ so thei could see what wa be done in their name __PUNCT__
he order american_troop to tour the camp __PUNCT__ so thei could see the evil thei were fight against __PUNCT__
he invit congressmen and journalist to bear_wit __PUNCT__
and he order that photograph and film be made __PUNCT__
explain hi action __PUNCT__ eisenhow said that he want to produc __PUNCT__ first __PUNCT__ hand evid of these thing __PUNCT__ if ever __PUNCT__ in the futur __PUNCT__ there develop a tendenc to charg these alleg mere to propaganda __PUNCT__
i saw some of those veri imag at yad vashem __PUNCT__ and thei never leav you __PUNCT__
and those imag just hint at the stori that survivor of the shoah carri with them __PUNCT__
like eisenhow __PUNCT__ each of us bear wit to anyon and everyon who would deni these unspeak crime __PUNCT__ or ever speak of repeat them __PUNCT__
we must mean what we sai when we speak the word __PUNCT__ never again __PUNCT__
it wa just a few year after the liber of the camp that david ben __PUNCT__ gurion declar the found of the jewish_state of israel __PUNCT__
we know that the establish of israel wa just and necessari __PUNCT__ root in centuri of struggl __PUNCT__ and decad of patient work __PUNCT__
but __NUM___year later __PUNCT__ we know that we cannot relent __PUNCT__ we cannot yield __PUNCT__ and as presid i will never compromis when it come to israel secur __PUNCT__
not when there ar still voic that deni the holocaust __PUNCT__
not when there ar terrorist_group and polit_leader commit to israel destruct __PUNCT__
not when there ar map across the middl_east that don't even acknowledg israel exist __PUNCT__ and govern __PUNCT__ fund textbook fill with hatr toward jew __PUNCT__
not when there ar rocket rain down on sderot __PUNCT__ and isra children have to take a deep breath and summon uncommon courag everi time thei board a bu or walk to school __PUNCT__
i have long understood israel quest for peac and need for secur __PUNCT__
but never more so than dure my travel there two year_ago __PUNCT__
fly in an idf helicopt __PUNCT__ i saw a narrow and beauti strip of land nestl against the mediterranean __PUNCT__
on the ground __PUNCT__ i met a famili who saw their hous destroi by a katyusha rocket __PUNCT__
i spoke to isra troop who face daili threat as thei maintain secur near the blue line __PUNCT__
i talk to peopl who want noth more simpl __PUNCT__ or elus __PUNCT__ than a secur futur for their children __PUNCT__
i have been proud to be a part of a strong __PUNCT__ bi __PUNCT__ partisan consensu that ha stood by israel in the face of all threat __PUNCT__
that is a commit that both john_mccain and i share __PUNCT__ becaus support for israel in thi countri goe beyond parti __PUNCT__
but part of our commit must be speak up when israel secur is at risk __PUNCT__ and i don't think ani of us can be satisfi that america recent foreign_polici ha made israel more secur __PUNCT__
hama now control gaza __PUNCT__
hizbollah ha tighten it grip on southern_lebanon __PUNCT__ and is flex it muscl in beirut __PUNCT__
becaus of the war in iraq __PUNCT__ iran __PUNCT__ which alwai pose a greater threat to israel than iraq __PUNCT__ is embolden __PUNCT__ and pose the greatest strateg challeng to the unit_state and israel in the middl_east in a gener __PUNCT__
iraq is unstabl __PUNCT__ and al_qaeda ha step up it recruit __PUNCT__
israel quest for peac with it neighbor ha stall __PUNCT__ despit the heavi_burden born by the isra peopl __PUNCT__
and america is more isol in the region __PUNCT__ reduc our strength and jeopard israel safeti __PUNCT__
the question is how to move_forward __PUNCT__
there ar those who would continu and intensifi thi fail statu_quo __PUNCT__ ignor eight year of accumul evid that our foreign_polici is danger flaw __PUNCT__
and then there ar those who would lai all of the problem of the middl_east at the doorstep of israel and it support __PUNCT__ as if the isra __PUNCT__ palestinian_conflict is the root of all troubl in the region __PUNCT__
these voic blame the middl_east onli democraci for the region extrem __PUNCT__
thei offer the fals promis that abandon a stalwart alli is somehow the path to strength __PUNCT__
it is not __PUNCT__ it never ha been __PUNCT__ and it never will be __PUNCT__
our allianc is base on share interest and share valu __PUNCT__
those who threaten israel threaten us __PUNCT__
israel ha alwai face these threat on the front_line __PUNCT__
and i will bring to the white_hous an unshak commit to israel secur __PUNCT__
that start with ensur israel qualit militari advantag __PUNCT__
i will ensur that israel can defend itself from ani threat __PUNCT__ from gaza to tehran __PUNCT__
defens cooper between the unit_state and israel is a model of success __PUNCT__ and must be deepen __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will implement a memorandum of understand that provid __MONEY___billion in assist to israel over the next decad __PUNCT__ invest to israel secur that will not be ti to ani other nation __PUNCT__
first __PUNCT__ we must approv the foreign_aid request for __NUM__ __PUNCT__
go forward __PUNCT__ we can enhanc our cooper on missil_defens __PUNCT__
we should export militari_equip to our alli israel under the same guidelin as nato __PUNCT__
and i will alwai stand up for israel right to defend itself in the unit_nation and around the world __PUNCT__
across the polit_spectrum __PUNCT__ isra understand that real secur can onli come through last peac __PUNCT__
and that is why we __PUNCT__ as friend of israel __PUNCT__ must resolv to do all we can to help israel and it neighbor to achiev it __PUNCT__
becaus a secur __PUNCT__ last peac is in israel nation_interest __PUNCT__
it is in america nation interest __PUNCT__
and it is in the interest of the palestinian_peopl and the arab_world __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will work to help israel achiev the goal of two state __PUNCT__ a jewish_state of israel and a palestinian_state __PUNCT__ live side by side in peac and secur __PUNCT__
and i won't wait until the wane dai of my presid __PUNCT__
i will take an activ_role __PUNCT__ and make a person commit to do all i can to advanc the caus of peac from the start of my administr __PUNCT__
the long_road to peac requir palestinian partner commit to make the journei __PUNCT__
we must isol hama unless and until thei renounc terror __PUNCT__ recogn israel right to exist __PUNCT__ and abid by past agreement __PUNCT__
there is no room at the negoti tabl for terrorist_organ __PUNCT__
that is why i oppos hold elect in __NUM__ with hama on the ballot __PUNCT__
the isra and the palestinian_author warn us at the time against hold these elect __PUNCT__
but thi administr press ahead __PUNCT__ and the result is a gaza control by hama __PUNCT__ with rocket rain down on israel __PUNCT__
the palestinian_peopl must understand that progress will not come through the fals_prophet of extrem or the corrupt us of foreign_aid __PUNCT__
the unit_state and the intern_commun must stand by palestinian who ar commit to crack down on terror and carri the burden of peacemak __PUNCT__
i will strongli urg arab_govern to take step to normal relat with israel __PUNCT__ and to fulfil their respons to pressur extremist and provid real support for presid abba and prime_minist fayyad __PUNCT__
egypt must cut off the smuggl of weapon into gaza __PUNCT__
israel can also advanc the caus of peac by take appropri step __PUNCT__ consist with it secur __PUNCT__ to eas the freedom of movement for palestinian __PUNCT__ improv econom_condit in the west_bank __PUNCT__ and to refrain from build new settlement __PUNCT__ as it agre to with the bush_administr at annapoli __PUNCT__
let me be clear __PUNCT__
israel secur is sacrosanct __PUNCT__
it is non __PUNCT__ negoti __PUNCT__
the palestinian need a state that is contigu and cohes __PUNCT__ and that allow them to prosper __PUNCT__ but ani agreement with the palestinian_peopl must preserv israel ident as a jewish_state __PUNCT__ with secur __PUNCT__ recogn and defens border __PUNCT__
jerusalem will remain the capit of israel __PUNCT__ and it must remain undivid __PUNCT__
i have no illus that thi will be easi __PUNCT__
it will requir difficult decis on both side __PUNCT__
but israel is strong enough to achiev peac __PUNCT__ if it ha partner who ar commit to the goal __PUNCT__
most isra and palestinian want peac __PUNCT__ and we must strengthen their hand __PUNCT__
the unit_state must be a strong and consist partner in thi process __PUNCT__ not to forc concess __PUNCT__ but to help commit partner avoid stalem and the kind of vacuum that ar fill by violenc __PUNCT__
that what i commit to do as presid of the unit state __PUNCT__
the threat to israel start close to home __PUNCT__ but thei don't end there __PUNCT__
syria continu it support for terror and meddl in lebanon __PUNCT__
and syria ha taken danger step in pursuit of weapon of mass_destruct __PUNCT__ which is why isra action wa justifi to end that threat __PUNCT__
i also believ that the unit_state ha a respons to support israel effort to renew peac_talk with the syrian __PUNCT__
we must never forc israel to the negoti tabl __PUNCT__ but neither should we ever block negoti when israel leader decid that thei mai serv isra interest __PUNCT__
as presid __PUNCT__ i will do whatev i can to help israel succe in these negoti __PUNCT__
and success will requir the full enforc of secur_council resolut___NUM__ in lebanon __PUNCT__ and a stop to syria support for terror __PUNCT__
it is time for thi reckless behavior to come to an end __PUNCT__
there is no greater threat to israel __PUNCT__ or to the peac and stabil of the region __PUNCT__ than iran __PUNCT__
now thi audienc is made up of both republican and democrat __PUNCT__ and the enemi of israel should have no doubt that __PUNCT__ regardless of parti __PUNCT__ american stand shoulder __PUNCT__ to __PUNCT__ shoulder in our commit to israel secur __PUNCT__
so while i don't want to strike too partisan a note here todai __PUNCT__ i do want to address some will mischaracter of my posit __PUNCT__
the iranian_regim support violent extremist and challeng us across the region __PUNCT__
it pursu a nuclear_capabl that could spark a danger arm_race __PUNCT__ and rais the prospect of a transfer of nuclear know __PUNCT__ how to terrorist __PUNCT__
it presid deni the holocaust and threaten to wipe israel off the map __PUNCT__
the danger from iran is grave __PUNCT__ it is real __PUNCT__ and my goal will be to elimin thi threat __PUNCT__
but just as we ar clear __PUNCT__ ei about the threat __PUNCT__ we must be clear about the failur of todai polici __PUNCT__
we knew __PUNCT__ in __NUM__ that iran support terror __PUNCT__
we knew iran had an illicit nuclear_program __PUNCT__
we knew iran pose a grave threat to israel __PUNCT__
but instead of pursu a strategi to address thi threat __PUNCT__ we ignor it and instead invad and occupi iraq __PUNCT__
when i oppos the war __PUNCT__ i warn that it would fan the flame of extrem in the middl_east __PUNCT__
that is precis what happen in iran __PUNCT__ the hardlin tighten their grip __PUNCT__ and mahmoud_ahmadinejad wa elect_presid in __NUM__ __PUNCT__
and the unit_state and israel ar less secur __PUNCT__
i respect senat_mccain __PUNCT__ and look forward to a substant debat with him these next five month __PUNCT__
but on thi point __PUNCT__ we have differ __PUNCT__ and we will differ __PUNCT__
senat mccain refus to understand or acknowledg the failur of the polici that he would continu __PUNCT__
he critic my willing to us strong diplomaci __PUNCT__ but offer onli an altern realiti __PUNCT__ on where the war in iraq ha somehow put iran on it heel __PUNCT__
the truth is the opposit __PUNCT__
iran ha strengthen it posit __PUNCT__
iran is now enrich uranium __PUNCT__ and ha reportedli stockpil __NUM__ kilo of low enrich uranium __PUNCT__
it support for terror and threat toward israel have increas __PUNCT__
those ar the fact __PUNCT__ thei cannot be deni __PUNCT__ and i refus to continu a polici that ha made the unit_state and israel less secur __PUNCT__
senat_mccain offer a fals_choic __PUNCT__ stai the cours in iraq __PUNCT__ or cede the region to iran __PUNCT__
i reject thi logic becaus there is a better wai __PUNCT__
keep all of our troop ti down indefinit in iraq is not the wai to weaken iran __PUNCT__ it is precis what ha strengthen it __PUNCT__
it is a polici for stai __PUNCT__ not a plan for victori __PUNCT__
i have propos a respons __PUNCT__ phase redeploy of our troop from iraq __PUNCT__
we will get out as carefulli as we were careless get in __PUNCT__
we will final pressur iraq leader to take meaning respons for their own futur __PUNCT__
we will also us all element of american_power to pressur iran __PUNCT__
i will do everyth in my power to prevent iran from obtain a nuclear_weapon __PUNCT__
that start with aggress __PUNCT__ principl diplomaci without self __PUNCT__ defeat precondit __PUNCT__ but with a clear __PUNCT__ ei understand of our interest __PUNCT__
we have no time to wast __PUNCT__
we cannot uncondition rule out an approach that could prevent iran from obtain a nuclear weapon __PUNCT__
we have tri limit __PUNCT__ piecem talk while we outsourc the sustain work to our european alli __PUNCT__
it is time for the unit_state to lead __PUNCT__
there will be care prepar __PUNCT__
we will open up line of commun __PUNCT__ build an agenda __PUNCT__ coordin close with our alli __PUNCT__ and evalu the potenti for progress __PUNCT__
contrari to the claim of some __PUNCT__ i have no interest in sit down with our adversari just for the sake of talk __PUNCT__
but as presid of the unit state __PUNCT__ i would be will to lead tough and principl diplomaci with the appropri iranian leader at a time and place of my choos __PUNCT__ if __PUNCT__ and onli if __PUNCT__ it can advanc the interest of the unit state __PUNCT__
onli recent have some come to think that diplomaci by definit cannot be tough __PUNCT__
thei forget the exampl of truman __PUNCT__ and kennedi and reagan __PUNCT__
these presid understood that diplomaci back by real leverag wa a fundament tool of statecraft __PUNCT__
and it is time to onc again make american diplomaci a tool to succe __PUNCT__ not just a mean of contain failur __PUNCT__
we will pursu thi diplomaci with no illus about the iranian_regim __PUNCT__
instead __PUNCT__ we will present a clear choic __PUNCT__
if you abandon your danger nuclear_program __PUNCT__ support for terror __PUNCT__ and threat to israel __PUNCT__ there will be meaning incent __PUNCT__ includ the lift of sanction __PUNCT__ and polit and econom_integr with the intern_commun __PUNCT__
if you refus __PUNCT__ we will ratchet up the pressur __PUNCT__
my presid will strengthen our hand as we restor our stand __PUNCT__
our willing to pursu diplomaci will make it easier to mobil other to join our caus __PUNCT__
if iran fail to chang cours when present with thi choic by the unit_state __PUNCT__ it will be clear __PUNCT__ to the peopl of iran __PUNCT__ and to the world __PUNCT__ that the iranian_regim is the author of it own isol __PUNCT__
that will strengthen our hand with russia and china as we insist on stronger sanction in the secur_council __PUNCT__
and we should work with europ __PUNCT__ japan and the gulf_state to find everi avenu outsid the un to isol the iranian_regim __PUNCT__ from cut off loan_guarante and expand financi sanction __PUNCT__ to ban the export of refin petroleum to iran __PUNCT__ to boycot firm associ with the iranian revolutionari_guard __PUNCT__ whose qud forc ha rightli been label a terrorist_organ __PUNCT__
i wa interest to see senat_mccain propos divest as a sourc of leverag __PUNCT__ not the bigot divest that ha sought to punish isra scientist and academ __PUNCT__ but divest target at the iranian_regim __PUNCT__
it a good concept __PUNCT__ but not a new on __PUNCT__
i introduc_legisl over a year_ago that would encourag state and the privat_sector to divest from compani that do busi in iran __PUNCT__
thi bill ha bipartisan_support __PUNCT__ but for reason that i let him explain __PUNCT__ senat_mccain never sign on __PUNCT__
meanwhil __PUNCT__ an anonym senat is block the bill __PUNCT__
it is time to pass thi into law so that we can tighten the squeez on the iranian_regim __PUNCT__
we should also pursu other unilater sanction that target iranian bank and asset __PUNCT__
and we must free ourselv from the tyranni of oil __PUNCT__
the price of a barrel of oil is on of the most danger weapon in the world __PUNCT__
petrodollar pai for weapon that kill american_troop and isra citizen __PUNCT__
and the bush_administr administr_polici have driven up the price of oil __PUNCT__ while it energi_polici ha made us more depend on foreign_oil and ga __PUNCT__
it time for the unit_state to take real step to end our addict to oil __PUNCT__
and we can join with israel __PUNCT__ build on last year us __PUNCT__ israel energi cooper act __PUNCT__ to deepen our partnership in develop altern sourc of energi by increas scientif collabor and joint research and develop __PUNCT__
the surest wai to increas our leverag in the long_term is to stop bankrol the iranian_regim __PUNCT__
final __PUNCT__ let there be no doubt __PUNCT__ i will alwai keep the threat of militari_action on the tabl to defend our secur and our alli israel __PUNCT__
sometim there ar no altern to confront __PUNCT__
but that onli make diplomaci more import __PUNCT__
if we must us militari_forc __PUNCT__ we ar more like to succe __PUNCT__ and will have far greater support at home and abroad __PUNCT__ if we have exhaust our diplomat effort __PUNCT__
that is the chang we need in our foreign_polici __PUNCT__
chang that restor american_power and influenc __PUNCT__
chang accompani by a pledg that i will make known to alli and adversari alik __PUNCT__ that america maintain an unwav friendship with israel __PUNCT__ and an unshak commit to it secur __PUNCT__
as member of aipac __PUNCT__ you have help advanc thi bipartisan_consensu to support and defend our alli israel __PUNCT__
and i am sure that todai on capitol_hill you will be meet with member of congress and spread the word __PUNCT__
but we ar here becaus of more than polici __PUNCT__
we ar here becaus the valu we hold dear ar deepli embed in the stori of israel __PUNCT__
just look at what israel ha accomplish in __NUM___year __PUNCT__
from decad of struggl and the terribl wake of the holocaust __PUNCT__ a nation wa forg to provid a home for jew from all corner of the world __PUNCT__ from syria to ethiopia to the soviet_union __PUNCT__
in the face of constant threat __PUNCT__ israel ha triumph __PUNCT__
in the face of constant peril __PUNCT__ israel ha prosper __PUNCT__
in a state of constant insecur __PUNCT__ israel ha maintain a vibrant and open discours __PUNCT__ and a resili commit to the rule of law __PUNCT__
as ani isra will tell you __PUNCT__ israel is not a perfect place __PUNCT__ but like the unit_state it set an exampl for all when it seek a more perfect futur __PUNCT__
these same qualiti can be found among american_jew __PUNCT__
it is why so mani jewish american have stood by israel __PUNCT__ while advanc the american stori __PUNCT__
becaus there is a commit embed in the jewish faith and tradit __PUNCT__ to freedom and fair __PUNCT__ to social_justic and equal_opportun __PUNCT__
to tikkun olam __PUNCT__ the oblig to repair thi world __PUNCT__
i will never forget that i would not be stand here todai if it weren't for that commit __PUNCT__
in the great social_movement in our countri histori __PUNCT__ jewish and african_american have stood shoulder to shoulder __PUNCT__
thei took buse down south togeth __PUNCT__
thei march togeth __PUNCT__
thei bled togeth __PUNCT__
and jewish american like andrew goodman and michael schwerner were will to die alongsid a black_man __PUNCT__ jame chanei __PUNCT__ on behalf of freedom and equal __PUNCT__
their legaci is our inherit __PUNCT__
we must not allow the relationship between jew and african_american to suffer __PUNCT__
thi is a bond that must be strengthen __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we can reded ourselv to end prejudic and combat hatr in all of it form __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we can renew our commit to justic __PUNCT__
togeth __PUNCT__ we can join our voic togeth __PUNCT__ and in do so make even the mightiest of wall fall down __PUNCT__
that work must includ our share commit to israel __PUNCT__
you and i know that we must do more than stand still __PUNCT__
now is the time to be vigil in face down everi foe __PUNCT__ just as we move_forward in seek a futur of peac for the children of israel __PUNCT__ and for all children __PUNCT__
now is the time to stand by israel as it write the next chapter in it extraordinari journei __PUNCT__
now is the time to join togeth in the work of repair thi world __PUNCT__